Gemma at Home


I don’t know what made my younger sister tell me her story. Perhaps she had a need to confess. Whatever the reason, it happened like this.

It was the half term of Gemma’s last year at school and Mummy had phoned me and suggested that I should invite Gem to spend half term with me in Portsmouth. Gem had been under a lot of exam pressure but her revision was up to date and Mummy felt very strongly that Gem needed some time away from her usual environment to gather herself together before the final push. Of course Gem did bring her books so that she could do some studying but I agreed that just a change of scene was a good idea for her.

The plan was that Gem would have my bed and I would be in my sleeping bag on the bedroom floor but Gem had a much better idea.

“Do you remember when we used to visit Granny and we shared a bed?”

So that was what happened. There was just room for two in my bed and we snuggled up together in the dark to have a whispered girly conversation.

Somehow the conversation turned to Daddy. That came from Gem but I don’t quite recall the exact words. Gem asked me outright if I had ever made a play for him. I giggled and said that I had sometimes had fantasies about him as I diddled myself in bed.

And then Gemma told me her story.

Gem was eighteen when I started at uni and she had secretly resented those times when I had spent time alone with Daddy and when he had given me a chaste kiss on the top of my head. Now she was going to make the very most of having him to herself.

Her campaign began gradually. Of course Mummy had always been at Julie to “cover yourself up” but she had become so accustomed to ensuring Julie’s modesty that Gem had managed to remain in the background and enjoy a little more freedom. She now pushed that freedom to the limit.

No-one who was not keeping notes would have noticed the increase in the number of times that Gem “happened” to be coming out of the bathroom and bumping into Daddy on the landing. Usually she would be just in her dressing gown which was only loosely tied at the waist so it made very clear that underneath the thin cotton was nothing but nubile Gemma. On two occasions Gemma was completely naked and holding a towel in front of her as she apparently made a dash for her room not wanting to be seen. If Daddy had looked after her as she fled he would have been treated to an unimpeded view of firm teenaged buttocks.

Gemma made full use of evenings when she was to go out and rushing around to get ready. On one Tuesday when Mummy was out Daddy was relaxing in the lounge when the door burst open and his youngest daughter rushed in wearing a blue satin thong and a tiny bra. He looked up in dismay and Gemma explained.

“I left my dress on the radiator. Sorry Daddy.”

She grabbed the short dress and left the room.

Her campaign intensified when Mummy spent a weekend with Granny. Fairly early on the Friday evening Gem went upstairs to shower and then came downstairs in her short, pink nightshirt, thin white housecoat and pink fluffy slippers.

She flopped onto the sofa and began to leaf through the television listings.

“There’s nothing on is there? Let’s not have TV tonight.”

She made her way over to the wall unit and knelt görükle escort down to the bottom drawer where the photograph albums were kept.

“Let’s go down Memory Lane.”

My scheming sister knew exactly which album to choose and, of course, Daddy had to leave his chair so that the two of them could sit on the sofa going through the book. Gem’s gown had gapped open to reveal the short nightie and her pink, rounded knees. She kicked off her slippers and folded her feet underneath herself as she turned the pages. It was all there.

Gemma in a tiny bikini on the beach, Gemma sunbathing in our back garden.

As the pictures went on Gem relaxed against her Daddy and he cannot have been immune to the soft body moulding itself to his own or to the scent of freshly bathed daughter as she pointed out a picture of herself topless on Bournemouth Beach.

“It seems so funny to think that you have seen me like this. I don’t have any secrets from you do I?”

There was a definite catch in his voice as he replied.

“Well I think you may have a few.”

“But I it seems so silly to have to worry about covering up as if you were just anyone doesn’t it?”

By now the nightshirt (the logo on the front said “Minx”) had ridden up even more and Daddy was a millimetre away from seeing her absence of underwear. When I don’t wear a bra my little boobs sort of disappear but that is definitely not the case with Gemma. Daddy’s eyes were about two feet away from two very rounded swellings with undisguised erect nipples. Their only covering was a very thin layer of pink cotton.

Placing the book on the sofa beside her, Gem reached her arms to Daddy’s neck and stretched like a cat which is about to settle down to sleep.

“Do you think Mummy is a bit obsessive about covering up?”

Her calculating eyes had noticed the swelling in his trousers As he replied.

“Mummy worries about her girls. So do I.”

“But home is where we are safe. We can relax here.”

As she stretched up to him and planted a butterfly kiss on his cheek her pussylips with tiny wispy black hairs crept into view. He put his arm around her in a very gentle, protective hug. She could feel that he was holding back and holding her as if she were a Faberge egg. Gemma wriggled on the sofa so now she was displaying a lot more than just a hint of pussy and our daddy made an attempt to bring things back under control.

“Be careful there Gem.”

Gemma giggled playfully.

“Daddy, you don’t have to hold me as if I’ll break. I just want a cuddle.”

As she spoke her arms around Daddy’s back pulled him closer against her body and she kissed his slightly whiskery cheek then she pulled back to look at him with his hair now slightly dishevelled.

“Isn’t it funny how my boobs are so much bigger than Julie’s? You wouldn’t think that could happen with two sisters would you?”

She pulled aside the two sides of her housecoat and looked down at herself as if she were considering the mysteries of genetics.

“Do you like big ones or little ones Daddy?”

The thin nightshirt was not sufficient to conceal the roundness of her flesh or the very definite protrusion of her erect nips. Poor Daddy was facing a terrible dilemma. bursa escort bayan Did he play the stuffy old man or did he simply leave the room even though his little girl hadn’t actually done anything overtly improper? Was she really trying to heat him up or was she just being very naïve and forgetting that as well as being her father he was also a man?

Of course a calculating little tart like my sister was going to exploit that confusion before he had a chance to get his mind back in gear. She allowed the housecoat to fall from her shoulders and then, very slowly and seductively, she pulled the nightshirt up over her head so that she could look down at her naked body while turning it this way and that. She unfolded her legs from beneath her buttocks and stretched one leg out so that it was across Daddy’s lap.

“Do you think I’m prettier than Julie or is she prettier than me?”

Poor Daddy was definitely feeling very over crowded in the trouser area as he was faced with a completely bare eighteen year old determined to throw herself at him. His voice was barely working as he choked out the words.

“Look Gem, um, ah, do you, ah, think this is a good idea?

She folded her body towards him in a fluid, catlike movement and gave a girlish little giggle.

“Oh Daddy every girl lusts after her daddy. You must know that, it’s perfectly normal.”

She did not add the words which were at that point uppermost in her mind, “This is much further than Big Sister ever got.”

She was hugging him again now with her unruly, fragrant hair brushing his face and her lips exploring his cheeks and moving towards his partly open mouth.

“Just a little kiss, Daddy.”

Every seduction has one brief moment when it could go either way and this was it. He could have pushed her away and called her a very rude word but the youngest daughter is usually the cutest and the apple of her daddy’s eye. How could he do that to Gemma even if his masculine hormones had not by now been sent racing around his body at the speed of lust?

Their lips joined and so did their moist tongues as their arms locked around each other’s body and he felt her soft breasts against his strong, firm male chest. Somehow his shirt had come undone and Gem managed to slip one hand in amongst his chest hair. Who can say if Gemma leaned backwards and pulled him down or if he pressed forward on top of her?

The clinch lasted a long time with much moving of arms and hands up and down each other’s frame and Gemma found the top of his trousers. Once the first piece of unfastening had been accomplished they were bound to slip downwards to the soundtrack of little moans and whispered half words. As one thing led to another Gemma’s slim fingers found his manhood which had sprung free and was very erect. I don’t know where my little sister learned to be such an accomplished whore, perhaps it was instinctive, but she slipped off the sofa onto the floor still working on his huge shaft. His legs came apart and his head went backwards as his system flooded with endorphins.

That was when her head came down (over his head, as one might say) and her lips began to enthusiastically move up and down the shaft. His hands locked into her hair holding her firmly and bursa escort forcing her head onto his tumescence. He came in gallons which were pumped down his younger daughter’s throat as she swallowed and choked.

When the discharge was complete he subsided a little but was still fairly erect and her skilful hands brought him back up again in no time at all. She reached a bare arm around his arm and pulled as she fell backwards onto the floor.

“Please take me Daddy, it’s not fair to leave me wound up like this and just break off. Pleeees Daddy.”

Daddy was being treated to a scene of a totally wanton eighteen year old laying back with her moist pussy fully displayed and his semen congealing on her face. He eased himself onto the floor on top of her and came down so that their lips could join. He lowered himself (in every sense of the word) and she felt his now fully erect member pressing urgently against her yielding pussylips. He easily pressed into her warm, soft moistness and her intimate muscles gripped him like a vice as he slid in and out with every movement assaulting her sensitive clitty. Daddy was far from silent during this process but Gemma told me that she howled like a banshee as the coupling lasted a wonderfully long time.

Eventually their sweat soaked and panting bodies were side by side on the carpet as they stared up at the ceiling floating in the afterglow. Daddy rolled towards his daughter and put his arm around her.

“The central heating will be off by now. We could be in a warm bed upstairs.”

By now it was taken for granted that they would not be spending the night apart and he led her by the hand as they went, naked, up the stairs leaving the lounge in its wanton disarray. The night was a continuation of what they had begun downstairs. Daddy is a very high achiever in his work life and Gemma testified to me that he is also a high achiever in other areas. She said that he totally fucked every last drop of energy out of her and she fell into a deep and blissful sleep.

Waking up together in the morning was a continuation of the bliss as the sunlight shed its soft illumination through the curtains and the room filled with birdsong. They made love gently and tenderly before making their way downstairs to breakfast.

Neither of them felt like dressing until around lunchtime and the morning was taken up by various levels of intimacy and enjoying each other’s body as well as by talking. They knew that they could not stop what they had begun but obviously it had to be a very tightly kept secret. Tuesday evenings, when Mummy had her night out with the girls, were never going to be the same again. The thrill was enhanced by the fact that they had no way of knowing exactly what time Mummy would come home and there was at least one occasion when they were both naked in the lounge as they heard the car pull onto the drive. This led to a frantic collecting of clothing and a mad dash upstairs.

A large part of the thrill of an illicit affair comes from the secrecy and the planning of rendezvous and alibis. Gemma is probably more like Daddy than I am when it comes to seeking excitement and pushing risk to the limit and I could easily imagine how much both of them had enjoyed their life on the edge. Gemma had told me how it began but I know that there was a lot more to the story and that it was not all one sided. It is true that a girl fantasises about what it would be like with her daddy but fathers have fantasies as well and both parties were living their deepest fancies to the limit.

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