Girls of Alpha Beta Delta Ch. 92


Hana had told Haley and Donna to go ahead and drive the van up to Amarillo; she and Jenny would follow behind in Jenny’s car. It was well after noon by the time they finally got on the road, but though it was a long drive, Hana felt no particular sense of urgency because there was no show that night. In fact Hana felt as calm and content as she had in a long time. She felt like Jenny’s sudden appearance in Texas was a personal gift to her from the universe.

As Jenny drove Hana caressed her bare, smooth knee; then her baby-soft inner thighs; then began to gently finger her, causing her to take her foot off the gas. Suddenly a horn blared behind them, startling them out of their reverie. After that Hana tried to behave herself. There would be plenty of time over the next few days for fun and games.

* * *

Kristin was in agreement with Lina that their little indiscretion, though enjoyable, had been strictly a one-time thing. So of course doing it again was all she could think about.

Why should she be obsessed with the mother when she could fuck the daughter whenever she wanted? Partly because it was naughty and forbidden; but also because Lina was 100% a grown woman, while Nicola was still a bit immature.

For days Kristin had been looking for some way to get Lina alone for a while, but she was thwarted at every turn. Lina’s husband and Kristin’s dad were back home, and the Santinis had houseguests that were keeping both Lina and Nicola busy. So Kristin contented herself with locking her door, crawling into bed, and imagining that Nicola was licking her pussy while Lina sat on her face.

This fantasy or some variation on it had been her go-to for the last few days; she couldn’t begin to count how many times she had tossed off to it. She had rubbed herself raw but she couldn’t seem to stop. Today she had managed to hold off till late in the afternoon. She coated her left wrist in her own juices and draped it over her face, imagining that the downy hairs tickling her lips were Lina’s pubes, as her other hand got busy between her legs.

* * *

When Miss White woke up the sun was just dipping below the horizon. Annie had left some time ago to go start dinner, and Jodie — who had been out late the night before — was kocaeli escort bayan still snoozing away contentedly. Miss White felt deliciously rested and refreshed and ready for whatever came next. She slipped out of bed, got dressed, and headed downstairs to see what was happening.

In the kitchen she was greeted by the vision of Annika leaning against the counter, chatting with Monika as Annie cooked. Astonishingly, she looked even more beautiful than she had at the wedding. Her hair had been up then — she looked better with it down — and she had been wearing makeup. With cheekbones like hers you didn’t need makeup. Today her face was glowing as if she were in her natural element.

Seeing Miss White, Annika turned and opened her arms for a hug, which the older woman gratefully accepted. “It’s so good to see you,” said Annika warmly, as if they were old friends, though they had never really spoken, only danced together. “You too,” murmured Miss White, extending the hug as long as she reasonably could, enjoying the pressure of Annika’s breasts against her own chest.

Monika had opened a particularly fine bottle from her cellar, and she poured Miss White a tall glass. A Dr. John album was playing from a speaker in the corner and Miss White took a sip of wine, then did a double take. “My God,” she blurted.

“I know,” said Monika. “This is from the year Annika was born. It was a very good year,” she said with a wink.

Annie was working on a rack of lamb with rosemary and a mushroom risotto, and the odors permeating the kitchen were overwhelmingly delicious. Between that and the wine Miss White quickly started feeling intoxicated, and found herself totally unable to keep her eyes off Annika, who was telling a funny story about her flight to New Orleans. Annika didn’t seem to mind; several times her eyes and Miss White’s locked for extended periods, and some kind of intimacy seemed to flow between them.

In fact Annika had just recently gotten out of a long-term relationship, and after a period of mourning was looking to cut loose a little. She had been celibate for a while now and was in a mood to indulge herself.

Monika quickly noticed that there was chemistry between Annika and Miss White, and did not mind in izmit escort bayan the least. She had suffered through the breakup with Annika, enduring several long, weepy phone calls, and was glad to see her stepdaughter looking happy and relaxed.

The bottle of wine quickly disappeared and was replaced by another that was maybe slightly less spectacular, but still delightful. Eventually Jodie appeared looking rumpled and adorable, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Annika greeted her, too, with great affection, holding her close like a long-lost sister.

As the two young women embraced Miss White leaned back against the kitchen counter, sipping her wine and breathing deeply the heavenly aroma of the simmering food. The evening was looking very promising indeed.

* * *

When they got to the hotel in Amarillo the van was in the parking lot but Donna and Haley were not in the room; Hana suspected they were downstairs at the bar. This suited her as the long drive, combined with the joint she’d been smoking, had driven her sexual hunger to a fever pitch.

As soon as the door closed behind them Jenny found herself being stripped naked and tossed back onto one of the two queen beds. Hana took a long moment to savor the sight of her; Jenny spread her legs wide and giggled, both flattered and amused by the look of desperate, unabashed lust on Hana’s face.

Then Hana was on her, forcefully tongue-fucking her, and Jenny’s giggles turned to moans. She came twice before she even knew what hit her. She closed her eyes to catch her breath for a few seconds, then suddenly her nostrils were flooded with the musky scent of Hana’s pussy, which had been marinating in its own juices all day. A drop of liquid landed on her cheek, and when she opened her eyes she was gazing into the bright pink, glistening wet flesh of Hana’s inner folds. Jenny had been well-trained; she stuck out her tongue and got to work.

* * *

When the second bottle of wine was gone Monika asked Miss White to accompany her to the cellar to pick out something to have with dinner. For a moment Miss White thought that she was going to be molested — not that she would have minded — but when they were alone Monika just wanted to talk. She gebze escort told Miss White that Angel had disappeared again, but that this time she didn’t mind so much. Angel had always been jealous of Annika, and it was always tricky to have the two of them together. Miss White didn’t know what to say, and it soon became clear that she didn’t really need to say anything; Monika was just happy to have someone to talk to.

Monika asked her to pick out a bottle or two to take upstairs, and when Miss White responded that she didn’t know what was down there, Monika laughed and said, “Use the Force.” Miss White’s eyes alighted on a rack of bottles that were especially dusty, and when she asked if it was OK to choose something from there, Monika shrugged and said it was fine. “If tonight isn’t a special occasion, what is?”

* * *

After Jenny had satisfied her immediate needs Hana had gotten out her strap-on and given Jenny a good, sound seeing to. Jenny had then fallen fast asleep — she was tired, having done all the driving, as Hana had no license — while Hana adjourned to the bathroom. It had been a couple of days since she showered, and while she didn’t mind being a little ripe, it felt great to step under the hot water and let her mind drift.

Upon returning to the room Hana was only a little surprised to find Jenny stretched out across the bed with Donna burrowing between her legs while Haley straddled her face. They had always had a share-and-share-alike policy when it came to groupies, and while Jenny wasn’t that exactly, Hana was in a generous mood. A three-quarters-full tequila bottle was sitting on the TV, so Hana poured herself a glass and sat down to watch them go at it for minute.

* * *

When Miss White and Monika returned upstairs, dinner was on the table in the dining room. After the dankness of the cellar it seemed very warm in the house, and apparently everyone was feeling that way; Annika had taken off her sweater to reveal a skimpy top that showed off her cleavage and fully displayed her erect nipples. She and Jodie had taken seats next to each other, and they were sitting very close together, whispering and giggling girlishly.

Drinking in the sight of the blond, blue-eyes beauty, Miss White was struck with an overwhelming urge to lick Annika from head to toe. But she was also starving, and the table was full of hot, amazing-smelling food, so that would have take precedence for the moment. But there was a whole night ahead of them, and plenty of time for everything.

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