He Takes Ch. 02


She had spent that first night laying on the floor in disbelief.

Here she was a woman of thirty-three, a college graduate, and a white collar professional supervising a department of seven people while working for a well respected company, and yet she was, without so much of a sound of protest or a shred of self-dignity, laying blindfolded on a thin blanket on the floor beside the man and bed she had shared for these past three months. “How dare he”, she thought silently to herself, as the rage built up within and she chastised herself for being foolish enough to actually be laying on the floor and expected to sleep there willingly and without protest like some dirt poor indigent illiterate in a squalid third world country who knew no better than this. But despite the self-righteous indignation and self-loathing she felt it was as if she had been glued to the floor, for try as she did she seemingly was powerless to simply rise up, take off the blindfold, collar and cuffs, tell him to fuck off, and storm out of that house never to return again.

She had been brought up in a home of privilege, raised to be a debutante, and had attended both finishing school and an Ivy League college taking a degree in economics and eventually a Masters as well. Her father had doted on her, and she had truly been, and was to this day daddy’s little girl, and her father had always presented her with the image of what she believed a man to be – strong, caring, a provider and protector, and a role model. She had always assumed that one day she would find such a man as her father, fall in love, marry, and live the picture perfect suburban life she had been brought up to have. Yet despite those images and goals, here she lay, in truth of her own free will, silently seething and not understanding how and why she was allowing this man, the man whose bed she had so willingly kuşadası escort shared these past three months, to allow her – no order her – to be laying uncovered and naked on the floor while he lay sleeping comfortably in peace not more than a foot from her. But again no matter how hard she tried she seemingly could simply not will herself to rise up from her pallet and leave him and this house.

The darkness was like none she had ever experienced before as the blindfold refused to allow any light to penetrate its silken texture. It turned the night, without the hint of ambient light; into a murky blue-black velvet curtain and that sensation coupled with the waves of exhaustion that now racked her body and brain were quickly bringing her to the edge of fear and paranoia. She had lost all sense of time but could tell from the hint of metallic taste on her tongue that she must have fallen asleep. How she could have done that in these circumstances she could not imagine, but as she drifted in and out of consciousness she began to imagine herself in an out of body experience standing at the foot of the bed, looking back and forth from the man gently snoring wrapped inside his down duvet looking to the world like an angel without a care in the world, while beside him less than a foot away but really worlds away lay this woman – one she did not recognize as herself, as her alter-ego could not bring itself to make that admission.

As she lay there not restrained yet seemingly against her will, she suddenly felt a pulling at her throat, much in the same way that a farm animal must feel when its halter is pulled. From whatever far away place she was temporarily inhabiting, she recognized that the silken rope attached to the collar around her neck was being tugged at and the pressure being applied to her collar would and could only kuşadası escort bayan be eased by moving her head in the direction it was being pulled.

“Get up here and go to work”, she heard him quietly say, and not knowing what else to do and powerless to open her mouth in protest as if he had super-glued her lips shut she gave in to the increasing pressure being applied by his pulling on her collar and slowly unbent her now sore body and rose to sit on the edge of his bed hoping against hope that this nightmare would be exposed as just that and he would once again take her in his arms and draw her to him under that down duvet.

Instead she felt the pressure of his pulling become even more painful as the collar dug into the back of his neck and unable to resist the force she found herself being pulled around and down until her face came within inches of his erect cock. He released the pressure being applied to the silken rope which fell free dangling from her collar as his hand moved to the top of his head and forced her down to take his cock into her mouth. With his hands on either side of her head he forced her up and down on his shaft until minutes later he pulled her tightly down into his groin forcing his cock to the very back of her throat as he shot warm semen into her while she gagged in silence. As his penis went limp inside her mouth she heard him quietly say, “I am finished with you. Go back to your pallet and let me sleep”, and despite her upbringing, and her indignation, and her self-loathing, and every screaming brain cell shouting to her that this was crazy, she did exactly as she was told and returned herself to the cold discomfort of the thin blanket he had placed on the floor for her without making so much as the slightest sound.

Oh God this was not going to be easy. She knew, before she opened escort kuşadası the main door to his home, that he was awake. Not only did she see the office light on, she knew him better. He would not allow her to get away with this, no matter what logical excuse she could come up with.

“Master?” She said softly as she slowly crept in though the heavy wooden door, hoping it wasn’t, but knowing it was worthless hoping, that somehow and someway, he was still asleep in his bed.

“Walk in here girl.” Girl…that was what he often referred to her by now. As if she was a school aged child, with no apparent knowledge on how to respect authority, let alone him. Oh God, this was not going to be easy.

She walked hesitantly into the family room where he sat.

“Get on your knees and stare at the floor.”

She did exactly as he instructed, immediately. After all, it was she that screwed up, and as much as she wanted to fight the reasoning to it all, she knew this time she deserved what was coming. He was now in control of her fate for the moment, and maybe she thought forever. She now surrendered to this undeniable and horrifying truth that she could no longer deny.

He stood in front of her. All she could see were his shoes, and the bottom cuff of his jeans. Nothing happened for what seemed like an eternity and she began to get slightly impatient and fearful in the same moment. It was not like her, but she wanted to know what his eyes were asking of her, and then involuntarily she glanced up and looked directly into his eyes.

The sting from the quick and violent slap delivered square and directly across her cheek as a reminder that she was not his equal and had crossed the line with her locking him in direct eye contact, stung both her pride and her flesh as she immediately re-directed her gaze to the floor before he had cause to hit her again. Now, not only had she upset and disappointed him, she has made him react out of his anger with her. She was to blame, and her heart broke with the knowledge of what she had done, or rather shown, to him. It was complete disrespect, and now she knew, she would be punished.

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