Heaven and Hell Ch. 01


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Hektor took his seat towards the back of the room to avoid the stares that followed him everywhere. He didn’t really want to be at the auction, but his employer liked to show off his impressive private army.

“Excuse me, madam, would you please bring me a bottle of wine?” he asked the serving girl, careful to keep his voice low and his expression empty.

Still, the girl tripped over her own feet going to get the wine.

Hektor sighed. He was much larger than average men, nearly six feet and ten inches, and very muscular. He was half-titan, a killing machine. His voice was like an earthquake, deep and rumbling. He knew people were frightened of him. On the battlefield, that was fine. During peacetimes though, it was a burden. It was hard to get intimate when the very sight of him sent potential lovers running.

The servant brought the wine and rushed away after a quick, respectful bow.

Hektor drank straight from the bottle as the festivities began. A young female slave was led to center stage and the auctioneer highlighted a few of her attributes before starting the bidding. Soon, she was sold and another girl took her place.

Hektor finished his bottle by the time the fifth girl had been sold and really wanted more, but he didn’t want to frighten anyone while trying to get the attention of the servants.

“And now, for a special treat for those of you with exotic taste…” the announcer began. “A rare and exquisite creature from the celestial heights and the pits of hell.”

Hektor watched the stage now with rapt attention. The room was silent. Finally, a man holding a chain stepped onto the stage. Following behind him was something Hektor had never seen before.

Part demon, part angel. A boy with creamy, perfect skin and patches of silver, leathery demon scales forming a star on his stomach and shoulders, clothed only with a belt and strip of cloth to hide his genitals. His hair was like pure snow, thick and hung perfectly straight just past his earlobes. He had horns that were dark as obsidian, but had been sanded down to dull, nearly flat surfaces. His lips were full and pink and the tips of sharp fangs peeked out. His wide eyes were different colors, one a stormy grey, the other emerald green. On his back were skeletal wings that seemed to be made of ragged black leather.

Hektor felt a stirring in his cock. He wanted this beautiful creature.

The unusual, beautiful boy was forced to his knees and the cheeks of his perfect ass spread, revealing a tight, pink opening. “Virginal,” the auctioneer said. “Shall we start the bidding with five thousand in gold?”

Hektor saw his employer’s card go up. A slight buzzing in the back of his head made his eye twitch. Another patron topped the bid with six thousand. The bid was driven upwards, to ten thousand, eleven thousand…until finally it seemed to settle at twenty thousand gold bars. The auctioneer was about to call it and award the boy to Hektor’s employer, when Hektor threw his card in the air.

The room filled with whispers. Hektor looked around menacingly and they were silent.

Furiously, the two men raised their bid again and again, driving the price to unheard of heights. Thirty thousand…forty thousand…

Hektor stood. Those closest to him flinched away. “One hundred thousand gold bars,” Hektor announced, letting his powerful voice reverberate throughout the room.

After thirty painful seconds, Hektor was awarded the boy.


Hektor supervised the slaves as the last of the gold bars were loaded onto a wagon. The accountants recounted to be sure the amount was right. It was more gold than anyone had ever seen, and everyone wondered where Hektor had gotten it. He let them wonder. He didn’t want to have to explain to them that he would never die and had been a mercenary for seventy beşiktaş escort of his one hundred years.

A carriage led by two dapple mares arrived and the auctioneer from the previous night was helped down by two attractive female slaves. He jerked the chain he was holding in his hand and the beautiful boy stumbled into the mud.

Hektor’s vision shook and his limbs started to tingle, ready for battle. He held himself back from ripping the man’s head off and contented himself with nearly crushing all the bone’s in the auctioneer’s hand as he took the chain.

“You must sign,” the auctioneer said, cradling his red, swollen hand as his assistant presented Hektor with a crisp document.

Once he had signed and the drivers left his courtyard he turned and looked down at the boy kneeling before him. Hektor bent down. The boy flinched and shivered with fear. The boy’s fear made Hektor more self-conscious and it was difficult for him to control the trembling in his large hands as he removed the leather collar from the boy’s white neck.

Careful of the volume of his voice, Hektor asked as pleasantly as he could, “Would you like to come inside?”

The boy rose to his feet, staring at Hektor the whole time. The boy stood at barely five feet and five inches tall.

Hektor led him inside the manor. He considered taking his boy to the bedroom, but he didn’t want to frighten the fragile young man who looked so small, still barely clothed. Instead he took his new companion to the parlor, a room filled with shelves upon shelves of books and expensive furniture.

“Sit,” Hektor instructed.

The boy was startled by Hektor’s voice and fled to a luxurious couch.

Hektor turned and went to his quarters, where he retrieved one of his own finest shirts. He carefully presented it to the boy, who stared at it in silence. Slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements, Hektor unfolded the shirt and draped it over the boy’s shoulders. He took the boy’s hands and guided his arms into the sleeves and then slowly buttoned the shirt, feeling the heat rising from the boy’s skin.

Once he had finished, Hektor took a seat in the chair across from the boy.

They sat in silence for a moment.

“My name is Hektor,” he said.

The boy nodded and stared at Hektor in silence.

“May I know your name?” Hektor asked delicately.

The boy blinked twice and then whispered, “I am Gir.”

Hektor smiled. There was another stretch of silence and Hektor grew slightly irritated at the way Gir continued to stare at him. “Why are you looking at me?” Hektor nearly growled.

Gir started to tremble. “I…I just…”

“Answer!” Hektor barked.

Gir’s eyes filled with tears and he blurted, “Your…hair…is on fire.”

Hektor sheepishly ran his fingers through his coppery hair. He had, of course, expected a comment about his hulking size and he was both pleased and embarrassed by Gir’s reply. “It’s not fire,” he said. “You may touch it if you’d like.”

Gir nodded nervously. Hektor kneeled in front of him again and the boy reached out. His small, delicate hand lightly brushed over Hektor’s hair. The two smiled nervously. Hektor reached up and touched one of Gir’s sanded down horns. He felt extremely colossal and clumsy as he touched someone so small and fragile. His large hand could have easily crushed Gir’s head. He trailed his finger down the curve of the boy’s jaw, on to his neck, and down to the collar of the borrowed shirt. Hektor undid the top buttons and started to touch the patch of demon hide on Gir’s shoulder.

Suddenly Gir shied away from Hektor’s touches, gathering the material of the rather loose shirt around his body.

“Why did you do that?” Hektor demanded.

“I’m sorry,” Gir replied quickly. His body began to shake.

“Do you fear me?” Hektor asked.

“Yes.” Gir was sobbing now, tears streaming down his boyish face. “I’m sorry, so-so sorry.”

Hektor şişli escort sighed and covered his face with his hand, trying to control his temper. Everything inside him wanted to just take what was his, what he had paid for. But how could he live with the guilt if he did that?

“I won’t hurt you,” Hektor said, but he knew his tone was unconvincing even if his words were true.

Gir continued to softly cry and Hektor grew less angry and more concerned.

“S-sorry. I know I’m bad. I’m sorry. Please, I’m so s-s-sorry.”

Hektor stood and wrapped his arms around the boy. At first Gir fought to get away, but after a moment he pressed close to Hektor and let his tears fall. After about five minutes, Gir calmed himself and looked up at Hektor.

“Master, I—”

“Hektor. You are to call me Hektor.”

“I didn’t mean to act so shamefully,” Gir murmured.

Hektor felt a warm rush from the pit of his stomach to his chest. “It wasn’t shameful.” The warmness in his chest throbbed. “You are scared, that’s understandable. This is a strange place, I am a strange man.”

Gir timidly stroked Hektor’s cheek. “You are not strange, Mas…Hektor.”

“Do you think so?”

Gir nodded. “You are very nice. N-no one else has ever allowed me to wear…clothes.”

Hektor lightly touched Gir’s hair and then slowly tilted his head down. With his other hand, he tilted Gir’s chin up. Tears clung to Gir’s long eyelashes like morning dew. Their lips met and it sent electricity through Hektor, down to his cock, which was now rapidly lengthening and thickening. A soft gasp left Gir’s lips and he backed away from Hektor, and then pressed forward. Gir’s soft lips parted and Hektor slid his tongue into the boy’s sweet mouth. Hektor’s hand left Gir’s hair in order to free his cock from his pants. The throbbing organ bounced slightly as it was freed. Gir shivered and started to press against Hektor’s tongue with his.

Hektor’s fingers fumbled with the buttons, but soon Gir’s loose shirt fell open, the back sliding down to reveal his haunting wings. Hektor trailed kisses down to Gir’s pert nipples and teased one with his tongue. Gir shivered and moaned softly. “Oh…” he panted. “Oh…please…no more.”

Hektor smiled and continued. Gir started to struggle. Hektor didn’t mind it so much until suddenly Gir’s knee collided with the side of his head.

Hektor jerked away and felt like a swarm of bees had been disturbed right between his eyes, a rushing, buzzing feeling. He rose and towered over Gir, who had immediately realized his error. He cowered and sniffed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…I’m so sorry.”

Hektor felt a tender lump forming close to his temple, which added to the feeling of losing control. He grabbed Gir by the wrist and forced the boy onto the floor, then twisted his arm and forced his face down to the floor. His tender ass was in the air and Hektor spanked him, barely controlling his force. Gir cried out in pain. “I’m sorry!”

Hektor spanked him again. “This is how you repay my kindness?” he said through clenched teeth. He spanked the boy again, harder than he had meant to. The titan half of him reveled in causing the boy pain, but his human side held on enough to stop him from breaking the boy’s pelvis as he spanked him again.

Gir’s pale ass was now red and he still trembled and sobbed. “I didn’t mean to! Please!”

Hektor sneered. “I had planned to be gentle,” he hissed.

Gir tried to wiggle free. “Please. Please, no. Can’t I have a second chance? Please!”

Hektor spat in his hand and rubbed it into the crack of Gir’s ass. He penetrated the tight hole with one finger and Gir yelped.

“Oh! Please stop. It hurts!”

Hektor fingered him harder and Gir tried desperately to escape. His struggles grew more and more annoying until Hektor finally reached out at grabbed both of Gir’s wings in his giant hand and yanked.

Gir let out an unearthly scream of pain which shocked Hektor bahçeşehir escort into letting him go completely. The frightened boy moved so quickly his image blurred. Gir found refuge in the fireplace. The flames rose around him, but did not burn him. Gir curled into the fetal position and sobbed.

Hektor hung his head in shame. He’d hurt Gir. His temper had taken over once again and now the boy was surrounded by flame, unreachable, and all Hektor wanted was to reach out and stroke his hair again.

“Come out, please,” Hektor said softly.

“No! You pulled my wings! You…you…jerk!” Gir shouted and started to sob harder. “Hurts…hurts…”

“I regret doing that, Gir. Come out.”


“Please, give me a chance to explain.”

Gir yelped and the flames around him grew.

“I have trouble with my temper,” Hektor started to explain; though he wasn’t sure the boy was listening. “I am half titan…do you know what that is?”

The boy did not reply.

Hektor shut his eyes tightly and began to confess. “Titans are cousins of giants, but violent. They like to hurt people and to destroy. I have a temper. I lost control. Please, Gir, I did not mean to hurt you so badly.”

When he opened his eyes, Hektor saw that the flames had died and Gir was timidly crawling out of the fireplace. His tears had left white trails in his soot covered face and pieces of ash had settled in his hair.

“You look tired,” Hektor said gently. “Follow me, I’ll show you my bed. You can rest.”

Gir hiccupped and stood to follow Hektor.


Hektor left the room once Gir had drifted off to sleep nestled in the many pillows that decorated his bed.

He paced the rooms of his manor, wondering how he should be feeling.

He had been completely wrong to strike the boy. The fact that he had penetrated Gir’s virginal opening against his will was utterly immoral. But why did Hektor care?

He was a cold, seasoned warrior. He had fought in wars long before Gir’s parents had even been created. He had killed so many men he could no longer bear to think of it. He had fought on both sides of a war, turning against his own friends. Nothing mattered to him.

But Gir…so soft, beautiful, innocent…

Hurting him that way was the worst thing Hektor had ever done. He had to make it right.

He went into the kitchen area. His cook was gone to the market so Hektor stepped outside into the small garden. He took in a deep breath of fresh air and let it out, along with a growl of frustration.

He stared at the garden, hoping to find answers, but instead he found a ripe honeydew melon. Hektor wondered if Gir had ever tasted the fruit before. He carried the melon inside and sliced it. He was not skilled with handling food and managed to cut his own finger before he was able to cut the melon into small pieces. He placed the pieces into a wooden bowl and carried it to his bedroom where he sat and waited for Gir to open his eyes.

Gir yawned and stretched, much like a kitten, and Hektor’s heart melted.

“I brought you something,” he said.

Gir jerked in surprise and then blushed. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.”

Gir nodded. “Sorry.” He flinched, as if expecting punishment, but none came.

“Have you ever tasted melon?”

Gir shook his head.

“I brought you some. To sort of…apologize for earlier.”

Gir moved his wings slightly, as if remembering the pain. “I deserved it.”

“No… no, you did not.”

Gir wrapped his arms around his shins and stared at Hektor.

Hektor shifted uncomfortably and then sat on the bed. He took a piece of fruit in his hand and held it in front of Gir’s mouth. Gir’s small, pink tongue darted out to taste it. His eyes lit up from enjoyment of the sweetness. Hektor trailed the fruit over Gir’s lips, before allowing him to bite it. The boy closed his eyes and sighed with appreciation.

Hektor continued to feed Gir until the boy had had his fill. Hektor then kissed the traces of sweetness on Gir’s lips.

As much as he wanted to, Hektor knew he couldn’t push it any further than gentle kisses. Instead, he gathered Gir into his arms and pet the boys hair. He felt Gir yawn and stretch a little and then the beautiful boy relaxed against Hektor’s chest and slept again.

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