Higher Education Ch. 02


Chapter 8: Dinner with Safia

It was not until the middle of the following week that I managed to catch up with Safia again . I was walking across the university campus when I caught sight of her going in the opposite direction. She was hurrying to a lecture but she agreed to have lunch with me later.

Over a sandwich she told me about her weekend. She told me that the man who her parents wanted her to marry had flown in from Pakistan and had been invited to her parents’ house to meet her.

“What was he like” I asked.

“Well, he is a successful business man in Karachi. He told me that I would have a great life with a big house and servants and I would not need to work.”

“But Safia, you are an intelligent woman, You are studying English Literature. You told me you were considering becoming a teacher. Is this really the life you want?” I asked.

“It’s not a matter of what I want,” replied Safia, somewhat unconvincingly.

“So was this guy good looking, did you fancy him?” I asked.

“Well he was quite a bit older than me and rather overweight actually,” she replied.

“So you are going to marry a fat Pakistni businessman and sit in his house ordering about his servants for the rest of your life. I can’t see it somehow,” I said.

“Anyway what did you get up to this weekend?” asked Safia changing the subject.

“I had a very interesting time. I got invited to a party by my landlady.” I said.

“Did you get off with any interesting women?” said Safia jokingly.

“Well actually yes. It was more like and orgy than a party. Everyone was at it and to tell you the truth I did hook up with several very nice ladies including the hostess Lady Melksham!”

“My god David, you went to an orgy and screwed several women. How exciting!”

I had expected Safia to be rather shocked given her strict background but she seemed desperate for more information. I promised her I would give her all the details if she cooked me dinner that evening and after some hesitation she agreed.

That evening I turned up at Safia’s room in her hall of residence clutching a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and a bunch of flowers. A delicious smell of spices was drifting down the corridor from the kitchen. Safia accepted my gifts and sat me down with a glass of wine. A few minutes later she slipped out to finish her cooking and arrived back with two steaming plates of curry and rice with all the accompaniments. The meal was delicious and far better than anything I had tasted in an Indian restaurant. Safia explained that her mother had taught her to cook authentic Pakistani food which was quite different to what was served up in restaurants in Britain.

As soon as we had finished eating and cleared up Safia returned to the subject of the orgy. She insisted that I told her all the details. At first I was hesitant.

“Are you sure you want to know all this Safia? You know you are not going to feel, I don’t know… awkward about me describing what I have done with other women?” I said.

“No why should I? We are friends. Friends can tell one another anything can’t they?” she replied.

I then proceeded to tell Safia all the details of my encounters at the Melksham’s party. Her eyes widened in surprise at several points especially when I described how I had caned Mandy the naughty schoolgirl. When I got on to describing how I had buggered Lady Melksham she was absolutely agog.

“What you mean you put your thing up her bum?” Safia said incredulously.

“Yeah, haven’t you heard of anal sex?” I asked.

“Well sure, but I thought it was just gay men who did that sort of thing, I didn’t realise…”

“Listen Safia, it was the most amazing experience. I mean you should try it yourself… one day,” I said lamely.

Eventually I exhausted Safia’s curiosity about my sexual adventures and we got on to talking about other things. It was only much later that I looked at my watch and realised it was almost 2.00 in the morning.

“Sorry I am keeping you up late. I had better go,” I said.

Yes, I am pretty tired myself but it was great to spend the evening with you,” she replied.

“Yeah, I enjoyed it too and your food was sensational,” I said.

“We must do it again soon. Maybe you could cook me something English next time.” Safia answered.

I rose and put on my coat. Safia followed me to the door. I was unsure how to take my leave and bent towards her to give her a kiss on the cheek before I left. To my surprise she turned her mouth towards me. Suddenly before either of us knew what had happened we were kissing passionately. I embraced her and held her to me. My tongue found hers and they swirled against one another. Suddenly we both broke off and looked at one


“I thought you wanted to be just good friends,” I said smiling at her.

“I did but I guess I let my feelings get the better of me,” she said.

“So you do have feelings for me in that way?” I asked.

“Oh David of course I have. I have fancied the pants off you since I first met you but it’s not that simple. You know my situation.”

“Yeah, Escort you’re engaged to the fat Pakistani businessman and you’re going to marry him and have his babies,” I said angrily

“Oh don’t be like that David,” responded Safia. “Look I am really mixed up about this whole thing. Give me some time to sort my head out. I really care for you but I need time to decide where I want this to go.”

With that we kissed once more and I said goodnight. It was long after the last bus had departed and I had a long cold walk home but I was on a high. I was in with a chance and I was crazy about this girl.

Chapter 9: Safia again

Safia had asked for more time but I could not wait. The next day as soon as I managed to get into university I knocked on the door of her room and found her in, she invited me in and made me coffee.

“I am sorry if you feel like I am pressuring you,” I said, “but last night was wonderful. Every time I am with you it is wonderful, it just feels right to me and I really like you a lot.”

“David I really enjoyed last night and I really like you too. But remember we are from very different worlds,” Safia replied.

“Look how about we carry on seeing each other and see what develops. No pressure. We can take things as slowly as you like,” I suggested.

“Yes that sounds good to me,” she replied.

“Look I have to rush. I have a seminar in ten minutes. How about I cook you something tonight as you did such a good job yesterday?” I said.

“That sounds good just come round when you are ready,” she replied.

I spent the rest of the day walking on air and found it very difficult to focus on T.S. Elliott in my seminar. After the seminar I rushed into town and bought some ingredients for dinner. I then caught the bus home, showered, changed and eventually arrived back outside Safia’s room at about five o’clock. Safia was listening to some music and kissed me lightly as she let me into the room.

“So what goodies have you brought for us?” she asked.

“Well I hope you like Italian food.” I said. “I make a mean seafood linguine, I also got some salad and a rather sickly looking Italian dessert from the deli.”

“That sounds great,” said Safia.

We spent an hour of so happily preparing our meal in the corridor’s shared kitchen. Safia introduced me to one or two of her neighbours who popped in and out preparing their own dinners. Eventually our food was prepared and we retired to her room to eat it.The food seemed to go down well and Safia pronounced it all delicious.

We were just sitting on Safia’s bed after our dinner talking and listening to music. I decided that I would not push things too quickly out or respect for Safia’s wishes.

Suddenly she said, “I really enjoyed kissing you last night. Would you mind kissing me again?”

“Why of course, I just thought that… you know…” I mumbled lamely.

With that our mouths met and we began to kiss passionately. I was not sure whether Safia had had much practice before but she was certainly a fast learner. Our tongues swirled in one another’s mouths and we sucked greedily at one another just coming up every now and then for air. Safia slowly lay back until she was on her back on the bed. I looked down into her big dark eyes and took her in my arms and kissed her once more. She was only wearing a tee shirt and I could feel the softness of the pale brown skin on her arms and her neck. Her swelling breasts pushed against my chest as I kissed her. I could feel myself getting very aroused and my cock strained against the fabric of my jeans. Suddenly Safia’s hand brushed my crotch as she was caressing me.

“Wow, is that a hard on?” she said feigning surprise.

“Well yes, I was kind of enjoying myself there,” I said.

“Me too,” Safia replied. “Look I know this is very naughty of me being an Asian virgin and all but would you let me have a look at your cock?”

I was completely taken aback. One minute Safia was saying she wanted to take things slowly then she was suddenly demanding to see my prick.

I quickly recovered my composure and replied, “Sure, but you will have to unzip my jeans and get it out.”

Safia pushed me back on the bed and knelt in front of me She unbuttoned the waistband of my jeans and slowly pulled down the zip. The bulge of my cock was clearly visible through the fabric of my boxers. She slowly eased down my jeans and boxers until my cock suddenly sprang free and erect.

“Wow, I only ever saw my brothers’ cocks when they were little boys. This is something different, It’s really big and stiff.”

“Yeah, they do tend to get like that on us big boys, especially when we are around luscious big girls like you,” I responded.

“This is the first time I ever saw an uncircumcised cock. It looks really different from my brothers’,” she went on.

“When I was at school we used to call them Roundheads and us Cavaliers. I am proud to be a Cavalier,” I said.

“Here let me have a play with it,” demanded Safia.

With that she seized my erect organ and began to slowly push back Escort Bayan the foreskin.

“Wow, the head is so bulging and purple!” Safia exclaimed.

“Yeah, your playing with him is getting him kind of excited,” I responded.

“Then I will play with it some more,” said Safia mischievously.

She began to slowly pull my foreskin back and forth over the end of my raging prick. The sensation was delicious as I gazed into her big brown eyes. I showed her how to lubricate my cock with a little saliva so it did not get too dry and she began to pump it up and down more earnestly.

“If you carry on like that I am going to come all over you,” I said.

“Oh would you please,” she said to my surprise. “I would love to see a guy come in real life. I only saw it once in a friend’s porno video and that didn’t look real.”

Safia was now pumping my prick for all she was worth. I could feel myself getting more and more excited and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold off coming for much longer. Suddenly my cock erupted as I climaxed. A huger jet of white come shot out a landed on Safia’s face. She continued to pump my cock as further jets of come sprayed her clothes and the bed cover, until finally I was spent. She lay back on the bed and I bent over and kissed her. Slowly I began to lick some of the come off her eyes and cheeks.

“Hey what does that stuff taste like? Do you like the taste of it?” demanded Safia.

“It’s quite strong but I don’t mind it,” I replied.

With my finger I wiped a large drop of sperm from Safia’s cheek and deposited on her lips. She licked at it experimentally with her tongue.”

“Hey that’s OK, I thought it might taste awful,” she said.

I reached across to her bedside table and pulled a bunch of tissues from a box. Gently I wiped her clean and removed the worst of the flood from the bed cover. I began to kiss Safia once more this time more passionately. Our tongues found one another once more. Meanwhile my hand crept beneath her shameez top. Her skin felt soft and smooth and she seemed to enjoy being stroked. I found the clasp to her bra strap and she did not object as I deftly unhooked it. Now my hands roved across her stomach and then slipped beneath the front of her bra. Her breasts felt soft and rounded. I found her nipples which were hard and erect like pebbles. Gently I stroked and squeezed them as she murmured in pleasure.

So far Safia had not objected to any thing I had done and she seemed to have been quite forward in taking my cock in her hands. This encouraged me to take things further. I pushed up her top and bra at last revealing her delicious pale brown breasts.

As she was lying on her back on the bed, they were flattened somewhat but still formed two full domes each surmounted by a large brown aureole and smallish nipples. I circled one breast with my tongue and Safia moaned in approval. I took the whole nipple in my mouth and began to suck gently. She grasped my head and began to stroke my hair. Now I began to suck harder and occasionally gently bit her nipples with my teeth she seemed to enjoy this slight roughness and moaned even more.

Emboldened by this positive response I slipped one hand down the front of her kalwar pants. They were baggy and elasticated so it was easy to slip under the waistband and caress her thighs. My finger found her crotch, I could feel the wetness of her arousal seeping through her panties. I slipped a finger under the hem of her panties and found her crotch, she felt delightfully hairy and unshaven. She did not object as I stroked the hairy dampness of her pudenda. Slowly I parted the thicket and traced the valley of her cunt.

“Remember David, I am a virgin and I need to stay that way. Please don’t go too far,” she whispered.

“It’s OK I understand. I won’t do anything you don’t want,” I replied.

I moistened my finger from the moisture of her cunt and found the throbbing bud of her clit. Gently I massaged the tiny organ and she groaned with pleasure.

“My god David, what are you doing to me, that’s wonderful,” she murmured.

“Have you never rubbed yourself there before?” I asked.

“Well no, I kind of thought it was dirty,” she replied.

“How can anything this nice be dirty?” I said. “Just lie back and enjoy.”

“Now I began to play with her clit circling it and rubbing it with my fingers. Occasionally I would trail my fingers along her slit and just into the entrance of her cunt but I could feel the resistance to any further invasion and did not push inside. I continued to lubricate her clit well with the juices of her pussy she was clearly getting more and more aroused and was now moaning in delight. Suddenly she let out a soft cry and her whole body shuddered. I continued to gently caress her as she writhed and shook as the first orgasm of her life coursed through her body.

“My god David, what have I been missing out on all these years? Was that an orgasm? That was amazing!” she gasped as she began to recover.

“Hey beautiful, I hope that will be the first of many.”

I had hoped that Safia might be ready Bayan Escort for a second bout but she seemed tired and asked if she might go to bed. She didn’t seem ready to invite me to stay the night so I suggested that I would go as I could still catch the last bus. We kissed one more time and I promised I would come and see her the next day.

Chapter 10: Safia lost and found

I went to see Safia as soon as I got in the university campus the next morning but there was no answer when I knocked on her door. I tried several more times with no reply. I became increasingly dejected and confused. Last night she had seemed keen to take things further. It was she who had initiated things and she seemed to enjoy everything which we had done together. Eventually I slipped a note under her door saying how much I had enjoyed the night before and hoping I would see her soon.

I climbed off the bus near to Jackie’s house and walked home. Jackie was in for a change and offered me a cup of tea as I walked through the door.

“You look as though you have lost a fiver and found a sixpence,” she said.

“Sorry what do you mean?” I said somewhat distracted.

“Oh just a phrase my dad used to use. You just look upset about something,” she went on.

“Oh it’s just this girl I am seeing. Last night she was all over me and then today although we arranged to meet she seems to have done a disappearing act.”

“Hey, there’s probably some logical explanation. Why don’t you just chill out this evening and then go and see her tomorrow and find out what is going on?” said Jackie sensibly.

It was pleasant to spend the evening with Jackie. She offered to cook me some dinner and we joked and talked about all sorts of things. She skillfully kept me from thinking about Safia for the whole evening and was as entertaining as ever. I suddenly wondered what I was doing.

“Hey Jackie,” I said only half joking. “Maybe I should ditch Safia and stick with you. I always have a good time when I am with you. You make me laugh and you are great at sex. Why am I bothering with a girl of my own age when I could have you!”

“But that’s the point David,” said Jackie. “you can’t have me, not really. Yes I could take you to bed now and we would probably have a good time but I am never going to be your girlfriend. I am never going to love you and you don’t really love me. Tomorrow go and sort things out with Safia. She sounds a great girl. She’s probably just a bit mixed up about things. Good things usually require some perseverance.”

I knew Jackie was right and I thanked her for her good advice.

The next day I once more tried to find Safia and at last found her in her room. She apologised for not leaving a message for me the day before.

“I am sorry about yesterday,” she said. “I was just really confused and needed time to sort myself out. I went for a long walk and I think it helped.”

“So did you reach any conclusions?” I asked.

“Yes, sort of,” she replied. “I would really like to go on seeing you…”

“Well that’s good,” I interrupted.

“Just let me finish,” Safia went on. “I am still engaged to Amir and I don’t see how I can change that. So let’s just have some fun together but nothing too serious. I am not ready to go all the way with you David. If you can’t accept that I understand.”

“Listen Safia,” I said, “I told you last night that we could take things slowly. I really like you and whatever you want to do is fine by me.”

Suddenly it was if the clouds had melted away and Safia smiled and we kissed one another. We both had a busy day ahead so I suggested that we met up later and go out for something to eat.

That evening I called for Safia and we agreed to go to an Italian restaurant we both knew. Over pizzas and a bottle of wine we chatted contentedly. When we had finished our meal I asked Safia if she would like to come and stay at my place.

“I am not sure David. I really enjoyed the other night but this is kind of taking things to another level.”

I was determined not to push things too far and frighten her off again so I replied, “Of course that’s fine. Do you want to leave things tonight then?”

“No, it’s been such a lovely evening let’s not end it there” said Safia. “Yes I would love to come back to your place as long as your landlady won’t mind.”

“No she’s very broadminded and besides her room is at the other end of the house so it’s quite private,” I responded.

We managed to catch a bus to Jackie’s quite quickly and were soon sitting in her kitchen drinking coffee. Jackie herself seemed to be absent for the evening as she often was. We sat like this for some time until there was a long empty pause in the conversation. It was Safia who broke the silence.

“Well are you going to take me to bed?” she asked..

“I thought you would never ask,” I replied.

I led her up the stairs to my room and for a moment we stood awkwardly looking at one another. Suddenly as if choreographed we came together and held one another and kissed. It was blissful to be in Safia’s arms again and to feel the sinuous curves of her body beneath my hands. I asked her if she wanted to use the bathroom and she asked if she might take a bath. I pointed to the door to my en suite bathroom and told her she might use any of the towels on the rail.

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