Home Coming Queen to Hooker (Pt 1 Rescue)

Home Coming Queen to Hooker (Pt 1 Rescue)
I was always the class geek in high school, they called me Gary the geek! Jump forward eight years with four years of college majoring computer science and coding and four years of Seal Team training and what do you have a hansom bulked up geek! My job with the team is to go in take over a location or take out a target, then I would gather all the electronic equipment and data devices, take them back to base and extract any useful information.

Our schedule consisted of days of intense training preparing, executing the mission usually only a few hours then days of debriefing and lastly sometimes weeks of down time waiting for the next mission. We would train and exercise during these times to stay in shape and sharp but mostly it was boring. It was during these times I would play around with developing action games for gameing consoles. I had lots of time some of the best equipment in the world to work with and my superiors encouraged me to do this to keep up my skills during our down periods. The guys and I would play the games they were based on our past missions. Well our unit was used as part of a TV documentary one day the producer came in to our day room and saw some of the guys playing one of my games and asked what game they were playing they told him it had no name it was game I had programed for our entertainment. The next thing I’m on a plane with an agent heading for Silicon Valley to meet with game developers. In twenty-four hours, I was heading home ten million dollars richer and residuals flowing in every month. I knew I could never let any of the guys know about my new-found wealth.

We were assigned a particularly difficult mission to take out a terrorist leader at his heavily guarded compound, well of course we accomplished our mission but got beat up bad, several of the guys were wounded so once we debriefed, we were told we would be down for at least three months. I took a 30 day leave and decided to head home. I hadn’t been home for six years; our high school was having a class reunion that I had already purchased a pair of tickets for.
With my new-found wealth I rented the penthouse in the Hilton hotel in town, when I landed, they had an exotic car rental place so a hot looking 2-seater sports car. About five minutes latter I got a call from my agent wanting to know if I had just rented a sports car, I said I had he said that’s cool just keeping an eye on your interest, I thanked him, he was a great guy.

It was getting dark, but I drove around town to see how things had changed. Some of the better sections of town had become somewhat run down, there were some of the older sections being torn down with new construction, I drove thru the section with all the bars and clubs, then there she was Sally Parker the prom queen, I had such a crush on her in school but she was untouchable back then. She looked like she was trying to wave down a cab, so I pulled up rolled down the window and said would you like a ride, she smiled and got in. I said hi Sally how have you been, she looked at me kinda strangely and said do I know you, I said it’s me Garry Baker, she looked at me I said Garry the Geek where can I take you. She says Oh, Oh No, she said I’m sorry I wasn’t looking for a ride this is a mistake and she got out of the car. I figured well I guess she is still too good for Garry the Geek as I pulled away a black guy came up grabbed her and started smacking the shit out of her. I locked up my brakes ran back grabbed the guy hit him one time dead in the nose blood fled everywhere he was down and out. I picked up Sally, she was stunned, and half knocked out, her lip was bleeding, I kicked the black guy as hard as I could in the balls, that sucker will never breed again, then took her back to my car and off for my hotel.

I had to carry her up in the elevator to my penthouse, I noticed she looked well a bit whoreish. The first thing I noticed was her cheap perfume, fishnet thigh highs, short skirt, low cut pull on deep V top, and lots of heavy makeup. I layed her on the sofa, went to bathroom got a wash cloth wet it with warm water, came back and started cleaning the blood off her face. She started coming to and pushing my hand away. She said where are we whats going on I told her she was attacked by a black guy and I had beat the shit out of him. She throws her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest and started crying. It’s ok Sally I’ll take care of you your safe. She said you don’t understand I’m a d**g addicted whore. The guy you beat up was my pimp, I have no money to buy d**gs or food or clothes.

I said how did you get from prom queen to street walker, she said she got hooked on d**gs in college. I said do you want to go to rehab, she said I would love to, but I can’t afford to. Do you know how you are medically? She says last week I was STD free, but I have some d**g related health issues. She said Garry the Geek Oh I’m sorry, Garry what happened to you, your all bulked up and handsome as hell, and can obviously take care of yourself, cause my pimp is no wimp. I laughed and said your pimp is now a wimp, I kinda drove his balls into his lungs. I told her I went to college, then joined the Navy, and became a Seal Team operator for data acquisition specialist. I also do some other stuff on the side. She looked at me and said have you killed anyone, I said I have left a lot of bad guys down but didn’t stop to see if they were alive or dead. She asked have you rescued people I said all the time.

She asked Gary what am I going to do, I have no clothes, no money, no place to stay, no food and very little d**gs. I asked her what is your d**g of choice, she said coke, ex. Pills. I asked are you injecting, she said no. I asked her if you could afford it would you go to rehab, she said yes but what then I go get clean, I still have no income no place to live my family has disowned me I have nothing I said let’s take this one step at a time. I called the concierge, with the phone on speaker I need someone that can go out and buy me an outfit for a female friend, he said yes sir I have someone come up get the necessary measurements and have what you need within an hour. She looked at me and said where are we, I said the penthouse of the Hilton. I think for now maybe a pair of jeans underware, socks, sneakers and a top. Then we can go out and get you a new wardrobe. The elevator opens it’s the guy from the hotel he gets all of Sally’s measurements an is off. I tell her to come sit with me pick up the phone on speaker and call my agent again he picks up the phone and says hello Gary I say Dave I need something huge, he says anything Gary, I tell him I need a rehab center for an old dear friend. He said what are we dealing with I said she says coke, ex, and pills nothing injected, he asks how long she has been addicted she says five years, he says I’ll call you back. I ask her are you a meat eater, she looked down and a tear ran down her cheek, as she reaches over to open my fly, I said what are you doing she said you want a blow job right I said NO well No I was asking you if you eat meat so many people are vegetarians any more I was going to order us a couple of steaks for dinner, she throws her arms around my neck gives me a kiss and says I sorry, I love steak, french fr I say hold on and call room service and say tell them what you want, she tells them and I say make that two.

I say why don’t you go take a hot relaxing bath there is nice fluffy bathrobe in there you can put on till your clothes come. Its going to be too late tonight to go out and get you clothes will you be ok sleep in one of my t-shirts tonight? You can have the bed I’ll sleep out here on the sofa. The other two bedrooms aren’t made up. She said one step at a time, stood up took her clothes off, her poor body had bruises and bite marks all over it, and she is skinny, she said not a pretty sight am I. I say I know you’re a beatiful woman inside we can get the rest fixed, the bruises will heal, we will get some meat on your bones, the d**gs out of your system and I’ll get your body moving in some exercise programs we use and before you know it you will be back to the Sally I have always loved. She comes over straddled my lap puts her arms around my head and gives me a big kiss and says I’ll be much better than the old Sally the new Sally will be humble and appreciative of people around me. She says speaking of appreciative feels like you aren’t totally turned off by my body! I said ok smart ass go get your bath, and do you mind if I throw your old cloths out, check the pockets and burn them for all I care. She gets up walks towards the bathroom she has a very nice natural sway in her ass as she walks away.

Dave calls me back and I say hold on I knock on the bathroom door and say its Dave on the phone can I come in. Sally says of course baby I have the phone on speaker and I say go a head Dave, Sally reaches up grabs my hand, Dave says I have a top-rated facility close by you, there is an initial 21-day program with visitation after the first week. The first week is very rough they chemically wash the d**gs out of your system. After that there is one week per month for a year. They will have a place for her starting next Monday five days from now. I look at her she squeezes my hand shakes her head yes and I say go ahead Dave get us set up he said ok they will call you and send over a doctor for an initial exam and to fill out all the papers. She will need five changes of clothes, they say sweats are preferred I say ok no problem. I said thank you Dave you’re the best, he says call if you need anything bye.

Sally hugs me tight to her and says thank you so much Gary you’re proudly saving my life, how can I ever thank you I say you are right now, even if you are making me all soggy. Woops sorry, Gary when you said you have always loved me did you mean it, I said yes for years, you still love me even though I’m a whore. I say you have a disease and one of the side affects has turned into a whore, but we are going to beat that disease and that will not be an issue. Sally jumps out of the tub pushes me back on the floor straddles me kisses me with a long passionate kiss pushing her tongue deep into my mouth. She breaks the kiss and says Gary I love you with all my heart and soul please don’t ever let me go. I wrap my arms around her hold tight to me, and say I’ll never let you go Sally.

There was a call and they yell room service, Sally looks down at me and I look up at her and we both bust out laughing, I yell I’ll be right there, I raised her up off of me I said do you want go back in she says no I’m half dry I say I know, so I stand put her on the floor and I say I gota go get our dinner. The guy is waiting by the elevator and I say bring the cart on in here to the table. I hear the hair drier running in the bathroom as we set the table. Then he handed me a bag and said the desk asked me to bring this up also, it was Sally’s clothes, I gave him a 10-dollar tip, then another 5 dollars for not asking why I was half wet. He said thank you sir and left. I called into Sally and said we are alone. Foods here looks and smells great, she came in looking radiant the cheap makeup was washed off and her natural beauty shown thru, and I told her she looked beatiful, a tear ran down cheek, I said whats wrong, hot, sexy, lushes, slut are the only words a man has referred to me as for years. I said well no more except as a term of affection and respect after we have been together a while, now come eat we need to put some meat on your bones, she says I know I have gotten very skinny, I said I’ll fix that. Sally moved her plate next to me and said I want to be close to you. As we were eating, I said your clothes are here too. When she had finished eating, she layed her head on my sholder and wrapped her arms around my arm and said I haven’t felt this loved and safe in years. We cleaned up the dishes and I called down to have them picked up. I said why don’t you go try your new clothes on I’ll take care of the room service.

Room service came up took the dinner dishes gave me a bag with a set of workout clothes and pantys and a sports bra for her. They also brought up a large chocolate milkshake I walk in the bed room. Sally is sitting on the bed with her face in her hands crying, I asked her what was wrong she stood up and said the jeans are baggy cause I’m so thin. I said we will fix that here drink this and I hand her the milkshake, she gives me a hug and kiss and starts drinking her milkshake. She asked whats in the bag I said a susprise for the morning she said what I said one thing is a sexy bra she looked disappointed till I pulled it out she smiled and said if that is your idea of sexy than you have a very sheltered life and we need to talk. I say well than I whisper in her ear, she sits back and says you have been thru college, and the Navy and your still, then she says when I’m better I’m going to fix that I want us to have a family. She takes her clothes off and hands up her top and paints puts her bra in a drawer took her pantys off and put them with her bra then asks where are your t-shirts, I say your certainly not shy she walks over and says stand up she pulls off my shirt, undoes my paints and pushes then off and looks down OMG what a waist but now it’s all mine! She pushed me back on the bed and said sit up and comes over and straddles my lap and says I promise you’re the last man other than a doctor or a nurse that will ever see me nude and I expect the same from you only women instead of men. I pick her up carry her out to the living room turn on the gas fire place and dim the lights and lay her on the fake polar bear rug then lay beside her and say we are moving a bit faster than I expected that just means we have another stop to make while we are out tomorrow she asks whats that I say the jewler, she looks at me gives me a big hug and said I never dreamed a good man would ever want me, Gary I love you so much and I’m going to make you so happy. Honey no way are you going to sleep on the sofa I need to be in your arms all night, now take me to bed I’m tird, I picked her up she says your going to get tird of carrying me everywhere, I said my back pack at work is heaver than you are, I walk her into the bed room we pull back the covers and I lay her in the bed and climbed in behind her and pulled the covers over us, Sally scoots up against me grabs my hand and cups her boob, I say you know your boobs don’t feel like they have shrunk much she says some normally they are a bit larger, then she said are you smiling I say no grinning she says why I say I say because your boobs are fantastic now I can’t imagine then larger, she elbows me and says wait till you get me pregnet and they fill up with milk I cuddle her a bit tighter. We both drifted off to sleep that turned out one of the most restful sleep Sally has had in years.

The next morning I wake up Sally up by spreading little kisses all over her face, she looks up at me and puts her arms around my neck and gives me a big kiss and says this isn’t a dream it’s all real I say yes it is now get your pretty butt out of bed put the clothes on in that bag and lets get moving. She gets up goes to the bathroom washes her face walks out I grab her kiss her she pulls out her clothes and says these are exercise clothes, slips on her bra, pantys and puts on the exercise suit and says it fits. I ask her to out to the frig and get us two gator aids, when she walks out, she yells GARY I run out and say whats wrong she says its five fifteen I say I know we are running a bit late, LATE yes, we should have been down there at 5:00! As I walk her towards the elevator, she says but baby I need my beauty sleep, but the exercise is good for your mind and body! I start her off with some stretches, then I put her on the tread mill at a slow speed and slight tilt as I set up the bar bell with 350 lbs., she says shouldn’t you have a spotter I say it’s only 350 lbs. and I’m only doing 2 sets of 25. I tell her when we are done, we are going up shower, get breakfast then I set you up in the spa for facial, massage, wax, hair, nails and makeup. Appearently there is a boutique there if you see anything you like get it!

We finish our work out Sally looks a bit antsy I ask her if she was ok, she frowns and says I’m trying baby to go cold turkey, I’ll be ok I say take a big hit of that Gatorade it has enough sugar and caffeine to revive an elephant. She does ae we ride up the elevator. We get into the shower TOGETHER! She says I have been dyeing to get my hands all over you, I say that’s susposed to be my line! We showered and spent way too much time soaping each other up and drying was fun too. We got dressed went down for breakfast Sally had 2 eggs over easy, pancakes, home fries, sausage, bacon and toast. She looks at me and said I gota bulk up for my guy! We finish, and I walk her over to the spa and say have a good morning Oh take this it’s our key card, when your done come on up. I went up to work on my latest volume of black ops and totally lost track of time.

A few hours later I hear I hear the elevator door open Sally yells I’m back, I say I’m in the office, her voice sounds different it was confident when she walked in I got a frown on my face she says whats wrong do I disappoint you I say no your beatiful just like you use to be I just relized your Sally Parker, I’m Gary the Geek your way out of my league, then I say of course I’ll see you thru rehab and do anything I can to get you back on your feet but you don’t owe me anything, she walked over to me pulled up her new beige knee length skirt took my then slid her panty to one side took my hand and put it on her mound and pussy lips. She said what do you feel I say a smooth mound and pussy, she said do you have any idea how much it hurts to have melted wax pored on your pussy then have all the hair yanked out by its roots, you know why I let them do that, it’s because I LOVE YOU, I need you I can’t do this without you! Now stop this nonsense get your butt up you promised me you would buy me, and engagement ring and I want it on my finger before we walk out of the store and I want you on a knee and ask me properly. I didn’t get all dolled up for you to dump me. One more thing I never want you to use the term Gary the Geek again! Now stand up here and kiss me, I say your so perfect I don’t want to mess up your make up she grabbed me kisses me, she broke our kiss and I said see your lips are messed up she says that’s ok you bought me more she turns to head to the bathroom to fix her lips and I smack her butt she giggles and says that’s more like it.

We head out and I go stright the best jewler in town. We walk in and I tell them I want to see the best wedding ring sets you have with the highest quality stones. We are taken into a back room and a vault is open, they measure Sally’s ring finger and I tell them that sally is recovering from a condition and she will most likely need the ring resized and they said no problem. They bring out a tray of ring sets, Sally looks them over finds a set and says oh Gary look at this set it’s beatiful! I say do you want to look at more she says no this is the set. I say ok we will take this set I pull out my credit card and hand it to the store owner. He said this set must be registered to you and there is the warranty and insurance, Sally asks why so much paperwork the owner said this is a one hundred-thousand-dollar set. Sally says oh we can’t I cut her off and tell them to please get everything together for us. The owner walks out Sally looks at me and says how can we afford that, I laugh and say that was a week’s royalties from one game, she says how many games do you have I tell her I’m working on number eight. The jewler comes back we sign all the papers he gives me the ring set in a jewelry ring box and hands me back my card. I ask him if I can have the room for a few minutes he smiles and says of course.

The jewler walks out of the room and closes the door I hold Sally’s left hand get down on one knee look up at her and ask Sally Parker will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and spend the rest of your life with me? Sally looks at me with tears running down her cheeks and says yes of course I will, I slide the engagement ring on her finger then stand up take her in my arms and we kiss a deep loving kiss. We walk out the door and everyone claps the owner says sorry the room is on CCTV he says I’ll send you a copy of the tape , the owners daugther says let us see it and Sally still crying a bit but smiling from ear to ear, the owners daugther takes her into the bathroom to fix up her make up as they do the door is cracked and I hear her say to Sally boy you really hit the jack pot you get a beatiful ring set and god he is a real hunk, with one of the nicest personalities of any man I have ever met and he is damn hansom too! Sally says he dosen’t know it, but I have had a crush on him sence the eighth grade that’s only the half of it he’s smart and brave, the one problem he’s a Seal Team Operator I know when he is out on a mission, I am going to be worried sick about him.

They walk out and say all fixed, we leave the jewler and head to a boutique as Sally is walking thru the store a womans voice says I can’t believe it Sally Parker how are you, its Alice Jones a real shrew from our high school days, Sally says Alice how have you been, she says fine but you look fantastic Sally says thank you I owe it all to my fiancée here Gary Baker, one of our classmates, Alice looks at me we shake hands and she says sorry to say I don’t remember you I don’t know how I would have missed you. Sally says my Gary is a Seal Team Operator and a video game creator, his present game Black Ops Mission I it’s is all the rage. Alice says oh god my husband is obsessed with that game, but he gets to a low wall and keeps getting killed. It’s a boot legged copy though. I said tell him to duck behind the wall and lob a grenade over the wall. I tell her at the end of the first level the game will lock up, it a protection I built in. Only legal copies will work beyond the first level. Alice asks where we are living, I say we are stationed in Va. But we are up here for the class reunion at the end of the month in the mean time we are staying in the penthouse of the Hilton. Alice says to Sally there were some nasty rumors going around about you but obviously they were incorrect. Sally says obviously will we see you at the class reunion? Alice says I would not miss it for the world, I say well we have some shopping to do nice to see you again Alice.

As we walk on Sally says baby, I love you much are we really going to the reunion, I say yes, I already have the tickets. Sally asks me why you would want to go to the reunion I said in hopes of seeing you there, she looks up at me and says I am the luckiest woman in the world. Sally says I really dislike that woman she was always a real snob, she was the original rich bitch!

Gary says its noon we need to find a burger joint get you a double burger, fries and a big shake, she says are you fattening we up for the kill no, but I will eat you! Sally says your so bad, have you ever …you know I say no only one pussy has ever interested me and it’s right beside me. Sally asks when are we going to, I said after you get out of rehab. I say we also need to talk about where you want to live, and we need to set a date to get married. One last thing I looked at the info for your rehab and during your second week much of the counseling will involve me and your parients!

We go find a place to eat it was a fancy burger joint I got her seated and said I need to go to the head and off I went, no more than I’m out of sight a guy around 40 comes and sits beside her slides his hand up her skirt right to her pussy and says very nice I have been looking for you Angel, I called TJ, he’s in the hospital, you haven’t been on your corner, I’m hard for you now baby come on back out back with me baby. Sally tells him she is thru with that life, that she is engaged, and he better leave before her guy comes back, he said come on baby let me ba….. a sharp pain shoots down his back arms and legs he can’t move Gary tells him if I move my thumb over an inch and hold it for 30 seconds you are a babbling idiot, for the rest of your life, hold it for a minute your brain dead, any longer your dead. I say now your going to get up walk out and never look back. I released his neck, he gets up and says TJ’s guys will take care of you, Sally says no they won’t they watched him put TJ in the hospital with one punch and one kick! I say leave while you still can. Sally is very upset and crying saying she is so sorry, I say stop you have nothing to be sorry for go back and fix your face I’ll order for us, She goes back towards the bathroom, then out the corner of my eye I see the guy I just ejected heading towards Sally and he had a gun, I got to he hall where the bathrooms are just behind him he was raising the gun to fire I slide my thumb between the hammer and frame so he can’t fire and push him into the men’s room knee him in the balls and render him u*********s, he released the gun I put it in the sink , there was a plunger in the corner of the bathroom I took it pulled down his paints and underware pushed the handle as far as I could up his ass took my knee kicked forward impaling him to the plunger cup blood began to trickle out of his ass I sat him on a toilet u*********s. I wiped the gun clean and dumped it in the trash. I washed my hands walked back to our table, I had pushed him into the bathroom so fast Sally never saw us just herd the noise of me shoving him thru the door. When Sally comes back, I said we still haven’t been waited on let’s find another place. We did, and I fed her lots of fatting food.

We get home as Sally puts away new her clothes, I got a phone call from the rehab center telling me the doctor would be here in an hour to do her intake eval. I said ok fine, then call out to sally and tell her to put some sweats on the Doc, is coming to do her exam. Right on time the elevator opens and the Doctor walks in. We sit on the sofa, Doc starts his exam while he does the exam, he asks questions and his assistant would take notes. He asked her to describe her d**g usage, she told him when she got up in the morning she would take an upper to get going in the mornings then take a hit coke and take a half tab of ex before meeting clients at night she would take a downer to sleep, she would do this for three weeks a month and when she had her period she would take a week off with no d**gs. Doc looks at his assistant and says during that week how would you feel she said down mainly a little jittery at times. Then he asks when was the last time you took d**gs Sally told him three days ago just before Gray picked her up, he asks and how have you been feeling Sally said great as long as I’m with this guy. Doc smiles and takes a several vials of blood for testing. Has her give him a urine sample also. He says well there are several levels of this disease, habitual, dependent and addicted being the worse. Preliminarily I can tell you fortunately d**gs for Sally appear to be habitual, were she addicted she could not go a day without using d**gs. So, we will keep her for the full 21-day period, but more time will be spent with counseling than chemical elimination. Then he asks are you ready to start, Sally looks at me with a scared look in her eyes, I say the sooner you start the faster we can get married and be together for ever. We had her bag all packed we hugged and kissed and cried, as they walked out Doc said she will be fine we will take good care of her and have her back to you before you know it.

A week later I got a call from Doc he wanted to meet me for dinner that evening, I said of course. He had made a reservation down stairs at the hotel restraint which was a four-star facility. When I went down for dinner Doc was already there seated with an older couple, as I walked up to the table, they all stood I was interduce by Doc said Gary Baker this is John and Doris Parker, Sally’s pairents, Doris said it’s so nice to finally meet you Sally use to talk so much about you. I said really and asked how so she said Sally had a major crush on me growing up, she though I was hansom and smart and admired my intelligence, but I was so shy, she always hoped I would ask her to a home coming, or prom but I never did. I said I was very shy, and my nick name was Gary the Geek. That didn’t do a lot to build confidence in a young man, and she was so beatiful way out of my league. John says I want to know why we are here. Doc says your daugther, John stops him and says we have no daugther she gave up that right when she left our house for d**gs and whoring, I will not have a whore as a daugther, Doris says John please. Doc speaks up well Gary here is a Seal Team Operator, with no less than seven bullet scares, he is also video game author. Doris says Sally always said you were smart, John says thank you son for your service to our country and keeping us safe, Gary says thank you for referring to me as son because I am also your daughter’s fiancée. Right now, thanks to Gary, Sally is in a very exclusive rehab facility, we have run numerous tests and I am happy to say all d**gs have been washed out of her system. Health wise she is clear of any major ailments, she is somewhat anemic and malnourished, we have put her on a balance diet high in protein to build her back up, in fact she has already gained back 3 lbs. John says what about STD’S Doc says completely clear appearently she insisted in the use of protection with all her clients. What Gary understands is her prostution was a side effect of her d**g habit, it’s a vicious cycle that Gary broke.

Your daugther was well on her way to recovery before she entered our facility, thanks to Gary providing her the loving, supportive relationship she has always wanted, and we all need. Doris is crying John is looking down and says maybe I gave up on her too fast Doc says I doubt it you just weren’t what she needed d**gS at that time. Then Doc says Gary the good news for you is Sally hasn’t transferred her need for d**gs to her need for you, she had converted her need for d**gs to true love for you. What she needs is love and support from all of you, and counseling to get her to come to terms with everything she has done to herself and the people she loves.

Just then we hear hi mom dad can you forgive me Sally is standing behind them they both jump up and hug and have a cleansing cry. Doc looks at me gives me a thumbs up, John says I’m so sorry baby I never should have abandoned you this is all my fought Sally says no dad it’s my fought can you forgive me, he says yes of course I do. Then Doris says did I hear Doc say your engaged to Gary Sally says yes and holds up her ring and Doris says come here Gary and has him join the grope hug. Then she says now you have the guy you always wanted, Sally says yes, yes, I do, and he is better than I ever dreamed he would be. Doris asks so when are you two tying the knot, I spoke up and said we needed Sally to get through the rehab and then get with you all to plan everything out. Doris says we have some of your college fund left because you dropped out, Sally says no, no,no money is not an issue the big guy here is loaded he makes more money than we could possibly spent on two life times. I need help with my wedding dress, invitations, you know all the wedding and reception stuff. Oh, and Gary I have learned I have to finish what I have started so I’m going back and finish my degree. Doris asks to have you two talked about c***dern! John says for god’s sake Doris let the k**s get married first! We all laugh, Doc says I understand you two are retired and Gary is on leave would you be able to come to our facility and participate in counseling sessions for the next four days, Doris says yes of course. Doc says good, John says are we going to eat Doc says of course, I say why don’t we order and have them bring it up to our room, Sally says I need a few things from upstairs. We placed our order and went up to the penthouse, when the elevator opens directly into our penthouse Doris says holey shit! John says DORIS! This is quite impressive I said it’s for sale too! Sally looks at me and her eyes are saying please yes baby, I say yes honey I have put an offer in on it. The dinning room table seats 12 so there was lots of room for us all, shortly room service brought up our dinner set up the table we had an excellent meal. After dinner Doc had me come into the office and we talked he told me that Sally is fine, and he doubted I knew how dedicated and in love with me she was. That she had been holding back her affections over her medical health. I told him I had made no sexual advances towards her because I wanted her to understand how in love with her, I was, and I did not want her to think I saw her as just a sexual object. Doc says believe me she knows that, so how would you feel if I told you I am recommending she spend the night here with you tonight, and you can bring her back to the rehab facility in the morning after breakfast say around 10:00! We went back out room service had come up and cleared the dinner dishes and left us two pots of coffee cups, saucers, creamers and sugar. Sally was sitting between her mom and dad pleasantly talking and hugging. Doc apologized for taking me away for so long, then he said due to the hour it was only 9:00 he was recommending Sally stay here tonight and come back to the facility after breakfast tomorrow. John looked at his watch and said I didn’t relize how late it was. Then Sally asks me are we doing what we have been doing every morning, Doris says SALLY! She says no mom he makes us do heavy exercise at 5:00 am! Doc says it’s good for your recovery, Sally says I can recover just fine at 8:00, her dad laughed for the first time that evening. Sally had walked over to me and she had her arm around me and her head on my sholder, we said our good buys, as the elevator doors opened and Doc and her pairents stepped in and the doors closed.

Sally said are you ready for bed, I say I’m not that sleepy or tird, she says who said anything about sleep and you will be tird! She takes my hand and pulls me into the bed room. I pull her into my arms and say honey I’m scared I won’t satisfy you, she said I have seen what you have between your legs believe you’ll satisfy me! Then she started unbuttoning my shirt She looks up at me and says my top isn’t going to come off by its self-get busy big guy, I start unbuttoning her blouse, then she says raise your arms and pulls my shirt off then my t-shirt I tell her to raise her arms I pull her blouse off look down and see her 36C boobs are sticking out pointing right at me in her sexy white lace bra, I reach around behind her with one hand and pop her bra clasp. Sally says WOO where did you learn that I tell her my cousin, she says kissing cousin I take it, I say wow you sound jealous, she says I have wanted you half my life any bitch comes near you I scratch her eyes out! That’s when I feel my paints hit the floor and Sally say when did you start going commando, I knell down pop her jeans loose and pull down her jeans and pantys all at once and say I love your smooth pussy, she says it’s not smooth its styled I still have a patch of red hair above my pussyyyyYYYY OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING! MMM you taste good Sally says please tell me your cousin didn’t teach you this, I take my mouth away from her pussy and say no internet porn She says oh good grabs my head and pulls it back against her sweet pussy. I lick on her pussy a bit longer, then I pick her up lay her on the bed and she spreads her legs I craw up between them on top of her and she says please go back down and finish what you started I’m so close I move down put her legs over my shoulders and burry my tongue in her pussy spread her lips open and sucked her clit into my mouth her back arched her mouth opened she dug her nails into my hair and crushed my mouth against her clit she screamed GARY I LOVE YOU. And her pussy squirted her sweet juice soaking my face, she pushed me off her I didn’t know what to think I tried to pull her into my arms, but she pushed me away from her and just kept pumping her pelvis up and down and saying oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I thought I had done something wrong and I started to get up she grabbed my arm and said where you are going, I said I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. She said oh honey you didn’t hurt me you just sent me to another universe, my body was so sensitive you merely touching me would have sent me off again, hold me now please! Then she said that web site you used to learn to eat pussy should be condemned, you can not do that to me again for at least a month my heart won’t take it! She wrapped her arm around my head and ran her hand thru her my hair and kissed me with the most seductive kiss I had ever had, She rolled me over on top of her spread her legs wide grabbed my cock and slid it up and down her pussy and lined my head up with her hot hole to heaven and just held me there and said I haven’t taken my birth control pills sence you picked me up, if you want I will swallow you if you don’t want me pregnet. I’m ovulating so your choice, I say we are going to have to get married in the next few weeks, she hugged me a bit tighter and pushed me inside her. Oh my god she felt so wonderful, my cock was encased in a hot wet velvet tunnel to heaven that kept tightening around my cock, at the end of the tunnel was a hard nub with a soft center that my cock was trying to push into, each stroke the soft spot appeared to grow larger and larger until my cock head finally pushed thru forming a suction around my cock head I couldn’t hold out any longer I started shooting rope after rope of my thick white seed directly into her ripe womb, I could feel her legs wrapped around my legs her nails digging into my back and I could vaguely hear her calling my name over and over!

A bit later I wake up she is holding on to me as tight as she could and says don’t move stay inside me your inseminating me, I want your baby inside me! I could feel her pussy pulling harder and harder on my cock then all of a sudden her pussy released me and my cock popped out of her, she released me and I rolled off of her and she climbed on top of me we kissed I held her in my arms and said I love you so much hold me and never let me go! She said what just happened, I looked at her and said I’m the virgin here you tell me isn’t that what sex is susposed to feel like? She says NO you were inside my cervix and came directly into my womb we will probably have a litter of k**s! I have never had that happen to me before. I asked what you think we should do, she said get married fast because I know you just knocked me up! I pulled her into my arms and said let’s see what Doc and your pairents say tomorrow, I said for now wanta go for twins and I poke my hard cock against her thigh she said your hard already I say hay baby I’m a Seal we are always ready! She giggled we kissed a long hot passionate kiss and I start kissing my way down her neck She says don’t even think of kissing my pussy again, I said I was heading towards your boobs I neglected them the first time, she said yes you did, and they want you to play with them! She dangles her boobs over my face I kissed her boobs, they were so hot and firm luscious I took the tip of my tongue and circled her nipple feeling all the little nibs around her nipples, she pulls my head to boob and I suck her nipple into my mouth I hear her moan, She reaches down and strokes my cock and I slide my hand between her legs and finger her pussy, she is pushing her pussy against my hand and says Mmmm baby make love to me, I lift her over me she straddles my hips and I slowly lower her onto my hard cock she reaches down and grabs my cock and says slowly baby I feel the tip of my cock engulfed by her hot wet pussy, and slowly feel my cock surrounded by her hot wet pussy finally her soft wet pussy lips contacted the base of my cock, I reached up cupped her boobs as Sally slowly began rotating her hips up and down pressing her clit against my shaft as she continued rotating her hips up and down, slowly she lowered her body against mine as I began rotating my hips to meet hers She grabbed on to me tighter and tighter our pace picked up as we banged our bodies together harder and harder. Every nerve in my body was on fire Sally was screaming YES BABY YES BABY MAKE ME YOURS I felt her pussy tighten around my cock I was off to different universe I just kept pumping and pumping I herd Sally screaming again aaaAAAAAHHHHHHH! felt her pussy tighten on my cock again but could not stop I kept pumping my cock into her Sally was moaning yes baby yes baby, the one last time come on baby yes baby I’m all yours make up cum again I felt my balls tighten and my cock throb as I felt a pain in the side of my neck as I exploded load after load of cum into her sweet pussy. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

My internal automatic alarm clock woke us up at 4:30 I started tracing small kisses all over Sally’s face she got a big smile on her face and said yes baby make me yours again, I said we gota get up and get a shower than hit the gym, she says no baby we exercised last night, I tell her it’s because we exercise in the morning we can do what we did last night I said you want to be able to keep up with me don’t you. Sally said I kept up with you the first two times, I might have fallen behind a bit the third time. I lift her up she looks at me and says I Love You Gary so much. I carry her to the shower and put her down on the floor and we walk into the shower I turn on the water turn around to wash he off and Sally makes a face and says do you have a turtle neck top I say no do you she says no why proudly the same reason you asked me, She said we gota hit the boutique before we meet with my pairents at the rehab center. She said I guess I have to go back, I really feel good I haven’t felt the need for d**gs sence you came back into my life! Sally says oh god my pussy is actually gooey, I say my man hair is all clumped together around my cock, Sally says I’ll shave it for you and holds her razor up I say no way, she says why don’t you trust me, I say do you have any idea what my team members would do to me after they saw me shaved! We get done do a one hour exercise routine come back up to the penthouse to shower again I call down concierge to find us two turtle neck tops one for me and one for her in the next hour and I give him the sizes he says no problem I have the keys to the Boutique I say thank you Dan I owe you! We take a quick shower, I grab her throw her over my sholder carry her into the bed burry my face in he pussy she yells NOT AGAIN GARY once I feel her juices flowing and craw up on top of her, she smiles and pulls me down on her and we gently and lovingly make love. Another quick shower, we find our tops laying on the dining room table we get dressed go down have breakfast, hop in the car and off to the rehab center.

As we walked in, I noticed Sally was absolutely glowing, she looked so happy, as we entered the conference room, I noticed Sally’s bags sitting just inside, just behind us her pairents walked in, Doris immediately noticed Sally’s glow and then our turtle necks and knowing Sally hates turtle necks she says you two come here right now! Sally says uh-oh we walk over to her she pulls down out collars and says I though so! Doc had just walked in and saw the event, he and John were laughing, then she gave us both a big kiss. Then she takes both Sally’s hands and says I can see we need to accelerate your wedding! Doc clears his throat and says can we all be seated please. Doc says Mr. and Mrs. Parker I’m going to need you to take a seat out into the waiting room for just a few minutes please. As the door closes behind them Doc looks at us and says so tell me about last night, my face turned purple. So, did you two have intercourse last night? Sally says three times last night and once this morning. I wanted to craw under the table, Doc says were there any problems, Sally says well something unusual did happen Gary you can explain it better than I can, I say I wish I were facing a dozen Taliban fighters right now! Doc laughs and Sally says stop now he’s a doctor, I said ok here goes as we were doing it and my thing was going in her the top of my thing hit a hard nub with a soft spot in the center every time I reentered her and hit the nub the soft spot would expand a bit and then I penetrated it and the top of my thing got locked inside there then it started massaging the head I mean top of my thing that caused me to cum inside her, then I was pushed out of her. A bit later when I re entered and hit the hard nub there was no soft spot and I could not get back in! The same thing happened the next time too then again, this morning I couldn’t get back in. Doc said Sally are you any chance ovulating she said yes, Doc said well you’re not anymore! Sally asks why would you say that? Doc says well the body is a wonderful thing, when you ovulate the cervix opens just a wee little bit so sperm can get into the womb to impregnate you. Under normal conditions a man’s thing isn’t long enough to penetrate the cervix but to make a long story short he knocked you up last night and the cervix closed tight to protect the embryo and won’t open again for nine months! Well it’s time we bring your pairents back in!

John, Doris please come back in. We are all seated around the table, Doc says I need you all here to give you an up date on Sally’s progress towards rehabilitation, but first let’s go back to how this all stated. Frist there is no one to blame for Sally’s condition. Sally grew up in a typical modern loving family environment where both pairents work, but because both of you were in the upper management one or both of you were away frequently away add to that her romantic interest Gary also was not available to her. This created a void in her life, so now she is in her second year of college with absolutely no support structure what so ever, enter TJ a pimp he can spot the void in a girl a mile away that’s how he makes his living. He steps in fills the void unbeknownst to her he starts feeding Sally coke and ex to make her horny so he can take advantage of her well low and behold he runs out of money honey if you sleep with my buddy he will give us money to pay rent, than a few days later we need food and there is another guy here take this coke and ex so you both have a good time, before you know she is in an evil spiral. She is depressed dropped out of college broken off all contact with mom and dad because she is ashamed of what she has become now she is taking pills to get up in the morning coke and ex to be sexually aroused for her clients and pills at night to go to sleep. The only good thing is her d**g usage is habitual a habit. When we did Sally’s initial eval and she told us that she stopped taking d**gs every month during her period and that she had not taken any d**gs sence she and Gary had been reunited and we could see she wasn’t climbing the walls we knew her dependency was primarily psychological and what she really needed is what she has always needed the love of her pairents and Gary and I believe that she now has that plus! My last concern was weather Sally and Gary could be successfully sexually intimate, and last night and Sally says three times and once and this morning Doc says yes well they were. Doris being very observant says to Doc you said Sally now has our love and Gary’s love plus what do you mean by plus. Doc says from my wait no how do I say this Sally yells I’M PREGNET FROM LAST! Doris asks how you can possibly know that, Doc says I’m 99.9999 % sure. Doris says oh my, then she says OH MY runs over to Sally pulls her into her arms OH MY BABY IS HAVING A BABY she is crying. Doc says I have some more can we all please sit down. Doc says in Sally’s case she was not d**g addicted, but it was a habit that was broken the second Gary rescued her from her pimp and John you would be very proud of your future son-in-law for the way he did that, any way Sally does not need residential treatment. Spots in this facility are highly sought and honestly Sally does not need to be here, I will recommend at least monthly counseling sessions. So, what I’m saying is your things are over there get out have a good life and I expect an invite to the wedding!


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