Hootie 02


Hootie 02

Hey, it’s Hootie again and I’m back to finish off some of my adventures at Skippy’s Halloween party last year that I attended as a Mummy. I may not have been accurate, but I chose the 3300 years old Queen Nefertiti as my Mummy name because she was the subject of a documentary that played on TV recently and she sounded pretty cool. Plus, LOL, if I said her name fast enough, it sounded like nerf ball titties.

Anyways, the Mummy jumpsuit costume was decent, but I spent the daylight hours on the day of the Halloween party trying to level it up. I thought that the cloth drapes on the costume were a little light, so I went to the pharmacy and bought some extra ace bandages to add a little more effect to the costume. Unfortunately, the ace bandages that were available on the shelf were a different shade of flesh tone, so I limited my additions to a hand glove wraps, a choker and a makeshift belt for the jumpsuit, which I draped a few extra strips of bandage over.

All in all, the costume wasn’t all that bad and I felt ready to work the barn party as the eye mask ticket agent, but not before I asked for a little help with the extra facial makeup. I mean, getting my normal CD makeup just right took me a long time to perfect, but the “dead” look was new to me, even though the costume bag came with a great picture of their model. So, I called in an expert, Tasha Jean, for some help. LOL, she was more than pleased to stop by at 6pm to decorate my face with the look of centuries of biodegrading look.

“So, what minimal job did they stick you with, Hootie? Hold still or I’ll mess up your “dead” look.”

“Eye mask distribution at the front door and then beer cup refilling. Are you going tonight?”

“For a while. Cute costume, by the way, but let’s add a few strips of cloth over your front. You’re, you know, kind of poking the front of the jumpsuit. So, is it true that Jay has been fagging on you during the halftime breaks? Just because we don’t attend game watches, we still know what’s going on. Girlfriends aren’t exactly bitch stupid, like your job at the party tonight.”

“Oh, no, I think he talks about it to the guys when he’s drunk, but he has never really tried anything. Um, maybe more of a black streak down the side of my left eye. Start here and end about here.”

“But Skippy, right? You two seem, ah, close, right?”

“Um, I made an advance, but he’s all, you know, macho and stuff. Give me a couple of red bite marks from a cobra snake here and a few streaks of blood under each corner of my mouth.”

“LOL, make an advance on his crotch and all that macho stuff will go out the window. There, all done, Miss Mummy.”

“Nefertiti, Queen of the Dessert way back in the day.”

“Ah, nerf ball titties? Anyways, I’ll probably see you later, Hootie.”

“Wait, I’ve, ah, I’ve never been kissed or anything.”

“LOL, stop being in such a hurry nerf ball titties. Your time will come.”

Well, I must say, with the extra drapes and the dark makeup, the costume looked pretty good on me. I was ready to go and Tasha Jean basically trotted out of the door.

“OMG, I was kind of suggesting that you teach me how to kiss, you know, Tasha Jean!”

“Sorry Hootie, but you know, my sister, right? Katrina is still waiting on you. I mean, who knows why, but she is. See you, sweetie.”

Ah, forget about Katrina for now. She’s great and all, but OMG, she had so many rules, none of which fit in this story, so back to said story, right? Besides, Katrina is away at Coastal and probably living it up in the dorms.

Since I dressed and made up, I headed to the party to assume my position behind the table and OMG, when I got there, I found out that Skippy was dead serious about the eye masks! The boxes were full of them and not the cheap ones either. So, I took some time to sort them out and line them up across the table by style and color. Clearly, Skippy bought everything he could get his hands on.

“Hey early bird, it’s good to see you. Nice costume and makeup, by the way.”

“Hi Skippy. I just wanted to get set up before the stupid people started to show up without a costume. So, the pizza money? I assume they will find us back here in the barn.”

“Right, right here. There should be more than enough. Oh, here comes Larry with the kegs. BRB Mummy.”

“Nefertiti, Queen of the Dessert, way back in the day.”

“Alright nerf ball titties. Hey, you’re still my secret T-Girl, right?”

“Well, sure, just as soon as you take me from stupid cross dresser to a wanted and desired T-Girl. Or are we just going to play the game for a while longer? In other words, you need to make a move!”

“LOL, all in good time, nerf ball. BRB.”

Damn, two kegs? Just how many stupid geeks were showing up tonight, right? I mean, a keg holds a lot of beer and I know because I have been assigned beer serving duties more than once. LOL, and guess what? Maybe I wasn’t as early as I had thought because I had my first customer.

“Larry, a yellow and Kurtköy travesti purple mask will look good on you. Here, put it on. It’s the law around these parts.”

“Or you’ll go all bitch crazy on me?”

“Never mind all that. Sparkles are all the rage these days. By the way, what’s the word for tonight?”

“Well, you didn’t hear this from me, but there’s going to be a cat fight between Suzie and Casey over Tommy.”

“Oh, so in other words, Suzie and Casey are both showing up as Cat Woman and Tommy has nothing to do with it. So, if you’re not interested in unraveling me, then move along, I have more customers.”

It was surprising how the people started to file in. I mean it seemed like wearing a costume wasn’t anyone’s first priority, but that’s what kept me busy. I was distributing masks as required, the keg was tapped and the spooky music got cranked up and in a short amount of time, it was a party.

“Hey, what’s your Mummy name, Hootie?”

“Nefertiti, Queen of the Dessert, way back in the day or nerf ball titties for short. You don’t need to take a mask Charles because you’re in costume, but you can have one if you want one.”

“Will you help me put it on behind the barn, nerf ball titties?”

“Maybe later Charles. Have fun tonight and keep thinking about me. There is a zipper in the back, if that’s something you want to know.”

Oh great, so that’s how tonight is going to go, huh? I moved him along and went back to my job, until OMG, what the hell, right? Two boat loads showed up and everyone stopped by my table on their way into the barn, no matter how many times I said that my work station was for non-costume wearing party guests only.

“You alright, Hootie or should I say nerf ball titties?”

“I’m good Heidi, it’s just that everyone showed up at once. So, are you going to piss me off tonight?”

“Ah, don’t be like that, Hootie. Skippy isn’t that way, you know, your way, so you have no room to go all bitch crazy on me. Unless you want to watch and learn something?”

“No thanks, Heidi. Do you like my costume?”

“Sure baby, someone will unravel you before the night is over. Chow!”

Hmmm, so that’s how this night is going to go, huh? Hootie gets stuck at the front door and everyone runs around sexing up everyone else. And speaking of who the first person that Heidi was going to suck off, Skippy came strolling by the table.

“Hey Hootie, the Pizza Shop called and said that they would be here soon, so keep your eyes out for them. Damn, are we going to run out of masks?”

“LOL, no, I have the other box under the table. So, I know I promised not to bring that one subject up, but are there any hanging cloth drapes that you would like to pull on or anything? Or maybe you want to unravel me or something???? There’s a zipper in the back.”

“Stop that and enjoy the party, Hootie. Oh, by the way, you can use the bathroom on the second floor of the main house. You know where the hidden stairway is, right?”

“Please, call me nerf ball titties tonight. Heidi is looking for you, by the way.”

“Hmmm, keep things under control nerf ball.”

Alright, so, that’s it, right? I may not know much about engaging with another human being, but I did understand what two strikes meant, so, you know, moving on, right?

That’s when I decided to use that second bathroom before the food arrived, so I asked Tasha Jean to watch the front door for a few minutes while I dashed off.

“So, I just stand here and hand out masks?”

“Well, yeah, but first explain to me just how deep you take a guy down your throat?”

“Ah, listen to you, trying to up your sissy game. Deep baby, real deep. I mean men like their Lolli Pops to hit bottom and you have to let them know that they hit bottom by flexing your throat muscles around their purple heads. Flex and squeeze enough and you’ll win for sure.”

“You mean they win, right?”

“Same thing nerf ball. Hurry back. Jack’s been eyeing me up. Oh, and whatever happens, I won’t mention anything to Katrina. That’s your job to come clean, right Hootie?”

“Hey, I’m not anything. I was just asking questions because Katrina just texted me and said she couldn’t wait to see over winter break and I wanted to know some stuff.”

“Oh, OK sissy. Be quick.”

That’s when I made a mad dash for the main farmhouse to make my way up the back stairway to use the bathroom that hardly anyone knew about. I was surprised that Jay followed me. Mr. Big Talk Jay.

“What’s on your mind, Jay? Why are you following me? And be honest.”

“I want to unravel you and play with your nerf ball titties. Also, I heard that there’s a zipper in the back and boom, you’re basically naked.”


“Can we just go upstairs?”

I suppose it’s fair to say that I took his hand and led the way through the large farmhouse until we came upon the stairway door that wasn’t obvious unless you knew what door to open.

“Last chance to save your manly macho status Kurtköy travestileri Jay. Behind this door is the stairway of no return.”

And then I suppose it was fair to say that Jay took the lead and walked me up the steps, until we were about half way up, when I halted our upward movement.

“Now what, Jay?”

Oh, so now Jay is a man of few words, right? He jerked my hand and led us to the top of the steps and OMG, there were like four rooms up there. I mean, old farmhouses, right? But not rooms of comfort because there was little to no furniture of any type in any of the rooms.

“Oops, no beds up here, so I guess you go relief yourself and then we go back outside, right, Jay? Unless you’re into kissing that is.”

“No way, that’s too gay even for me, but maybe you can kiss something else for me? I mean, this is as alone as we can be.”

Well, except for Darla and Andrew who popped up the steps like two forbidden teenagers.

“Oops, hey Hootie, hey Jay, don’t mind us, but we followed you because the two of you looked like forbidden teenagers looking for a secret spot to engage with sexual activity. Ah, we’ll find a small room and you won’t even know we’re up here cheating on our partners. Andi sweetie, make sure they have a few condoms and then come find me. I’ll be a peeking and a booing, boo.”

Huh, guy code, right? Jay and Andrew slid off to the side and made some kind of secret hand off with the condoms that haven’t been viewed as X-rated in forever. And what the hell took them so long was even worse! I mean, come on, they are available in vending machines these days. Which gave me more than enough time to slip into the tiny room at the end of the hallway.

“Hey, Darla, are you in here?”

“Hey nerf ball, what’s up? You want to see my tits or what?”

“Well, are you going to tell anyone I was up here? Also, nice tits. Mine are nerfs.”

“No Hootie, this is all private. Did you want me to unzip your jumpsuit to get the party started?”

Ah snap, I didn’t know that Jay and Andrew had slipped into the room behind us. Also, I didn’t know that two guys had enough nerve to pull their dicks out in front of each other, let alone stand there, side by side, stroking off as they stared forward as Darla pulled my long zipper down and pushed my costume off of my shoulders. Which means I was wrong about the point of no return earlier. This was the point of no return. Especially when Darla spun me around and gently pushed me down by the shoulders.

So, guess what the problem is when a girl helps you completely out of a Mummy jumpsuit? That’s right, there is touching and pulling and accidental rubbing and all that resulted in a fem boy boner, which was quite embarrassing as I stood there basically naked. Thankfully, LOL, I wear like three pairs of undies all the time. Also, it was two pairs, but my bulge was obvious, just the same.

“Don’t worry about gagging during your first time Hootie. Just keep relaxing your throat muscles. Jay, your helmet should make an impression right about here or so. Ahh, look at Hootie, Jay, kneeling down for you all topless and stuff with a sissy boner. Oh well, have fun. Also, try not to kick her nerf balls under anything. It’s too dark up here to look for stuff.”

With that, Darla spun around herself and leaned against the wall with her hands up high and Andrew wasted no time in pushing down her animal print skirt and panties to the floor. Also, with that, Jay broke out of his inhibitions and moved forward himself. And OMG, he kept moving forward and more forward until it felt like he was giving me a medical exam from the inside out.

“Ooh, that’s it, Hootie, that’s the stuff. Yeah, get a little movement going nerf ball, back and forth and all around. Ooh, yeah, just like that. Oh, you’re my side piece now, Hootie. Hey, Andi, you want some of Hootie’s mouth before I flip her over? She’ll love Darla’s taste.”

“Oh, too late, bro, I’m blowing wad!”

Hah, mental note, Andrew has no control. Either that or Jay had been pounding my throat for longer than I thought. Hah, another mental note, LOL, Andrew folded like a wet noodle! Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your point of view, Darla wasn’t satisfied by her wet limp noodle lover and pushed me to the side and well, I guess she took over. By the way, Darla is very limber.

“Sorry sissy, but you weren’t exactly ready for any of this anyways. Do me Jay, do me deep.”

And as for another mental note, SOB, how does one get to be that limber? I mean, she was basically standing up, yet she managed to bronco his ass all over the place. Oh, and by the last way, LOL, Darla is not a quiet lover or one to pay much attention to what was actually happening.

“Ah, Darla, Jay is bare backing you! You’re going to get all bitch crazy PG and stuff.”

“So? He’s deep enough to bypass that area, right?”

Alright, so Darla took a nap during sex ed when they showed that part of the presentation, but they looked Travesti kurtköy to be locked in, so I laid back and rested my head on Andrew’s chest. I never thought for a minute that I would be in such a situation. I mean, I guess I had some level of sex that night and then there were two other people in the room and OMG, then there I was, kicking back against Andrew’s body and watching the Darla take it from Jay, which of course had little to do with Jay. He was most certainly just along for the ride, but OMG, a ride of his life!

I don’t remember how long this went on for, but it seemed like forever. And I say forever because that’s how long I thought it would take for me to actually snuggle up that close to a mostly naked human being.

“It’s alright, Hootie, you can crawl up on him. And don’t be shy about fondling him in front of me. We are just casual sex partners. OMG, damn Jay, that’s the speed baby. Wear me out, Jay.”

Well, I wasn’t going to do that, but his body was soft to lay on and oh so warm, so I assumed a full body position across him and watched just exactly how much control Jay had. I mean, it had been several minutes and he was still in stride. I mean, like, what the hell, right? Where was his pent up load and when was it coming out?

Somewhere in the middle of the show, Andrew took control and began manipulating me down his warm body towards his recovering cock, which still glistened with the shine from the sex he just had with Darla before he lost his load in his condom so quickly, which was a little mesmerizing, even the light in the room was so dim. I almost wished that he would have used his free hand to roll another condom on just so I could watch that show too. I mean, there I was at 21 and I had only had a condom on me once and that was just for fun and show as I was home alone.

And then my mesmerized state went out the window. Like I said, Darla is not a quiet person.

“Go on Hootie, you know you want to, just extend your hand sweetie. Nature will take over from there and by the way, Andrew is moaning for you, nerf ball titties. Kiss his nipples as you lower your head. Oh, holy you’re splitting me two Jay, pound me like I’m your slut, baby.”

Or I could shut it and take a few lessons from the coach, I guessed, right? LOL, listening to Darla was like getting a play-by-play from a football game. But I managed to turn my attention back to Andrew.

“Ah, how did you recover so quickly, Andrew?”

“That’s just my deal. I don’t last long, but I can go every ten minutes. So, are you going to sit on it or suck it?”

“Oh, I need to get back to my work station and pay for the pizza.”

“Roll a condom on me, Hootie.”

It was tempting for sure, but the moment didn’t seem right for that, so I followed his lead and LOL, Darla’s lead and lowered my jaws over his hard dick and pretended to know how to suck a guy off. Which Andrew took as foreplay to get it wet, I guess, because after just a few short moments, he flipped me up and did his best to sit me down on his missile.

“Wiggle it in Hootie, you’ll be OK. Wiggle it down.”

Hah, like I knew what that meant, right? I mean, I bounced a little, I think.

“You’re a wiggle, Andrew! Get out of the way, fool.”

Well, again, I didn’t know how to properly handle a boner, but I spun around and grabbed it and tried my best to get him off, knowing that he would blow his wad as soon as the wind picked up.

“Aim it at your belly, Hootie! Aim it quick! Ugh!”

“Oh, you mean your warm belly? OK.”

Oh no, I wasn’t making a mess out of myself and he didn’t have to go anywhere like I did, so I aimed it him and he did the rest. And I don’t mind saying that he has little to be ashamed of. I mean, my first load after a week was never as powerful as his second in less then ten minutes. I was, however, a little worried about his breathing.

“Andrew, are you alright? Should I give you mouth to mouth now? Darla, I should give him mouth to mouth I think.”

“Huff, oh, Jay, Jay don’t stop baby, it will stay wet for you, make it sloppy Jay. Ah, what Hootie?”

“Mouth to mouth, damn it! Should I go all bitch crazy with mouth to mouth? Andrew is passing out!”

“He’ll be alright, OMG, oh, go take care of the, ooh, ahh, go pay for the pizza, Hootie. Woo, hit me deep Jay, nail me like I cheated on you. Make me your number one, Jay.”

Well, Darla and Andrew were lost causes and I had to go. I mean, there was a good chance that Brie would deliver our pizza and nobody wants to miss that, right? And there is nothing better than being the person with the pizza money because she will have to pay attention to me for at a few minutes.

Oh, and by the way, I have no idea how long Jay lasted, but it seemed like Jay was going to be a desirable husband or lover in the future. Which is another story because I had never known Jay to be with a girl before, so that’s just something for future investigation.

And because I’m bitch crazy with “by the ways”, I straddled Andrew and gave him a little mouth to mouth, whether he knew it not just before I bounced up. I’m also not one to kiss and tell, but he knew that he was getting mouth to mouth life saving attention and responded. Also, sex is messy, especially when you straddled the puddles of goo.

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