
Big Tits

Given leave to explore Hossa’s naked body was an opportunity Radu had long desired. Already at the Sultan’s side with the ravishingly beautiful Tursun, Radu watched with nervous delight as the tall, slender eunuch disrobed. “Come here,” Radu beckoned, but there was a playfulness to the order that seemed to relax Hossa’s tensed, muscled shoulders. In the half-light of the candles, Radu could nearly make out the more curious scars of his anatomy.

Without hesitation, Hossa crossed the room, approaching the Sultan’s bed; Radu smiled openly and the slave smiled back with genuine affection. At once, he dropped to his knees, but as Mehmed was already caught up in the honeyed skin of Tursun, Radu leaned over the edge of the bed and wordlessly extended his hand to his friend. Hossa rose with such grace that Radu’s heart leapt into his throat. Of course, like Radu, he had been trained to serve; knowing when to play coy and when to be forward, how to circumnavigate boundaries that otherwise remained unchallenged, except in the most private of chambers.

Adept Hossa, naked, scarred, lovely Hossa, leaned over him and preemptively kissed him, another testament to his skill. The lips were warm, full, and as soft as silk. Radu raised his hands to the man’s beardless face, drawing the bottom lip down as his fingers caressed Hossa’s cheeks, his tongue seeking the heat of his lover’s mouth. He had been fearful of this moment, of the possibility that he might desire no man but Mehmed. Relief sent a warm pulse between his thighs, winding its way around his other limbs before settling low in his belly.

Encircling Hossa’s neck, he knelt on the high bed and pressed against the other, letting Hossa’s hands trail up and down his back as their kiss deepened. Hossa cupped the seductive curves of the prince’s buttocks, his fingertips glancing over the most sensitive areas.

The throaty sound Radu made was enough to disrupt Mehmed from Tursun’s amorous teasing. The sultan chuckled softly when he saw what had aroused his vassal. Before Radu could shake free from wave of bliss traveling up his spine, Mehmed extracted himself from Tursun’s attentions, satisfying a whim by grasping one of Hossa’s arms and adroitly fixing a kiss on Radu’s hip as the eunuch trembled. “I should have known it would take his hand on your ass to rouse your heat,” he laughed. “But it does defeat the point of this whole excersize. You are supposed to be fucking him, remember?”

Radu looked down at the Sultan’s dusky face, hovering somewhere near his thigh. Releasing Hossa’s arm, Mehmed stroked Radu’s right buttock. Giggling, he slapped the shapely mound with the palm of his hand. The sting caught him off guard and he fell forward into Hossa. Hossa laughed, stumbling backward on impact, but clutching him closer, passionate, his eyes locked on the Prince’s. Mehmed appeared amused by the ardent play of his two loyal followers, and retreated back to Tursun’s side.

Still aroused, but distracted, Radu at last succumbed to his curiosity. Lowering his eyes from Hossa’s, he traced his fingers over the other’s collarbone, reveling in the texture of the smooth, ruddy skin. His hands traveled the length of his lover’s torso, feeling each rib as it slid under his fingers, stopping as his hands came to rest on the splay of his hips, the velvet drape of his skin resting like a veil over the bones. Bending at the waist, he planted a slow, wet kiss on the other’s navel, then sat back on his hauches to admire the rest of the slave’s body.

Up close, Radu saw that only an inch or two of the other man’s penis remained. He’d felt it brush against his belly in their love play, but now, innocently, Radu stared at the strange appendage with a mix of fear and awe. Hossa seemed to expect this reaction; reaching out, he grasped Radu’s hand and placed two of his fingertips at the center of the scar. Radu flinched.

It was nothing like the smooth, even skin of the rest of his body. Rather, the skin bunched inward over the lump of flesh. A nub of silver peeked out of the center. Radu touched it and watched Hossa flinch, not in pain, but out of embarrassment. “How do you take a piss,” Radu asked inquisitively.

“I take it out.”

“Does it hurt?”

Hossa nodded. “Not so much now, though. And only if I leave it out for too long.”

Radu stroked his cheek, admiring the wound. Poor, sweet Hossa. “Monsters,” he whispered, tasting the disdain as he spit out the word. Turks did not do this. No Muslim would castrate a living creature. He recalled what Hossa told him earlier of his life before the harem: tales of slavers and pirates, his own father no better, and the capture of his small coastal village in Bosnia. Never once had he discussed şişli escort the terms of his agonies or the gruesome specifics of his castration.

“It’s not so bad as some of the others.”

Radu tilted his head. “Still.”

“I am glad I am here. I am very happy.” He looked as if it were true. Of course, it was his pleased smile and not the rapture of his body that gave Radu that reassurance.

On his back in the Sultan’s bed, Radu straddled Hossa in the luxurious linen. Dreamlike, he smiled, then bent over between Hossa’s legs to lick the eunuch’s hairless crotch. “Don’t waste your time, Radu,” Mehmed said, reaching to lightly shove Radu’s shoulder. Radu’s fingers traced along the edge of the scar below the shaft that barred Hossa from this pleasure.

“That’s too bad,” Radu said, feeling a little dejected.

Hossa sighed lovingly. “I would like it if I could taste you,” he offered.

Of course you do, the prince thought, as if you have before. You love to suck me off, even if I never fuck you. Or perhaps it was because I never. I have never been cruel to you and I do know that I please you, somehow.

“Not now, Hossa.” With Radu’s prompting, Hossa laid flat on his stomach, hips and ass up, his legs apart. Radu slid between his thighs, lubricating the entire length of Hossa’s warm cleft as he searched for an entrance. The slave’s puckered hole wasn’t hard to find: he stroked the skin, feeling a heat not unlike his lover’s mouth. First toying at it with his forefinger, he slipped it inside. Hossa rose onto all fours in response, easily sliding over one digit, down to the knuckle.

Deftly adding a second finger, Radu enjoyed his position, watching Hossa’s taut ass greedily swallow half his hand; at the introduction of a third finger, his movements slowed. He knew Hossa was wise enough not to issue instructions. Much of their lessons had come at the hand of the same teachers.

Now, in the role once reserved for those who sought out his own talents, Radu tried to isolate the baser movements that had roused him to passion. He could not be sure it was exactly the same for Hossa, whose pleasure was limited. You would not have known it, though. From the look on Hossa’s face, each kiss, each lusty shove, brought a modicrum of bliss to his blighted form. Kissing the arching line of his tailbone, Radu slid his fingers out of the warmth of Hossa’s body, where his cock waited to replace them.

Stroking himself to stay hard, he pushed gently but firmly against the oiled entrance and felt the tight muscle open for him, inviting. Hossa pushed back, encouraging Radu to fuck him. The crinkled skin of his asshole slithered around the prince’s shaft, clutching it tightly, widening slowly as he entered. As Radu moaned in pleasure, Hossa muttered something equally incomprehensible, his chin lifted to the ceiling. Leaning over his slick back, Radu wrapped one forearm around the slave’s belly and drew him up against his chest, giving him enough leverage to force himself the rest of the way in.

Hossa’s insides flexed in response to his exertions and Radu felt his cock surrounded by a dry, pleasing warmth. Amazed by the new sensation, he straightened up, pushing the slave back to the bed and, hips forward, pressing himself further still against the soft curves of the eunuch, working his shaft into the slave’s tight hole, savoring every clutching pulse the muscle gave.

“Oh,” Hossa moaned, squeezing his eyes shut tightly until tears formed in the corners of his kohl-lined eyelids. “Oh. Ohh.” A sharp intake of breath accompanied the new sounds. Radu shushed him with a kiss, gently nudging the newfound curve in his lover’s insides.

Mehmed was still watching, his eyes glinting, a tiny amused smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Do you feel it, Lover? You’ll only touch it if you take him doubled over against you.”

Radu kissed the eunuch’s neck, rubbing his hand over the hairless belly, soft buttocks moulded fully to the curve of his groin while his rampant sword was sheathed in Hossa’s bowels. “Am I hurting you,” he asked, not really wanting to know the answer. To keep the other from responding in haste, he added: “It feels so good, Hossa.”

Hossa pressed his lips to Radu’s cheek, nuzzling his neck. Radu heard the breath catch in his throat as he shifted his pelvis, jostling the farthest corner of Hossa’s insides. “No,” the slave said, so softly that Radu knew he had to have been the only one to hear. Hossa’s tongue flicked out to tease at Radu’s earlobe, fueling the passion that stabbed into his gut. “No, because you love me,” he pronounced.

Now that he was motionless, Hossa’s body was adjusting to the stretched feeling and the nişantaşı escort fullness of the prince’s smaller, but equally capable member.

“I do love you,” Radu returned.

Over the course of several moments, Radu withdrew. Both lovers gasped at the sensation of Hossa’s asshole dragging over his thickness. It seemed to take forever, but finally the rim of his cockhead butted up to the inside ring of Hossa’s sphincter. Not wanting to stretch him too much until he was more relaxed, he went no further out and began to slide back in.

Hossa shivered in his grasp. “Oh, slowly. Please, be slow.” His eyes darted quickly to Mehmed, accertaining that he had not overstepped his role as slave. The sultan’s eyes were half-closed, while Tursun’s mouth glided over his stiff cock. He had heard nothing of the exchange.

Radu meanwhile obeyed his instructions and fed his cock back into Hossa more slowly. When his hips nestled against the eunuch’s buttocks for the second time, he paused, taking a breath. Gradually he repeated the motion as the slave adjusted to the intrusion. After that, Radu increased his tempo, a burning in his abdomen propelling him onward, working a bit faster each time, cautious to avoid that place that had made Hossa tense in pain. He clutched the silken blankets to keep from thrusting too hard or too quickly. He liked this position too much, close and tight against the other, to give it up on account of Hossa’s comfort. Hossa appeared to feel something as well, though Radu could only speculate how articulate this pleasure was.

Mehmed rolled away from Tursun and crawled down the bed, first meeting Radu’s eyes, then his lips as the prince continued plunging his slick instrument into the slave’s asshole. He slipped down next to them, planting a kiss on Hossa’s shoulder. Without looking, he reached between the two men, fingers intent on the spot where the two joined together.

Pinching the base of Radu’s throbbing member between two fingers. Reaching from behind, his other hand glanced off the prince’s testicles, stroking the warm cleft between Radu’s legs. Radu’s vision swam, pitching him deep inside the eunuch, Mehmed’s hand still clasped between them. But as Radu pulled out, intent on ramming himself deep into Hossa, Mehmed seized the length of his shaft, holding him back.

“Stop there.” Radu had no choice but to obey. Hossa’s anus twitched on the head of his cock; only Mehmed’s grip kept Radu from exploding at the sensation. Growling at Mehmed, Radu watched as he pushed the slave back on all fours, intent on dislodging Radu’s erection from Hossa’s ass. Radu struggled to keep the disappointment from his face as he inquired: “Do you want him now?” Breathless, he also hoped Mehmed would at least keep hold of his cock until the burning and tingling in his balls ceased. Elsewise, it would be too late for him to continue either way.

Mehmed, still gripping him tightly, shook his head. When Radu looked confused, he said simply: “We’re going to fuck him together, lover.” Radu felt his erection surge again. For gentle Hossa’s sake, he wanted to refuse, but the waves of pleasure that flowed from his hard cock to his brain would not let him. “At the same time?” he asked, incredulous.

Mehmed noticed his concern and offered his own reassurances. “No worries, Radu, Hossa can handle it. He’s taken a lot more than cock in that ass. If all he has to put up with for the rest of his life is us, I think he would die happy. Right, Hossa?”

Hossa nodded but did not look at them. Something in his body language suggested that he did not exactly agree.

“Or you could fuck me while I finish inside of him,” Radu suggested.

“Don’t argue, or instead it will be my fist.” Caressing Hossa’s curved buttocks, he brought his hand to his lips, licking his knuckles, then placing his wet, balled fist against over the slave’s anus, grinning when the man trembled. Then he grasped the slave’s thighs and spread them wide apart. “And I want you in control of yourself, Radu.” With that warning, he laid down on his back and directed Hossa to mount him. Hossa did as requested. Resting on Mehmed’s stomach, the slave waited for further instructions.

“Fuck me,” Mehmed told the slave. Hossa rose up and down on Mehmed’s cock, his face a mask, taking him deeply each time. Mehmed closed his eyes against the sensation, pulling Hossa down to his face and kissing him fully on the mouth. Hossa slid part way off the impaling shaft as he stretched over the Sultan’s body. Mehmed motioned Radu over, then spread Hossa’s ass, revealing a glimpse of the pink interior, his cock dominating the full width of the already stretched canal.

Hossa looked relieved when Radu topkapı escort reached for the bottle of oil. First, he grasped the base of Mehmed’s organ, lubricating it before slipping his moistened fingers inside the slave. Hossa sucked in a breath at the increase in width and Mehmed stroked his arms, soothing him. Smoothing the slick liquid over his own cock, Radu kissed Hossa’s neck and slid his cock against Mehmed’s. The friction was intense, a burning, pulsing heat that lit up the head of his penis as he pushed, aiming for Hossa’s insides, with Mehmed stretched beneath him.

This time, Hossa was much more resistant, not accustomed to taking this much. Radu felt his cock want to bend in the middle, bearing down on Hossa’s delicate opening. His desire to stay coupled against Mehmed’s prick swelled as he clutched his own aching member, pressing his penis harder against the Sultan’s and nudging at Hossa’s entrance. Remembering the warmth of Hossa’s sweat slicked thighs and soft insides beckoned him to continue.

Mehmed groaned, shifting his weight under the two thin men. He wrapped his arms around Hossa’s shoulders. “Breathe and push out, Hossa,” he reminded him.

Hossa’s sides expanded as took a deep breath, straining, grunting then crying out; his rosebud blossomed, the living space inside him growing to admit them both. Breathless, Radu was carried along on the wave of Mehmed’s deep thrust. Hossa twitched, instinctively twisting away from this new torture. Mehmed forced Hossa still, one hand clutching his shoulder and holding him back from escaping. With one final push from the prince, the eunuch was completely, and doubly, penetrated.

After this unforgiving entrance, Mehmed soothed him, laying kisses over his lips and chin. His hand dipped between them, caressing the top of straining flesh, only a third of it his own. “I can feel both of you and it feels so beautiful” he murmured.

Radu continued his onslaught slowly and carefully, but Mehmed was not equally as patient. Mehmed’s throbbing member under his sensitive shaft propelled him to maintain a precarious hold over his own orgasm.

The pair slid in and out awkwardly first one, then the other, until the slave adjusted to the impalement and stopped trying to pull away. At last he began to ride them, forcing the two lovers to thrust in tandem, but stretching his sphincter with the immense union of their organs until Radu thought the other might have split open completely.

He bucked, the thickness of the two unforgiving as they pummeled him at alternating intervals. Hossa could only cry out in agony as he endured a crippling assault, pinned between the Sultan and his tribute. Mehmed gripped Radu’s buttocks for leverage, pumping furiously, his cock sliding over the prince’s. The friction burned through every pore in Radu’s body.

Hosa rose up to take them deeper. Rubbing his hand over the slave’s flat belly, imaging he could feel the combined strength of manhood under the flesh, Radu moaned in exstacy. Giving his lust free reign he grabbed hold of Hossa’s waist. Hossa screamed as they stretched that cavern, filling it with both their full lengths and widths. Back and forth through Hossa’s clenching grip he ploughed, yelling as he felt the final release burning in his belly. With a mighty shove, Radu buried himself to the hilt in Hossa’s ass so hard that he drove the slave flat against Mehmed, the two lovers falling on top of him, all three coming together in the dark warmth of Hossa’s body.

Radu lay there for a moment until he felt Mehmed’s cock softening. The sultan slid free of Hossa’s loose hole with a sucking squelch and Radu’s shrinking member came with it. Hossa whimpered.

Radu ran his hands over Hossa’s back, caressing him appologetically as Mehmed rolled off to one side, silent. Touching Hossa’s bottom, Radu grimaced at the man’s tenderness, his anus red and abused, still wide as a fig, but shrinking even as he watched. Not the warm bud, it now seeped like a painful wound, the combined seed of two virile men dripping over the stretched rectum, even as he tried to hold back long enough to be excused.

Radu completed his humiliating inspection, exploring the hole with a fingertip to be sure he was not too badly injured. He wanted him to simply let go. Mehmed would not have minded. The blankets were already drenched with sweat and sex. Hossa squirmed, as sensitive to the pain of the probing as he was to the embarassment. He was wet, wide open, but not hurt.

The eunuch curled in upon himself, moving as far from their reach as possible in the well-apportioned bed, obviously in pain and uncomfortable. Radu thought for a moment, wanting most to curl around him and comfort him, then suddenly recalled: “You may leave, Hossa, but only to relieve yourself.”

He was slow to move, finally slipping from the room, but returning shortly thereafter. Radu held out his arms expectantly, but Hossa only shuffled to the bed, his gait unsteady, pained.

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