I Thought We Were More Ch. 13

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Jacob woke up naked and asleep on his bed. He noticed that he was wearing a watch. It read in plain numbers

6:32:2#. The # sign represents the seconds and was ticking by second after second. He pulled up his phone and texted Heather.

“What do the numbers on my watch represent?”

“That is the time down to the second since your last release. After 48 hours you should start getting worried. That is why I suggest you begin lining up your next partner. You don’t want it to come down to the last wire. And remember, rape, is also out of the question.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.” Jacob texted back.

“I forgot to tell you that last night. I wanted to make sure you knew though. If you get past 48 hours I want you to have a way to relieve the pain but I don’t want you to break any laws.”

“I’d rather die than force someone to get me off.”

“Well since that is a very real possibility I suggest you start getting flirty or persuasive…or both. I am no longer allowed to bail you out. Last night was your only freebie.”

Jacob’s mind went to last night. He remembered quite vividly how amazing it had felt, just getting a hand job from Heather. His body seemed to genuinely crave being touched. He didn’t want to procrastinate on this but he also didn’t want to continue hurting people by pulling “Fuck and forgets.”

Then again this person that was now in control of him had created the perfect situation in which he practically had to go from one “one night stand” to the next.

“Little hint: Check the social Media site and also check Clair’s website she made about you.”

This was again a text from Heather.

Jacob thought of going to the site but he decided he had a much better route, and her name was Taylor.

Taylor had practically molested him the night she had come over to visit. He thought he had drawn her off by slowly massaging her lady parts with his hands until she had came over and over again. Unfortunately it had only seemed to stoke her fire and she pounced on him like a jungle cat as he came out of the shower.

He texted her first.

“Hey Taylor. It’s Jacob. How have you been?”

After a while she finally responded back.

“Pretty good. I’ve got a boyfriend now.”

Jacob’s heart sank. The one person he wouldn’t have felt bad about having a one night stand with and she had a boyfriend now.

“Why you texting me out of the blue?”

“Can’t I see how an old friend is doing?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call us ‘old friends’.”

“Well I have seen more of you than I have of most of my friends. That’s gotta be worth a few years.”

“I’m not sure it works that way.” She texted back.

“So who is the new guy?”

“Someone better than you :P”

Jacob paused as he read this last one. He didn’t know how to interpret her emoticon. Was she messing with him, or was she truly trying to get a reaction out of him? He left it alone and simply texted “Good for you.”

She didn’t text him back so he decided to try and return to a life that was somewhat like the one he had known before Heather had come over the first time. He got ready for school and went through his daily cycle of classes.

He saw Rose and Alex but they seemed to ignore him. This hurt him quite a bit as he still wanted to at least be friends with both of them.

As the day wound down Jacob looked down at his watch. It now read 20:08 and a few seconds. He knocked out his homework quickly and then shot a text to Heather.

“What difference does it make to this guy whether or not I sleep with women? I don’t see the point of this little game of his.”

“Well on the most basic level, this is a live form of pornography.”

“How is that? He can’t even watch me getting it on with these girls.”

He didn’t get a text back immediately and he began to worry.

“He can see me somehow, can’t he?” Jacob texted.

“He and I can tap into your ocular nerve to be able to see what you are seeing. I can do it at any time, he can only do it when I drop the firewall to the program he is using to monitor you and your other vitals. He can see all of your other vitals at any given moment. I can see your vitals and what you are seeing whenever I want to. Oh and of course the firewall automatically drops any time your vitals show signs of sexual activity.”

“Why can you see what I see at any given moment?”

“Because he and I are both watching to make sure you are following his rules. But it is only fair to you that an unbiased party have the most control over you.”

“Wow I didn’t really think there Antep Escort Bayan would be any rules in my favor.”

“We are not completely inhuman.”

“You mentioned trying to remove the device could cause a fatal reaction from the device. Does that mean you wouldn’t mind if I were killed?”

“Jacob…the punishment for removing the device has to be a drastic one. Would I be sad to see you die? Of course I would. I don’t want to see anyone die. I’m not doing it for the greatest reasons, it does pay pretty well, but believe it or not I am rooting for you. For my boss it is nothing more than the opportunity to see pornography in its purest form.”

“You people are something else.” Jacob texted back. He hated the amount of pure control they seemed to have over him. Now he had to deal with knowing that at any moment Heather could be watching through his eyes and seeing what he could see. At least he had met her. That made it a little less creepy.

“Consult the two sites I told you about. They will have plenty of partners for you to get relief from.”

It was the last text he would receive from Heather for the night. He put the phone on his coffee table and brought his lap top up into his recliner with him.

He looked at his watch. 23:34 and thirty something seconds were on the screen. One day without a release was almost over. He brought up the universities’ social media site. He went to his inbox and began to scroll through messages. There were quite a few from names he didn’t recognize. A good deal of these were from women. He started to read through the first one when he suddenly put the laptop down.

“Fuck this!” He said out loud. “I’m not in any hurry to go do this. I’ll start searching when it comes down to the wire. For now I won’t give them the satisfaction of knowing they can control me like this.”

Another day went by and Jacob got his wish. He made it the full 48 hours without giving a way to complete his two mission a single thought. He felt defiant and victorious against his unseen master. And then the pain hit him.

It started just above his balls. It was as if someone had already kicked him in the testicles and the pain had already traveled up into his stomach. He doubled over and closed his eyes.

“It’s all in my mind.” He said out loud. His eyes closed from the pain. When he opened them again the world in front of him was spinning. His phone vibrated, indicating a text message had been received.

When he could see well enough again he looked at his phone.

“I see you didn’t heed my warning.” The text said. It was from an unknown number. His phone vibrated again.

“Proceed to this address if you wish for the pain to go away.”

Jacob stared at the address for a few moments. Then he copied it into his navigator app and headed to his car.

The building he arrived at was un-marked. There was no way of telling what kind of place it was. In fact the building looked abandoned. Jacob walked up the sidewalk to what should have been the front entrance. The front door was instead blocked by a large piece of particle board. Jacob looked at it for a second and then turned to leave. The particle board opened to reveal the front door was attached to the board in a way that both could be opened at the same time.

A stunning young woman stood holding the door open for him.

“Please come in.” She said beckoning with her right hand. “We have been expecting you.”

Jacob walked into a large room that had been set up as an auditorium. There were a large number of men and women sitting in small fold up chairs watching a stage in the corner of the room. There were at least 55-60 people in the room and every single one of their eyes were glued to the stage. On the stage a weird sort of burlesque show was going on. Women were emerging from behind the curtain to partake in elaborate dances around the stage.

As they progressed through their dance they seemed to gravitate towards a raised platform in the center of the stage. It was enclosed on all sides but in the center a 6 inch diameter hole had been cut in the platform.

Jacob watched in wonder as the current dancer whirled around the stage, dropping clothing here and there as she went. Finally she made her way to the platform in the center where she sat down on it with her feet hanging over the side.

She leaned way over the platform so that her arms and most of her breasts hung over the hole in the center. Then she playfully knocked on the platform right on the edge of the hole. There were a few moments hesitation and then all at once a man seemed to thrust his penis and balls up through the hole into the view of the audience.

The woman laughed and then got up and walked away from the platform. The man who would never be anything more than a pair of balls and a dick in the center of a wooden platform seemed to know she was walking away.

When he had first put himself out in the open he had been fully erect and looked rather impressive in size and diameter. Now as she made her way towards the side of the stage the penis at stage center seemed to be deflating.

Just as it was about to become fully flaccid the woman spun and ran back to the platform. She grabbed the penis and began to slide her hand up and down it. It became full and erect in her grip and soon she was using both hands on it as she rubbed and stroked it with expert technique.

All the while this had been going on the woman was wearing almost nothing except a bra and panties. Now as she seemed to be bringing the penis to a climax she suddenly stopped and rose up in front of the crowd.

She took a deep bow and then reached back with one hand and unhooked her bra. It fell to the ground revealing breasts that were large yet firm. She stood there proudly eyeing the crowd and then turned and left her back to them. She bent over and wiggled her hips as she slid her panties to the ground. Her pussy peeked out from between the backs of her legs and the crowd let out a cry of approval. It was as if this was what they had been waiting for.

Jacob found himself surprisingly turned on. The bad part was, in his current condition, getting aroused seemed to cause the pain in his lower abdomen to return. He winced. Once again when he opened his eyes the world was spinning.

On the stage the woman was already positioned back on top of the wooden platform. She placed the head of her living dildo between the lips of her vulva and lowered herself down slowly. As soon as the cock slid inside of her the platform began to spin in a very slow circle. Two men with video cameras approached the stage and directed their lenses towards the hole in the center of the platform.

Two projection screens dropped from the ceiling and a live feed from each camera began to play on the screens. From the zoomed in view Jacob and the audience could now see that only the wooden platform and the woman on top of it were slowly rotating in a circle. The man underneath the platform and his penis poking out through the hole remained stationary.

The woman expertly kept her vagina centered at the pivot point of the rotating platform which was of course the man’s penis. This meant that his head and shaft stayed inside of her while her body slowly spun around on top of it. She didn’t even need to move up and down, just the slickened friction of his cock sliding along the walls of her vagina like she was a wheel and he was an axle was enough to push her over the edge.

She threw her head back as she came hard. As she climaxed the platform stopped spinning. The cameramen moved in closer as the man underneath the platform began to thrust himself in and out of her. After about a minute of him sliding in and out of her the woman suddenly lifted herself off of him and then bent over the hole in the floor.

She grasped the penis in one and hand and slid the head into her mouth. She worked her tongue over the underside of the head and much to the crowd’s delight when she lifted her mouth off of it cum began to ooze out of it and ran down the shaft.

She placed her mouth back over the head and began to suck out what was left. When she took her mouth off of it again it had already started to soften. The curtains closed and Jacob looked up to see the crowd was standing to applaud.

The people at this show were surprisingly diverse. There were women and men of all ages. What Jacob hadn’t noticed before was that the audience was also dressed quite diversely as well.

Some people wore fine dresses and suits and seemed to be quite upper class. Others wore little clothing at all. Some even sat in a special section of the room where it seemed pleasuring themselves was permitted. Jacob only looked at this section for a second before he realized what he was seeing. He looked back towards the stage and then someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind.

“Come with me please.” A man wearing a nice suit said.

Jacob pointed at his own chest and asked “Me?”

The man nodded and Jacob got to his feet. The man took his hand like he was a child and led him to the back of the seating area. Then they made their way through a series of hall ways till they came to a back room. There the woman that had just been on stage was putting on a red, silken robe. The man that had apparently been underneath the platform was crawling out from under it as two men lifted it up on one side. They were back stage.

A woman wearing a long, white, glittery dress walked into the center of the curtains and then disappeared through them.

Another woman walked up to Jacob.

“Hey there.” She said. “My boss tells me you are going to be part of the next act.”

“Um, I think you got the wrong guy.” Jacob said turning to walk back toward the hallway.

“I don’t think so. My boss told me to tell you that being part of the next act will solve your problem. He also told me to tell you that if you don’t do this, things will only get worse for you. I don’t know what he means but I have been doing these shows for a while and I promise you will enjoy being a part of this next act.”

“What do I have to do?”

“Hardly anything at all. Just walk up and put your dick and balls through the glory hole.”

“The What-hole?” Jacob gasped.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” the woman that had gone through the curtain a moment ago was now speaking into a microphone in front of the audience.

“Our next act is one that is always a crowd pleaser. We have a new mystery man behind stage now since our last one got drained pretty dog gone well. We will not reveal the identity of our mystery man but I do assure you that we will reveal a part of him that only a privileged few get to see.”

“No one will know it is you. All they can see is your dick, just like the last guy.” The woman seemed to be scolding him at this point.

Before he could protest another wave of lower abdominal pain struck him and he doubled forward. His eyes closed from the pain once again and just like before when he opened them he felt dizzy and disoriented.

The woman used this to her advantage and began to undress him. A large man wearing jogging shorts and a tank top moved in to assist her.

Two men pushed what looked like a large wooden phone booth up onto the stage just behind the curtain. Jacob couldn’t see it but on the front of it a 7 inch diameter hole had been cut right about crotch high.

Before Jacob could protest he had been stripped down to nothing. The two men that had pushed the wooden phone booth onto the stage now turned and walked over to Jacob. They each grabbed one of his hands and pushed him towards the booth. He could barely stay on his feet. He grabbed onto the door of the booth just as one of the men opened it and guided him inside.

“I’m being told our new mystery stud is in position. The man in charge has told me to introduce our new actor by a special name. So please welcome to the stage ‘The Mother Load’.”

Jacob couldn’t see it but the curtain was opening in front of the booth he was now inside. He could see light entering the booth through the whole down in front of him. He hadn’t yet put his dick and balls through the hole but was instead standing about a foot away from the front of the booth.

A voice only loud enough to be heard inside the booth suddenly echoed in Jacob’s head. He looked up to see there were tiny speakers inside the ceiling of the booth.

“I suggest you put yourself into position. If you make my show look even a little bit foolish I will put you in even worse pain than what you are probably already feeling.”

From out in the audience Heather watched the stage. She could see the booth. From where she was sitting she could see through the glory hole as well. She could see Jacob standing away from the hole with his hands attempting to cover as much of his package as he could.

Then all at once he reluctantly moved his hands aside and stepped towards the hole. He pressed his belly button against the top of the hole, pushing as much of his penis and balls outside of the booth as he could. A hush fell over the audience.

Jacob didn’t know what to make of their silence. For the first time in his life he felt self-conscious about the size of his penis. Then someone in the crowd could be heard saying, “Oh my, that thing is massive.” He felt relieved but was once again scared about what was going to happen next.

“There you have it folks.” The woman that had announced him began talking again. “Our newest stud, ‘The Mother Load’ out in the open for all of you to see. Now there is only one thing better than seeing a penis this beautiful out in the open like it is. And that of course is to see a penis this beautiful being played with by our beautiful ladies. If we are very lucky maybe we can even find out why they call our new stud ‘The Mother Load’.”

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