I’m There for Mom and Dad Ch. 02


The next morning, I awoke to the smell of bacon. I was mildly shocked to find Mom serving breakfast to my father. I sat down and heard her humming as she fixed my meal. The chatter had returned, and it felt good to know things were working out.

But, I wondered, how do I get Mom to tell me out loud, what I heard from them myself. When Dad got up and left for work, I began putting my dishes in the dishwasher. Once alone with her, I said, “Well, you seem happier today, Mom.”

She blushed a bit and said, “Well, maybe things aren’t as bad as they seemed the other night.”

“Oh, did Dad have a miraculous recovery last night?” I raised my eyebrows as if to say that she must have gotten lucky.

Mom reached across the table to play slap my arm. “No. But maybe we can work something out,” she said, taking a sip from her coffee mug.

“We, as in, you and Dad? Or we, as in, you and me?” I asked with a grin.

“I mean Dad and me,” she responded, “but there are a few things to iron out, in order to make this work.”

I got up from the table and stood behind her. I slid my hands along her shoulders, massaging her tense muscles beneath the broad collar of her nightie. “I’m glad to hear you have a plan. Mom, I’m here for whatever you need, okay?”

She cooed as my fingers melted the tension away. I kneaded her supple skin smoothly while she relaxed, and when she leaned the back of her head into my chest, her ample cleavage caught my eye. My hands moved along the lithe muscles from her shoulders, my fingers gliding along each collar bone before returning along the sides of her neck. I wanted to delve lower; to venture down her chest and take hold of the large firm nipples that I used so suckle on as a baby. The back of the chair kept Mom from knowing how hard I was becoming, just from these gentle touches and filthy fantasies.

I continued while Mom leaned back, bathed in my comforting hands. When I stopped, Mom said in a low voice, “That felt very good. Can I have one more hug?” She stood up and turned to pull me in to her. I knew there would be no hiding my arousal, and at that point I didn’t want to hide it either.

Her head snuggled into my chest, my heart pounding with desire and excitement. Her arms reached around to my back, hands sliding up the back of my ribs, and grasping my lean shoulder muscles. My stiff cock pressed in to her belly once more, and Mom let out a soft breath into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her 5’2″ frame and allowed my hands to slowly drift to the curvature of her back, just above the fullness of her ass. Oh, how I wanted to brazenly knead her heavy ass cheeks as well. I dreamed of seducing her right there, as we embraced.

Mom’s nipples teased my upper belly, through the filmy fabric of her nightie; each one seemed to be as hard as I was. We held each other without words for a few moments, before she drew her arms down my back and along my rib cage. They rolled to my chest and each hand rested gently on my nipples, before she let go of me. “You’re such a handsome boy. Thank you for taking care of me, Peter.”

I kissed her forehead and got myself out the door before I did anything stupid, like grabbing a nipple, or cupping her ass.

There was another note when I got home from school on Wednesday. Mom had a doctor’s appointment and left a pot of meatballs and sauce stewing. The note had instructions for putting on the pasta to have it ready for when Dad got home. I knew that this would afford me some time to see how much Dad could tell me, before Mom returned home.

When Dad got in, he noticed the note and that I hadn’t put the pasta on. I told him that I needed to talk with him. We went into the family room, where he opened with, “You can always talk to me, Son. What’s up?”

“Dad,” I started, “Is everything okay with you?”

“Well, yeah, sure,” was his answer. “Why do you ask?”

“Dad, I know this is personal, but I overheard something last night, that makes me think you aren’t as well as you’re saying.”

“Oh.” He paused, and I stayed quiet and attentive.

Dad added, “It’s that, things aren’t working like they should be down there.” He pointed to his groin.

“Dad, from what I heard, I kinda guessed that you might have something going on like that.”

“So, what exactly did you hear, Pete?”

“Just the part where you gave Mom permission to see someone else, and then her saying she didn’t want to find some stranger. After that I left right away. I didn’t mean to hear it, and I didn’t want to hear any more than I should.”

“Ah, I see. Listen, Pete, I know you’re only 19, so you can’t understand what happens in a long term, adult relationship. There are a ton of factors that make your Mom the best person I could ever hope to spend a life with, and one of those factors is sex.” He sat in his easy chair, but leaned forward, just on the edge of the cushion. I knew that my job at this point, was to hear him out, so I did.

He went on, “So, if sex isn’t possible for me, she should still be able to enjoy it. And, it’s not like she would Bomonti Escort want to leave me, even if she found someone who could give her the sex she needs. I would never have offered her to do that, if I didn’t fully trust her.”

“I get it, Dad. It’s a pretty great thing you’ve offered her. I’ve heard you two going at it a lot, over the years, but this must be devastating for you.” He remained silent, nodding slowly.

“Well, I knew the day would come, but I didn’t think it would be at 53… I thought I would have been much older before this happened.”

I let that all sink in and then said, “Dad. I might have a way to help, but I’m not really sure how to say it.”

“Help? Okay, what is it. I can use some help right now.”

“Dad, I was thinking… what if Mom didn’t have to find some stranger to give her what she needs?’

He looked inquisitively. “What do you mean?”

I looked him straight in the eye and cocked my head to one side, hoping he would understand without me actually saying it. For a moment, his face remained contorted, trying to solve the puzzle, and then I could see the light come on.

“Dad. Mom doesn’t have to leave the house, and you don’t have the worry about losing her to some other guy. And, like you said, it’s just sex.”

“You mean you? But…”

“Well, I have the equipment that she needs. I already love her and would never do anything to hurt her, or you, for that matter. So, if you’re okay with it, I am an obvious choice… at least until you might find a man who both of you trusted with this.”

‘Wowww…,” he said, trailing off. “But, do you think she would even consider something so socially taboo?”

I thought about this for a while, not sure that I should tell him or not. Then I said, “Dad, there’s something else that I know, that might help you answer that question. Last week, my computer picked up a virus, and my phone was on the charger. So, I went downstairs to google something on Mom’s computer. There were some things I found in her search history.”

“And?” he asked. I pondered for a second.

“I’m not saying what I found. If you want to know, you can go down and check it out yourself.”

He didn’t hesitate. I waited while he ventured down to find that his wife’s frustration has brought about a penchant for teenaged boys, including the fantasy of incest with her own son. When he returned he sat down, and said, “So, your idea isn’t that far out there for her. But, I’m not sure how I am supposed to ask her?”

“I’ve thought about this, Dad. She doesn’t have to know, at least at first. You could tell her that you told a very good friend that you trust, about your predicament, and that he offered to help the two of you. You can say that he knows that your gift to her is the act itself, not who the guy is who is doing it. So, she would be asked to wear a blindfold, because he worries that, if the encounter isn’t good for her, things might get awkward for him with Mom and you.”

It was all up to him. Dad thought about what I had just said, and I could see him walking through the scenario.

After some more thought, Dad said, “The next problem is, we can’t do this at home. How do I explain to her that she and I invite someone over, with you around?” he asked. “She doesn’t want to do meet ups at hotels.”

“That part is easy. Tell Mom you’ll get rid of me for the night, if she’s up for an evening with your mystery lover.”

He looked quite pensive before saying, “Geez, Peter. This might work. I can tell her that it will be a one time thing and if it doesn’t work out, we find another way to make something happen.”

“Dad, the decision is yours. We can do this. But if you decide that you don’t want to try it, that’s okay too. I just want to be here for you both, if that is what you want. We can do this, together.” I got up and began to heat up the pasta, leaving Dad behind to contemplate this very serious offer. Mom walked in just as dinner was ready and we all sat down to eat.

After dinner, I made an excuse and went upstairs to my room. I gave them lots of time to talk, before making a noisy return.

What I didn’t know right away, was what was said when they talked in the family room. I would later find out that Mom was insistent that she didn’t want to be alone with a mystery man in her bed, while wearing a blindfold. She convinced Dad that because he was doing this for her, she wanted him to be there, in their room, while his friend fucked her. She wanted him to witness her enjoyment and satisfaction, so he could know that it was just sex, and nothing more. She also needed to have him near, after his friend left, so they could have their own private time right away.

They were both watching TV, so I sat down and joined them. Not long after, Mom went for a bathroom break, and as soon as she disappeared, Dad leaned over. “Son, follow my lead tomorrow at supper, okay.”

“Sure, Dad.” When Mom returned, I didn’t stay around much longer, and went to bed for the Bostancı Escort night. Visions of playing with my Mom’s tits and ass got me off pretty quickly. I woke up through the night to my rock hard cock dripping precum on my sheets, and tossed off one more time to the thought of fucking Mom’s huge titties.

At supper on Thursday, we were enjoying the normal chatter, when Dad mentioned something about a charity event at work that day. He said, “Pete, have you heard of a band called Virtual Humanity?”

On cue, I said, “Yeah! They are a really cool band.”

“So,” he announced, “We had a raffle today and I won two tickets to their concert in Boston Saturday night. They don’t play the kind of music your Mom and I like, so, are you interested?”

“YES! Absolutely! Thanks! I’ll see if Julie wants to go with me.” The folks know that Julie is a FWB. She’s stayed overnight more than a few times and I’m sure Mom and Dad had to have heard her screams a couple of times when we’ve fucked. She even brought her lesbian friend over one night – that was the most awesome night of my life. That story is for another day.

Dad played right along. “Hey, I know money is tight for you, so how about I get you two a room in Boston on Saturday, so you’re not driving for two hours on the interstate that late at night?”

Mom jumped in. “That’s a good idea Jim. I’ll feel better knowing Peter is safe.” She looked to me and said, “You two can drive back Sunday morning. You can take my car.”

I felt my heart hammering in my chest. Both of them were awaiting my reply, and Dad wasn’t able to hold back a smile. I answered, “You’re right Mom. Julie and I can get wasted at the concert, stagger back to the hotel, and sleep in a bit. And, we won’t be waking you two up in the middle of the night.”

I could not believe this was all happening, and from that point, I found myself staring at Mom’s ass and tits all evening. The same thing happened on Friday as well, and, while Dad and I didn’t talk any more about it on Friday, we exchanged knowing grins a lot over those two days. I kept imagining what she might be wearing and how she would look naked, beneath me. My cock was sore from being so aroused, and I refused to jack off before Saturday.

The morning of our ‘date’, I slept in. When I got up, Mom was on her way out the door to the salon, to get her hair and nails done. As she pulled out of the driveway, Dad approached and handed me his credit card. “Pete, here’s my card. You have to go out today and get yourself some cologne, and buy all new clothes for tonight. Pants, shirt and underwear. Your Mom has an amazing ability to recognize smells. We can’t give her a way to figure out that it is you in her bed tonight.”

Dad added “Oh, and book a room at The Seaside motel across town, you know, to save you the long trip to Boston!” He slapped me on the back and we both laughed out loud.

I took the card from him, and started for the kitchen. He stopped me with a hand on my elbow. “Come with me.” Dad led the way upstairs and into their room. He opened a drawer full of lingerie and undies and said, “This is my gift to you, for helping me with this. Choose what you’d like to see your mother in, when I bring you up tonight, and I will have her wear it for you.”

I reached in and fondled so many bright colors of boy shorts, bikinis, thongs, lace bras, chemises, and bustiers. I knew that they were all fresh, but part of me wanted to pull the whole pile up into my nose, just to get a whiff of Mom’s scent in all of them. I settled on a black, string-backed thong that would expose her beautiful round ass. She would wear a black see-through, push up lace bra that would do nothing to hide her erect nipples. He laid each item neatly on her side of the bed, so she would know what he wanted to see her in.

He walked me to their closet and pointed to her collection of shoes, including 4 -and 6-inch stilettos. I chose the 6-inch red ones to help her feel extra naughty. My cock was so hard with precum, and Dad seemed really excited to have those choices made. He set the high heels on the floor near her bed as well. I then had a vision of what Mom would look like when I returned later that night.

While we walked back downstairs, Dad laid out the plan. I would announce my leaving late in the afternoon, and then park Mom’s car out of sight, down the street, when I arrived at 8pm. He would have her ready for me then, and that is when he told me that she had insisted that he be in the room with us. He suggested that he would try to stay out of the way, so I could focus entirely on pleasing her. He thanked me again for being there for them. How could he not understand that it is I who should be thanking him for giving her to me?

I left for the store and picked up the required items, booked the motel room, and got home in time to get ready to ‘leave for Boston’. Mom’s car was unlocked in the garage, so I placed the clothes and cologne in her car, to change into at the motel.

I Esenyurt Escort came inside and stopped in my tracks when I saw my Mom. Her long, dark hair had a healthy shine to it. She was wearing sweat pants and a loose fitting top which hid her sexy form, something that was good for me, as I didn’t want to parade around with my cock tented in my pants before I left. Her nails were painted red, which was lucky, since they were much the same shade as the shoes I had chosen for her.

I went upstairs and put on some jeans and a torn t-shirt. When I entered the kitchen to announce my departure, Mom and Dad were just sitting down to dinner. I kissed my mother innocently, for the last time that day, and put my hand on Dad’s shoulder, thanking him for the great tickets and hotel stay. Dad said, “I hope you have a great night, Son,” and winked at me.

I looked at Mom and replied, “Tonight will be the night of my life! Thank you. See you guys soon.”

Mom said, “Say hi to Julie for me, Sweetie.”

“I will.” I said, closing the front door behind me.

I left and drove to The Seaside, where I changed into dress slacks and belt, and a button down shirt. I applied a healthy spritz of cologne, and got something to eat across the street. The next two hours took forever, but I finally found myself knocking at my own front door exactly at 8:00

Dad opened the door for me and I stepped in. He was dressed in a black satin robe and lounge slippers, that made me wonder if they had played a bit before I got there. He whispered, “Your mother is very excited. I’ve never seen her this horny in a long time. So, remember, no talking. She’s dying to find out who I’ve chosen, so try not to give yourself away.”

“Okay, Dad,” I whispered back. I walked up the stairs behind him, aware of each creak and groan that the floor boards made in the stillness of the house. As we neared their bedroom door, an instrumental song played in their room, setting the stage for a quiet, intimate feel. I stood back as Dad opened the door, my most beautiful Mom sitting uneasily at the side of her bed, hands nestled in her lap. Dad placed his arm between my shoulder blades and walked me into their room. My cock tented in my slacks.

Mom heard our aporoach and stood up. She looked so very hot in my selection of lingerie. She took a few steps toward us, her heavy D cups overfilling her bra prominently, bouncing easily in the lace with each step. As we neared, Dad took her hand, and placed it in mine. “Darling, here is the gift I promised. I will be right over there the whole time.” He left us to take his seat in a chair placed near the side of their bed. My fingers trembled, as did hers, as the electricity of the moment shot from her to me and back to her again. With a wide, black satin sleeping mask covering her from just above the tip of her nose, to the top of her forehead, Mom didn’t know exactly where to face.

With her six inch heels, Mom’s nose met my chin. I took her other hand in mine and leaned down to kiss her soft pink lips. She responded, raising her head to meet me. “Oh, he’s very tall,” she announced. “And a good kisser!” Our lips returned and hers parted for me. My rock hard cock oozed precum, nudging Mom’s tummy that much lower than the other night, due to her elevated footwear. As our tongues danced, she emitted a slight peep when my cock pressed into her.

My hands took hers behind her back and I pulled her into me, my mother acknowledging my erection by swaying her body across it, a guttural moan escaping her. I pushed it into her softness even more, giving her a better feel of what would soon work its way inside her. My hands left hers and caressed the fullness of her bare ass, her panties far too scant to offer resistance to my touch. Our mouths became hungrier for a time, tongues delving and discovering the wetness of the other. My underwear was slimy in the front, wet right through with my own lubrication.

I moved my right hand across Mom’s buttock, to find the string that disappeared into the cleft of her ass. My index finger slipped beneath it, and enjoyed the ride downward, between the smooth arches of her ass cheeks. I curled all ten fingers and lightly dragged each of them up the roundness of her heavenly buttocks, and then up along the concave flex of her lower back, until I got to her bra. I felt her hands discovering the contours of my hips, my chest, my shoulders. I scratched along the stretched cloth of the back of her bra line and around to the bulging cups.

I looked to my father in his seat, a hand had already roamed beneath the robe, which was undone and had fallen wide, revealing his right hand tugging and kneading his small, flaccid cock. He eyed his delicious wife’s movements, clearly wanting to see each nuance that would bring her to the intimacy he was no longer able to offer. He never looked at me, his eyes cast to only his wife, not daring to miss any part of her obvious arousal.

My Mom hurriedly pulled at the buttons on my shirt, flipping each one free, from the top down. I set my hands back to her lace laden cups, my thumbs swiped across her erect nipples through the tenuous fabric, causing her to moan, louder this time. When she got to my waist, she yanked the shirt tail free to access the remaining buttons. Mom pulled the cloth wide and off my shoulders, so my hands left the comfort of her body to let the shirt fall to the floor.

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