Indulge Me

Big Tits

As my maiden journey into the world of sharing this fictional account of two best friends, separated for years and finally coming together, there are some people I need to recognize. In my hesitancy as a new author, I shared my story with several people on Lit, asking them for their honest and real feedback. I call them my focus group.

Thus, I would like to thank Dee who offered, what would be my first response and one that was resounding and surprising to me where she told me “you need to finish this and publish it” I would also like to thank Christa, Katie and Brittni for their further input and encouragement. Lastly, I would like to offer a special thanks to Stephani and Tink (two very close and dear friends) who not only loved the story but were inspired to “indulge” themselves.


Growing up, Angela and Jennifer were best friends through high school. They were inseparable. You would not find one without the other. They would study together, hangout at the mall together, even double date with their boyfriends at the time. That would all change upon graduation. Angela was headed to school on the west coast, UCLA specifically while Jennifer remained on the east coast, attending NYU.

Upon graduation from high school they had both intended to keep in contact with one another through email, instant messaging and phone calls. This was a time before Face-time, Facebook live and video conferencing. Needless to say they had both done their best to keep in contact at first. Then life just got in the way. Over their college careers, their communications grew more and more infrequent due to their busy and non-compatible schedules, not to mention the three hour time difference. As the distance between each time the two would connect grew further and further apart it would eventually stop altogether.

After graduation, Jennifer established her career and residence in Manhattan while Angela remained on the west coast. As close as they once were, they both took similar routes after college, focusing on their careers with some dating mixed in, but rather sporadically. Jennifer had pursued a career in law while Angela had earned her MBA and was climbing the corporate ladder of the banking world in California. Both were consumed with their careers while neither would stumble on “Mr. Right”, the one who would take their breath away.

It would be 12 years before Angela would return to the city she loved, New York. Family and friends still lived where she grew up. The premise behind her trip back to her home was a combination of spending time at the corporate headquarters of the bank for which she worked as well as testing the waters with the other banks and thus seeing what was available. Could Angela improve her status? Was she a hot commodity in the banking world? She wouldn’t know until she put herself out there. Was there risk involved? Possibly. Angela wasn’t certain how her current employer would take to her talking with the competition. She will spend two weeks in the city with the first week devoted to the bank she works for while the second week will be devoted to Angela, family and interviews.

The trip was scheduled two months in advance so Angela had plenty of time to plan her trip. Would she stay in the suite the company had arranged for her? Would she stay with family or friends? Angela would have several options. Going back home for the first time in 12 years would also mean she would need to make time for the people in her life that she had left long ago. In the back of her mind she was wondering how they would be towards her. Angela wasn’t the best at keeping in contact with either friends or family. So, there may be some cold shoulders she would encounter. Angela didn’t tend to worry too much about anything and had become a master of being “in the moment”.

Jennifer was on the fast track to partner in the law firm she works for. Her career since graduating at the top of her class from NYU and then having the luxury of multiple offers to choose from established the trajectory for her career. Jennifer decided on mergers and acquisitions and one of the top firms in New York. Jennifer’s firm worked with all the major financial institutions and has developed a reputation as a closer.

Jennifer could captivate a room with her presence and confidence and have anyone do her bidding. There was a presence about her that commanded one’s attention and she knew how to use it effectively. You just couldn’t say no to Jennifer, nor would she accept no for an answer. One might even say that no is not even in her vocabulary. Angela, on the other hand was no doormat but was intent on gaining a customer’s trust and thus was a people pleaser. She wanted everyone to be happy, even if she was putting on a painted face for herself. Even as busy as she is, Angela would like to have someone in her life. She desires to give of escort kocaeli herself to someone she so desires and loves, but has yet to meet that one person.

In spite of the void Angela has in her life, her focus since learning about the trip home and the additional plans to correspond with family are her sole focus. For the two months leading up to the trip, she has been in contact with her parents who still live in the house she grew up in. As an only child, Angela does not come from a large family, yet her uncles and aunts also reside in the same homes since she left for the west coast. Angela’s mother, upon hearing of her daughter’s homecoming, has likewise been planning a barbecue for the weekend between the two parts of her trip.

One night while sleeping Angela was awoken by an image from a dream. The image of the dream was Jennifer from 12 years ago. It had been some time since Jennifer crossed Angela’s mind. She remembered her as she was 12 years ago. Even back then Jennifer was a blonde beauty. She turned heads and had her pick of all the boys in school. Angela was by no means a stick in the mud. Another blonde beauty they were known in school as the killer “B’s” (killer looks and blonde). For them to both still be single would shock anyone who knew them.

As Angela awoke from her slumber to the image of Jennifer had her wondering why? Why after all this time would Jennifer come to mind? Could it be the trip back home that spurred her image? Every night up until her departure day Jennifer’s image would invade Angela’s dream space. With each passing night, the image became more intense and thus more real than the night before. So real that Angela would feel Jennifer’s touch. Angela felt Jennifer’s soft finger tracing her lips as Jennifer gazed into her deep green eyes.

Angela was captivated by the image of Jennifer in her dreams. At no time during their years back home had they ever been intimate with each other. Angela did not feel that way about Jennifer, yet she did not know how Jennifer felt but knew that if she did have any feelings towards her, she never acted upon them.

With each passing night, Angela would awake to a racing heart and heavy breathing. Each night Jennifer’s presence would grow stronger.

The night before her trip to New York, Angela, deep in sleep, envisioned Jennifer’s body pressing against hers, Jennifer’s hands grasping her waist as their eyes were just inches apart. Their breasts clad in silky blouses and supported by lace bras pressed against each other as Angela could feel her nipples stiffen. Fully asleep, Angela’s hands caressed her breasts over the satin fabric of her nightgown with the image of Jennifer at the forefront of her mind. Her breathing gets deeper as she runs her fingers over her stiffening nipples feeling the soft and silky fabric of her night gown rub against her ever so sensitive nipples. Pressing her index and middle fingers together on each nipple Angela’s back arched and a moan of pleasure escaped her lips. She continued stroking her sensitive nipples as her breathing grew deeper and the moans became more frequent, all with the image of Jennifer pressing against her.

A gasp escaped her lips followed by a loud moan and Jennifer’s name…”Ohhh Jennifer”

When Angela heard her say Jennifer’s name she awoke from this very intense dream of seduction. Angela had never felt such intensity or been aroused to the extent she was during this very real dream.

Startled, Angela attempted to control her intense breathing, regaining her composure but images of Jennifer continued to race through her head. “What is going on with me?” she whispers to herself. Sitting up and turning on the light with her head spinning, Angela looks down and notices a wet spot on the bed. Immediately she brings her right hand between her legs and discovers her panties are drenched. Wondering aloud again…”What is going on with me?”

Angela continues to contemplate Jennifer and her presence in her dreams yet answers escape her. The images torment her as her body continues to betray her. She thinks to herself…”I don’t do this!” Yet, overwhelmed with arousal, as she leans against the headboard of her bed and her right hand still on her wet panties, her fingers begin to stroke the wet fabric.

“No Angela…Stop” she says out loud in her empty bedroom, but just as her body is betraying her, a conspiracy ensues and her right hand will not listen either. As the co-conspirators gang up against Angela’s mind, her eyelids flutter close. As the images around her dim while the focus of Jennifer from 12 years ago takes stage, front and center. Angela looks down and sees Jennifer’s right hand move from her waist to between Angela’s legs.

“No Jennifer, stop, please” as Angela says to her.

Not listening, Jennifer slides her right hand under Angela’s skirt and smiles as she discovers Angela’s wet panties to which the image of Jennifer, staring into Angela’s eyes says “wet and wonderful”

As gölcük escort Angela visualizes Jennifer’s hand between her legs stroking her wet panties, Angela’s hand begins to stroke her wet panties.

The lines of Angela’s reality and Angela’s dream have blurred in her mind, her hand takes on the role of Jennifer’s hand. In her dream, Angela watches as Jennifer takes control of her, yet on her bed Angela is doing everything Jennifer is doing to her.

Her moans deepen as her chest heaves, Angela has intensified the stroking of her silk clad pussy. Moans of Jennifer’s name escape Angela’s lips as the two worlds have become one, Angela slides her right hand under her bikini bottom as her fingers experience her immense wetness for the first time. Angela’s left hand strokes and pinches her left nipple in rhythm with her right hand stroking her wet pussy. As if her right hand has a mind of its own it begins running her index and middle fingers over the inner lips of her pussy.

Angela, lost within two worlds, is encountering an experience she has never witnessed, an arousal so intense, breathing so deep, she could never have conceived of such a glorious moment, even if it was mostly a dream.

Angela’s left hand moves from her breast to the hood of her clit. With her index and middle finger she begins to stroke the hood of her clit, rubbing it up and down, pressing against her nub as she lets out an enormous gasp, while her breathing quickens even more. Angela watches as Jennifer slides two fingers inside her (thus Angela’s fingers slide inside her).

“Ohh Jennifer…please” as she pants

Angela’s fingers start to pump in and out of her cunt as she rubs and presses the hood of her clit faster.

‘Ohh YES”, she yells in her empty bedroom.

“More…Don’t Stop, Pleeeeease”

Faster and faster Angela’s fingers fuck her pussy. Then the index finger of her left hand begins to rub her clit with urgency and needs to cum.


Angela’s body slides into the bed as her back arches, her chest heaves as her body starts to convulse with an intense orgasm. As Angela’s pumping and rubbing slows down, waves of pleasure wash over her body. As she opens her eyes, the vision of Jennifer is gone, yet what Angela just experienced remains.

“I don’t believe I did this,” she says to herself.

“What came over me?”

“Where did this come from?”

Angela had more questions than answers, but one thing that remained was just how incredible that feeling was. Angela, a woman in her 30s has never had such an orgasm in her life. She felt exhausted yet energized at the same time. Angela has had sex with several different men before but they never rocked her world like this before. Yet it was an image of a girl who wasn’t even there who did this to her. More questions than answers.

“What does this mean? Angela asked herself.

“I wonder if Jennifer is even in New York anymore”

“Do I pursue this or was this only a dream?”

“It was only a dream!”

Angela needed to put all this behind her (for now) if she was to make it to LAX in time for her flight…a flight that with the time zones would equate to a nine hour flight. (six hours in the air and three hours lost to time zones). Her itinerary indicated that the bank would have a driver waiting for her at the airport and would take her to her hotel suite upon arrival. So there wasn’t much to worry about on that front. Seeing as the travel day was a Sunday, Angela would have very little time to rest before her first meeting Monday morning.

Arriving at JFK as scheduled, her driver was there with her name on a sign. Walking to the car the driver whose name was Darrin asked how her flight was. Dressed rather casually, designer jeans, t-shirt, pumps with her long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail offered an equally casual response as one would expect for such a journey “long and uneventful”. Small talk continued as they walked to the car. As they drove from the airport the familiarity of the city came flooding back to Angela as the saying goes…”you can take the girl out of the city but you can’t take the city out of the girl”

The energy and the flow of the city brought memories of growing up in the city. The jet-lag was quickly replaced by the city’s energy and excitement. As she arrived at the hotel, Angela checked in and arrived at her suite. Languishing that evening until Darrin would pick her up at 8 am for arrival at the corporate headquarters by 9 am, she would treat herself to room service and a nice hot soaking bath, replenishing vitality to her worn body from her long day’s travel.

Angela called her parents letting them know she had arrived and would be in meetings most of the week. They had intended to come into the city to meet her for lunch one day prior to their weekend get together. Angela had to let them know what day she would be able to meet them for lunch once she knew what her itinerary izmit sınırsız escort was for the week.

Taking into account the three hour time difference, Angela set her phone and also requested a wake up call for 6 am (3 am west coast time). Always an early riser Angela’s day started with her workout. She headed down to the gym clad in shorts and sweatshirt for 30 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength followed by 20 minutes of stretching. Wanting not to be a distraction to others or attracting unwanted attention Angela’s workout attire was always understated. This was her time to focus on herself when all of her day was typically focused towards others.

Further re-energized by her morning workout, relaxing shower and breakfast after her workout Angela went about preparing herself for the day. Because she dealt with people on a regular basis, she had to focus on her image, clothes, makeup, hair, accessories. Each piece of her ensemble was carefully selected. The end result every time was immaculate. Her hair was always styled and full. Her makeup was always professional. Her attire was always stunningly coordinated. Today, seeing as it would be a “first impression day” in that she would be meeting many people for the first time, Angela decided on something understated so as not to make too big of a first impression. Her skirt was navy and went mid thigh while her blouse was satin with a high neck and bow. The fabric was loose fitting yet accentuated the firmness of her breasts. Unlike her workout attire, no matter what she did, Angela could not hide her stunning figure, nor did she want to. She works hard to keep herself fit and is not ashamed to show herself off. In this sense she wants her customers to notice her and thus remember her. Standing 5’7″ without heels her body would put any sculpture of Michelangelo to shame. A figure that offers the symmetry of an hourglass 36″d breasts, 25″ waist and 36″ hips, she has likely been in the dreams of many of her customers.

As the time approaches 8 am, Angela makes her way to the lobby entrance and Darrin, her driver. Heading outside, Angela sees the car from last night and makes her way over to it. Darrin gets out and walks around the car opening the door for Angela. Each smiling at the other with a “good morning” greeting, Angela elegantly enters the back seat of the vehicle and gathers both of her legs together, swiveling into the vehicle as Darrin tends to the door. Exiting the parking lot of the hotel, they make their way to lower-town Manhattan and the financial district where all the major financial institutions reside. Darrin conveys directions to Angela as they arrive at her destination. Exiting the vehicle Angela makes her way to the lobby and the rows of elevators that will take her to her final destination, the fortieth floor. Not really enjoying the ride in the crowded elevator, after several stops and people getting on and off Angela finally reaches her stop.

Waiting for her as she exits the elevator is Rachel the executive assistant to the vice president of corporate relations. As Angela exits the elevator Rachel greets her with a friendly smile and an enthusiastic “hello, you must be Angela”.

As Angela responds “Yes I am and you are?”

“I’m Rachel. I will be your shadow for the week. I have your itinerary and will be here to answer any questions should you have them.”

Rachel stood a couple inches shorter than Angela in her three inch heels. As images of Jennifer still linger within Angela’s mind she indiscreetly checks out Rachel in her long red pencil skirt descending to her calves and accompanied with a cotton white blouse with the first two buttons undone. All framed by her chestnut shoulder length hair. Rachel was certainly easy on the eyes. Angela thinking to herself “could I be into women? She is adorable, cute and sexy?”

Rachel hands Angela an itinerary, causing her to come back to reality. “This is your itinerary for the week at corporate, outlining the meetings you will be part of.”

As Angela glances at the three pages she notices that there will be little time, if any, to meet her parents during the week. Not only are the days full, with barely a break for lunch, but the evenings will go straight through to 10 pm. Thinking to herself as they are walking to the conference room, “I will certainly need that second week to recover from this daunting schedule.

Meetings on top of meetings, Angela assesses. Some to observe the inner workings at corporate while others are more interviews intended to assess Angela’s current position with the company while investigating her potential for the future. Angela will be introduced to all the top executives. All these meetings will give both corporate and Angela an idea of what lies ahead for her should she decide to remain with the company. Angela still intends to see what the grass is like on the other side of the fence, yet she will at least have an idea of her place in the company.

As they reach the conference room, enter and sit in the chairs by the wall, they observe what is happening. Rachel tells Angela “This is a meeting of the executive committee pertaining to the upcoming shareholder’s meeting. They are setting the agenda.”

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