Jess Makes Another Porno


Author’s Note: This is a sequel to my story “The Ultimate Porn Movie,” where the characters here are introduced.

“Jess! Welcome back,” Gene said. “Was I right, or was I right?” He handed me an envelope.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Your first royalty check. Twenty thousand views in one month! You’re hot!”

“Twenty thousand?” I opened the envelope to find a check made out to me for $2,000. I wasn’t quite sure how to feel. On the one hand, $2,000! On the other, that many people had watched me lose my virginity on camera!

“How’ve you been? Had any more sex?” He gestured for me to sit on the couch.

From anyone else, that would have been a completely inappropriate question. From a porn producer, though, completely reasonable. “No. I’ve kind of just been sitting around at home doing nothing. My mom’s after me to go get a job, so I told her I would.” I giggled.

“How about birth control? Did you start the pill?”


“Perfect. Now we can do a creampie.”

“A what?” I’d watched my own movie, which had been a completely surreal experience, and then the memory of making it had started to fade into something dreamlike, the way a vacation does once you’ve come home to your regular life. But I hadn’t watched much other porn.

He laughed. “Still adorable.” He didn’t elaborate. “So, why did you come back? Not that I’m unhappy to see you.” He leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head.

“Well, like I said, I still need a summer job.” The real reason it had taken me a month to call was that it had taken me that long to talk myself into wanting to do this again.

“Great. So, the standard rate for a shoot is $1,000 per day, up to $2,500 depending on what you’re doing. Most shoots take no more than a day or two, and we have openings for female talent in at least two more films this summer. I’ve got a cast lined up already for most of the others we’ve got planned.”

“A thousand? That’s all?” The $12,000 he’d paid me for the first movie was my main motivation for returning.

“Find another job that’ll pay you $1,000 in one day,” he said. “Think of it this way, that’s about $125 an hour. Not so bad, right?”

“It’s just, you paid me so much more before.” That was a pretty good hourly rate, I had to admit.

“Before, you were a virgin, and I had to convince you. This time, you came to me, and you have no cherry to pop. Sorry, kiddo.” His smile was almost sympathetic. “You’ll still get your royalties for the other.”

“But not for future ones?”


I felt betrayed somehow. But Gene made a good argument. To make $1,000 flipping burgers or pulling coffee would take like three weeks. “Can I work with Adrian again?” I asked.

He grinned. “So you’re in?”

I nodded. “No commitment, right? I can do just one more, and then decide after that if I want to do another?” I had to be very careful with this guy. He’d coerced me into doing a lot more than I’d expected the last time, and while I had no regrets and it had been fun, I didn’t want to get roped into anything I wasn’t comfortable with.

“One more or 10 more. Whatever you want.”

“Okay. I’m in.”

* * *

“Hey Jess!” Aurora greeted me when I walked into the studio a week later. “I hear we’ll be working together!” She hugged me like a long-lost sister and kissed me on the cheek.

“What?” That was news to me. And what did she mean by working together?

“Oh, Gene didn’t tell you? Oops. We’re doing a threesome with Adrian. I haven’t done a scene with him in ages.”

“He did mention a threesome, but I didn’t realize I’d be with… with…” My face must have been bright red.

Aurora laughed. “A woman? Never eaten pussy?”

I shook my head. “Never even had my pussy…eaten until I did that last movie.”

“You’re so adorable,” she said.

Why did everyone keep saying that? “I’m not really into women.”

“It’s just acting. I am very into women. And men. Mostly I just like sex.” And then she grabbed my face and kissed me.

I stiffened, tried to pull away, taken totally by surprise. But, damn, she was a good kisser! Soft lips pressed against mine, and when I stopped resisting, she trailed her hands down my sides and then up under my shirt to brush across my nipples through my bra. I moaned against her lips, and she backed off with a self-satisfied grin.

“There. Better?” she asked.

“That was…nice,” I said, then dissolved into giggles.

She flung an arm around my shoulders and led me to a dressing room. “Gene didn’t say you had to eat your first pussy on camera, right?”

“He didn’t say anything about eating pussy at all,” I said.

“So, wanna try mine now, so it’s not a shock when we start filming?” She hiked up her short skirt to reveal an unclad, smooth pussy, already glistening with juices.

That was quite an offer. “Um,” I said.

escort bursa “You want me to do you first? I’m really good.” She poked her tongue out and waggled it at me. She must have sensed my discomfort, because she let her skirt fall. “Sorry. I’m trying to help, but I’m just making this worse, aren’t I? You’re just so sweet.” She flipped her long, wavy red hair back behind her shoulders and studied me with glowing brown eyes. She was really pretty, I decided. Really pretty. She had a tiny gold hoop on her left nostril and another in her right eyebrow.

“It’s okay. I appreciate it. I was just, you know, caught off guard. Everything happened so fast last time, and I didn’t really know what was going on. And now I have all this time to, like, think about it.”

“Lemme go talk to Gene. Are you doing anal this time? You could go do your enema if you want.”

One thought of Adrian’s cock in my ass made me clench in fear. His was much larger than Joey’s, who’d been the first to go in there. Gene must have chosen him for just that reason. Only Tariq’s cock had been wider than Adrian’s, and Adrian’s was longer. “I don’t know. Gene didn’t tell me anything! Does he like keeping talent in the dark?”

She nodded. “He likes the surprise factor. Says the reaction is more genuine that way. But sometimes a girl likes a little warning, you know?”

“Have you had Adrian’s cock in your ass?”

“Yeah. I’ve actually had two cocks at the same time in there. Once. Gene talked me into it.”

“Two! Jesus! How is that even possible?”

“Jess, you really should watch some porn if you’re going to star in it.”

That sounded like good advice. “Maybe I’ll do the enema just in case?”

“Go for it. I’ll go talk to Gene. Be back in a bit.”

* * *

I did all of my various cleaning tasks and then waited anxiously on the dressing room couch, wearing the clothes I’d arrived in, a tanktop and leggings. No one had told me what to do next, and Aurora hadn’t come back from talking to Gene.

There was a soft knock at the door.

“Come in?” I called.

Adrian strode into the room. Oh, he really was as gorgeous as I remembered. Something about the way he wore that dark blue button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled partway up his forearms, or maybe the casual five o’clock shadow he seemed to have no matter what time it was, or the contrast of his dark hair with those green eyes. Yeah, it was the eyes. Definitely. He smiled at me. “Good to see you,” he said. “How’s it going?”

“Hi!” I said, too brightly. I cleared my throat. “I’m good. Just, you know, waiting for someone to tell me what to do.”

He chuckled and perched on the armrest of the couch. “So, Jess, I wanted to talk to you about that actually.”

“About what?” Did he ever just sit in a chair?

“I was worried that maybe last time you got talked into doing more than you were comfortable with. That was a lot to ask of someone with no experience at all. Gene can be on the forceful side, persuasive, but if you really need to say no to something, he’ll respect that. You should know that. That’s all.” He shrugged.

“Oh. Yeah, no, it was fine. Hard, and a bit of a shock maybe, and I was sore for like a week after, but I’m fine with everything.”

“You’re not just saying that so I won’t feel bad, are you?” He scrubbed a hand through his hair.

“No! I’m not.” I met his eyes and almost forgot what we were talking about. “I’m not. I promise.”

“That’s good then. Okay. So, this film, you and Aurora with me. Aurora said you’re not sure about eating pussy.” He slid off the armrest and wedged himself in beside me. I moved over to make room.

“Yeah. I’ve just never really been attracted to women, and, I don’t know.” The image of Aurora’s pussy peeking out from under her skirt flashed before my eyes. “But Aurora’s pretty hot.”

“Up to you,” he said. “We can make it work either way. You okay with her going down on you?”

I nodded. “I don’t see why not.”


“So how come this time no one’s reminding me of all the things I consented to and encouraging me to try everything?” I wouldn’t have made myself keep going if not for Gene’s strong suggestion that I push myself, and while what I’d told Adrian was true, that I was fine with everything, it wasn’t really cool of him to make me feel like I couldn’t refuse.

Adrian grunted. “That’s why I came in here and not Gene. Gene would be trying to convince you to do it, and he’d probably eventually get you to agree.”

“Right. Well, like I say, I don’t know. Is it something I can decide on the fly?”

“Sure.” He rubbed the my arm and levered himself off the couch. “See you out there. It’s the living room set, by the way. Out and to the left.”

“What should I wear?”

“What you have on is fine for this one.” He laughed. “You won’t be wearing it for long anyway.” He closed the door gently as he left.

I stared at the closed door, my excitement growing bursa evi olan escort at the knowledge that his hands would be on me again soon. “Get a hold of yourself, Jess!” I said. I wasn’t sure what the etiquette was with regard to being helplessly attracted to your porn costar. “Okay. Out and to the left.”

I found my way to the living room set. The names of the sets were quite literal. There were only two cameras this time, Paul with his handheld one and another on a tripod, and Aurora and Gene were already there. Aurora had changed to very short shorts and a tanktop and pulled her hair into a simple ponytail.

A couch that looked like it might have been found out on the curb stood in the middle of the room, with a sturdy coffee table in front of it, and what was apparently a fake TV in the corner.

“Jess, here’s your script,” Gene said, motioning me over. He handed me two pages stapled together.

“Jess and Aurora are roommates whose heater is on the fritz, and their apartment is way too hot. They call in a repairman (Adrian),” it began.

“Cute,” I said. Adrian had a few lines, and Aurora was to explain to him what they needed. Then he would fix it and tell us the price, and I was to say, “Oh, that’s a lot more than we expected. Is there anything we can do to get a discount?” I wasn’t entirely certain I could deliver that line with a straight face. Then Adrian would make his pornographic suggestion, and a threesome would commence. At the end, Adrian would get dressed and tell us there was no charge after all. “This is hilarious.”

“People don’t watch porn for the story,” Gene said.

Adrian arrived in a repairman’s uniform, which set me off into hysterical laughter. They waited for me to wind down, Adrian and Aurora with faint smiles and Gene glowering. “I’m sorry,” I said. “Nerves, I think.” Also, this was so incredibly silly I just couldn’t take it seriously.

Gene harrumphed, obviously annoyed. He may not put much effort into the scripts, but the work itself was no joke. “Jess, I’d really love a finale with you eating out Aurora while Adrian does your ass,” Gene said.

That cut off my laughter right quick. “Um, can we do it the other way? I mean, me and Aurora switched?”

“You’re the new face. Everyone’s seen Adrian do Aurora.” Gene folded his arms across his chest. “And then we can have you going down on a woman for the first time on camera, too. You’re a goldmine.”

I looked to Adrian for help. It was hard to say no to Gene. Very hard. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was the way he worded his “requests,” or maybe just because he was the one who wrote the checks. “I’m not sure I can take Adrian’s cock back there,” I said, trying to say no without saying no.

Adrian put his hand on my shoulder. “I talked to Jess about this already. She’s not sure. Can she decide when the time comes? Maybe once we’re more into it and she’s relaxed?”

“How can I direct a scene when I don’t know what my actors are going to do?” Gene said, exasperated.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ll…try.”

Adrian’s hand tightened on my shoulder. “Lay off, Gene,” Adrian said, using a firmer tone than before. I wondered why he was defending – or protecting? – me so vigorously today when he hadn’t made the least effort to help me out last time.

Gene gave a heavy, dramatic sigh. “Whatever. Fine. Do it or not. Just don’t surprise me. Can we get started?” He waved his hand toward the cameramen and pointed me and Aurora to the couch. Adrian crossed the set to the “door” and ducked out of sight behind it.

“Roll cameras!” Gene called. “Okay girls, it’s hot, way too hot. Fan yourselves, maybe lose some clothes or something.” He sprayed us both with water so it would look like we were sweating. “Action!”

“Fuck, why is the heater still on?” Aurora said. She waved her hand in front of her face and pulled her shirt away from her body and blew down the front. “It’s like 90 degrees in here!” She got up and pretended to check a thermostat, bending suggestively and sticking her butt out.

“Maybe it’s broken,” I volunteered. “Do you know anything about heaters?” Now that we’d started, I wasn’t finding anything quite so funny. Ad-libbing took concentration!

“Me? No. That’s what repairmen are for.” She rolled the bottom of her shirt up to expose her stomach.

“I’ll call,” I said. I had my actual cell phone tucked into the waistband of my leggings, so I pulled it out and pretended to make a call while Aurora picked up a magazine from the coffee table and fanned herself with it. “Okay, he’ll be here soon.”

“Cut!” Gene called. “Nice touch, Jess. That phone is off, right? Last thing we need is a ringtone disrupting the scene. Okay, we’ll do a scene break and return with Adrian knocking on the door. You two lie down on the couch and look hot.” He laughed at his double meaning.

Aurora and I lay back with our legs intertwined, each leaning against a pillow propped on the arm of the bursa türbanlı escort couch. Aurora worked a bare toe into my crotch and wiggled it, a mischievous little smile on her face. The tiny motion against my pussy was incredibly erotic. I rolled up my shirt the same way she had.

“Action!” Gene announced.

Adrian knocked on the fake door, and Aurora hopped up to go answer it. “He’s here!” she cried.

I sat up and watched over the back of the couch as Adrian entered. “What seems to be the problem?” he asked.

“Our heater is broken, and it’s so hot in here,” Aurora said, her voice becoming sultry and suggestive. She touched his arm.

“Well, let me take a look,” Adrian said. He very obviously tried to peer down the front of Aurora’s shirt and then mine with a grin, and then pretended to inspect the thermostat. “It’s not the heater, it’s the thermostat,” he said. “I can fix this right now.”

“How much will it be?” Aurora asked.

“One-fifty,” he said. “Is that okay?”

My big moment, the line that would kick off the sex! I got to my feet and sauntered up behind Adrian and slipped my arms around his waist. “That’s a lot more than we expected,” I said, trying to imitate Aurora’s tone. “Is there any way we could get…a discount?” I pressed my breasts into his back. Okay, this was really fun.

“A discount?” He unwound my arms from his waist and turned to face us. “That might be possible. Do you ladies ever, you know, have fun together?”

Aurora lifted her shirt over her head, revealing a cute polka-dotted bra that defined her fairly small breasts. “You mean this kind of fun?” she asked, sashayed over to me, and kissed me as she had earlier, stroking my nipples through my shirt. This time, more prepared, I returned the kiss and then raised my arms so she could pull my shirt up and off. If I’d known my own outfit would be my costume, I would have chosen a sexier bra, but maybe the simple pink one I wore fit my character just fine. We parted and looked at Adrian.

He reached out and put a hand on each of our breasts and grinned. My breath caught at his touch. His fingers rested on the inner slope of my breast, just grazing the skin there. “That’s exactly the kind of fun I meant,” he said.

“Sometimes.” Aurora put her hand on my other breast and stretched up on her toes to kiss Adrian lightly on the lips. An irrational stab of jealousy pierced my chest.

It’s just acting, Jess! This little crush of mine was going to be a problem. I mimicked Aurora’s action, pressing my lips to his, but I lingered and put my hands on his chest. Ha! I thought. Adrian’s hands went to my waist, and Aurora sidled up behind me, unhooked my bra, and slid her hands into the cups to stroke my breasts. Adrian kissed me back, opened his mouth and met my tongue with his.

“Mmf,” I grunted against Adrian’s lips. Aurora’s hands were all over me now, running down my back, across my butt, between my legs, but I hardly noticed, so focused was I on Adrian.

Adrian pulled away and leaned over to kiss Aurora again, but at the same time he slipped my bra off my arms. Fuck, I wanted him all to myself! But then I saw Paul crouching beside us, trying to get a good shot of my breasts, and the spell was broken. It’s just acting, I reminded myself.

I left Aurora and Adrian locking lips and helped Aurora out of her bra and shorts. She wore a tiny pink thong, and her perfect, smooth buttocks tantalized. I was having butt envy. She must do a hundred squats every day to have an ass like that! I moved so that I could get between their bodies, hesitated, then dove in and took a small nipple in my mouth. She moaned and twisted slightly to give me better access.

Adrian’s hand slid into the waistband of my leggings and squeezed my butt, while he pinched and twisted Aurora’s other nipple with the fingers of his other hand. Aurora started unbuttoning Adrian’s shirt, and I moved from her nipple to his chest. God he smelled good. I didn’t know if it was deodorant or cologne or something else, but fuck!

Aurora broke away from Adrian and rolled my leggings down and off. I congratulated myself for choosing a thong this morning, just in case. She ran her hands over my butt, kissed the back of my neck, and then whispered in my ear, “Kiss Adrian. I’m gonna blow him.” I smiled faintly and stretched up to kiss him as Aurora dropped to her knees between us and opened his fly. Adrian returned the kiss with surprising passion, one hand on my breast and the other behind my head. He groaned when Aurora’s lips touched his cock. And then I had absolutely no idea what Aurora was doing, because Adrian’s lips on mine sent me spiraling. He kissed me hungrily, the hand on my breast straying lower, grazing my clit. He lifted his head, left me hanging, but not for long, because then his mouth was on my nipple.

I forgot about Aurora, forgot about the cameras, forgot everything. I threw my head back, hung onto his shoulders, and let the twin sensations of mouth and fingers draw me higher. I’d been fantasizing about this ever since that first time.

“Cut!” I heard, somewhere far away, and then Adrian’s hands were gone, and his mouth was gone, and Gene was snapping his fingers in front of my face. “Jess! Where’d you go?”

I blinked. “What?”

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