Jim’s Vacation (Part 2)

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Part 2

The light shined in and a faint crashing of waves could be heard. He lifted his head realizing it was 11am. He was lucky and he knew it. He had no hang over or ill feeling – in fact he felt the best he had in 10 years. The memory of the glimpse that hole in the back of the vanity provided raced through his mind. He had seen her ass, her perfect pussy. But there was more. There was an entire front view waiting to be discovered; and his favorite part of a woman – breasts – had not even provided a mere peak. Excitement ran through his body as he realized the opportunity available. If he planned the setup well enough, he could see his daughter’s holy features. Based on the way shirts draped her chest, he already knew her nipples would be perfect – slightly puffy with the areolas the size of a quarter. Perfect for sucking on. But what color where they? How did those breasts drape and hang? Given everything else was perfectly tight and perky on her, would they be the best breasts he ever saw? His own daughter, his own seed.

He decided these thoughts were enough the excite him that coffee wasn’t necessary to wake up. He had a full day of planning and strategizing a way to see glory. “I could put a camera there and record it.” Jim thought. “But how small of a camera would be needed? I only have a couple days to do this.” “No, I’ll put myself in the same spot and record it with my phone. I’ll use the bathroom right after she finishes showering knowing she needs to change.” “Tonight will be the night I see Lily’s beauty – all of it.”

Jim walked downstairs only to find a note on the kitchen table. “Daddy, I went to the Jones’ house to see Heather. Will be back tonight for dinner.” Realizing he had the house to himself, Jim came six times just thinking about his plan. He couldn’t stop cumming. Beyond her impeccable body, the taboo nature of it excited him. It was a forbidden fruit which likely tasted so good.

He remembered the cigar shop he mentioned to Molly yesterday. It made sense to get fresh air given all that was going on. Jim opened the drawer where the keys were and noticed a small notebook with Lily’s name on it. Given his new curiosities for his daughter, he opened it. It was somewhat of a planner and diary. It detailed her day and the things she had to do. Flipping several pages over, he noticed something interesting. The comment was dated a little less than two weeks ago. It read “Running low on tampons. Need to buy more. Cramps were tough this week glad its over.” Jim’s balls felt like coconuts when he read this. By the dating, Lily was at the perfect time of ovulation, she couldn’t be more fertile. Jim almost creamed himself right there but he realized seeing his daughter nude and having sex with her were to completely different leagues. One was a minor perversion, there was no going back from the other. Still, he knew he could at least dream of it.

He grabbed the keys and locked the house. Shortly, he was back in no time with the cigars. Walking to the deck, he noticed the screen door open. As he got closer, he saw a bikini top and bottom laying on the chair as if someone was tanning there. He heard the sound of a shower being turned off. “Shit!” He thought. “Lily, it that you?” he yelled. “Hey daddy! Yes, I got back and tried tanning for a bit. The lotion I put on felt icky so I decided to get a quick shower.” Jim knew this could be it – potentially now or never. “Sweety, my stomach is really bothering me. You mind hurrying up drying so I can get in?” With that, Lily opened the door to the bathroom almost completely drenched. From the looks of it, she had just put the towel on and not even attempted drying yet. “Sure, dad. I’ll just dry in my room.” His cock was starting to throb, his heart pumping out of his chest. She walked past him and he rushed in. He opened the vanity and found the hole. The door opened and closed. Lily walked by and the towel dropped. There it was. Jim almost screamed out. It took everything to keep staring while he reached into his pocket for his phone. As she turned, Lily’s position was perfect. She faced directly towards the hole and gave her father a complete open view of everything she had to offer. Her frame was thin and slender like her mothers. Her shoulders narrow and petite. But the globes that hung from her chest were magnificent – like nothing Jim had ever seen. They were milky white with puffy pink nipples perfectly placed at the tips. Almost gaziantep rus escort pointing up, they couldn’t get perkier – they were the breasts of a female ready to breed – inducing as much sperm to desire her womb as possible. It was difficult for Jim to believe he could create something so perfect.

Lily bent down to grab the towel and commenced drying herself. As she lifted her legs and contorted to dry herself effectively, she gave her daddy a glimpse from every angle. Jim couldn’t help from reaching into his pants and stroking his rock hard cock as his other hand recorded content he would use to cum forever. He saw her pussy – splayed open while one leg was high in the air. It was wet from the water. Jim zoomed his camera in to record everything he could. He dreamed of studying her folds and knowing everything about her sweet velvet hole. It was calling for his cock he thought. Her tits hung down as she bent over – swaying in motion. Those nipples would be right over his face and mouth if she were atop him. With that, he bucked 3 times and unloaded onto the floor. His balls squeezed and squeezed while his cock pulsated so hard that the head felt sore from being so engorged. He felt drained and breathed out and sat back down continuing to watch Lily dress. She pulled out a red thong and cupless bra. “Why did she have these?” Jim thought. The cupless bra wouldn’t even do much considering how perky her breasts already were. Jim was spent and needed a distraction.

Flushing the toilet to make it seem like he used it, he got up and walked out. Lily did so shortly as well. As Jim looked over in her direction, he noticed she wore a loose shirt and thin pajamas – it looked like she was wearing the cupless bra given the shirt draped her breasts and her nipples were evident but straps we on her shoulder. “Interesting and odd.” Jim thought. “Sweety, any thing you’d like to do for the remainder of the trip before we go home? Its just you and me for the next couple days.” Lily pondered the question. “Dad, Heather mentioned the ability to rent a small yacht to take out.” “I thought it would be cool and wondered if we could do so together?” Jim liked the idea. The two of them alone on a yacht – plenty of time to sneak peaks at his greatest desire. “Okay.” Jim replied. “Have Heather give you the number and I will call and set it up.” “Thanks Daddy!” Lily squealed.

Jim called the yacht rental that evening and set up the time. The closest booking was three days out, right before they had to leave. It was pricey too but Jim felt it well worth the cost. He decided that given this type of event, he’d rest for the coming days until they were on the yacht. The day came soon enough and both Jim and Lily were anxious to get out to sea. Once they boarded the yacht and Jim was provided the instructions for operation, they were out to sea in no time. “Daddy.” Lily said. “Can we go where no other boats are? I want to be in a serene place, quiet and alone.” “Let me look for a spot.” Jim replied. Looking at the GPS, Jim found a spot where no other boats seemed to be. “Sweety, there is a spot about 30 minutes out where we will be 5 miles from pretty much anything. With the water still and sun out, it should be as peaceful as you can imagine. And I can have a drink.” Jim stated. “Perfect daddy! Lets do it! Im going to go change while you take us there.” With that, Jim steered the boat towards the GPS location and turned up the yacht’s throttle. They were there in no time.

Jim sat on the edge of the yacht looking out at sea, he was so happy he took this vacation. It had offered him the best view he’d ever see. He heard the door close down in the cabin and footstep on the stairs. Looking over to ask Lily if she was hungry or needed a drink, his jaw slightly dropped. Lily wore a pink spaghetti bikini – nothing overtly sexual, but Jim knew what lay beneath. “Dad, why do you look so weird? It’s like you’ve never seen me before?” asked Lily. Jim couldn’t help himself. “You’re beautiful sweety. I finally realized how grown up you are. You’ve turned into a beautiful woman.” Lily smiled. “Thanks dad but I’ll be lucky if I find a guy as handsome as you were when you were my age.” She felt the need to correct that statement. “I mean, your still handsome now just when you were my age you were super hot. Mom showed me the pictures of you two back in the day.” Jim appreciated the compliment. “Well sweety, you’re just as beautiful as your mother was, maybe more so.” Jim replied.

“How so?” Lily asked inquisitively. Jim knew this might be the moment to initiate the workings of his greatest dream. “Could it be possible?” He thought. His balls felt fuller than ever, he had little time alone the past two days. He knew he’d better play it cool and be so smooth Lily didn’t even realize what he was doing. “Well Lily, if I can be completely honest which is what I’ve raised you to expect, your body is slightly nicer than your mother’s when she was your age.” “In what way dad? You can be honest, I know your just trying to compliment me and make me feel good. Its ok.” Lily replied. “Well….Jim took a breadth…..your breasts are much nicer than your mother’s. Her’s are beautiful, don’t get me wrong but yours really are perfect. I haven’t seen a better pair and of course luck would have it my daughter has them. I hope I didn’t cross the line.”

With that, Lily looked down at her chest. She knew what she had was nice but never how nice. She breathed in and was silent for what felt like and eternity. “I have an idea.” She replied. Jim was frozen, waiting to hear this idea. All the hairs on his body stood up. He felt the adrenaline rush over him and his balls ache as they swelled.

“I haven’t seen a real penis yet and with college in a few months I want to have some idea of what to expect….” Jim was still silent and frozen – he couldn’t believe he was heard those words come out of Lily’s mouth. He pinched himself.

“If you take your pants off, I’ll take my top off and we can act like nothing is going on while both enjoying the lesson life has to offer.” Lily asked modestly.

Jim’s cock was swelling. “Sweety. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. You do know guys respond a certain way when they see breasts – especially ones that look like yours?” Jim asked. Lily gave it thought. “Lets just see what happens. If it gets weird, we’ll stop and act like it never occurred.”

With that, Jim knew his cock had one job – impress this girl. Jim stood up in front of Lily. Slowly each one removed their respective article of clothing. Jim saw the breasts of his dream a second time but now they were only a couple feet in front of him, nipples pointing to him. His cock began to react.

Lily watched as her father’s shaft elongated and swelled in girth. She’d seen this occur in videos but the scale was nowhere near what she’d expected. What started out as proportional to his body became at least three times that. Upon full erection, her father’s penis extended 10 inches out – effectively her forearm’s length and was twice as thick. She gulped.

“Sweety, Im sorry about this. But at least you get to see the whole show.” said Jim. “So that is what I’d be expected to stick in my vagina?” Lily asked somewhat scared. Jim’s cock jerked to life due to the reference of his cock inside her womb. “Yes, actually.” he replied exhaling from the anxiety. “Get her curious” He thought. “Your mother never thought of it as too much but just enough.”

Jim mulled over it for a moment but the hormones got the best of him. He had to act – now! “Sweety… look at us. Your topless and my dick is completely out in the open. I’ve never been so knotted up inside. I, I need to release myself in some way and while I know its wrong, I want to release myself with you.” “Can I please fuck you? Pleaaase!?” Jim exclaimed. He had let it all out – on the line waiting for a reply. His senses were coming back to him and he realized what he had done.

Lily turned around without saying a single word. Jim’s heart dropped. She picked up her top and walked down the steps to the cabin. “Come down here daddy.” she softly spoke.

Jim wasn’t sure what to make of it but he did as she said. When he walked into the cabin room, Lily had already removed her bottom and was spread eagle on the bed. Her pussy presenting itself to him. Hey hips were so thick and full. Her thighs and calves perfectly shaped.

“Daddy. I love you and I know you love me. If this is what you need, you can have as much of it as you want.” Jim almost fell to the floor. His balls felt bigger than he ever knew, instinct was in hyperdrive. Jim quickly undressed and almost ran over the his baby who was spread out still. He couldn’t believe how tone her thighs were. How flexible she was and the way everything was presented for him. Perfect white skin with a pink center. He slowly grabbed Lily’s right breast. Feeling its supple skin and softness, he almost came right there and then. It took everything, but he refrained – that cum was for something special. Jim leaned down thinking he’d need to get Lily wet before the real fun began. She was glistening already – wet and ripe. Her musk was like her mothers, only fresher and younger if a smell can have an age.

He couldn’t hold back any longer. “Daddy?” Lily whispered. “Im not taking any birth control. Its been almost two weeks since I had my period. Please have all the fun you want but don’t cum inside me.” Jim hearing the confirmation of his thoughts almost fainted realizing his opportunity. “Heaven IS real?” He thought. “Okay Sweety, I understand.” He said.

Jim let the tip of his cock gently slap onto his daughter’s pussy. His dark pink head and her bright pink lips seemed like the most beautiful artistic expression he could imagine. His precum dabbed her hole and created a string between their organs. He exhaled hard and let the head come to rest on her. Feeling the tension in his balls he savored the build up and pressure. He knew it would be over shortly and wanted to feel the yearning desire he presently had, knowing of the eruption that would soon occur. Once content with savoring this feeling, he leaned into his daughter and let his cock slide into her. Her pussy was better than even he could have imagined. Tight, but not too tight. It felt like it was built for his cock – like two pieces of a puzzle perfectly fit together. He wanted to stay there, still, feeling the warmth and pulsing of Lily’s pussy on his cock for eternity. But more fun could be had.

He gently began to rock his hips letting about eight of the ten inches slide in and out of Lily. Her moans began and he knew what it would lead him to do. He locked eyes on the most immaculate pair of tits he’d ever seen. They bounced and swayed as he glided in and out, stretching that slick velvet hole. In a way, though he wasn’t directly feeling them while he fucked her, he was consuming everything about those breasts by simply watching them and seeing them respond to his movements. His eyes focused on the dark pink areolas inches away, then to his cock sliding in and out of the pink warm velvet of his Lily. The time was now – he hummed a deep tone of pleasure. Barbaric grunts echoed through the cabin as he gasped for air. Three slow and deliberately long strokes, tip to base, and he sank his cock as far in as he could. He felt the thick pulses of cum leave his balls and rise through the base of his cock, then to the tip and spurt into Lily’s womb. Lily was in shock. Completely filled, the rhythm of her daddy’s cock had made her feel more pleasure than she ever thought possible. She saw the animalistic lust in his eyes. She knew what was occurring and focused on the convulsions of warm fluid filling her. Unintentionally, due to the immense pleasure, he bucked and twitched. His cum filled her. He came, and came, and came more so than he knew was possible. Lily was overwhelmed by what just occurred and moaned louder than Jim ever heard a woman moan. Her faint angelic voice oozed lust. But it was only them for miles. No one could hear their primal screams of pleasure. No one knew what a man was being allowed to do with his 18 year old daughter.

His cock had not betrayed him and went limp but rather remained hard as he recharged. He felt waves of clamping and knew what he had done to his little girl. Lily’s first real orgasm was occurring and due to it her egg would likely move closer to the womb he had just filled. He saw her toes curling from the pleasure. He made her cum for him – she wanted his seed. This sight alone made him to cum again. Jim felt like every muscle in his body was squeezing as much cum through his cock into his little girl. He couldn’t believe his balls could manufacture so much seed. They must have realized what an opportunity they had.

Spent, Jim laid there, atop Lily. His face rested on her breasts and he breathed them in, sucked them, and felt complete. This breeding session lasted for another hour. Jim came 5 times in her until his cock was dry firing and he couldn’t move from his nerves being so overwhelmed. He was almost crying from the pleasure. He bred the best body he’d ever see and he knew it. He felt immense satisfaction with his ability to have her. Together, they fell asleep. Jim thanked the universe for what it had allowed him to do. He swore he would do this for as long as he lived.

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