Joey Finds a New App Ch. 33


The boys all arrived in class and Steve went to the front to talk to Mr. Smitski. Joey watched and saw his teacher smile warmly at Steve and then give him light rub on his back with a nod. He remembered he wanted to check out Mr. Gibson’s profile and brought it up to add to his app’s main screen. He saw that he was young, single and fit. He was averagely endowed and identified as bisexual. His fetishes included cross-dressing, femdom and pegging. That was surprising to Joey, but he figured he had no room to question other’s fetishes at this point. He knew if something happened with Mr. Gibson and Steve, he’d have to be better endowed to satisfy his friend so he scheduled some growth spurts to take place of the weekend that would put him at Joey’s size prior to the recent change. He also increased his semen volume as he done to himself and Kevin.

Class proceeded as normal and Joey focused on completing his work, so he could knock out the homework assignment before his study period with Mrs. Tyler. After yesterday he was excited to see how she’d be dressed today, the day of her date with Mrs. Jones. The class was uneventful except the notable personal attention Steve received from Mr. Smitski. Joey wondered if Steve was going to become quite popular with the teachers now that he’s changed his whole look and his body with the help of Joey’s app.

After English, Joey made his way to the front office to see Mrs. Tyler excited for her night out with Mrs. Jones. When he got to the office, he didn’t see her and went to check the copy room. He didn’t find her there and figured she was busy helping someone around the school. He started on the busy work of collecting files for scanning and assumed she’d be back shortly. After about fifteen minutes, he started to worry a little as this was unlike her. He decided to look around further for her and checked the storage closet before going off to the Staff and Faculty lounge he visited the other day for Miss Roxanne. When he entered the room, it was empty. He was about to leave when he heard someone crying in the bathroom. He stayed a minute longer until he felt confident it was a woman crying. He walked close to the door and Kıbrıs Escort knocked lightly.

“Mrs. Tyler? Is that you?” Joey asked softly.

“Joey. What are you doing here?” Mrs. Tyler replied.

“I was worried about my favorite teacher. Are you crying?” Joey asked further.

“Oh. It’s OK Joey. I just need some time to figure things out,” she replied.

“Mrs. Tyler. You know how I feel about you and I insist that you come out of that room right now and talk to me,” Joey said in a serious but empathetic tone.

He waited just half a minute before she unlocked the bathroom door and came out to see Joey. She was wearing a taupe ruched front racer mini dress with matching sandals. The dress hugged every inch of her curves which Joey loved and despite her current emotional state found himself distracted.

“Mrs. Tyler, what’s wrong?” Joey asked insistently.

“Oh Joey!” she replied before falling into his arms. She sobbed for several minutes as Joey held and caressed her.

“What’s wrong, my beautiful lover?” Joey asked softly.

“It’s just that, Joey. I’m not beautiful anymore,” she started as she stepped away from Joey. “I’ve gained so much weight and my body looks ridiculous. How am I supposed to go out on a date or go out with friends when I look like this?”

“Mrs. Tyler?! What are you saying?” Joey asked incredulously. “You look beautiful. That dress is amazing! I mean seriously, it’s distracting to me right now.”

“Joey. You are the exception. Nobody looks at my body and says I look beautiful,” she continued. “I am not in shape to be going out dancing with friends or whatever. No wonder my husband is cheating on me!”

“THAT’s enough of that BS, Mrs. Tyler!” Joey replied quickly. “You ARE beautiful, sexy and more of a woman than every girl I know! You are not allowed to talk bad about yourself, because I love you and I won’t allow it!”

Mrs. Tyler looked at Joey with tear filled eyes and finally came back to him for an embrace. He held her as she cried softly in his chest. “What happened, Mrs. Tyler? Why are you so upset?”

“Joey, I thought I looked nice today for my plans tonight Lefkoşa Escort with Penny, but I don’t know. When I got to work, I just feel dumb now. Julian and Nicolas were talking in Spanish, which they never do! Anyhow, I think they were talking about my dress and my fat body. They kept saying things and nodding my way and then they were just outright laughing. Joey, I just feel dumb,” she sighed.

“Well, let’s start from the beginning. what did they say? I took Spanish for three years, I’m sure I can figure it out,” Joey said.

“I have no idea what they said, Joey,” she said exasperated. “I don’t speak Spanish. I don’t know what they said?”

“Mrs. Tyler, just tell me the words they used, and maybe we can figured it out,” Joey said in a calming tone.

“Well, I think they said ‘anormay’ a lot, they said ‘godare’ or something like that. I think they said ‘gerday’, ‘mamar’ and ‘eldeseo’,” she answered. “What do all those words mean, Joey!?”

“Mrs. Tyler, I think you may have misinterpreted they’re meaning. I’m kind of embarrassed to say some of the stuff,” Joey said to her.

“I’m certainly not going to feel worse. I feel so dumb right now in my dress and all,” she replied.

“I think, they really liked you. They probably never got to see your curves and your uh, bigger assets. Mrs. Tyler, I’ve told you how much I like your body,” Joey said confidently. “If it was my money, I’d bet they were talking like guys do when they appreciate girls. I mean I think they were talking about what they’d like to do to you. You know, I think they said the f word, maybe suck,” Joey said cautiously. “Sorry, it sounds like they were being a little crude.”

“Oh. Really?” she said surprised. “You think they were saying those things about me?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s what was happening, Mrs. Tyler,” Joey answered.

“Hm. Well, I guess that’s better. Oh. I don’t know, Joey. I don’t mean to be making men talk about me that way. I just wanted to look nice for Pen er, Mrs. Jones tonight,” she said sheepishly.

“Mrs. Tyler, don’t be naive. Men are going to appreciate you when you dress nice. So are women!” Joey Girne Escort said to assure her. “Listen, just relax, pull yourself together and I’ll meet you back in the office shortly. OK?”

She nodded, leaned up and kissed Joey before going back into the bathroom. Joey left the lounge in search of Julian and Nicolas who he thought he might recognize but wasn’t sure. He checked the auditorium, then the gym with no luck. He went to the cafeteria and saw two young Spanish men and approached them introducing himself.

“Hola mi nombre es Joey. Trabajo con la Sra. Tyler,” Joey said. “¿Eres Julian y Nicolas?”

“sí. Sra. Tyler,” the responded nodding happily.

“Ella esta muy triste ahora mismo,” Joey said causing them to frown in concern. “Ella piensa que se ve tonta con su vestido sexy”

Both men shook their heads, clearly concerned. “No, ella es muy sexy con su vestido nuevo”

“¡Eso es lo que dije!” Joey replied. “¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que puedan visitarla y decirle lo sexy que se ve?”

Both men nodded excitedly. “sí. por supuesto. inmediatamente. ¡Amamos a la Sra. Tyler!”

Smiling Joey instructed them, “está bien. Asegúrate de decirle lo sexy que es. Ella tiene una cita esta noche y quiere sentirse bien. ¡Oh! Casi lo olvido. Ella no entiende español. Así que habla inglés. ¿OK?”

Both men nodded excitedly and replied, “¡Sí! Uh, yes!”

Joey clapped them on the shoulder and said, “Thanks guys. She was afraid you didn’t think she looked sexy this morning”

One of the men, shook his head as in disbelief. “No way, Joey. She very sexy.”

Joey encouraged them along and thanked them for helping Mrs. Tyler. He wanted to give them a few minutes alone with her, so he decided to sit in the cafeteria for a bit and text his friends before returning to the office. He sat down in the cafeteria to kill the next ten minutes before the bell rang. He wanted to give his new Spanish friends some time to convince Mrs. Tyler she was off base in her assumptions. He opened his phone to check for updates.

Miss Roxanne to Joey: ‘I packed lunch for you so you can just come right to my classroom to eat. I’ll have it all warmed up for you’ She accompanied the text with an up-skirt picture of her with no panties. Her pussy looked so sexy to Joey, and he wished he was in there right now sucking on it for her.

Kevin to Group: ‘Great start to the day. Jule both splayed out, him on top of her and completely exhausted.

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