John the Captive


Rhythmic grunts of pain fill the room as Sebastian repeatedly forces his cock into the fleshy channel of John’s ass.

John’s been kept here against his will for days. This is only the second time Sebastian’s visited him.

It was last week when he was taken. He’d just returned home from work and was parking his car in his garage, when a man calmly sat down in the passenger seat beside him. John was staring at him in shock and had no time to demand what the hell the stranger was doing before he covered his nose and mouth with a cloth with some foul smelling substance on it and he lost consciousness.

John awoke later tied to a plush, pillow covered, bed with blue satin pillows surrounding him. He was completely nude. It was at this time that Sebastian introduced himself and explained to John that he is now his personal toy to do with as he pleases.

Sebastian has set up a small personal apartment where John is kept. He is made comfortable. There’s a shower, a kitchen, a living room with a TV, so he can stay clean and keep Şişli travesti up on current affairs. But there is no escape, not even in death. He knows, because he’s contemplated his suicide many times just to get away from Sebastian and his attentions. There is no tub in which to drown himself, there are no sheets or ropes with which to hang himself. There is no way out.

Today, the fifth day of John’s captivity, Sebastian continues to fuck his ass raw. Minutes later he releases his ejaculate into his prisoner. Sebastian’s going to leave now, he always does, leaves John all alone down here in his solitude, that’s even worse than being raped by him. Before he does he leans down, kisses John on his left shoulder, and smiles as he says “I love you.” When he is gone there is nothing left to do but cry, until the next visit.

My Aunt moved in with me when she got sick. I furnished the little apartment attached to my house for her comfort. But, now she’s dead. Last week I was sitting in the park, contemplating how empty Taksim travesti my life is now, when I saw him.

He is beautiful. He was jogging along the trail. He went right past me sitting on the bench. It was then that I decided he should be mine. I followed him home and watched him outside his window. And later……I took him.

Of course I had to tie my little pet up the first time we fucked. He was a virgin with men and was just nervous. He’ll be broken in now and won’t protest quite as vehemently. Eventually he’ll get used to me and love me back. And he’ll stay with me forever.

I’ve just gotten home from work. I’m so anxious to see my precious captive. Maybe he’ll be happy to see me today, I’ve left him alone for a couple of days.

The apartment is at the back of the house, partly underground. You’d never be able to find it if you didn’t know it was there, it goes through the back of my closet. I have to walk down seven stairs before I get to the rooms. Where’s he at? He couldn’t have escaped, could Gümüşsuyu travesti he? Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see something moving towards me quickly. I turned just in time to see John’s fist hit my face.

I guess he’s not used to me yet……

No worries, I took him down with me. We wrestled on the ground for quite a while, which really turned me on, but seemed to upset him. He is crying and covered in sweat. His beautiful dark hair is plastered to his head. He gets really angry when I tell him how beautiful he looks right now. And seems to get a new burst of energy. In the middle of it all I kiss him and tell him sorry right before I have to punch him in his pretty face. His brief disorientation allows me to turn him on his back. I’ve removed my clothing and I cuff his wrists with my big hands. He starts screaming while I kiss my way down his back. I tell him to keep it up because I love the way he sounds. The screams subside to little sobs while I ram my cock up his ass over and over again. It’s amazing. I tell him his ass is the best I’ve ever had, so tight, so warm, so soft. My love is released into his body as I release his wrists from my grip. He covers his face and continues to cry, while I lay on top of him smiling contentedly. He’ll get used to it and learn to like it someday.

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