Julio Ch. 02


‘Wake up, Ms. Cameron,’ I hear Maggie say as she draws my curtains open. The bright sun jolts my eyes open. ‘Go away, Maggie!’ I groan, pulling the covers over my head, and she pulls the covers off. ‘No, Ms. Cameron, your papa wants you downstairs for breakfast.’

That gets my attention and, I jolt out of bed. ‘Daddy! when did he get in?’ Maggie just ignores me and continues clearing my bedroom. I grabbed my phone to find my Dad had sent me several text and voice messages through the night, with the last one saying, ‘See you at breakfast.’Immediately I take off my panties and run into my bathroom with Maggie screaming ‘Oh querido’ behind me.

Last night was something else, I think to myself in the shower. I had always imagined how having sex with Julio would be, but I never imagined it would be that amazing. The hunger we had for each other was unsurmountable, being that we had very little sleep and made love all through the night. Until 6.30 am when I had to return home. I hated to leave while he was asleep, but I needed to get back to the house before the shift changed between the guards. The last thing I needed was doing the walk of shame in front of the staff. Lord, just thinking about the things Julio did to my body made me ready again, and I was still sore. I better be quick. I think to myself best not to keep Daddy waiting.

Walking down the hall, I can’t help but notice Julio’s absence. Of course, at the foot of the stairs or the hallway would be where I would find him, but it seems odd that he isn’t at either at those places. ‘Good morning, Daddy!’ I say, walking into the dining room. My Dad looks up from his paper; ‘Morning Princess, Maggie said you had a rough night, something about a headache.’ he says as I plant a kiss on his forehead. I give Maggie a dirty look while I take my seat next to him while she pours my coffee.

“Yes, Daddy, but I’m alright now.”

“You sure? I can give Mortimer a call and see if he can come by and take a look at you?” Daddy says. I smile and give him a squeeze of his hand to reassure him.

“That won’t be necessary, Daddy. I’m much better now. don’t worry.”

Breakfast goes smoothly, and I fill Daddy in with my daily activities. Daddy also informs me about his meetings and the deals he is currently working on. Then, the dining room door opens, and Nick, the head of our security, walks in Julio, and everything stops. My palms feel sweaty, and I feel warmer all of a sudden. Julio catches my eyes for a quick second before turning his attention to my father. My attempt to return to my breakfast is futile at this point, being that my appetite’s dissipated.

‘Good Morning, Gentlemen; I’m sure Nick has briefed you on your new assignment, Julio?’ Daddy says. Julio coughs and answers with a curt; yes, sir. ‘Well, that’s settled then.’ Dad says, and I almost choke on my orange juice.

‘What new assignment? What’s going on, Daddy?’ I ask. Daddy gets up from the table, begins to make his way out of the dining room, and grabs his suit jacket on his way.

‘Well, nothing actually; Nick suggested we switch things up with the security. So James will be assigned to you for the next few days while Julio will keep an eye on things at the office’.

‘What? But Daddy, there’s no reason to do that. I’m okay with Julio, and besides, I don’t know James. ‘ Daddy barely pays me any attention as he scrolls through his phone, walking out of the room.

‘We can’t afford to get comfortable now, sweetheart, and I’m not taking any chances with your security. It is settled. Let’s go over a few details in my study Nick.’ Dad says and leaves the room with Nick at his heels.

Julio and I just stare at each other for what feels like hours before he speaks. “You left before I got up this morning.”

I find myself feeling shy, which is just silly. A couple of hours ago, this guy was exploring every inch of me, and here I was, blushing like an idiot. So I reverted to my calm disposition.

“Yeah, you were asleep. I didn’t want to wake you.” While making my way out of the door, I say, he stops me. He grabs me and pushes my back to a wall. His amber eyes burn with intense hunger, and I can feel the moisture in between my legs. Julio can already tell how aroused I am.

His hands dig into my jeans, into between my legs inside me, and I let out a moan. The look of utter satisfaction appears on his face with those dimples again. He leans closer to me, whispering, “There she is.”

His fingers play inside me like the perfect instrument.

“James may have the pleasure of watching you a few days but don’t get it twisted. You’re mine, Cameron. don’t ever forget it.”

At that moment, my insides shatter from the intense climax.

Julio takes his fingers out of me and licks them before planting a wet kiss on my lips before leaving. ‘See you around, Ms. Cameron’ and walks out of the room.


“Girl, put on a dress; we’re going out tonight,” Samantha Ankara escort says, running through her parents’ study. I look up from my laptop, confused. We both had been helping her mom, who was my Godmother, plan her annual summer charity gala. From picking out flower arrangements to discussing menus with the caterers, we didn’t have time for anything else for these past few days.

“Huh, What are you talking about? ” I ask before turning my attention back to my computer to respond to an email from the planner. She snaps my lab top shut and screams, “Andrea’s DJing tonight at this new club opening, so we are going.”

Andrea was the flavor of the month and was a part-time graphic designer, part-time DJ, and was all Samantha could talk about since they met a while ago. I rolled my eyes; I had no interest in going to a crowded nightclub with loud music. Taking a trip to Julio’s place seemed like a better idea.

“But I’m not in the mood to go out tonight, Samantha.” I groan.

“Bullshit! We’ve been stuck here these past few days and, I’m sick of it. I need some excitement! we need to get out!”She says while pacing the room.

“Don’t you mean you need to go out? Don’t act like we both don’t know the real reason why you are so eager to see Andreas all of a sudden.” I say while stepping away from the desk to put some of the paperwork away.

” Whatever, come on, Cam. It will be fun.” Samantha groans at me while she grabs my shoulders.

“Okay, Come with me tonight. I promise that I will make all the calls you want me to and more on Monday, Scout’s honor.”

Going out on a Friday night was the last thing I wanted to do, but sitting at home waiting for Julio to call seemed less appealing.

“Fine! I’ll go but remember, you promised to make all the calls next week to make sure the vendors are all set.”

Samantha lets out a vast squeal and pulls me in for a tight bear hug.

“Thank you! Thank you! I give you my word! ” she screams while grabbing her phone and running out the door.

Hours later, we’re walking into the VIP section at Yoru’s with James at our heels. Dim lights emanate from the blue LED lights from the coffee tables with an array of liquor bottles from Hennessey, crystal champagne to Johnny Walker, and a few trays of hot wings and flatbread. I notice it’s sparsely filled with a few patrons; a couple is making out in the corner of the room. 3 guys who appear to be members of Andreas entourage are in chill mode while enjoying a hookah while their arm candies are putting on quite a show on the pole.

Andreas notices us immediately. He looked like the proverbial rock star, in tight black leather pants, an open black shirt adorned with 5 necklaces underneath a black leather bomber jacket. His dreadlocks were pulled back in a ponytail with a bottle of whiskey in hand; he appears ecstatic to see us.

“Baby girl! You made it,” he says, getting up from his seat to grab Sam’s bum and planting a full wet kiss on her lips.

” I told you I would, I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Papi, plus I brought Cameron with me. ” She says, they both turn in my direction. I give a nervous hi; he bites his lower lip while undressing me with his eyes, “hmm, you are wearing that dress, girl.” he says. I’m wearing a black deep V neck and backless black dress with 7-inch black pumps.

Sam counters immediately, “Boy, I’m right here! “

“Oh! my bad baby girl, come on, have a seat. Ayo fellas, this is my lady Sam and her girl Cam. Ladies meet my boys, Rob, Mike, and Trent, and that’s Luis and Bonny in the corner over there, Barbie and Britney doing their thing on the pole. ” Andreas says, and as we take our seats, he orders more champagne for the table.

“It’s a shame things didn’t work out with Buddy from your last blind date. I’m sure he would have loved to come out with you tonight,” Sam says while reapplying her lip gloss.

“Girl, no, he was weird, and he kept talking about his new car, eww,” I say while bumping my head to the music emanating through the speakers. Thank God the music was just right and not too loud to have a conversation in the room.

“What are you girls yapping about?” Andreas asks while handing up our flutes of champagne.

“We’re talking about how Cam doesn’t seem to fancy any of the dudes I hook her up with,” Sam says.

“Men, fuck those weak-ass dudes, Cam, I gotchu. ” Andreas retorts while taking a hit of his hookah.

I just chuckle, take a sip of my crystal and ask Andreas what time his set is.

“I go on at 1.30; I sure as hell hope my cousin makes it in time before then. Speak of the devil; Watup though!!? You made it!” He states and gets up to welcome the people walking into the room. One of them is two girls and three guys, Julio, and for a second, I forget to breathe when he catches my eyes. He’s dressed in all black; black jeans, a black shirt on a black leather jacket.

After the proverbial hello’s and hugs, the new members take their seats, with Ankara escort bayan Julio seating right across from me.

“Ladies, meet the crew, Francisco, Jamal, Tabitha, Tiana, Lily, and my cousin Julio. ” Andreas says gleefully. Lilly clamps her around Julio’s arm to stake her claim on him to the other females or males in the room.

His cousin, I think to myself, but of course. Sam whispers to me, “Isn’t that the hot sexy dude who used to watch you?” I gave her a look to shut up and nodded.

“Fellas, I believe you already know some of the guys. This beautiful lady on my arm is the delectable Samantha and Cameron’s equally scrumptious girl. ” Andreas says.

I simile and say a nervous hello to everyone. More drinks arrive, and I strike a flirty conversation with Trent, a member of Andreas’s entourage, with the intense feeling of knowing that Julio’s eyes are following my every move. While Trent and I are standing at the balcony in the room, watching the active dance floor below.

“Dance with me, J,” I hear from behind me and look to see the blonde one that came with them; I think her name was Lili. She grabs Julio’s hand and tries to pull him to dance with her, but he brushes her off.

“I’m not much of a dancer Lil’ Julio says while taking a sip of his drink.

“Come on, Pooh bear,” she says in a baby voice.

Pooh Bear, I think to myself, well, I guess they have a special relationship since they have pet names for each other.

A club attendant comes into the room and whispers in Andreas’ ear and, he orders another round of shots for the group. Then, a waitress comes by with a tray of tequila shots for the group. Trent offers me a shot glass which I refuse.

Andreas’s scream startled me from across the room, and I almost spilled my drink; “Let’s go, people! It’s time to rock n roll, baby!!!! Whoa!’ He stormed out of the room with Samantha on his arm and the group on his heel. On our way to the dance floor at the lower level, I noticed that Julio pulled James to the side for a conversation, and I wondered what they were talking about.

The dance floor is packed with bodies moving to the beat of the music; the crowd goes wild when Andreas gets on the mixer. Sam and I get lost in the music and just enjoy ourselves, all of a sudden, a warm feeling comes over me, and I feel like I’m being watched. My eyes scan the room to try and find where that feeling is coming from; behold, I find Julio staring down at me intensely from the balcony in the VIP room. I recognize that look; it’s the look I’ve seen him give me so many times. He wants me, and I’m turned on. Thank the stars for liquid courage. He wants a show; I’ll give him one.

With my eyes focused on him, my body begins to move to the beat of the music. Swaying my hips from left to right while slowly caressing myself seductively. I am so entranced by the music and Julio looking at me that I didn’t notice Samantha leave by the side next to her man at the DJ booth. I feel strong hands around me, pulling me to a warm hard chest. His hands slowly travel further down to my hips to mold his hips, and I can feel his hardness on my backside, which makes me whine my hips more.

“You’re killing me, Mami. ” A fierce force says behind me, and my eyes flash open; that doesn’t sound like Julio.

I turn around to see Trent staring at me with a surprised look on his face.

“What are you doing?” I blurt out, and he looks at me, shocked at my response.

“Girl, what are you talking about?” he says and pulls me towards him.

I am very uncomfortable, and the last thing I want or need is some strange guy touching me.

“Let go of me!” I said while trying to pull myself away from him, but he kept pulling me back to him.

“Chill, girl! Don’t act all brand new. Come here.”He states, grabbing me even more aggressively.

“Stop it! Let go of me, please!” I cry, but he just ignores me and chuckles while tightening his grip on my wrists.

I look around the dance floor for James, but he is nowhere to be found. My eyes scout the dancefloor and the balcony for Julio or some help from anybody. Still, everyone appears entranced by the music, and nobody pays me any mind. I try and search for Sam in the DJ booth, but she and Andreas are making out and seem less interested in anyone but themselves.

“I think she told you to let her go?” I hear behind me. We both turn around to see Julio with a grim expression on his face.

“Men, chill. We’re good over here. ” Trent says, brushing Julio aside. I look at Julio with a pleading look in my eyes, begging him to help me. But, instead, he turns his attention back at Trent, who seems pretty drunk.

“She said to let her go, Trent,” Julio says sternly. The look on his face sends a shiver down my spine, but Trent simply ignores him and tightens his grip on my arm.

Within seconds, Julio makes his way to us and grabs Trent by his collar, and Trent lets go of me instantly. He faces Julio, eyes red Escort Ankara and nose flared; “What the fuck, man!” he cries.

“Dude, chill,” Julio says while his eyes scout the room while holding on to Trent’s arms to calm him down.

Trent shoves him; ‘Nah! Fuck that!” cries which alert some club patrons.

Both men face off with Trent is a foot shorter than Julio, his chest puffed out, eyes burning with intent but not letting go of my hand. Although Julio has a smirk on his face, his clenched fists tell the opposite.

” Trent, you’re drunk, and you are hurting her.” Julio states. The icy tone of his voice only seems to agitate Trent. Within minutes, bouncers appear to subdue Trent, one of them being James.

They scurry him away by the side doors with little fanfare; his cries are subduced by the music still coming from the speakers.

I didn’t even notice Samantha was already standing next to me in confusion.

“Girl, what happened? “

“I dunno, he was drunk and started acting crazy,” I tell her. She takes my hand, leading me off the dancefloor and heading towards the VIP section.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” she says while punching a code into a door in the room that leads into a foyer that leads into a bit of bedroom with a side fridge and an en-suite bathroom. Across the hall from the bedroom leads into a purple velvet carpeted powder room. The amber lights from the large mirror provide a warm glow into the room.

2 purple ottomans are at each side of the vanity, which has facial wipes, perfumes, lotions, and paper towels arranged on the stand.

Sam leaves the powder room before heading to the bedroom and returns with a water bottle.

“Drink this” she hands it to me. I take it from her, but I’m shaking so much I spill some of it on the carpet. Until then, I didn’t realize I was on adrenaline for quite a while, my legs gave away, and I took a seat on one of the stools. The ring on Samantha’s phone startled me; I almost let out a scream.

“Baby,” she says, and I decipher that she’s speaking to Andreas.

“No, she’s fine, a little shaken up, but she just needs a moment.’ Samantha continues.

Her eyes shift from left to right her voice begins to crack as she speaks to Andreas, who I can hear shouting on the other line.

“Go find out what he wants, Sam; I’ll be fine,” I say

She covers the phone mouthpiece as she turns to me with a concerned look on her face.

“You sure? ” Sam pleads to me.

I nod and take a seat on one of the ottomans; “It’s all good, Ol’boy will only get more agitated if he doesn’t see you.” I reassure her.

She mouths to me a thank you and quickly tells Andreas that she’s on her way to him over the phone.

” I’ll be back in a sec,” she says as she heads out the door and her cell phone rings almost immediately.

I head to the bathroom to have a more detailed look at my wrists. I wash my hands, and as I begin to examine them, I hear the door open and some footsteps. I guess Sam calmed Andreas down a lot quicker than anticipated.

“I’ll be right out, Sam, gimme a minute.”

I dry my hands and walk into the powder room to get some hand lotion to find Juliio in the room.

“How…How did you get in here?”

“I got the code from Sam,” he says and begins walking towards me. My heart races even more, and my palms get sweaty. Within seconds he is right before me; I struggle to breathe again.

“Let me see your hands,” Julio says, not taking eyes off me.

“I…t’s fine, really Julio. I’m, I’m fine”. I try and yell out.

“Don’t be silly, Cameron, let me see them,” Julio says and takes my hands. He examines my wrists with a light purple shade from Trent’s grip. He kneads my wrists with his thumbs, and I bite my lower lip to keep me from letting out a moan. How can I be aroused at a moment like this? I think to myself. But I can’t help it; he has that effect on me.

His eyes slowly travel from my hands to my flushed face. Julio’s eyes burn into mine with raw, unbridled hunger. “I’m sorry he hurt you, ” Julio says as he lowers his face towards mine to envelop me in a kiss, I’m ready for it. I’ve been aching for his lips, for his arms for days on end. My hands go round his shoulders, and he deepens our kiss as I melt into his arms. Finally, I feel his strong hands reach down to grab my backside and roughly pull me towards his hard length.

My body cries for more of him, and he obliges my urge as he reaches between my legs to cup my sex. He groans when he feels just how wet and ready, I am for him. Julio roughly pulls up my dress, and his fingers go inside me, and I almost collapse in sheer ecstasy.

“Julio.” I cry

“I know, baby girl, I know,” He says as he pumps inside me and my nails dig into his shoulders, but he doesn’t relent. I am where he wants me; hungry, eager and practically undone by his every touch. He pulls down my dress by the sides, exposing my bare chest but not for long. His lips envelop one nipple while his thumb and forefinger rub and tug on the second. I start feeling the onset of my climax; he abruptly stops.

My eyes flicker open to find Julio looking down at me with a mischievous look in his amber eyes.

“Did I say you come yet, baby girl?” Julio says as he picks me up and places me on the vanity.

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