Knock Knock Ch. 02


The first time I met her, I was pumping gas when I heard a sound like crying. I looked around the large gas station, and couldn’t see where it was coming from. I quickly stopped pumping, replaced the handle, and started walking.

I found her standing beside her little red car sobbing as she pumped gas. It broke my heart to see her like that, so I approached to offer my assistance.

“Excuse me Madam?” I asked. “Is everything ok?”

“No… I guess it isn’t.” She replied, as she looked up into my eyes.

It was a chilly fall day, but even with her jacket on I could tell she was slim, and possibly quite busty. She had steel blue eyes, shoulder length blonde hair, and despite the sad look on her face, she was enchanting.

“I realize I’m a stranger, but if you want to talk, then I will listen.” I said.

A honk rang out from behind us; a line up of waiting cars had formed.

“We can go to the Tim Hortons next to the gas station.” I said pointing to it.

She looked unsure; first at me, and then at the coffee shop.

“The first double-double is on me!” I said with a smile.

I had almost given up on her when she replied. “That coffee shop is closed; would you like to come to my place, I might have coffee in the cupboard.”

I did my best not to make that face vampires give when they are invited into a home. She either didn’t notice this, or didn’t care.

“I live close-by.” She said, “Just follow my car.”

She was right, in a way. She did live nearby… if you were to look from space. It was a twenty-minute car ride down country roads, and even across a wooden bridge. Each time I felt worried that I was headed towards a rendezvous with the headless horseman, I remembered those curves protruding from her jacket, and decided to continue on.

When we arrived at her place, she turned to me and said, “Don’t mind the mess, I wasn’t expecting company today.”

Her home was impeccably clean as she showed me to a chair in her kitchen. She then began to scour her cupboards.

“I don’t think I have any coffee.” She said with a look of despair on her face. “My ex drank it… he must have taken it with him.

I could see her shoulders drop an inch.

“Is that why you were upset at the gas station?” I asked.

She sat down, and proceeded to tell me about her messy divorce, and all the child care issues they’ve had since then. I looked into those blue eyes, and felt under her spell, although her story was grim; I think she could have sold me Florida swamp land. I would have paid top dollar as well if it meant I could sit with her longer.

“Would you like some tea instead?” She asked.

“Certainly, that’s my hot beverage of choice.” I replied to a mutual chuckle.

With out drinks prepared, we moved to the living room, ending up on a love seat together; the irony of which was not lost on me.

“So in all this time you haven’t been on any dates?” I asked her, between sips of my drink.

“You’re the first man I’ve had in my home that didn’t install, or repair an appliance.” She said we both chuckled at this.

I sat down my drink, and sliding closer I held her hand, once again looking into those enchanting eyes.

“I’m surprised the men didn’t line up outside your door the day the ink dried on your divorce documents.”

At this she chuckled, but didn’t pull away, instead she spoke softly, “I’m not a young lady.”

“Some men like a woman with experience.” I said, moving until our legs touched.

She took a deep breath, and spoke again, “I don’t have breast and ass implants.”

I took my free hand and brushed a stray hair from her face. “Some men like the real thing.”

At this she blushed, and was speechless for several long moments. When she did speak again, her voice cracked. “I don’t remember what to do in the bedroom.”

I leaned in for a kiss and said, “Some men are willing to teach.”

Our lips pressed together, she didn’t try to stop me, and returned the kiss. I pulled back a few inches waiting for her to say ‘no thanks’ and kissed her again. I did this several more times, each time she seemed to want to say something, only to loose the thought when we kissed again.

“I don’t have any…” She tried to say between kisses.

“Shhh.” gaziantep escort bayan haberleri I said putting a finger to her lips.

She accepted this, and we kissed silently. I took things ever so slow, not wanting to overwhelm her too soon. I am a boobman, and I fought the urge to rip her sweater off and attack her mounds with my hands and tongue.

I move my lips from hers, and went to her neck, kissing that piece of flesh where the neck meets shoulder. I was delighted to her soft coos coming from her. I felt that this was the time to pounce, and like a teen on a first date, I squeezed and rubbed one breast, and then the other.

She attempted to mirror my movements, and pulled at my tie, and attacked my buttons. Once my shirt was open, she reached down for my stomach and moaned.

“I’ve never touched a stomach so flat.” She said.

“Thank-you, I run a great deal.” I replied into her neck as I nibbled and kissed.

“My Ex was always, um round.” She said moving her hand up to my chest.

“Forget about him.” I said, and then yelped as she pinched my nipple.

“Please don’t do that.” I said to her, “I may be a boob-freak, but it’s a one-way street.”

She pulled her hand back and giggled; I took that moment to pull her sweater up and off, and admired her bulging breasts. They were like two scoops of vanilla ice cream waiting to be devoured!

She noticed my hesitation and asked, “What’s the matter?”

I replied while staring at her chest, “I’m saying a quick prayer of thanks to my deity for giving me such a bounty!”

“Good lord! Please tell me you’re a Christian!” She said in a chuckle.

“If I wasn’t, I’d convert right now if you let me unhook your bra.” I said in a laugh.

She may have said something, but I was lost in a boob-frenzy. I buried my face into her cleavage, and reached around her body with a hand, in a blind attempt to unlatch her brassiere. She again laughed at my fumbles; I however had my tongue out, licking at the sweat that had formed between her two large snow balls.

When I finally discovered the secret to the clasp, her breasts sprang out, and again I paused. Her breasts were impressive! Her areolas were large and pink; the nipples were crinkled up, and ready to be suckled.

“I see you’re an easy man to please!” She said to me, as I pushed her breasts together so I could lick one nipple, and then the other.

I was in heaven as I worshipped her chest; her nipples were as stiff as I was as I lick and sucked upon them. She loved the attention as she sat on the love seat.

She seemed unsure what to do while I admired each breast, until she decided to take action; she reached down, and felt my manhood through my trousers.

“Oh!” She said, “You’re so hard!”

Hearing this, I lifted my head up, stopping for a quick kiss before leaning back in the seat.

“You’re welcome to have a closer look.” I replied.

Wordlessly she obliged herself, starting with my belt and then my zipper.

When she pulled at my underwear freeing my manhood she exclaimed. “Wow! That is huge!”

“Thank-you.” I replied.

“I haven’t done this in very long time, if I make a mistake…” She started to say.

I interrupted to say, “Don’t worry about such things, have some fun!”

With that she started licking the head, bathing it in saliva; I put my head on the back of the head rest, once again back in ecstasy.

In time she felt braver and opened her mouth to engulf me, swirling her tongue around the head repeatedly. I began to feel the pangs of orgasm rising within me.

“Uh….” I tried to say.

She paused mid-stroke, and lifted her head up. “Are you ok? Did I hurt you?”

“I’m going to cum.” I managed to say. “Do you want to go to your bedroom?”

“Oh, sure!” She declared standing up, to pull her pants down.

I pulled off the rest of my clothes, and noticed that we stood in front of each other stark naked.

“You look great!” I said to her.

She blushed and replied, “You’re just saying that.”

“If you think I’m being false, have a look at this.” I said with a chuckle as I swung my erect penis back and forth.

She laughed as well, and led the gaziantep escort hikayeleri way to her bedroom. Once in the room she turned around, as I rushed up and embraced her close.

“How do you want to do this?” She asked.

“I plan on trying every position, but first…” I said as I tripped her, causing both of us to collapse onto the bed.

She instinctively wrapped her legs around me and I slipped right in. She was very wet, and surprisingly very tight!

“Uh, so you’re cool with no condoms?” I said buried to the hilt inside her.

“I can’t have children; I had a hysterectomy long ago.” She replied.

I almost made a comment about that’s not the only reason why condoms might be used. Since she hadn’t sex in years, and I received a clean bill the other day, I decided to keep quiet.

Some folks call missionary the most boring position, but not me! I like the breast access that it allows me. I pumped away like a piston in a car; while I squeezed a nipple on one side, I had my face on the other.

She moaned softly in time with my movements, but was rather quiet, as if she was holding back. It was time to break her routine, and show her how exciting sex could be! I withdrew from her, and moved her onto all fours, and sank back in.

“Careful,” She said, “You’re a little big you know.”

“If I have you walking like a cowboy tomorrow, then I’ll consider it a success!” I replied as I picked up my pace.

She tried to say ‘cowgirl’ but the words were lost as I gave her bottom a quick pat.


With some women it is difficult to tell when they cum, and others, they flail about, some even tell you. She was easy to read, she would moan a different way, and there was the sudden on rush of wetness. It happened once when I was fully inside her the first time, and the second just had happened.

If I were a horse then I would be at full gallop, dashing across a meadow, and leaping over fences. All the jumps I’d make would be the waves of orgasms I gave her followed by hard and fast pounding.

I could tell that this position was beginning to exhaust her, so it was it was time for another switch. I stood up, and when she looked back at me, I took her by the hand and pulled her to her feet.

“What do you want to do now? Those are the only two positions I know!” She said between laughs.

I looked into those sky-blue eyes and declared. “This one will blow your mind then!”

I pulled her in close for an intimate kiss; she gave herself willingly, but seemed unsure as to what I had in store for her.

“Put your arms around my neck, and when I say so, put your legs around my waist.” I instructed her.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking,” She said in a laugh, “but I’m too heavy for you to try lifting me!”

I always believe that actions speak louder than words, so instead of replying, I began to lift. I had my hands on her ass cheeks and she quickly put her legs about me tightly. My erection bobbed about until I guided it in, and was welcomed with a splash, I had made her cum once again.

Earlier in the bed she tried to be modest, but now suspended in my strong black arms, she was letting loose verbally! Thankfully she lived in a rural area, it would be a true challenge for her to explain why she had a black man she just met an hour prior was having sex with her in that position.

I mostly stood there and held her as she moved her ass up and down, it couldn’t have been long before I felt the accidental drops of sperm leak out of my penis. I wouldn’t say I came early, but I did deposit some excess capacity into her.

She either didn’t notice, or didn’t care that I put several million sperm into her vagina; she continued to bob up and down on my ebony rod, her moans and screams increasing in volume.


I didn’t need to look down to know that my partial load of sperm had worked its way out of her, and landed partially on my foot. The sensation was powerful, I felt like unleashing the rest of my tadpoles, however the position wasn’t correct.

I gently eased her legs down, and found that my penis was still inside her. This was a first for me, standing up; face to face; and having sex. Placing both gaziantep escort bayan ilanları hands on her ass cheeks, I began to ram into her, with gusto!

The faint sound of my pending orgasm was now as loud as a train whistle; I could not ignore it any more.

“Where do you want me to cum?” I asked as bravely as possible.

“Uh, anywhere you want I guess.” She replied.

That was the perfect phrase for me. I wanted desperately to paint her face with my man ink. I however wanted a repeat visit, so I decided to keep it traditional… well as traditional as I can get.

I withdrew my elephant’s trunk from her, and spun her around. In our final intimate dance that, she was letting me take the lead. I spread her out on the bed, face down, and I quickly crawled on top of her.

I moved with the urgency of a man who had mere seconds to disable a bomb as I repenetrated her, and slid my hands under her.

“Oh!” She cried out as my hands each found an udder and latched on.

“You won’t get any milk from them.” She said as I manipulated her nipples.

I could feel my orgasm building once again as I picked up my pace.

“Tomorrow your nipples will be sore, but today you’ll be titillated!” I whispered into her ear.

I tried to hold out longer, but her soft breasts and firm nipples sent me over the edge. Like a gas jockey filling a car at a petrol station, I pumped my man fluid into her as I came.

“Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!” I cried out as I deflated from the loss of sperm.

“Ooooohhhh!!!!” She wailed as she had one final orgasm as well, perfectly timed with mine.

“No stay.” She said as I tried to roll off her. “I like the weight on me.”

I grunted in reply as I started to lose consciousness, a good romp always tuckers me out. In time she did roll me off her, and we lay spooning together, my hands on her breast, as I drifted to sleep.

Sometime later I awoke to the sounds her phone, she was playing a game. I was semi-hard with my manhood deep inside her; my hands were no longer clutching her breasts, a mistake I corrected quickly.

“I see that you’re awake?” She said.

“I am.” I replied, “Did you sleep?”

“No.” She said softly, “I’ve slept alone so long, that I can’t sleep next to someone any more.”

“That’s a shame; I had the craziest dream while I rested next to you.” I said with a chuckle.

“Before you tell me about it, I have some questions for you?” She asked.

“Fire away!” I said.

“Please tell me you have a job? And that you’re not some couch-surfer waiting on a court settlement?” I heard her words, and thought she was joking, but she sounded dead serious.

I tried not to laugh, she thought I might be a free-loafer, but it didn’t stop her from having sex with me; I was also still inside her. I did tell her what I did for a living, and she relaxed.

“I have some questions for you.” I said slyly. “Was this an interracial first for you?”

It’s rare that I encounter women in America who have crossed the colour divide for pleasure. I almost always am the first for them.

“No.” She said, with her back towards me. “But you are the first of your shade of… brown I’ve been with?”

“I thought you said that you’ve always lived here in New England?” I said confused.

“I have, why?” She asked.

“I haven’t seen a man darker then me since I crossed the state line.” I said feeling more confused.

At this I felt her feminine muscles contract, causing my manhood to grow.

“I’m from the coast,” She said like it answered it all. “Our town was almost a third black.”

“Freed slaves?” I asked.

“I guess so.” She said. “While I dated one briefly, and slept with his cousin.”

We both laughed at this, and my penis began to stir to life.

“It feels like both of you are awake now.” She said with a chuckle.

“Have you tried role-play before?” I asked as I kissed her neck, goose bumps started to appear.

“No?” What is that?” She asked innocently.

“We both dress up, and act out a part, like a play, or a cheesy porno.” I replied.

She laughed heavily at this.

“Sure!” She said, “I’d love to do that, what should I wear?”

I pulled out from her, my manhood pointing at the sealing, and spoke. “Do up your make-up very sleazy, your hair frizzy, and put on a skirt, or kilt, with a white shirt that buttons up.”

“I think I know what you’re getting at!” She said excitedly. “But what will we do? I mean, what’s the story, or scenario?”

“You’ll have to figure it out based on how I act.” I said, “In fifteen minutes I’ll knock on the door and we’ll begin.”

With that I stepped out of her room.

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