Life Of Paul – Departure Ch. 02


All characters appearing or mentioned in this story are 18 years old or older. This story is a work of fiction and any reference or description to actual persons is unintentional.


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March 1999

A few days later, I woke a little earlier as I had to make my way south to San Diego.

I showered and got myself looking somewhat respectable in some chinos and one of my nicer long sleeve shirts. I didn’t know what Tiffany had in mind for this shoot, but I knew for a fact that clothes were not something that would be needed.

I made good time to the spot. Double checking the address, and then making sure that my numbers were indeed written down correctly, I gawked at the house that stood before me.

House being a vague term. The place was a mansion, complete with gate, high stucco wall, and many palm trees blocking the actual structure. The house was large enough to see despite all of that. I drove up to the gate and a man came out to greet me.

“Name?” he said simply.

“Uh, Paul. I’m here to see Tiffany…”

“Go ahead,” he said without even consulting a list. He opened the gate and I rolled up the drive.

It was a drive alright. There was a long driveway that had its own little grass area enclosed by palm trees and some benches and a few naked women.

Wait a second…

I slowed down to see that, yes indeed, two very attractive, buxom blonde women were posing for a photographer who was moving around them as they posed. An assistant was staying out of the way holding a reflector and another one was further away tending to some equipment.

I managed to pull my attention back to the present and found where people were parking, so I pulled into a spot and went to the front door. It was open and there was actually quite a bit of activity going on.

To my left, in a sitting room of sorts, another photo session was happening, this time with a man and a woman, who were pretending to be in the throes of passion. They would move now and again but their expressions were staged for the camera. The woman was brunette and seemed a little familiar, but the dude was unknown to me, as were the photographers and other assistants in the room.

To my right there were several large tables set out with food and beverage covering the entire surface. And not just soda either; full on bottles of liquor, several types of beers, and mixing components also were present.

I strolled through the foyer and on ahead and into the next set of rooms. In one room, one very fortunate looking man was getting a blowjob by three women. Again, posing for the camera and doing just enough motion to keep the dude erect.

At this point, I was having a hard time (pun intended) not getting an erection from all the naked women present.

After still more exploring, and a helpful person directing me with a thumb jerk as they rushed by, lead me to more areas where people were doing variations on nearly every male fantasy that I ever had, and even introducing me to a few new ones that I will start having.

Finally finding my way down a small hallway, there was a printed sign taped to the door that said “Coordinator”, so I knocked to get the attention of the woman sitting at a folding table.

“Excuse me,” I said as polite as I could, “could you tell me where I can find Tiffany? She asked me to come in and…”

“Sit down please,” she said. Even though she said please it was not a request, so I did. She put a few forms in front of me and tossed me a pen.

“Fill these out and sign at the bottom. Just so we’re clear, all images, videos, drawings, writings, and other created media are all copyright to the company and you are willingly signing over these rights in order to appear in said media, with proper credit being assigned when and if said images, video, etc are used. Do you understand these terms?”

“Um, yes,” I said.

“Good, fill out the paperwork. Yellow copy is yours. Make sure your address is clear as you won’t get a check if I can’t read your address. I’ll make a photocopy of your ID and then you’ll be all set.”

She took my ID and copied it. I filled out the paperwork as instructed, which was surprisingly thorough. I did not have a stage name, which it asked me for, so I just used my first name. Like Cher. I also had absolutely no idea what I was signing up for, but I just went along with it hoping that Tiffany could explain a thing or two when I see her.

I handed them back and the woman scanned them quickly. “Good,” she said. She gave me my copies and told me Tiffany was on the 3rd floor, east wing.

Geez, this place had wings?

I left her office and went to the third floor. Along the way I passed several rooms where loud female voices could be heard. The signs on the door indicated Ankara escort shooting was in progress and not to disturb.

So I guess they’re shooting more than just pictures here then. Okay.

Getting to the third floor, I passed a studio of sorts where several women were in chairs. Most were wearing robes of some kind, a couple were naked and getting their breasts powdered. A slim, brown skinned man with a fanny pack of cosmetics bustled around the women, applying various things to various body parts.

That didn’t seem like a bad job. If I ever need to work, I’ll look into that as a possibility.

Going down a hallway in what I’d hoped was the east wing, I got to an open door. Peeking inside, I could see Tiffany and another women sitting on a sofa, their backs to me, chatting and looking at photos and what appeared to be layouts proofs.

“Hi,” I said, knocking and entering the room. Tiffany, dropping her photos, ran to greet me. Her long auburn ponytail wiping out behind her, she hugged me tightly.

“Thank’s for coming,” she said, her words muffled as her mouth was buried in my neck. “And right on time.”

Letting her go, I said “I’ve been here for half an hour. I was surprised by the activity, and then had to sign paperwork, and got lost a few times. It was very different than what I expected when you said it would be just you, me, and the photographer.”

“And so it will be. Eventually,” Tiffany said. I noticed that she was wearing some light makeup, but only around her eyes. Her freckled cheeks were still freckled, which was one of her best features if you asked me. She looked more sultry that I would have expected for a photographer. It was enticing.

“Here, this is Jenny,” she said, introducing the other woman sitting on the couch. She rose up to greet me. “She’s a great photographer and she’ll be the one shooting us today.”

I had to force my brain to start taking breaths again. Jenny, which must be her real name, was none other than the most prolific XXX star in history, Jeri St. James. At least up to that point. The sheer number of movies and magazines she’d been in were staggering, and the fact I was here with her now was fascinating.

“Nice to meet you,” she said, shaking my hand. “I’m glad Tiffany could convince you. It’s hard to find talent on such short notice. Especially one that could come so quickly.”

My brain only processed ‘nice’,’hard’, and ‘come’, but I managed to smile and respond.

“No problem,” I said to the woman responsible for most of my male fantasies.

She was medium height, taller than Tiffany, with shoulder length bleached blonde hair that was professionally dyed. Her face had firm features, high cheekbones, and pouty lips that I’d fantasized about many a time. Glancing down I saw that she was lightly tanned, wearing a short sleeve crop with a hood that that zipped in the front and a jean mini skirt. She had a smooth, flat stomach and her legs were toned and long and ended in low top white sneakers.

A slap on my arm from Tiffany brought me back to reality. “Sorry, what?” I said.

“Nothing, just snapping you back to reality,” she said. “I know that you’ve probably jerked off to Jenny more times than you’ve had hot meals, and I get that its kinda awe inspiring to meet her at first.”

She was right. It was hard to not imagine Jenny naked and sucking a cock that I wished was mine.

“Still, we have work to do so let’s get going,” she said.

“Can you explain real quick what all the action is around the house?”

“Oh, thats perfectly normal,” Tiffany reassured me. Not offering any more explanation, Jenny pitched in.

“We rent places like this for a week, or sometimes just a weekend, and shoot as many sets and movies as we can in that time. It saves time and money and gives us a nice backdrop for the magazine spreads.”

“Nice,” I commented, “efficient.”

“Practical more than anything,” Jenny said. “Producing adult movies and photos is lucrative, but few want to work with us. So we rent places like this, pay double the rates, and still make a good profit from the work we get out of it.”

“How much can you shoot in one week?” I asked as they led me out to the balcony. It had a view of the far off ocean, and below us were a sea of trees and Spanish tiled roofs.

“We’ve been here a few days, and already have at least 12 movies and about 40 image sets for various magazines.” Jenny said this as if it were perfectly normal.

Thinking about it, it made a lot of sense. You can see in any number of adult magazines a photo shoot done in front a pool. You never look at the pool, just the naked women, so that pool probably appeared a great many times in magazines all over in any given month.

“So,” I ask as we look out at the view, “what is it you need me to do?”

“You want the short version or the your dick version,” said Tiffany. Her comment did nothing to reduce the now irritating bulge in my boxers.

“Short is fine.”

Tiffany moved her lips in a circular motion, thinking. Ankara escort bayan “You remember the shoot we did with Min?”

“How could I forget,” I said.

“Afterwards, when you and I were on the hill, and then later that evening?”

I just smiled at the happy memory. At least, what I could remember of it. Tiffany gave me a book of pictures we apparently took so I could fill in the blanks.

“We want to do that sort of setup. Passionate. Sexy. More erotic than pornographic,” she explained.

Thinking about it, I knew I could do what she asked. But I wasn’t sure if I could do it in front of Jenny.

“You’ll be fine,” Tiffany assured me, hugging me from the side. “Besides, how fun would it be to tell your friends you got to meet Jenny for real?”

“It’s entirely up to you, Paul, how we proceed,” Jenny said. “Not to be indelicate, but mens’ ego’s are easily bruised, and nervousness can lead to lack of performance, so if there is something that we can do to make you comfortable, we’ll do what we can.”

“I think it will be fine,” I said. “Its like trying a new skating trick; you just have to do it, fall down, get back up and do it again. I’m psyching myself out more than I’m nervous, I think it’ll be fine.”

“Great,” said Jenny, walking back inside. “Let’s do some test shots and then get into makeup.”

“Makeup,” I asked Tiffany.

“We’ll both have it. And yes, you need it. Camera flash is no joke and shininess leads to bad photos.”

Once back inside the spacious room, Jenny grabbed a camera. It was bulky, but it was also digital and expensive looking. These folks really didn’t spare any expense for equipment.

“OK. Drop your pants,” she said plainly, “let’s see what we’re working with.”

I tried to comply but my brain was caught up again by *the* Jenny telling me to drop my pants so she could examine my dick.

Tiffany, swooping to the rescue, said in a low, sultry voice, “Here. Let me help you.”

While I was still standing in front of Jenny, Tiffany sidled up beside me, undoing my belt with her hand. She slid down my pants easily, letting them drop to the floor. She the reached behind me, slipped her fingers into the waistband of my boxers, and slid them down my legs. She squatted as she did this, so her chest and face grazed my bare legs. Her face was close enough that I could feel her breath on my hardened member.

Rising back up, Tiffany put her lips to my ear, and whispered “Relax. It’s just me and you right now.” She took a firm hold of my cock and started to slowly stroke it. “You and I are going to have hot, passionate love making; you and I are going to cum multiple times; and you are going to cover me in so much cum I’ll need a firehose to wash it all off.”

Her words and stroking had the intended effect of getting me rock hard. I heard a few snaps of a camera and saw Jenny taking landscape and portrait shots of us. She also took a step forward and got a very up close shot of my cock in Tiffany’s hand.

“Well,” Jenny said as she put the camera down, “Tiffany was certainly not exaggerating. You have a great cock.”

Jenny saying I had a great cock nearly made me cum right there. I stopped Tiffany’s hand just before it was too late. The twinkle in her eye told me she knew what was about to happen and intentionally kept going. That minx.

“So,” Jenny said, bringing me back to the present, “make up, a quick trim and I think we’ll be ready.”

“Trim, for what,” I asked.

“Here, I’ll show you,” said Tiffany, smiling.


The one thing I think I was most surprised at is how comfortable everyone seemed to be walking around naked.

Male and female alike strolled into the makeup room in various states of undress needing a touchup here or there and Marco rushed to do as bidden.

Marco, to his credit, touched up dicks and breasts with equal professionalism. I am sure I would not be comfortable applying concealer on another mans penis, so maybe this would not be a good profession for me after all.

“So,” he said after washing his hands for the 80th time probably, “what are we doing here?”

“Hero treatment, basically, for the chest and stomach” said Tiffany. “Abs and pecks. Light definition. Some powder to knock off shine.”

“Okie dokie,” Marco said, and got to work. Taking off my shirt, he came at me with an airbrush. I shot Tiffany an inquisitive glance.

“Chill out. He’s adding some soft definition so it shows up better on camera.”

“Am I not defined enough,” I said, mock insulted.

“No one is,” Marco said. “Film only captures so much quality. Our eyes see in hi-def, but cameras aren’t eyes, so we need more contrast to help film see the edges of things.” He started in on my abs, the cold air tickling like crazy. It was the first time getting airbrushed abs, after all, so I did not at all act professionally. He did the same to underneath my pecks, Tiffany giving her approval.

“Very nice,” she said.

Marco then dabbed my face and neck and shoulders with a sponge Escort Ankara and brush. He certainly did know his craft because in less than 10 minutes I was declared done.

“What about the junk? Anything there,” asked Marco.

Before I could decline, Tiffany offered an answer.

“Since this is a first for Paul here, I was going to do that. Here,” she gestured to a temporary changing area with chairs in them. “We’ll trim you up in here.”

She grabbed some scissors, a disposable razor, shave gel and a nail sanding block, and directed me into the booth. Pulling closed the curtain, she sat me on the edge of the chair, pulling down my pants and shorts. My semi-erect member flopped out to greet her.

“I see you’re almost ready to go,” she said, speaking down to my member. “Let’s get you ready for your close up.”

With subtle and precise movements, Tiffany trimmed my pubes all around my cock. She held it in her small, warm hand and maneuvered it so she could trim around it. This had the effect of getting me more excited, which Tiffany tried to ignore.

She then moved on to the shave gel, applying some to my now fully erect member. Gently and carefully, she shaved the base of my cock until it was clear of hair the entire length.

Finally, she took the sanding block and went over the trimmed pubes like she was sanding a car hood. It didn’t hurt, but it was definitely a new experience for me.

Wiping me off with a towel, my erection was greatly reduced but not all the way gone. “There,” she said, satisfied, “that looks very nice. And, it even looks bigger.”

Glancing down, my junk did indeed look a lot cleaner and a little longer. I started to understand how women felt after getting a trim down there. It certainly made me feel sexy.

Donning my pants again, we exited the make room and went back the room we were going to shoot in.

“Jenny will explain what the setup is while I do make up,” Tiffany said, and departed back down the hall.

Still shirtless, I went over and sat on the couch next to Jenny. Her skirt rode up some and her legs looked even longer and more attractive than before.

Jenny explained what the scene was going to be about. Tiffany and I were doing a “Batman catches Catwoman with the goods” type of theme. I would catch her while she was trying on the jewelry, she would try to escape and then she’d use her Catwoman wiles to distract me and then escape.

It all sounded rather cheesy, but I didn’t say that.

“I’ll be giving you both some directions, probably more than you’re used to. Just try to stay in the mood so we can keep you hard for the shoot.

“A lot of the photos will be staged, but some will be while you two are fucking, which will look more natural. And if you are getting close to cumming and we’re not done yet, try to think of something un-sexy; like sports or food you think is gross.”

I had some follow up questions which Jenny was happy to answer. She was more knowledgable than I thought, and seemed to spend as much time behind the camera as she did in front of it. I told her as much.

“Thanks,” said Jenny through a wide smile. “I get paid to appear in photos, but I get more to take the photos sometimes. And it’s also just fun to do.”

“I’ll say,” said Tiffany from across the room.

I turned and saw her as their rendition of Catwoman. Her mask went over her head, and had two little cat ears on top, but her hair still came out and down her back. The mask covered her eyes and down her cheeks, but left her nose, lips and chin exposed.

Her outfit consisted of a leather bodice with lace cups which did not fully hide the nipples on Tiffanys firm B-cup breasts. She also had on very, very tiny panties which, when she turned around to show off her firm, perky ass, was in fact a g-string. She finished it with knee high black boots and opera gloves that went to her elbows.

“Nice,” commented Jenny.

“Thanks. And here is what you’ll get to wear, Paul. At least for a little bit,” Tiffany said, smirking. She held up a vague approximation of a Batman cowl with pointy ears, that also had an attached cape. The leather briefs she held in the other hand were looking a little small, but she assured me that they’d make it work. There were also some black boots for me to wear as well as gloves to complete the look.

Jenny pretended to busy herself with moving papers around on the coffee table, and pretended to be engrossed in that while I changed. Tiffany, with no shame at all, sat on the back of the couch and watched me as I changed into my Batman outfit. After some adjustments, we were ready to go.

The whole shoot started out rather mundanely. Jenny did test shots and profiles and a few head shots for cover possibilities. We started by Tiffany doing her ‘trying on the loot’ sequence and I just sat out of the way.

When I was to join, we did shots of me kicking in the door, pointing accusingly at the Catwoman, as well as various struggling poses. It took more than an hour before Jenny was happy that we could move on.

“OK. Now, Catwoman is going to start by flashing her eyes, then tits, and shaking a bit of ass. Tiff, you can remove the panties after that, like a sultry removal, flashing your ass at Batman. Paul, you for the most part will just stand still, look uninterested like she has no effect on you.”

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