Magic Dress – Jady Pt. 04

Big Tits


I passed my exams so no Autumn resits! Sandra stayed with me while we waited for results. When she arrived, Mum had a serious talk with us.

“You really don’t have to keep quiet when lovemaking. It’s just a human activity and we won’t be bothered in the slightest. I was actually quite noisy when I was young, so just enjoy yourself all you can!”

But we still tried to keep quiet.

There was something new. Something I had realised after Christmas.

She did have beautiful breasts. If I had been her boyfriend, I would have been all over them. However, as a girl I had been more respectful, I suppose. But I was not just a friend. We were lovers. And if we were lesbians, what would I do? I would love them, of course!

I felt them, I nuzzled them, I kissed them, I sucked them. I loved and adored them, and she appreciated my loving and adoration. They were mine to love and hers to enjoy as much as we could. It was thrilling to get her excited in this way before plunging down to the wonder of her pussy. But it was also nice to have a casual feel or a friendly grope, and I never tired of telling her how beautiful they were. She told me not to, of course, but I knew she liked it.

Of course, I acquired some skill in pleasuring her glorious pussy, and she learned to make it as good as possible for her in order to make it as good as possible for me. Sometimes she told me where and how, sometimes she just let me get on with it as my instincts told me.

But our sex life was not quite complete.

Mum and Dad paid for us to go to Spain together, while they went to Wales. And this time we did pick up a couple of Spanish waiters (or rather Sandra did.) The deal was they had to have a handjob from me before they got fuck her. So I gave two handjobs one day and she got fucked twice the next day. That was the only time she did it twice in one day, so we alternated. However, the waiters had other innocent English girls needing their attention, but kindly put us in touch with some boys who would appreciate being tossed off, which is what we did for the rest of the holiday, as well as a bit of tourism, dancing and never having to pay for drinks.

I definitely did like cocks, and appreciated the variety, from the small to the large, and the different ways they came. Interestingly my own was not getting that stiff, but I still really enjoyed the feel and the power and seeing a man’s orgasm.

Sandra did toss me off a couple of times, and I got to adore her pussy every night when she was not fucked.

Then Sandra went for vacation job in a solicitor’s office near her home. I did not have a job, but Mum and Granny had an educational programme for me. I went on a touch-typing course, learned to cook, and basic dressmaking to alter and repair clothes. If it sounds sexist, too bad, but it was useful and I appreciated it. Mum made me walk around a lot in high heels till I could manage it routinely – just a necessary skill. I learnt a lot more about clothes, and had a new hairstyle. My ears were pierced and I got diamante studs.

But best of all was the way Mum treated me as a daughter. It was learning for both of us. Most of it chatting in a way you would not do with men, but there were some intimate things I needed to know about female biology in order to understand and support Sandra, and some cautions about how men might treat a girl, and how to protect myself. It was lovely and helped me a lot in little ways, just understanding and appreciating the female world in which I was now a participant.

In addition, I helped out in a charity shop near home for two days a week, which was both nice and a good experience of dealing with the world outside university. It also gave me access to some second-hand clothes.

There was one dress in particular. Too big in the bust and hips for me, but my waist size. I bought it.

Round at Granny’s it was nearly perfect. With my big boobs and hip pads, I was quite impressive. I just made a couple of small alterations to give a perfect fit. I didn’t really know why: it was just fun. Granny was very amused and showed me how to waltz in it.


As this was the year of graduation, I was expecting to work hard, and my expectations were more than fulfilled. Arnold proved to be an excellent steady boyfriend and he said I was good for him. There was a bit of boy-girl friendship and we were both seen to be spoken for, but no long-term commitment. It was mainly social, just breaks between work for a meal, a drink, sometimes a dance and some snogging. He got all the handjobs he asked for and I was happy to provide them. I said he could fuck others, but he said he didn’t want other relationships to interfere with work, and was very happy with me. I enjoyed just having a proper boyfriend and was glad I had not had to struggle through dating.

I also had Julia and a couple of my classmates for female company. That was enough.

Sandra came and stayed for a week at Christmas, but her parents did not want dalaman escort me to visit her at home. I gather they were not so happy with our relationship, but accepted it for their daughter’s sake. (Of course, I don’t really know how brave my Dad was being about me.)

Arnold and I had not joined DramSoc because of study commitments, but they came to us. As well as their main play, a review had been written called “Carry On Studying” and a sketch had been written especially for us, which wouldn’t take up much time. I was again the bosomy Nurse, with fishnet stockings (though the dress had been shortened quite a lot to show them). It was in present day language and would be considered politically incorrect today, but got a lot of laughs and applause. Arnold again showed his comic talent.

I wore my bosom and hips again for the graduation ball, with the second-hand dress, which amused everyone, but especially Arnold.


Then suddenly student life was all over, and Mum and Dad and Granny and Grandpa were there to see me graduate. I wore the green dress along with my academic robe, and strutted proudly across the stage in high heels without tripping.

Sandra had done well in her Law degree and had got a place in lawyer’s chambers in a starter job. While my degree was fine, there was less demand for it, and my unusual situation may have put employers off.

After a few months I went to share Sandra’s flat, and after various other failed job applications ended up as a waitress in a Spanish restaurant.

To be fair to all concerned I must mention that handjobs or any kind of sexual favours were not mentioned at the interview or in the weeks which followed. I got my job purely on merit, which was largely an ability to look presentable and to accept low wages and unsocial hours.

They did not ask to look at my degree transcript nor require a reference from my Personal Tutor. When I said that I was a biological male, it got a shrug.

“So long as you wear the uniform and don’t spill soup on the customers I don’t care.”

The uniform had a cute skirt which showed my legs but fortunately disguised my bulge. With my padded bra and a bit of adjustment, it fitted quite well enough for me to look OK. I had got used to speaking in a higher register so my voice was acceptable for people not to notice, I think. I actually enjoyed the feminine role, and some of the mild flirting I got.

It was only after a month or so, when I had got to know all the staff, and particularly made friends with the waitresses and women in the kitchen, that I began to enquire discreetly about which men might be available occasionally with no commitment. Having made sure that I was not interfering with any relationships, I got one of the other waitresses to make the approach.

I suppose if I had been advertising, it might have read “Occasional handjob on offer. No payment, obligation or commitment either way. Gentlemen only. Cleanliness essential.”

Two of the other waitresses were quite interested in the idea. Fiona was about forty, and said she wished she’d thought of it. Charmin, in her late twenties had told her boyfriend of the plan and he had begged her to take part. So we formed a tossing off trio, to look after each other’s safety and keep the men in line.

There was a small room for staff to take breaks where we had our entertainment before the start of a shift. There would be one guarding the door, and one or two inside. It was nice to watch as well as do. We made the men aware that any failure to treat us with respect and courtesy would result in a lifetime ban, and the risk of testicular injury.

One of the advantages for the men was that we were not looking for anything more attractive than good hygiene. A fairly ugly kitchen hand had a perfectly serviceable cock from our point of view, and of course his.

Of course, there was an attempt to cheat by wanking off in advance, so we introduced a time rule. If not hard in one minute, or failing to discharge in ten, a one-week ban would be applied, extended to a month for further infringements.

We permitted the occasional guest cock such as a delivery driver or a family member, but only on our terms, not just on request. However, a rather fit black delivery driver was never refused.

One of the cooks asked to take part, but we knew he was married. Fiona said he would have to get his wife’s permission. To our surprise, he did. Fiona knew her a little, so it seemed OK. His wife was glad to be relieved of the chore.

I got to give one or two handjobs a day most days I was working. Charmin said her boyfriend was much more loving and attentive, and she heard from some of the other staff that handjobs were more frequent in the regular relationships.

In all, it was a very happy place to work.

One day a customer said “Don’t I know you?”

It was Julia, now a junior in another law firm, and having dinner with her fiancé, another lawyer.

“What’s darıca escort a clever girl like you doing here?” she asked. We met up separately, and she managed to get me a job in the office of her firm. My typing speed was helpful, as computers had just been introduced and most people were dealing with them on two-finger basis.

The restaurant let me keep the outfit, so I shortened the skirt a bit and sometimes wore it at home.

Sandra encouraged me to go out with some men on a casual basis, and we eventually ended up with two brothers for a while. She fucked them occasionally, but we mainly gave them handjobs. They knew there would be nothing more, and of course moved on eventually, as we found others. My waitress outfit with suspenders was generally popular with my manual services.

I was just a girl having fun with cocks, but I was and am passionately in love with Sandra.


“They lived happily ever after” is what the stories say. I suppose I had a sort of fantasy that life would be perfect from now on. We would get a stud farm of local cocks so that we could both pull them to our heart’s content and Sandra could keep her cunt in use whenever she wanted. I would get rid of my annoying male bits to be a complete woman. I would never be fucked, but that wasn’t important. What was more important was my love for Sandra. If I was fucked it would seem like a betrayal, and in my years of pulling cocks I had never once thought one would be nice inside of me, any more than I had thought I would like mine inside anyone, not even Sandra. Eventually we would become old lesbians with a cat and hope some kind men would occasionally lend us their dongs.

But things don’t work out that way, and eventually our relationship hit a crisis, though things had seemed to be going well otherwise.

The big problem was Sandra’s mother. Mum and Dad and Granny were always happy to see me and Sandra together, and said how glad they were that we loved each other. But I was not welcome in Sandra’s home, and even her visits there were a bit fraught. There was no problem between Dad and his brother, but my uncle naturally stood by his wife, who was not at all happy with the situation. Grandpa kept out of it.

In fact, the problem wasn’t her, it was me. We tried to pretend that she would come around, but she did not, and I could not really blame her. I understood that I was far from what she would have hoped for her daughter, but was sad that I was causing the rift.

I did well in the office. While what I had learned at university did not matter, the practice in doing research, taking care of references, being critical of sources and above all writing essays and making arguments, all seemed to fit in with the world of law. I became proficient at a new legal computer system which was coming into use.

Julia, of course, did brilliantly. She completed her pupillage and became a solicitor in record time. Meanwhile Sandra was doing less well and was not very happy at her law firm. We were both working hard so there was less time to spare. I was still able to give the occasional handjob at the restaurant, but Sandra was cautious with how it might affect her career, so could not. It was such a relief for her to make me come that I could hardly refuse. It was a pleasure of course, and I was happy for her to be able to love me in this way. At the same time, it spoiled the feeling of being a woman, and I was angry at my stupid genitals.

We were deeply in love, but not completely happy.

The only relief was our annual holiday in Spain, where we had a cock-feast aided by the staff of the hotel who made the introductions to randy young men willing to have their plonkers pulled. The two waiters got promoted and one got married, so became unavailable after a few years. However, they managed to find a couple of young Spaniards to give Sandra’s cunt a thorough annual service. Meanwhile I was happy with a selection of nice stiff dongs, and kissing Sandra’s well-used pussy better. The only downside was coming home, where we often started bickering and then cried.

However, Julia had kindly done something for me. One of the senior partners was a widower, and knowing of my preference she had arranged a sort of date. I went to his home, where he had made a delicious meal. Afterwards I pulled an unusually large cock, with a big circumcised knob. Despite being in his sixties it was very hard, and gave a good spurt. I felt it was one of those cocks which really deserves a good wank, and was happy to agree to do it again both for myself and for his sake. He was a real gentleman, as well as being very clever (as you might expect from a Queen’s Counsel.) The junior staff called him Gus when he was not around, but even the other partners and the occasional bigwig friend called him Guthrie. (He was Mister Featherstone to everyone else, of course.) It was then a surprise and privilege to be asked to call him Gus in his home. We generally did datça escort it about twice a week, depending on his case load and where he was appearing.

I don’t know what happened behind the scenes, but he did something with Sandra’s firm, and she transferred to us. She was not only happy to be with me, she said she was treated much better.

She pulled my cock twice a week and I pulled Gus’s the same, so we were even in that respect. I also made oral love to her, but not so often because she was rarely in the mood.

A bright spot was Julia getting married, and I was one of the bridesmaids. My parents and Granny came and thought I looked lovely. Dad took some photos, and Mum cried of course. Naturally she had expected to cry at my wedding, which was a bit sad to think about.

However, Arnold was also there, as one of her university friends, and he danced with me, after insulting me as if I was the Nurse, to the puzzlement of people around. That cheered me up a bit. He asked if he could visit us.

He had a proposal for us. As he was working in the area, could he be a sort of boyfriend to both of us? Sandra said he was my boyfriend, and she would be pleased for me if he continued.

He took me for a meal at the Spanish restaurant, where they were very pleased to see me, and most of the staff sneaked out of the kitchen to take a peek at him. Fiona said he was very nice.

Afterwards I gave him a handjob, of course. I had forgotten how different it was when it was with someone you cared for, and ran to Sandra to beg her to toss me off! I got great satisfaction in seeing her love and pleasure in doing it to me, but then threw myself on her to make love to her. I hadn’t let her wash, but it was still wonderful. When we came out of the bedroom, he had gone.

But he came back.

Somehow Arnold took charge. Sometimes he took us both out. Sometimes Sandra alone, and finished by fucking her. Sometimes me, which always ended in a handjob for him, and often for me from Sandra. We all three went to the theatre several times.

After a couple of months, he said he had a surprise for us. This proved to be a nice flat with two double bedrooms, on which he had placed a deposit. He suggested we move in together. I rather liked his cock, but was glad to let her make use of it, just as long as I could make love to her often. They both insisted I gave him at least one handjob per week, and it was usually two.

Granny visited us once, and liked Arnold very much.

As she left, she whispered “You do realise he loves you, don’t you? Just be kind to him.”

It was a ménage à trois, so you would think it was one man with two women, but that was not how it worked. It was me and two lovers. Either he slept with me and Sandra slept alone, or I slept with Sandra and he slept alone. He went to her bed for sex, of course, but rarely spent the night. I was sorry for him, but that was the best I could do. I loved him a little, but not as much as Sandra and I loved each other, while he loved me a lot. I was really glad that Sandra was getting a man to fuck and thoroughly appreciate her. He was a good and attentive lover, and she had a beautiful body, but I knew that was only sex for him, and was sorry he could not do the same with me. But I just did not love him enough to want him inside me.

It seemed like my dream could come true. With a cock in the house to fuck Sandra and give her something to wank, there was no need for mine. I had made preliminary enquiries. As I had been living as a woman for some years and was healthy, there was nothing to stop me changing.

When I cheerfully told Sandra of my plan, I was not prepared for the stand-up row we had in which she threatened to leave me if I did.

Arnold knew what to do. He said I should ask my Granny.

“It’s obvious,” she said. “Sandra wants a baby.”

I was staggered. Why not? She was a healthy woman of the right age, but her fertility would not last. Then I gave a sigh of relief. Why hadn’t she just told me? I wouldn’t object.

“Oh. Of course, I am sure Arnold will be glad to give her one, and if he does not want to stay around, I’ll be glad to be another mummy.”

“There’s the problem,” said Granny, carefully. “She loves you and she wants your baby.”

What could I do? I loved her.

“I’ll try,” I said, with tears in my eyes. “But I don’t know how long I can pretend to be a man, and I really don’t want it!” I knew it would change me.

“You won’t have to,” said Granny calmly. “Just use a bit of technology.”

What we did was, of course, artificial insemination. There was a wank and a fuck, but these words do not describe the act of love between three people.

Arnold fucked Sandra with a condom to get her ready. Sandra lovingly wanked me, and Arnold caught the sperm and put it in a turkey baster.

Then I inserted my own sperms. There was a lot of kissing and expressions of love.

We kept doing this around her fertile period, and eventually she missed a period!

From then on Arnold did not fuck her, but got a lot of handjobs from us both! It was a delightful time in the relationship. Arnold and I both adored Sandra’s body changing, and I let a bit of my love go in his direction. Sandra still had the most, but he was a lot more than a boyfriend.

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