Master Gray’s Revenge(part 1)

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Master Gray’s Revenge(part 1)The following is a work of fiction. Well, maybe science fiction/fantasy. Either way, I admit all aspects of this in reality are totally rediculous. That said, enjoy!Carie waited, kneeling, gagged, blindfolded and bound. She was restrained on all fours with her head forward and ass sticking up. Her grossly overweight body would probably look very funny to an onlooker. The last few months had been a twist of events for her. Ever since her fiance broke off the engagement, she had been a mess. Mark had given her a wonderful life. He worked, she stayed home. No k**s and no pets. All Carie had to do was keep the house clean, support her man, and prop up some half decent peice of pussy when called upon. She couldn’t provide the home life he needed, so eventually, she was kicked to the curb. After moving back in with her father, she sank into depression. This made it impossible for her to get the motivation to get out and get the job needed to help support her family. After her father’s credit had been maxed out, bills got behind, and eventually he turned to a loan shark. As that Carie had still not gained employment, the debt went unanswered. The loan shark came for his money. Being that there was none, he graciously accepted Carie as payment. She was sold on the black market as a slave and had yet to see her new owner. She had been delivered and assembled into her current state by henchmen.As her mind began to wonder about whom had purchased her, what would they do with her, would she ever see her family again… *CLACK* The door bolt was slung open and the sound of heels could be heard as Carie was approached.”Ah, so this is the new fatty on the block…” a female voice harshly barked. She yanked the blindfold off Carie’s head. As Carie blinked repeatedly to gain vision, she stared at the body of a gorgeous blonde with a harsh sneer on her face. The blonde spoke again: “My name is Christina. You will address Me as Ma’am until further notice. You will speak only when spoken to, never any other time. Violation of rules will be met with strict punishment.” Christina reached down and removed the gag. “Do you understand these rules?””Yes…”*SLAP!* The sound echoed through the room. “You were warned once. Do you understand the rules?””Ouch! That hurt you…”*SLAP bursa escort SLAP SLAP!* “I can do this shit all day, you disrespectful, fat assed, bitch!”Tears welled in Carie’s eyes and begn to trickle down her cheeks. “Yes, Ma’am…” She sniffled through her humiliation as the new rules were beat into her.”That’s better, bitch. Welcome to the Gray Plantation. From this room, everything within 45 miles is owned by Master Gray. It’s mainly farm land, thick forrests, and swamps. Basically, the part you need to know is that escape isn’t possible. If you run, you’ll either be retrieved by one of the enforcers or you will starve to death in the woods, cold and alone in the Georgia wilderness.”Carie felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she realised the depth of her situation.”Now, you’ve been placed in the main house group, so let me see…” Christina reached to the shelves and picked up a white leather collar. She fastened this to Carie’s neck tightly and stepped back to smile at her work. “There’s a good house-bitch. As a house slave, you will clean and maintain the Master’s home and service him sexually as needed.””But I…”*SLAP!* “Slow learning today, eh bitch? Well that’s okay, Master left specific rules for breaking you in.” Christina unfolded a letter from her pants and read out loud: “Should the bitch, that’s you, speak out of turn 3 times, release the nearest enforcer from his cage. The enforcer is given full rights for this lesson…”Christina folded up the letter and returned it to her pocket. She walked over to the door and called: “Leeroy! Get over here!”In shuffled a large black man, wearing blue jeans, black Tshirt, and a large black leather collar. He stood at attention waiting for orders.”Leeroy, this new bitch has broken the rules set forth by the Master. By His order, you’re to be uncaged and given full rights to her punishment. Do you understand this command?””Yes, Ma’am!” Leeroy stared straight ahead, emotionless, with a cold look that a soldier gives.”Clothes off” Christina barked.Seemingly instant, Leeroy removed all articles of clothing, folding and stacking neatly beside the door. The only item left on his body was a large chastity cage keeping his cock contained. He again stood at attention, awaiting the next command.Christina çanakkale escort leaned down next to Carie, whispering into her ear. “These enforcers are a special rank. They are big, strong, and very disciplined. They’re kept in these cages to help maintain control. He’s been given orders, even though my mouth is the one that spoke them, they came from the Master. Once I remove that cage, he will not respond to any command I speak until he is finished with his objective. Right now, your punishment is his objective.”Christina stood up, grabbed a bottle of lube and splattered a healthy amount at the top of Carie’s fat ass. “That’s me being nice…”Carie began to sniffle and weep at her situation, she struggled against the restraints, to no result. She looked on in horror as Christina’s key entered the lock on Leroy’s cage. As the cage fell to the floor, Christina stepped out of the path of the enforcer. Leroy stepped forward, his cock springing to life more with each step. By the time he stood before Carie’s face, his full 11″ was as hard as cement.”Open your mouth.” Leroy barked the order.Carie hesitated…Leroy grabbed the sides of Carie’s head and just as she openned her mouth to scream, Leroy’s cock was jammed down her throat. As she coughed and gagged, she was unable to get away from the massive cock. She even tried to bite and make Leroy pull away. As her teeth pressed to his shaft, the shaft pressed back.”I am a punisher, you stupid cunt. My cock has been tempered to tolerate pain as well as serve it. The more you bite it, the bigger it will get.” Leroy pulled away and Carie was shocked to see 13″ standing from Leroy’s loins. As she shuddered in fear, he patted her head. “Guess where it goes next…””M-m-m-m-my cunt???” She squealed, looking up at him.”+1 for using a proper description of your filthy body, -1 for not answering an enforcer as Sir. It goes in the ass, bitch. Cunt is a reward only. Ass is for punishment. Now, if you ask me to do it, I’ll dip the head in that lube Miss Christina left on your fat ass.””P-please fuck my fat ass, Sir…” Carie crumbled. The weight of her situation had finally crushed her completely.”good girl…” Leroy walked around behind the fat bitch, lightly dipped the first 1/8″ of the head into the lube, and çankırı escort positioned his cock at her asshole. “bitch, you have 45 seconds to confess everything you’ve done wrong. I will not take it any easier on your hole, but you just may feel better about taking it.”As Carie’s sniffling slowed, she stared ahead and began to think… “I was a terrible daughter, a lazy girlfriend, and a burden on everyone that knew me… I had a great life and I fucked it up… All I had to do was be what every other girlfriend on this planet is… supportive, helpful, and put out once in a while… I was just too damned lazy… I deserve to be here… I’m the one that made this bed, now I must lay in it…”As Carie openned her eyes, she saw a man standing before her. This man wore blue jeans, a white shirt, and black boots. As her eyes came into focus, she could see this was the man she did so wrong by… it was her ex-fiance…”Mark?””Ahem, Leroy…” Spoke the man in white.Leroy instantly grabbed Carie by the hair and forced her head downwards. “Never look into the Master’s face, ever!”It finally sank in, she had been purchased by her former lover… She would not be getting any mercy here, Mark was furious when he had Carie kicked out. Back then, he didn’t have all this… what happened…Her deep thoughts were interrupted by her Master’s voice. “Leroy, carry on with fucking the fat bitch.””Yes, Sir!” Leroy emphatically began thrusting.Carie grunted her pain and discomfort at the monster cock in her ass, still overwhelmed by what was happening in front of her.”Carie, you belong to Me now. You’ll do all the things your disobedient ass couldn’thandle as a free bitch. Now you’re property. You will be under the guidance of Christina until such a time that you become obedient. Knowing you, that time will never come.”Carie began to sniffle again, her humiliation being all the more intense by being mocked by the man she wronged.”Christina, I want her cleaned up and ready to help serve dinner in less than 1 hour from now.””Yes, Sir.””Leroy, make sure the bitch drinks your cum. It’s too dangerous to allow your seed anywhere near her filthy cunt. Her need to be a lazy bitch would cause her body to draw your strong seed in so she might be less abused as a breeder.””Yes, Sir.” Almost on command, Leroy pulled out, ran to Carie’s face, and began spewing cum down her throat, holding her nose to make sure she swallowed.Carie coughed and choked as her Master walked out. This had been her first hour, what would the first night be like… (cont.)Comment for me so I know if this is worth the effort!

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