Melody’s Way Ch. 06-07


Chapter 6 is a quick conclusion of the flashback backstory. It’s pretty quick, so for those that did not like the flashbacks you can skim to the good stuff a little ways down the page.

Chapter 7 is the conclusion of the DC and Melody tale.

*** *** ***

Chapter 6

*** Flashback to the end of Summer ***

Melody and DC had become addicts to mutual masturbation. He really liked the fact that Melody had no aversion to his cum. She was willing to let it fly and land wherever it wanted. If it hit her in the face, so be it. Nothing was sexier than watching her desperately try to get his next load out while the previous one is still clinging to her nipples or hanging down from her chin.

He had been steadily increasing his pressure on Melody for her to allow him to have sex with her. Summer was ending and he would be leaving for college soon. They were running out of time so he began an unrelenting campaign to get what he wanted.

She was beginning to crack so when he was peeling her clothes off and had her down to her underwear he kept going. Melody started to resist, so he transmitted his displeasure to her.

She said in a flat voice, “Keep undressing me.”

He removed her bra.

“Keep going.” She droned

Her panties were the only thing left. He peeled them away. We were both naked together for the first time.

The light brown hair on her head was matched by small neatly trimmed triangle of sparse pubic hair that ended above the tight cleft of her sex, the lips of which were smoothly shaved.

She lay back on her bed and beckoned for him to join her. He moved next to her. He was excited that it looked like she was going to let him finally lose his virginity.

They kissed for a time. Building up to fondling, he rubbed the bare folds of her vagina with his hand. As he move his body over hers, she held his engorged member and rubbed it along her slit.

She was scared, almost ready to cry, “Go easy, it’s my first time.” She croaked out.


“I’m a virgin.” She said a little louder.

“Really?” He sat up to look her in the eyes.

Melody glared at his surprised face. “Yeah, what did you think, I was some kind of slut?”

“No, I just figured that since you could have your pick of any guy…”

She smirked at him.

He continued, “I just thought you would have some experience. You know, given the way the kids talked at school, I thought everyone but me was doing it.”

“I haven’t done any of this stuff before. Yours was the first penis I ever saw.”

“I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

It was a shock that rocked him to his core. This was not what he expected at all. He had assumed that being a member of the popular clique and being over 18 would all but guarantee that she had been with boys more than once. He felt terrible. He sat up on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. She had been saving herself for the right guy and he was forcing her to give that up. How could he take something so valuable to her just because he thought she was hot and he was horny?

“I’m a jerk.”

She reached out to him. “Baby, don’t be upset, I want to. I promise, I want to.”

“I can’t do this to you. You deserve so much better.” She kneeled behind him with her hands on his shoulders as he sat away from her and continued, “I’m an asshole.”

“No, you’re a sweetheart. If you weren’t I would never have done any of this stuff with you.”

“No, I pushed myself on you. I should go.”

She wrapped her arms around him from behind, “Please don’t leave me.” She kissed him on the cheek.

He could not do this to her now, “I think we should slow down.”

“We have been going slow. It has been 4 months and like a thousand dates.”

“We’ve had zero dates. You won’t even be seen with me.”

She was quiet. He was right she had not been fair to him.

Still completely naked, she climbed into his lap. “I can be better, I promise. Please don’t hate me.” She said as she quietly cried.

“It’s not you. You’re perfect. I need to be better.” He started to cry with her. Damn the emotional link he couldn’t shut it down for some reason. They cried together clinging to each other’s naked bodies.

He really hated himself. He only saw her one more time after that to break up before he left for college. He told her their lives were moving in different directions so they should part ways. She told him he was the biggest asshole ever born and she never wanted to see him again. For his first breakup, he did a great job.


Chapter 7

***Back to the Present ***

DC woke to a fuzzy image in front of his face. Someone was pulling back from having just kissed him. He was confused. He tried to focus but his eyes could not see that close. As she retreated the blurry face resolved into Melody smiling at him. He started to puzzle together what was going on.

It took him a few seconds to figure out that he was at his parent’s house and Melody snuck into his room. He was startled at the sudden realization. bursa escort “Wha? How’d you get in here?”

“I learned how to use my mental powers to teleport.” She was wearing the worst poker face of all time.

“Right. You suck at lying.”

“Or, maybe I know where you hide the key to the back door.”

“House breaker.” He accused her. “This is a little disturbing, you know; waking up with my crazy ex-girlfriend hovering over me.”

Melody shyly said. “It is not like we have a lot of personal boundaries anymore.”

“Just the panty rule.”

“What if I’m not wearing any? It is Christmas morning.”

She was wearing a little black sleeveless dress with a modest neckline and it did not appear that she had a bra on and her arms, legs, and feet were bare. This knowledge plus the idea she might not have any panties on stirred his sex drive.

“You walked here dressed like that?” It wasn’t a very wintery outfit considering the arctic weather they had been experiencing.

“I left my parka and boots to drip on the porch.” Suddenly she brightened. “It snowing out. We have Christmas snow!” When he didn’t share her glee, she shrugged off his indifference and merrily carried on, “Here, I have one of your gifts. I’m dying for you to open it. We’ll open your other gifts together tonight. And maybe one more surprise gift in a minute if you are nice.”

He sat up in bed as she handed him a card. He opened it and it was a nice handwritten love note with a slip of paper and a key. The paper was an address near his college.

He turned the key over in his fingers confused. He was still fighting off the cobwebs of sleeping. “Melody, I don’t understand.”

“It’s your key to our new apartment.” She smiled.

“I live in a dorm.”

“OUR new apartment.” She reinforced her statement.

He registered what she was saying, “How are we paying for this?”

“Well, since I am starting classes at OUR College, my dad set it up. Your dad is kicking in half to help my parents afford it.”

“How are you suddenly enrolled?”

“I have been working on applying since last summer, before you left for school.” She glared at him. “Before you broke up with me, jack ass, I was planning on joining you there.” Her tone was becoming more menacing. “If you had not dumped me I might have told you what I had in mind. Regardless, I have been a busy little bee for the past few months making it happen. I was going to surprise you by just suddenly being there, but you were going to mess things up with that blonde whore before I could get my plan into action.” Her ire had increased as she spoke. She had fire in her eyes as she finished talking.

He smiled at her. DC thought it was cute when she got jealous. It was flattering.

His warm, loving smile and gentle touch disarmed her. She felt her anger being siphoned away through his fingers as he caressed her cheek and replaced by her desire and devotion to him.

“So we are living together now?” He said soothingly.

“Uh huh.” She nodded happily.

“And what about canceling my dorm.”

“Your dad took care of that. I thought he should wait until we talked, but he was so excited about the idea…”

“I guess that’s okay.” His life was speeding along without him. “I can’t believe your parents are happy about you shacking up with me.”

“They were a little iffy at first, but I convinced them. Your mom is another deal. She is not very happy at all. She thinks we should wait. But your dad is overriding her.”

“Okay, I guess this is great news.”

He could feel Melody becoming concerned. “You don’t want to move in with me?” She asked.

“I do. It’s just so sudden. I mean, you are still playing that silly game of pretending to be my ex-girlfriend.”

“It’s not so bad. It’s not like I’m ignoring you,” she dropped into a conspiratorial whisper, rubbing his thigh through the blanket, “or your needs.”

“You are a psycho.”

“Oooh! I’m going to start referring to myself as your ‘psycho ex-girlfriend’. That’s awesome. I wish I had thought of it before.”

“Stop joking about that.” As he lost his temper, he jumped out of bed, stood and turned on Melody where she still sat on his bed looking up at him with eager-to-please puppy eyes, “We need to talk right now!” He grabbed her shoulders. “Stop saying ex!” He took a deep breath in order to gather the reins of his temper. He more calmly went on to say, “This is bullshit and you know it.”

“Yeah?” She seemed strangely chipper considering he had just snapped and started yelling at her.

“Yeah! We are dating and have been since you came back to me. Whatever game it is that you are playing at is bullshit and I want it to stop right now.”

Melody positively glowed with excitement, jumping to her feet and looping her arms around his neck with her nose an inch from his. “Tell me why it stops now.” She breathlessly demanded.

“Because you are my girlfriend, you just are. Regardless of whatever you-” she stopped his mouth with bursa escort bayan her own.

After a long kiss she countered, “Thank god you finally figured it out. You were starting to worry me.”

“Figured what out? I am just not playing your pretend game anymore.”

“Close enough.” She kissed him again, her hands grabbed his hair roughly as she maneuvered his head to assist her kissing.

“You said it. I am your girlfriend, I just am.” She explained when she finally finished kissing him, “When we first started dating we were just together, like it was the most natural thing in the world. You didn’t beg or grovel or even ask for me to be your girlfriend, you just made it happen. I didn’t want that to change. I didn’t want you to beg or grovel for us to get back together. I wanted you to realize that we belong together, no conditions. Just us together. And more importantly you needed to forget that bullshit about you not deserving me. I think I’m the one most qualified to make that decision.”

“You couldn’t tell me that? You had to run me through the ringer?”

“I admit that there really wasn’t anything you needed to do for us to be together other than realize that we are together. I know that’s weak, but really I think you needed healing and time to realize the simple truth. We belong together. You are mine, end of story. But, you were so guilty, like you thought you wronged me or something. I needed you to get over whatever was bothering you and love me without thinking I somehow shouldn’t or couldn’t possibly love you back in exactly the same way.”

“So, it wasn’t just a game to make me pay for hurting you?”

“No, it was a game to buy us some time for you to get over your issues. You will spend the rest of your life making up for hurting me.” She pushed away from him. “I needed an excuse to place a temporary hold on our physical relationship. With your head all screwed up, I didn’t want to muck things up too much with resuming our love life where we left off.”

He thought about where they had left off before he had run out on her. “Where was that?” He said with a knowing smile. “Where did we leave off?”

Melody grinned back to him, “I’m going to pop your cherry.” She wistfully said.

“No more panty rule?”

“Nope” she sat on the bed and leaned back on her elbows with her legs slightly spread. The naked, perfect flesh of her thin legs disappearing into the shadow under her dress was a vision of temptation. “Want to start now? Don’t you want to find out if I’m not wearing any panties? Maybe that’s one of your Christmas presents.”

“No, my parents are in the next room and you are too noisy.”

Melody pouted at him. “Come on. I didn’t start taking the pill a few months ago for nothing.”

“You started on the pill?”

“Yup. Just for you.” She drew her dress up her legs to mid-thigh. “Let’s test it out.”

“Not right now. Besides you being noisy, I’m going to make you wait.” He paused for effect, “Make you beg.”

“Don’t overreach. I may decide to play at psycho ex-girlfriend for real.”

“Do you think you can live without me?”

“No, damn it. But keep in mind, payback is a bitch. Except in my case, I’m a psychic, psycho bitch.”

“You really like this psycho thing don’t you.”

“Sure. Your psycho ex-girlfriend is now promoting herself to your psycho girlfriend.”

“Great” He deadpanned.

“Hey, this was all your idea. You’re the one who used your psychic power to make me love you. I’m just the one who is making sure your wish comes true. Us together in love forever. This is what you wanted right?”

“This is exactly how I pictured it turning out. Life under your thumb”

“If you’d stop pulling against the leash I put around your neck, you might forget you are wearing it.” She laughed at him. “Are you ready for your Christmas morning surprise?”

“I haven’t already been surprised enough?”

“I guess we don’t have to 69. It’s not like you haven’t asked a million times.”


She pulled her dress up a little more. DC could begin to see her naked, bald pussy coming into view. “I was planning to give you a very merry Christmas present.”

He ran his hand up her thigh and palmed her smooth pussy. Melody sharply inhaled.

He asked hopefully, “Can you stay quiet?”

“I figure you’re going to gag me by stuffing something big in my mouth.”

“I love it when you talk dirty.”

“Get your pants off. My mouth can do dirty things besides talking.”

“My god you are a horny little monster this morning.”

“Shut up already, I want to blow you. You have no idea how great that made me feel.”

“I think I do.” He laughed. “I was there and felt it too last time.”

“I have been imagining what it will be like to combine that with the pleasure of you blowing me at the same time.” she said.

DC dropped pajama pants and tossed his shirt off.

Melody eyed his tall slim body. His broad shoulders, flat stomach, his shaved groin. She wondered escort bursa how she had not noticed him growing into a hunk. His long thick cock lewdly pointed at her.

She stood and turned her back to him waiting. DC carefully lowered the delicate zipper on the back of her dress, frequently stopping when it would catch to reverse it before proceeding. She teetered between wanting him to just tear the flimsy garment off and being appreciative of his care. Each time it stopped she swore that if that zipper caught one more time she was going to start ripping the dress herself.

A tortuous minute later the zipper was down. DC lightly pushed the strap off her shoulder, kissing the flesh it had covered. She felt his teeth lightly nibble towards her neck as he pushed the strap from her other shoulder.

She tried to let the dress fall to the floor but DC caught it by holding it against her breasts. He kissed the back of her neck and cupped her boobs in his hands, lightly teasing her nipples. Her hand groped for his cock but he pulled away.

Somehow her hands had replaced his holding her dress from falling. She turned to face him before letting her dress pool on the floor around her feet.

DC drank in the sight of her totally nude form. She was his to take. She would be his for the rest of their lives.

He noticed she was a wearing necklace with the quartz crystal he had polished in his rock tumbler more than a decade before. It was a pretty, flawed piece of clear stone about the size of blueberry. It moved him that she still had this heart felt gift from so long ago.

She saw the focus of his eyes. “I decided to give myself a Christmas present from you.”

“I can’t believe you still have it.”

“Later I can stab our hands with that old pocket knife.” she joked. “We can renew our blood brother oath for old time’s sake.”

“I still have the scar from last time. I don’t need another.”

“I still have mine too.” she showed him the jagged white line on her thumb.

DC shivered, remembering the bloody affair. She had been brutal with her cutting on both her and his thumb.

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Melody into his lap. She felt tiny as he held her. Her personality was so huge he always forgot how physically small she was. He laid back with her on top of him.

They kissed while feeling each others bodies. DC lifted her so that his teeth could graze her nipples. He denied her the feel of his tongue knowing her anticipation would only increase her pleasure later.

When she growled in frustration he swiped with his tongue. The growl converted into a moan.

Melody forcefully pressed his shoulders to the bed. She was considering taking his virginity, and her own, against his will.

They both heard a noise come through the wall. They paused to listen.

Slight moaning and gasping barely emanated through the thin wall. DC’s parents were trying to be quiet too. His parents had an unfortunately active sex life. They made love more nights than not, but not normally this early in the morning. At night DC usually pulled a pillow over his head and tried to sleep.

“We inspired them.” Melody whispered.

“Yeah. But it kind of wigs me out.”

She turned her body so that she was over him to begin their 69.

“Start licking.” she commanded before leaning down to suck him. A satisfying sound emanated from both of their throats.

He pulled her hips down and licked the full length of her folds. He licked and nibbled at her clit. She bobbed her mouth on his cock never stopping.

He teased and tasted every wrinkle of her, exploring how her pussy was constructed. It was his first unobstructed view and he was trying to learn its every detail. He probed with his tongue and fingers. This pink territory belonged to him now.

Melody already knew the large phallus in her mouth. She has felt and studied it in detail. She had long ago claimed it as her property.

The feedback of pleasure she received from DC was intense; it mingled with the great feeling DC’s tongue was causing. She could not tell where his enjoyment stopped and hers began. Her mind was awash with glorious sex. She merely concentrated on sucking the cock in her mouth; there was no world beyond that.

DC hugged her hips in his arms. He never wanted this to stop but he was going to cum soon.

The dual stimulation was too much for both of them. She pulled off of him and kneeled between his thighs suckling him hungrily and fingering her own pussy.

DC didn’t bother warning her she knew him well enough to know what was cumming her way. She stayed attached and swallowed as he released.

She licked him clean, before saying “Merry Christmas.”


In the next room DC’s mom rode her husband sensuously. “That girl is damn loud.” she whispered as she paused fully embedded on him.

“Reminds me of another noisy girl.” He teased and spanked at her ass.

Her brow furrowed, “I hope they’re being safe about this.”

“They’re fine, I had a word with her. She started the pill.”

She responded in a disbelieving tone, “You discussed birth control with her?”

“I offered to write her a prescription. She had already gotten one from her OBGYN a couple months ago.”

“I can’t believe you. You probably horrified that poor girl.”

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