Mi Familia Ch. 18

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Double Penetration

Jared laid in bed with Geena after his first day on the new set. She’d hooked him up with a friend of hers who was an agent and immediately he got a Jared a job in a porno called “Analfest.”

The role was quite simple. All he had to do was stand there with his cock in his hand and wait to get with a twink. No kissing, no other touching, it was great and quite lucrative. He’d taken a few pictures too which the agent was sure would get him even more movie roles because he was such a pretty face.

Jared rested his head on her chest while she caressed his head and smoked a cigarette. “See, I told you he’d find you something,” she smiled. “Look how fast it happened too and you got a lot more than you thought!”

“Yeah,” he sighed, “Thanks G. I really do appreciate it. I should’ve listened to you a lot sooner. I just been…”

“I know, I know,” she held up her freehand. “So caught up in those two kids, especially the young pretty boy. What’s his name?”

“Diante’,” he chuckled. “I really wanted things to work out with him but he’s so into Vince and…”

“Isn’t that his man? I mean, why wouldn’t he be?” She took a drag off her cancer stick.

“Yeah but,” he bit his lip. “I really love Diante’ with all my heart. I told him we could do this under the table, without Vince knowing but, he wants to have all of us together and damnit, I just don’t want that.”

“As you shouldn’t. You’re a good man, Jared. Diante’ isn’t right for forcing you into something you don’t wanna do. He should respect that you only want your friendship back.”

“And to be in love with him,” he added. “It’s so damn complicated, G. I don’t wanna share Diante’ at all. Sometimes I wish I would’ve never gotten in bed with Diante’ in the first place. I would’ve kept things peaceful between all of us. Vince and I would still be friends and not fought. Maybe if the two of them had never even started, we’d all still be brothers.”

“And you can be!” Geena plunged her cigarette in a nearby ash tray. “Look, try forgetting Diante’. It’s the best thing that the three of you are apart. Stay here with me. If you still want to be with men, you know I don’t mind. I love a little ménage every once in a while. Or just get your gay on in the movie sets. Babe…” she cradled his face in her hands. “You’re making this more difficult than it needs to be. You have your career ahead of you. Don says you could be the next face on thousands of gay, bi, and straight covers, lovely. You have to concentrate on that and forget about those two a while. Maybe after you guys have separated, then you can go back and talk to them, patch things up but don’t move back in with them. Stay with me Jared! You ain’t no gay boy! You want some pussy I know. I could tell by the way you made love to me.”

Jared nodded and hugged her tightly. It was true. He really did miss being in bed with her, in particular. Before when he was with a few of the other women, there weren’t really any sparks flying or anything but with her, it was very different. Jared loved the feel of the curvy black woman’s body. She wasn’t like any of those other girls; skinny waifs who he couldn’t manhandle like he wanted. She was all woman, a strong one who ran a successful business, who lived the way she wanted with no kids and enough money to take care of him as he wanted.

Geena had to be right. He was only gay for one person, Diante’ and if he wanted that male on male contact, he’d fulfill it with those men on set. He was mostly heterosexual and this he could live with. Jared kissed her roughly, yanking her into him. He crouched over her, rubbing his manhood against her moist mound, enjoying the tastes of Marlboro and Starbucks latte on her taste buds. He sensed Geena’s arousal immediately, plunged his cock deep within her sex.

“Fuck yes, baby!” She cried out and clenched his back with her nails.

“Yeah,” he growled and thrust himself into her heat. With small kisses and pecks, he made a trail down her neck onto her collarbone. Her body glistened with sweat and this he took between his lips. Damn, she smelled good and felt amazing.

Now, Jared realized where he’d went wrong. Yes he loved Diante’ but only Diante’ but as far as women, Geena was the one he wanted all along. No more jumping between girls for him. All he needed was right in front of him.

* * * *

Diante’ sat on the edge of the bed and sobbed after he and Vince made passionate love just minutes before. Vince had told him to just let things settle down, that Jared would come back at any moment and that he shouldn’t worry himself. The young Mexican only accepted that for the time being, only to appease Vince but deep down, he felt as if he’d done his “familia” a deep injustice.

All because of his own selfish desires, he forced his good friend to leave. If he wouldn’t have made the ultimatum on both of them, hell if they’d never slept together, all three of them would still be close right? What if he and Vince would have stayed apart? All this jealousy gaziantep bayan eskort would not have occurred.

Sex always ruins everything.

Young Morillo got up from the mattress and walked over to the window, looking at the empty streets. He missed Jared so terribly and wondered how he was doing with that Geena girl. Would he get so comfortable with her and forget about his life with him and Vince? Diante’ knew Jared was still on the fence about his sexuality. Would she pull him over for good? Diante’ surely hoped not because deep down, he still held out hope that the three of them would come to an agreement and be Mi Familia once again.

I’ll never give up.

* * * *

Vince rolled over and caressed the cool cotton sheets. “Diante’? Mi amor?” He opened his eyes and straightened, glancing around the room, wondering where he was. Their lovemaking had been good but he could tell his man wasn’t into it as per usual. “Diante’?” Sighing, he wiped his face and got up from the mattress. The room was unseasonably cool since the weather in San Diego was always different than any part of California. He strolled in the bathroom. Nothing. Then made his way into the living room, only to catch his lover lying on the couch, curled up in a blanket.

What’s he doing out here?

Vince knew Diante’ was still upset about Jared’s departure but he’d told him to just calm down and the man would return. He was sure of it. Jared would never leave them completely. Despite all the ill feelings he knew his other friend wouldn’t abandon them. Somewhere deep down, Vince felt Jared would see the error in his ways and come back to them. Their friendship had taken a big hit over the last few months but they’d all known one another too long to split up for good. Right?

All for one, one for all.

Slowly, he strolled over to Diante’ and leaned down, planting a kiss on his partner’s head. “Mi amor?” He shook him lightly and nuzzled his cheek. “Why are you out here alone? Come back to bed.”

Diante’ turned over and gazed into Vince’s blue eyes. “I’m waiting for him to come back. I called him, we talked, he said he would stop by after a party he was attending but…”

“But, it’s after three a.m. Diante’. I doubt he’s coming over now.” He extended his hand in Diante’s direction. “C’mon back to bed, love. It’s late. Don’t you have to go to class?”

“Yeah but…” he bit his lip. “I really wanted to see Jared so I might cut today. We have to go get him, Vince.”

“Diante’, let him be. He’ll be back. He just needs a few days to let out some steam, clear his head. Just give him that and I’m sure he’ll return.”

Diante’ shook his head. “You just don’t think this is a big deal do you?” The look of disdain on his face said it all. His eyes narrowed and lip crumpled. “I think you might’ve wanted this all along. For him to be gone, leaving the two of us alone. This is our friend Vince.” The tears started to run down his brown face.

“No, I wanted us all to get along and for him to realize how much you and I are in love. Diante’, neither of us want to be in a threesome sort of relationship. We cannot get over the jealousies and to have that, there has to be an understanding between all parties.”

“Yes, and we can have that if both of you would step down off your high horses. I swear…” he wiped the moisture from his face and nodded, “I wish we would’ve left well enough alone sometimes, never got involved. If I stayed gay by myself, we would still have our friendship which is the most important thing.”

“Diante’!” Vince threw his hands up in disgust. “Damnit, I love you. I always have loved you. Those feelings have been there the duration of our friendship and we’re just starting to explore them. What is so wrong with that? Jared has always understood how close we were. The two of us have known one another much longer so, we would be closer. Why can’t he accept that?”

“Because he was feeling left out,” he shot back.

“Diante’, he’s older than both of us. Why should this affect him? It was a mistake, allowing him into our bedroom in the first place, a bigger one you just made by sleeping with him. We’re a committed couple Diante’! We shouldn’t need a third man in our relationship.”

“This is our friend.”

“I get that! But he knew when we first started dating how serious we were. If he would’ve accepted that and not tried to wedge his way in between us everything would’ve been fine. I started with you, Diante’, why is that so hard for him to understand? We can be friends. I’d love to have what we had back! I miss him too but, he’s the one that decided to leave. Neither one of us made him leave. Babe…” He sat down next to his lover and grabbed his shoulders. Vince raked his fingers through Diante’s brown mane, twisting the strands around his fingertips. “I love you, first and foremost. I love Jared as a friend. If he really cares, he’ll be back to at least talk with us, and tell us how he’s feeling. We can straighten this out and be friends again. Just let him be for a while. This is not some kid. He’s a grown man, capable of makin’ his own decisions. Now, c’mon back to bed, okay?” Vince pressed his lips against his partner’s forehead and rubbed them against his moist skin. He felt so warm and the smell of their lovemaking along with his natural scent was quite a turn on.

Diante’ gave him a blank expression and exhaled. “I hope you’re right, Vince. I miss our amigo. I want things the way they were before. All of us, together, familia, you know? That’s all I ever wanted. Maybe, I have gone about it the wrong way but my intentions have always been good.”

“I know, but, what’s most important is right here, love. You and I. This family. We, as a couple. First and foremost, I love you and I want to be with you the rest of my life, Diante’, that’s for certain.” Vince rubbed his thumbs underneath Diante’s eyes.

Morillo grinned slightly and placed his hands on top of Vince’s. “I love you too, I just…”

“Shhh…” he covered his lips, stopping him from making another comment. Enough for one night about Jared and his departure. Vince knew in the bottom of his heart, his good friend wouldn’t leave them for a long amount of time. He’d realize what he was missing and come running back very soon.

Right now, Vince felt this too be a blessing in disguise. The separation between them would only help in the long run. Jared would see that he and Diante’ were serious about being together and would back off, respecting their position and get involved with someone for himself.

Jared was doing exactly that, but how would it affect their future as friends?

* * * *

Jared McKnight had finally made it to the bigtime, or at least what he thought. Two weeks after his departure from the apartment with Diante’ and Vince and he was already getting offers left and right.

Geena arranged so many connections with some of the biggest in the industry, who looked for new talent. They filled up his head with all kinds of promises, letting him know he’d be the next big star on the small erotic scene.

In that span, he’d signed on to do three straight movies, two bi, and two gay movies as well as a few photo shoots in some of the top adult magazines. Seemingly, everyone wanted a piece of the new stud and of course, Jared willingly obliged.

All this caused him to wonder about the porn exec who talked with him a few weeks ago, informing him to do “gay for pay,” movies. Why was it so easy for Geena to get this done for him as opposed to the other one who had her own company?

The wrong person?

Maybe she just didn’t know enough people. She as part of a startup company after all. Geena seemed to know everyone from agents to stars gay and straight, and she was a smooth talker. Making her his prime agent was the best move he’d made so far in his young career and now he’d be reaping the benefits.

With this newfound busy schedule, he really didn’t have time to reflect on being away from his friends, especially Diante’. They’d talked a few times but in all honesty, he was avoiding the both of them like the plague. He knew if he went back there, all the feelings for young Morillo would creep up again and he just didn’t want that. Jared felt this to be the best solution for all of them right now, meaning all three men would be able to coexist without all the problems that occurred, driving them further apart.

Jared knew someday he would go back and make the peace but for the time being, the separation still remained the best idea, forcing Jared to focus on his career and not the failed attempt of becoming Diante’s lover.

Besides that, there was the new attitude Jared had towards his new partner in business and love. Geena proved to be a great source of inspiration and distraction for Jared as he continued to find his orientation. She solidified how he was still heterosexual with love for only one man, Diante’. This was evident when he had his first two gay moments on camera. He really had to turn on his skills to fool the camera, to let the audience know how he was enjoying it when he truly wasn’t. No question he was aroused but in all honesty, only having sex with Diante’ excited him more.

She’d done so much to help him and he couldn’t have been more grateful. Just what he needed right now as he attempted to become relevant in the world of porn. A very competitive and high paying industry.

After a long day of work, Jared made his way back to Geena’s place, worn out from his third movie and photo shoot with Men4Men studios. He’d done very well with the shots it was his more experienced partner that seemed to have issues. Seemingly, the guy couldn’t sustain the hard on needed for the shot even with the fluffer. It took them a lot longer than Jared wanted but there was nothing he could say since he was the newbie.

The sex with this man was okay, not great. He was older than Jared and very handsome. Jared knew this was a big opportunity so he tried his best to enjoy it. The only way he could do it was to imagine it being Diante’ on the bottom which worked.

When he walked up to the building, his eyes met the light browns of his good friend, standing by the entrance. Jared adjusted his bag on his shoulder and blinked. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean? I came to see you since you never came back to the apartment. Why did you make promises to do that and not keep them?”

Jared glanced in the sky. “Sorry, Diante’, I just been real busy with work and…”

“Too busy for your friends,” he interrupted. “We were supposed to get together to talk things out, to make amends.”

“Yeah, and…” he looked away. “We will but I just need time.”

“How much time! You’ve been gone for almost a month,” he yelled and threw up his hands. “Mi amigo, you can continue your work, doing what you love but please come back and stay, okay? I miss you, Jared. I miss the camaraderie between us, how we used to hang out and be friends.”

“We can be pals, Diante’, just let me stay here. It’s better this way.”

“No it’s not!” He shook his head and stomped his foot. “Look, you are so far away from us, working all the time and all, we’ll never stay in touch. I won’t try to force you to be in the threesome anymore, okay, just come back, please. I miss you.”

Young McKnight drew up his lips and sighed. “I miss you too I just think this is for the best. I promise I will be more diligent about staying in contact. I’m starting my life with Geena, Diante’. I’m tryin’ to be a man about this…”

“What? No you aren’t! You barely know her. We’re your family, mi familia is breaking apart! The three of us made a pact to be together, all for one and one for all.”

“We can still be that and live apart, Diante’.”

“No we cannot, Jared!” The tears started to flow down his face. “You are my brother first then my friend. Isn’t our relationship important to you?”

“Of course it is this is why I’m doing this!”

“No, real families do not break apart to solve their problems. They make things right, they go through the good times and bad times together. They stick by one another. I’ve never had contact with my real father, mi madre is back in Mexico, Juan hates my guts and always has. I didn’t have any siblings, the only people I had was you and Vince. No one liked me in school but the two of you. You stuck by me then, why can’t you do that now?”

Jared remained silent, gazing into his friend’s face that was full of moisture. He looked so pitiful, sitting here begging him to come back to the apartment and be a family again. It was true, he did miss Diante’ and hanging around Vince. He hadn’t fallen in love with Geena or anything but he did have deep feelings for her. Could he satisfy both of them by living back with Diante’ and Vince? Would he be able to get over the jealousies being in the same house?

He’d try for Diante’.

The older man leaned forward and took Diante’s arm, pulling him close. Young Morillo wailed on his shoulder and held on to him as if he were a life raft. Diante’ had made some very good points about himself but it applied to all of them. They all came from broken families in one way or another. Jared was the only one that left his because things were not to his liking. He up and left his parents because he didn’t get what he wanted and now he was doing the same to his best friends; leaving again due to the feelings of envy and resentment, not sticking it out and talking it over, making a compromise. Jared needed to stay with Vince and Diante’ to make the family of friends stronger to make up for what they’d lost.

“Okay, okay…shhh…I’ll come back but we will be friends. I’ll continue to see Geena as I want while the two of you are together.” Jared rubbed his friend’s head.

“Fine,” he sniffed. “Just come back, Jared. Be part of this family again, okay?”

“Okay,” he nodded, noticing Vince coming up to him and shaking his hand.

“Dude, are you comin’ home? Please? We do miss you man. I promise I’ll stop being jealous!”

Jared smiled and held onto Vince’s hand a little longer. “Yeah okay man. Let me talk to Geena, alright and get my stuff.”

When he finally let go, he jogged upstairs to Geena’s place, knowing his gal pal wouldn’t be happy about his decision. She’d just need to understand about the friendship or rather the family he had with Diante’ and Vince. It was a strong bond despite the fact it had been tested over the last few weeks and it needed mending right away. The only way that would happen would be for all of them to make peace between each other and be close once again.

* * * *

To the present…

The sun went down leaving a beautiful orange color in the skies. The cool breezes, the choppy waves provided a beautiful backdrop for the McKnight/Tolliver/Morillo house that sat on the beach on the west coast.

The three men had enjoyed a lovely dinner while they watched the view together and held hands. They’d done this with regularity but because of their love for one another it never got stale.

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