Millers Road Ch. 02


It a lonely drive heading back to town, when I arrive home, Lynn is out in the yard rolling away the garden hose. Standing up she asks, “How was your swim today Colin.”

“I do not want to talk about it at the moment.”

“Why, you can tell me,”

Thinking quickly I tell her a lie. Looking down at the ground where she turned over the soil, I tell her, “Well for one thing the bloody car broken down half way along Millers and I had to wait for over three hours before a car came along. I got him to toe me to the garage on the highway. It turned out to be a blown fuse to the coil, it took the mechanic thirty seconds to fix and I look real dill.”

I know this is as far from the truth as I could possibly get, especially about Marcia and her milk engorged breasts. Placing her hand under my chin and lifting it until she looks me into the eyes. Smiling she says, “I know you must be disappointed but their will always be another day you know.”

“Yes I do know it, that why I am thinking of going back on Friday afternoon when I am finish at work. Camping beside the river away I should be able to have a good weekend.”

“It will do you good to get away so that you can relax for a couple of days on the weekend.”

Jokingly I say, “Sounds like you have a hot date coming around for a dirty weekend and you want the place all to yourself ah.” Not realising that I am only pulling her leg.

Lynn says, “Who want to look twice at an old bag like me anyway.”

“Look here, you are definitely not an old bag but a very sexy and desirable lady if I may say so.”

“Why thank you kind sir, you have made this day a lot happier for an old gal like me and you can pay me those sort of complements anytime you want to.”

Steeping closer, she wraps her arms around me for a lingering hug. She begins to rub her crutch against mind, then she says, “You are tempting me to do something naughty but nice to you.”

“I do not know what you are talking about.”

“O yes you do, one day I may get around to telling you, but this is definitely not the right time or place for one thing.”

I take a nice long hot bath, before getting dressed and head to the dining room. Lynn has the evening meal on the table for us and I help her to wipe up the dishes, putting then in their place in the cupboard before I retire to my bed for some well-deserved sleep. Right on 6.15am, the alarm clock wakes me to a bright new day. Wednesday and Thursday seem to drag on forever and I just cannot wait for Friday to come around. I finish all my deliveries early, I am back in to the depot at 3.30pm, the supervisor tells me wash the truck, and I can go home when I am finish.

Arriving home round about 4.45pm, I head straight for the bathroom to have a hot shower to remove all the road grime off me. When I am done I wrap a towel around my waist to walk up to my room and Lynn practically walks into me. With a look of lust in her eyes and a big smile she says, “This is the second time this week that you’re tempting me to do something. Well, on Tuesday when you got home, I said to you it tempting to do something to you and the time was not right. It is the right time for me to tell you how I feel. It has taken me some time now to get courage up to say to you just how you make me feel and what I want to do to you. It’s not right that a 56-year-old women like me, thinks that you are one sexy hunk of a man? Don’t mind it at all when you sneak a feel of her breasts when we have a cuddle, enjoys it immensely when you do so. To make matters worse I have been longing for you to sleep with me so that I can feel your body next to mine. I have been having the strangest of dreams lately, that you are made love to me in every room in the house and in every conceivable position. I have woken up feeling so dam horny that I had to resort to playing with my self to get some relief so that I can go back to sleep again. I sorry, but this is how I feel about you.”

“I didn’t know that you have these feelings for me, I also have some lurid dreams myself about having sex with you and I like you, I too, I had to relief myself by hand too. I dream of your beautiful big breast, I would love to kiss them and cuddle you as much as you like. But I wary about what Bruce may do if he found out what you and I do between us.”

Looking a little disappointed she says, “I do not care about what he thinks or does. He has his own life now and I too want to have some enjoyment with some one I like a lot. I really enjoy you cuirass my breast gently when we hug. I have never stopped you from doing it because I love it too much myself. You make me feel like a young girl all over again and by god, I love that feeling.”

“If you like we can go to your room now, get you undressed, lie on the bed and make love if that what you crave the most.”

“I do, but I in the middle of cooking tea now and we can get up to some hanky-panky afterwards.”

“You bet your big boobs on that darling.” Placing her arms around my neck, she pulls me into gaziantep grup escort bayan her warm motherly body and gives a long sensual kiss. Bringing up both of my hands, I gently take hold of her breasts; we stay this way for some time before we break apart. Looking into my eyes Lynn says, “You better go and get some clothes on before I decide to rape you now.”

“O hell, I miss out yet again; I am going now to put on my chastity belt so that I will always remain a virgin.”

Sliding my hands off her breasts and turning to walk towards my bedroom she gives me a playful smack on the bum while she is laughing. Turning back towards her, I wrap my arms around her and give her a long loving kiss. Responding to the kiss she starts to rub her crutch against mine making my erection even harder and poking into her more. Dropping my left hand onto her right breast I cuirass it and can feel the nipple becoming fully erect to my gentle touch.

She responds by pushing her crutch hard up against my penis; the towel slips apart a bit more as she pushes her pubic mound hard up against mine, and hugs me even tighter. By bringing her legs together, she entraps my cock right where she wants it, pushing backward and forward to rub it against her vaginal mound.

Opening her eyes and looking into mine, with a smile she says, “It has been a long time since I have done anything like this with a man. Do you really like the feel of my breasts when you play with then? I am sorry that they sag now when I do not wear a bra? You see I breast feed Bruce until he was the age of two.”

“I just love the feel of your breasts, I don’t care if they do sag, and I will more than happy to hold them when we kiss.”

“That nice that you like them just the way they are and I can’t wait until after tea. When we can sit down on the lounge and really do some serious kissing together. Now off with you to your room to get descent and I can calm down to get our tea onto the table.”

Sitting on my bed, I am thinking about what just happened out in the hallway with Lynn. I can hear the happiness with in her voice as she sings to herself out in the kitchen while finish cooking the evening meal. Her breasts are bigger than Marcia is, how much larger they where when Bruce suckled off them I can only guest. I will ask her later after tea, putting on my pyjamas, slippers and dressing gown; I make my way to the dining room. Looking at her, she smiles back to me and I notice she has undone the top three buttons on her blouse.

A large amount of cleavage and her bra is showing; looking at the table, she has set both places beside each other. Not across from each other as she usually does. Lynn tells me; “From tonight onwards I want you to sit next to me my darling young man.”

Pulling out a chair I sit and make myself comfortable. Coming over to me at the table she bend over to place my meal in front of me and I get a very good look at those magnificent breasts of hers. Reaching past me so that she can place her meal where she is going to sit.

Straightening up the last button pops open showing all of her bone-coloured bra. Looking at them, she smiles again and I say, “All of your buttons have come undone.”

“Do you like what you see or should I remove my bra and blouse for you now, what would you like me to do?” “ I am leaving it up to you to decide Lynn.”

“Don’t you want to see me naked or in my underwear?”

“I am no different to any other man, given half a chance I love looking at woman in their underwear. I reckon that black underwear is a real turn on, for me it makes a lady look very, very sexy indeed.”

With that Lynn stands up, takes off her blouse, folds it up and places it on a chair opposite me. Reaching to her left side, she undoes a button before pulling down the zipper on the skirt and putting it on top of her blouse. She walks back over to stove and make certain that she has turned it off, before coming to sit next to me in her bra and knickers.

Placing her hand atop of mine, she asks, “Would you mind if I walked around the house like this from now on. You see, some time when you are at work, I am here by myself, I close the curtains and walk around naked when it gets too hot for me.”

“There has been a quiet a few times when you were out I too have wonder around inside naked myself. I like the feeling of freedom of not having clothes on at times myself.”

“From now on we can please our self how we walk around inside, we can go without any clothes or just in our underwear. The only thing I ask is that the curtains be drawn so that the neighbours can’t see in and when Bruce is home on shore leave we keep our clothes on Colin.” “Well that mean we can have our own little nudist camp here, just you and me, I can’t think of anything better to do together.”

“Yes we can, I know that you want to perve on my naked body just as much as I want to look on yours.”

Looking over at her güneyşehir escort bayan big breasts, supported by her bra, reaching out I start to fondle the left one. Closing her eyes, leaning back in her chair and she starts to breathe a bit faster. Opening her eyes to look at me she asks, “Do you want me to take my bra off?”

“No, I want you to stay just the way you are, even after we finish tea and go to sit on the lounge.”

“You do have a liking for black underwear don’t you.”

“O yes I do as a matter of fact; I think that it is very arousing to see women dress like that.”

“I also like black lingerie, after we wash up and if you are good I will change into something very special, just for you.”

“What’s that Lynn?”

“I have a special black bra that my breasts sit on, there are on cups to cover them up. I haven’t been game enough to wear in front of a man yet.”

“And why is that Lynn?”

“I have these big ugly long nipples and I am reluctant to let men see them. I know they are ugly one, a man laugh when he saw them and that turned me off wearing it.”

“I for one would never laugh at you Lynn, to me, your breasts are beautiful to me.”

“They were before I had Bruce and he sucked from them.” Now that Lynn has brought up the subject again about breast-feeding, I saw the opening I been waiting for.

“Your breasts are quite large now, but how big did they get when Bruce suckled from you.” “They are a 42DD now, but back then I was a 44E and tried to hide them under a coat so that on one could see them. At the time I thought they were too big and ugly, but now they are what god gave me.”

“What did your husband think of them being so big; he must have had a lot of fun with them.”

“No, he did not even touch them or me at all, he’s only thought was getting down to the pub as quick as that bloody car of his could get him there. He had no consideration for me at all and left me alone for long hours at a time. In the end his drinking and his car got the better of him. How about we eat our tea before it gets too cold and we can talk more about them in the lounge room. I know they fascinate you and want to know all about them, don’t you?”

“Is it that that obvious?”

“Yes it is, but it does not wary me at all, I am getting turned on talking to you about them.”

“I am sorry if I am getting too personal in what I am asking you.”

“Never be sorry Colin, because I not, it is shows me that you like them and that makes me feel good also.”

“I do love the feel the feel of them, especially when your nipple become erect to my touch and yes I am attracted to you.”

“That lovely, I getting very horny now, so lets eat and there is plenty of time to talk later after tea, Okay.”

Reluctantly she removes my hand from her breast, starts to eat her meal and I begin to eat also. After we have washed, wiped up, put away all the plates, Lynn gives me a kiss. Saying to me, “Will you be a darling and go in, close up the curtains, making sure that they overlap one another and turn on the lamp next to the TV. Turn off the main light I won’t be long in changing Colin.”

Walking out to her bedroom I can hear her opening some draws and there is movement. Doing what she asked I remove my dressing gown and sitting on the lounge that faces the door and TV. After a couple of minutes she calls out, “Are you ready for me and please don’t laugh when you see me.”

She steps into the room making her grand entrance and my mouth drops open as I look at the most sexist sight that I have ever seen. The bra is holding her breasts straight out and her nipples are fully erect. She has on a pair of see through Black knickers that accentuates her long legs.

Not taking my eyes off her tits and I say, “Those are the most beautiful nipples I have seen and I would love to be able to suck them all night. How anyone can someone laugh about them is beyond me, I wished you had shown then to me a lot sooner than this.”

“I hope that you are not saying that to make me feel better, are you.”

“No I’m not, they truly are magnificent, I really love big breasts with big nipples and you are the first ladies who have what I like. You can wear that anytime we are alone here because I love it on you.”

“You really are such a darling; I want you to have sex with me anytime you want it. I am sick of masturbating all the time just to relieve my sexual frustration.”

“Have you ever thought of going out picking up someone for a one night fling?”

“No, I can’t do anything like that. You see I must have feeling towards the other person before I want to have sex with them.”

Slowly and seductively Lynn walks towards me, stopping about two feet from me she asks, “Do I look good up close like this.”

“O god yes.”

I am looking straight at her nipples; leaning forward I open my mouth and place it on her right tit. Sucking in the nipple, she grabs my head islahiye escort bayan and pulls it into her semi firm breast. Her nipples are twice the size of Marcia, I don’t care if they are dry and I just love the feel of it in my mouth. Looking down at me she says, “I have waited a long time to get the courage up to doing some thing like this in front of you. You don’t know how much I am enjoying all of this.”

Bringing up my arms, I wrap them around her waist and pull her in closer to me. After a minute or so she pulls away from me and then places me hands on my lap. Stepping back about five feet she starts to dance slowly around and when she squats down with her legs open.

I see that is wearing crutch-less panties and she has also shaved off her pubic hair. It is a lovely sight to see a pubic mound without any hair on it. My penis is standing straight up through the opening in the front of the pyjama pants. I continue shifting my gaze between her big nipples, the hairless fanny of hers, looking down Lynn sees it standing up and with a lurid smile. Standing again she moves in closer, squatting down as before but this time she opens her legs wider apart.

Looking at my erection she asks, “You really must be enjoying what you are seeing right now.”

“Yes I am, with your sexy big tits in that bra and the shaved fanny of yours, it is has been a dream of mine to see a Vagina without any hair on it. I just want to look at them for as long as I can to be able savour this sight.”

“I let you have a real long good look at it,”

Holding out her hand to me and she pulls me to stand up. She sits down in the middle of the lounge with her bum on the edge, Lynn makes herself as comfortable that she can get. Opening her legs as far as she can get them, she makes a hand gesture for me to sit in between them. Pulling her vulva fully open I can see the opening to her vaginal passage. Smiling she says, “Now you see me in all my glory, fully opened, hiding nothing from your gaze, you can touch it, play with it for as long as you like.”

Looking back to her open vagina I notice that it is getting wetter from her own secretions. Lynn is getting very aroused by what she is doing in front of me and so am I. She enjoys showing me her most intimate part of her body in a wanton display of her own sexually.

She has got me that excited by her near nakedness; my prick is hard as a brick and is hurting like hell, as it stands straight out from my body. Moving in even closer while sitting on the floor, I am only a foot away from her vagina and I place my left hand on it. Closing her eyes as I run my hand over her mound and I concentrate on stimulating her clitoris.

After two minutes Lynn grabs my hand, “I love the way that you play with my clit, now I want you to fuck me with your finger and I want you to do it now. I have dreamed of this moment for a long time, when I tell you, I want you to shove as many fingers you can right up inside my cunt, make me fucking come on them. I only talk this way when I get this turned on I can’t help talking dirty. It turns me on even more, you don’t mind do you.”

“No not in the least, hearing you talk like this excites me too,”

I start by sliding my left index finger into her hot vagina and working it backward and forward quickly. The heat within her is awesome and with my right index finger I rub her clitoris in a circular motion. The more I rub it more of her own fluid seeps out around my finger, letting right my finger pick up some it and I smear it onto her clitoris.

Opening her eyes she says to me, “That it, stimulate the very end, yes right they’re that my special spot.” Her vagina is making so much fluid now it is running out down the crack bum and wetting the cushion she sitting on. Moving my face in very close I take out my finger and start to lick her clean. Stopping I stand up, untie the cord in the pyjama pants and let them drop to the floor before steeping out of them.

Sitting back down again I reinserts my finger and starts over again, her hips are starting to jerk around. Leaning over Lynn reaches for a pillow in the corner of the lounge and rest it on her breasts. Her breathing is coming fast and shallow now as her orgasm approaches to take over control of her body.

Then all of a sudden her hips begin to rise off the lounge and she yells out, “Now Colin, shove as many of then in me as you can darling.”

Placing three fingers at the vagina entrance shove them up inside her as fast, hard as I can and start to fuck her with them. Lynn shoves the pillow onto her face and screams into it, “Ah fuck, I coming now.” Follow by a long ah and a series of grunts that is stifled by the pillow while her hips jerk around. I feel the rhythmic contraction of her pelvic muscles on my fingers as her orgasm explodes inside her body. With my fingers still in place the last of her orgasm subsides and her body slowly returns to it normal state. Opening her eyes she has a contented look about her and says, “Thank you for that, it been a long time since I have cum in a way like this and by god it’s been well worth the wait.”

Looking at my erect penis that is leaking pre-cum out the opening she says; “Now it‘s your turn to some fun. Stand up, I want to suck that lovely cock of yours till it come. I like sucking on a cock till it blows inside my mouth. Do you like having a girl give you oral sex, you know, a head job.”

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