Mindbreak Any% – The Third Run

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The offer didn’t really surprise Kaylee. A mixture of her potent cum leaking her musky pheromones’ into the air, combined with whatever cocktail she’d been day drinking in the bar. Plus who could turn down a six and a half foot tall Futanari Sex Goddess like her, muscles covering every part of her body; her cock still covered in a combination of her own juices and the bimbo’s, twitching as her body tried to push her back to full erection as her head almost glowed an angry purple-red, eager to claim it’s next prize.

The fact that she’d not even questioned the insensate bimbo behind her was what sealed the deal though. Kaylee hadn’t even realised that she’d never actually gotten the bimbo’s name, but that hardly mattered at the time. She was the bimbo, and this was the college girl. If she found out her name eventually it made little difference to her now.

As she pulled up her shorts, she drank in the college girl, appraising whether she’d actually work out as a candidate, or simply as another stepping stone to someone who would. She was pretty short, a little over 5 foot tall, she guessed. Not much to speak of in terms of tits, but her hips flared out wider than her shoulders, giving her an unmistakable pear shape. Once she’d successfully tucked her meaty member back into her shorts, she straightened up, towering over this tiny girl. She sauntered over to her and leaned down, taking her hands in her own.

“Let’s go,” she whispered. She felt those smaller hands grasp hers tightly, before quickly spinning around and marching straight back out of the door. Kaylee followed her, not even sparing a moment to think about the unconscious bimbo and the deluge of cum she’d left in the toilets. Those weren’t her concern anymore.

The bathroom door slammed as Kaylee and the short college girl stalked through the bar. Her friends threw concerned looks over their shoulders as their companion suddenly seemed to be abandoning them for… A hot slab of amazonian futa meat. All of them turned back and nodded to each other sagely, each slightly jealous that they hadn’t caught the attention of the muscular girl they’d all noticed as they’d entered the bar. Kaylee stopped only for a moment to collect her backpack before throwing a wink at the patrons in the booth, and then headed for the door.

“My name’s Lucy,” the college girl spat out as soon as Kaylee passed through the door. Her whole body shook with a nervous energy as she took Kaylee in. She was actually a little taken aback by this. Sure the bimbo had been enthusiastic, and Anna had quickly come around to her advances, but Lucy was in a different category. It was then that Kaylee realised that Lucy was still speaking.

“I’ve always had a thing for Futa, I mean where else can you find people as endowed as you are, and men have never really done it for me. Anyway then I found you in the bathroom with Heather and at first I was kinda shocked and freaking out a little, in fact I think I still am, but then I saw the app on your phone and it all kinda clicked. See I kinda lurk on those forums as well and I always kinda wanted to meet a SexSplit speedrunner, so it was an opportunity that was too good to miss out on so-” Kaylee cut of Lucy’s ramble, looping her arm around her waist and pulling her into a deep, domineering kiss. Shock petrified Lucy’s body before she melted into her arms. Her rant depriving her of any air in her lungs, she hung there limply, letting Kaylee take control.

She knew about the app. She knew about it, and she wanted to take part. Poor thing probably didn’t know what she was getting into, but they didn’t get more willing than this. Kaylee let her go and straightened up, standing well over a foot taller than her. Poor Lucy barely made it up to her tits, but the size difference promised for some fun later.

“So, you said something about going back to your place?” Kaylee purred. Lucy practically vibrated with arousal as she nodded her head. Mustering her courage, she tore her eyes away from Kaylee’s abundant bust and gestured over her shoulder, leading Kaylee further into the once familiar university campus.

“Where are we going?” Kaylee said, barely having to take more than a stride to keep up with her.

“OH!” Lucy jumped, “my flat is uhhh… j-just down… Just down this way.”

Kaylee followed close behind her. She could easily keep pace with her, but that way she wouldn’t have been able to take in the sheer vastness of the ass that was presented before her. Barely contained within yoga pants that looked like they’d give way in moments, Lucy’s ass stuck out behind her like a shelf, and was so firm that it’d probably be stable enough to act as one as well. Her eyes travelled further south, taking in her meaty thighs that probably hid a thick layer of muscle that it’d take just to support such a bottom heavy frame. Kaylee may have been a boob-futa at heart, but she loved a fat ass all the same.

“Oh, this is going to be fun,” Kaylee muttered to herself.

— — —

Lucy’s halls of residence weren’t far from Kaylee’s old flat when she’d been a student ığdır seks hikayeleri here, so she wasn’t surprised by the grubby surroundings she found herself in. It didn’t matter to Kaylee though, they’d be much worse by the time she was done with them. A small living room with an open kitchen, piled high with the traditional student unwashed dishes and pizza boxes, joined by a shared bathroom and a hallway joining the four bedrooms for this floor.

“Got any roommates we should expect to be seeing?” Kaylee asked.

“Uh, maybe? I don’t know. They should be at lectures today, but mine was cancelled because my tutor never showed up, so who knows about theirs.”

“Well, you know what they say, the more the merrier.”

Lucy looked confused for a moment, before being swept up into Kaylee’s powerful arms. She carried the college girl down the hall and picked a door at random. She planted her foot against the door, and pushed. The cheap lock broke under the force, it wasn’t the first time Kaylee had had to kick in a door on this campus, and also not the first time so she could fuck someone.

“Wait! Wait, this isn’t my rooooooom,” Lucy squealed as she was thrown roughly onto the bed. Kaylee tossed her bag out into the hallway, not wanting it in the splash zone, and stripped herself quickly. Already her clothes were getting sweaty, and her shorts were splattered in cum, but she didn’t care. Lucy lay there, staring in awe. Even the second time around she was stunned. Those chiselled abs, those huge tits and hefty balls.


Lucy’s hands shook as she tried to strip her clothes off, but Kaylee was on her in moments. Her powerful hands gripped her yoga pants and did what she’d been dying to do since she saw her, and tore them apart. Her pussy lips were swollen and stained by the wetness that dripped down her thighs. Unlike with the bimbo, Kaylee didn’t think she’d need any foreplay this time around. The anticipation from the bar’s bathroom and the time it had taken to walk all the way to the flat had stirred Lucy into a fervor. Every sly glance, every whiff of the musk that poured from Kaylee’s body, the still-fresh scent of cum that stained her shorts. Every part of it had driven her wild. She was ready. She needed this.

Kaylee fished her phone from her shorts and tossed it onto the covers. She kneeled on the foot of the bed and leaned over Lucy, her amazonian form towering over this slutty little shortstack.

“Suck it.”

It wasn’t a request. It was a command, and one that Lucy was all too happy to obey. She kneeled before the half-mast pillar of futa meat, testing its weight and almost flinching at the heat it gave off. Then the smell hit her. It was a potent combination of sweat and cum, and it filled her nostrils, overpowering her senses. The fumes drove her wild, pupils dilating as she locked onto the source like a cum-seeking missile. She latched her mouth over the deep purple crown of her cock, and jumped when she felt it twitch. The whole shaft pulsed, and Lucy had to bring both hands up to hold it steady. She opened her mouth as wide as it would go, but no matter how hard she tried, it just wouldn’t fit past her lips. It was just too fucking wide.

Kaylee looked down in disappointment as Lucy whined, desperate to get more of this godly shaft into her maw. The problem was, the more she struggled, the more turned on Kaylee got watching her squirm and choke on her massive head. The more turned on she got, the harder she got, the bigger her head got and the harder it became for her to swallow the massive blunt cock head. Then there was the pre.

Kaylee was shocked when she first felt it. It shouldn’t have been possible, she’d drained herself so thoroughly for this day! How the hell was she leaking pre? Her balls should have been as dry as the Sahara desert! Cum, sure, that never stopped, but pre should have been out if the question. The leak was small, but Kaylee knew her body, and she knew that it wouldn’t stay small for long. A snarl broke past her lips, and Lucy looked up at her. She’d been trying to get more cock into her gob, and had made some small modicum of progress. She didn’t realise the gravity of what this meant, what the salty river in her mouth actually meant, and the look of fear in her eyes wasn’t nearly enough to match the magnitude of the situation.

Kaylee reached down slowly, Lucy’s eyes tracking those big, strong hands as they gripped either side of her head, her eyes shaking, flicking from side to side, down to the cock she was trying so desperately to swallow and then up, up into the eyes of the gorgeous amazon who’s eyes were filled with nothing but frustration and determination. Lucy knew what she ought to do. She needed to relax, let it happen. She wanted this, she’d needed this ever since she’d walked into the bathroom in the bar. But the power that Kaylee held over her was so dominating, so overwhelming that her whole body shook. She tried to take several calming breaths through her nose, but it was a mistake. Her outward breaths tickled on the surface of Kaylee’s cock, and a sudden jet of pre launched into the back of her mouth. She gagged for a moment in the massive monolith, and then she felt it, almost in slow motion. The tightening grip, the widening of the stance and the growl that could have only been subconscious.

Kaylee pulled and thrusted at the same time, her cock battered brutally down, through Lucy’s throat and lodged itself in her esophagus. Lucy’s neck bulged, and she did her best to scream around the violent intrusion as her body shook with unexpected orgasm. Triggered merely by the act of being so brutally dominated, her body tensed around the monstrous infiltrator. Kaylee would have to be careful, she’d not meant to trigger an orgasm here and she didn’t want to go too far or she’d risk invalidating her next run. But there was something inside of her, something building. It was a need. She’d prepared so long and so hard for this day, draining her balls so much she’d had to vacate the building lest she ruin the plumbing. Pre shouldn’t have been possible, but it was like her body was fighting against her. Something had triggered in her this morning.

She’d started speedrunning for new thrills. Normal orgasms just hadn’t done anything for her in such a long time. But now there was something new, something she’d never experienced before. Having Lucy, the Bimbo and the woman on the bus all practically throw themselves at her, worshipping the body she’d built for this challenge… It was exhilarating. Not caring about the consequences of her actions, being so free to fuck whoever she wanted! She felt her cock flex again in this slut’s overstuffed throat, and her mind turned manic, a twisted grin taking over her face as she gripped the sides of Lucy’s head with all the strength she could muster. She drew her monster dick slowly from Lucy’s skull until only her fat, blunt head was lodged at the back of her throat, and then fired her hips forward, crashing her crotch off Lucy’s cute button nose. A sound burst out of her, somewhere between a bark and a laugh, and Kaylee clenched her teeth as she got ready to skullfuck this short stack bitch.

Lucy could hardly breath, and every time her throat was empty enough for her to suck in as much oxygen as she could, it came in ragged bursts. Her eyes watered and her jaw ached. Her throat was wrecked and her lungs burned. She felt those titanic cum tanks smash into her collarbone over and over, as on the other side her esophagus was filled with a white hot obelisk of futa cock. She was being assaulted from within and without. God, she loved it.

Kaylee could barely begin to comprehend everything she was feeling. This was her third sexual conquest of the day but for some reason this one just felt… better. More primal, like it was fueling her basest instincts. It was like something had been triggered in her and she had no idea how to stop it. Her hips pounded back and forth as she let out a constant string of animalistic grunts. No words passed her lips, and Lucy’s were stretched so far beyond communication that the only sounds that filled the room were the rhythmic slapping of flesh on flesh and the carnal groans and grunts of a futa who was so far beyond giving herself over to the pleasure.

All her conquests earlier in the day had been… functional. They’d served a purpose. They were just so she could fulfil some arbitrary goal she’d set herself. Sure it was fun to prove herself, to acknowledge her pure sexual prowess and ability to shut someone’s brain off in just five minutes, but where was the fun for her. She’d get back to it. It itched at the back of her mind, constantly reminding her of what her purpose was, that every second she spent buried in this slut’s throat was wasted, but she put it aside. This wasn’t about some number, or getting the shortstack off. This was for Kaylee, pure and simple. And she was going to enjoy every fucking second of it.

She felt a tingling. A vibration in her balls. It was far off, like a promise of what was to come. Kaylee looked down at the ruined face she held between her clenched hands, the mousy brown hair bunched in her fists. This was good, but it could be better. With a grunt, she slowly retracted her monster dong from Lucy’s throat, letting her feel every bump and ridge as they slid over each other. She clenched as her head made it’s lazy retreat through her mouth, letting a jet of precum collide with the back of her throat. Lucy fell back, choking on the jelly thick wad of pre that filled her mouth. Kaylee observed with a strange enjoyment as she watched Lucy struggle to swallow her potent, musky load of pre. When she finally sucked in a raspy lung full of air, Kaylee knew it was time for her to make her move.

Grabbing her under the arms, Kaylee maneuvered her to the dead centre of the bed. Her throbbing cock hammered against Lucy’s tight, dripping cunt, battering at it for entrance that it had no hope of gaining without a steady hand. Loose strands of hair fell in front of her eyes, as her loose ponytail came undone. Her once rich, brown locks hung down to her shoulders, plastered in sweat and cum and in desperate need of a shower, but she hardly cared. Nothing could pierce the fog of lust that had surrounded her mind now. Nothing except for the rasping voice beneath her.

“Timer.” Lucy said, “Start… timer.” That’s right. Lucy even knew what she was here for. She was a fan, she knew all about SexSplit. She’d offered herself up. She didn’t even care about Kaylee’s pleasure, she just wanted to be another stat on the scoreboard.

“No.” Kaylee grunted, anger biting in the word.

“Wha…” Kaylee murmured, not understanding the change, why this Goddess of a futa wasn’t setting up her timer.

“No timer. This is for me! Fuck the run!” Kaylee barked down at her, almost shaking with unidentifiable rage as she grasped the broad width of her shaft, and aimed her fat head at Lucy’s trembling cunt.

Disappointment and confusion flashed across Lucy’s face for a moment. She couldn’t understand why Kaylee would be giving up on the run. She could give it to her, everything she wanted and needed she was more than willing to give up for her. But then Lucy looked in those eyes, saw the hunger and the need, and realisation dawned on her. She was going to give Kaylee everything she wanted. She was going to be used for pleasure and nothing more, and though Lucy was so desperate to give her the run she deserved, she wanted nothing more than to have this goddesses cock split her in two, and ruin her for everyone else. Forever.

Kaylee rammed her hips forwards, bashing her cock straight into the entrance to Lucy’s womb while her wrecking-balls swung forward to smash against her groin. She let out something close to a roar as her cock was finally planted inside Lucy’s tight cunt. Her eyes rolled back as she let herself settle for a moment, finally able to take in the pure sensation without having to worry about time or technique. It was all she’d thought about for weeks in preparations, and she realised that she’d forgotten what it could be like to bask in the total domination of a horny little fuck-sleeve as they were broken in by her monster cock.

“Ohgod, ohgodshitfuck you’re so fucking deep I can feel it in my stomach it’s so fucking big.” Words poured out of Lucy’s mouth, each rambling sentence punctuated by another gut punch from Kaylee’s towering shaft as it knocked all the breath out of her lungs from the inside. Meanwhile, Kaylee relished the ability to take it slow for once. Her cock was practically turning the smaller girl inside-out, her broad fuckstick spreading her almost to breaking point. Kaylee felt the tingling again, working from her groin and up to the base of her spine, but she clamped down on it, tensing her kegel muscles and putting every ounce of concentration she had onto not cumming. She didn’t want this to be over, not yet.

“BREAK ME! FUCKING BREAK ME ON YOUR MONSTER DICK! I WANT IT ALL!” Lucy screamed up at Kaylee, begging her to give her everything else. Kaylee’s cock still had a good few inches, a little under a foot, left to go before she bottomed out, but anger hit her first. How dare this little slut tell her what to do! Kaylee clamped her hand around Lucy’s throat, quickly silencing her as she leaned down so her lips just barely brushed against her ears, her hair falling to cover her face with no strength left to clear it out.

“You want all my cock? You think you can handle it? I’ll tell you what, you little slut, I’m going to give you everything you’ve asked for and when I’m done with you I’m going to pump you so full of cum you won’t be able to leave this room for a week.” Kaylee couldn’t explain where this anger was coming from, but it was fueling her, tensing her muscles and powering her for the brutal, unforgiving pounding she was about to bestow on this little bitch. “Nothing will ever compare to what I’m about to give to you, so you better make peace with that, because I’m not going to stop until we’re done.”

Lucy could barely breathe. Sparks flew before her eyes as her mind was assaulted by the sheer stretching sensation of her pussy being stretched to its limits, and the huge cum factories pressed against her legs as they radiated a heat that she knew would eventually be filling her. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she managed to mutter one word…


Kaylee let out a soft growl as she slowly pulled back, bringing her own face inches from Lucy’s. “Remember slut, you asked for this…”

Her shaft slowly began to pull out from Lucy’s oh-so-tight love tunnel, every millimetre it dragged sent shocks of pleasure tingling up her body, sparking off micro-orgasms that chained together, leaving her brain a barely functioning mess. Only the tip remained firmly lodged at the entrance of her pussy, clamped down and letting nothing escape. Kaylee could feel her steady stream of precum leaking into Lucy and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was already clamping down as much as she could and if she tried any harder, she was fairly certain she might end up breaking something. She needed to make the most of the time and energy she had left, and she had every intention of making sure it felt as good as possible while she did.

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