MiRI Ch. 05

Solo Male

Emily the cute looking Asian tech had just finished sucking me off after performing an ECG. I laid there trying to recover. To catch everyone up, I went for an ECG after Dr. Anna Athena scheduled the appointment for me. Initially I went to see my family doctor but he was away sick so I ended up seeing Dr. Anna. The reason I wanted to see the doctor was because I started developing breasts. It seemed I started to develop breasts after getting an MIR after I got vertigo and Covid. It was determined that the MIR somehow magnetically altered me. All during my childhood, my mother concerned with my small stature gave me growth pills which contained estrogen.

Emily left me to get dressed. Not only did I have to remove my top, I had to remove my pants since some of the ECG leads were attached to my knees. I was wearing stockings that needed to be removed as well since the tabs were sticky and Emily didn’t want to ruin my hose.

A few days later, I went to see Dr. Anna about the ECG results. My E-cup boobs seemed to have stabilized in size; i.e. they have stopped growing bigger. This was good since Mom and I had just bought a whole new wardrobe. Dr. Anna told me that while my ECG seemed to be normal, the semen specimen she took during the last exam revealed something else. As she explained it, the wiggly sperms were very abnormally over active and the DNA structure seemed to be changed. “They are changed in such a way that it was the reason your body has changed. From what I am seeing, there is no way to change you back.”

Initially taken aback, after thinking about it, I really wasn’t that worried. I kind of liked my new self. Dr. Anna asked if I’d like to see someone professional to talk about it but I declined the offer at least for now.

I left the doctor’s office but rather than go directly home, I decided to do some window shopping. It was a nice sunny day; not too warm or too cool. Warm enough to still wear a yellow, front button, mid-thigh length, tight fitting summer dress with floral prints but cool enough to wear nude, seamed stockings and six strap garters. To cradle my boobs was a white, lace, plunge bra that barely covered up my always rock hard, cranberry sized nipples. My shoes were matching closed toed pumps with a four inch skinny heel.

I stopped in front of a Birks shop. A sales girl was placing a pair of dangly earrings in the display and they had caught my eyes. She smiled at me and nodded for me to come in. I couldn’t help myself denizli escort but obey. She met me at the door. “Hello. I’m Crystal. I noticed you noticing the earrings. Would you like to see them closer, Miss…?”

“Miri. Please call me Miri.” I smiled back at Crystal and followed her to the counter.

“Miri. That is a lovely name.” Crystal told me. “Very unique. Reminds me of the young girl on Star Trek.”

“That’s exactly where my names comes from.” I said cheerfully.

Crystal laid out the earrings onto the black felt pad. I picked them up and held them to my ear lobe. “These are beautiful. Yellow diamonds set with an inch and a half dangling chain of white gold. The diamond are a quarter carat each so they don’t look too gaudy in my opinion. They would look great on you. Would you like to try them? We sanitize them after each time so there is no chance of germs or anything.”

I removed the gold studs from my lobes and inserted the new ones. I turned my head left and right while the earrings swayed back and forth. The yellow diamonds were perfect contrast to my complexion. They were indeed perfect until Crystal told me the price. “Yikes!”

“…but they are on sale. Plus I can get you an extra discount.” Crystal told me. “Just let me get my manager’s approval. There shouldn’t be any problem.”

I was soon on my way gleaming with my new purchase. My strides seemed to be much more affirmative as I walked. My high heels clicked on the ground with each stepped. Out of the corner of my eyes, I spotted them. A pair of open toed pumps seemed to be waving at me. They were multi-coloured with a four and a half inch stiletto heel that said buy me. Of course they had my size. Despite the height of the heels, they were so comfortable on my feet and I loved how they made me look. My legs became much more toned and shapely and they made my butt and boobs rounder and stick out a bit more. The $300 price tag was little deterrent and I wore them since the predominant yellow colour match my dress.

The store also had a make-up/perfume section. I walked around and casually fingering different items on the counters.

“Excuse me, Miss?” I turned to see a blond girl dressed in a waist length, white lab coat. Her name tag read Cheryl. “We are doing free make overs. Would you be interested?”

“Why not!” I replied and took a seat in the high chair. “The price is right. And please call me Miri.”

“You have very beautiful develi escort skin.” Cheryl told me as she started off with a light scrub to remove what I was already wearing. “Unlike a lot of other women, I don’t think heavy make-up would do you any justice and would just hide your beautiful features.

I melted not only at the fact that Cheryl thought I had beautiful skin and features but the fact that she referred to me as a woman.

“This is an ultra-light base. A little daub like this will be enough for your face and it will help keep your make-up looking fresh longer. We’ll start with your beautiful brown eyes. I think a nice coral or copper colour first on the upper lid and then a smoky beige on the bottom.” Cheryl explained what she was doing. “Now a nice medium black eye liner that extends just a bit longer than your lids to really accentuate your almond eye. This mascara will really make your natural long lashes and eyes really pop! There. How does that look so far?”

I looked at myself in the mirror and was stunned by how just a bit of proper make-up made my eyes looked.

Cheryl brushed on a light blush to highlight my cheeks. She had me purse my lips as she painted on some lipstick. Moving back slightly to admire her work, she exclaimed. “This colour is perfect. It’s a deep pink with bit of copper undertones. There is a bit of fleck in it too. This sealer will make it last all day.”

I looked at myself again in the mirror. My mouth literally dropped. I was gorgeous. Honestly.

Cheryl smiled at my reaction. “I normally don’t… No that’s not true. I have never said this to anyone. Like that, you could be a model. Would you mind if I took a picture?”

“Of course!” I agreed. Although she was truly reluctant to sell me anything, I ended up buying nearly $200 worth of make-up. Cheryl generously gave me her time and explained each product and how to use it. She even offered to do teach me how to put on make-up. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Cheryl. You can know how much this means to me.”

It was mid-afternoon by the time I left the store. I was walking on cloud 9 for sure. New jewelry, new shoes, new make-up; I didn’t want to go home. I found myself a little thirsty from all the walking and shopping.

I stopped off at a nice looking pub that I had never been to before. It was nice inside looking very warm and welcoming even for a lady by herself. I took a seat at the bar and asked the devrek escort server for a glass of Chard. I chuckled to myself. “Wow! Chard? Shopping? Make-up? I’m really becoming a real woman!

The server set my stemmed glass in front of me. I brought the rim to my lips and took a sip of the perfectly chilled white wine. When I placed my glass back down, I saw no lip prints on the brim. The first glass was delicious and I asked for another. The server placed a fresh one in front of me. “This is from the lady sitting there.”

“Oh! Thank you!” I said surprised. I turned to cheer the person. She looked familiar. The woman approached me smiling. It was. “Emily!”

She looked completely different from when she performed my ECG. Her heir was kind of slicked back. She was not dressed in her lab whites but she wore a tailored suit and trousers. She looked rather male-ish verse female. “Hi. It’s Miri isn’t it? Remember me?”

“Well of course. Hello Emily. Thank you for the wine.” I was still taken aback by her changed appearance. “Please sit.”

“I hope you don’t mind. After the ECG, I enjoyed our… you know.” Emily smiled coyly. “Full disclosure. I feel comfortable telling you because of who you are. Similar to you, I’m different. I was born a girl but everything about me as I grew up was a boy. I haven’t started any physical transition yet and really don’t intent to since I’m pretty comfortable in my skin. I’ve had girlfriends but they just never worked out.”

Emily paused to see if I had any adverse reaction. In response, I smiled warmly and understandingly at her opening to me. I placed a hand on hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. We seemed to have a connection. I told Emily what had happened to me. I was now Miri. We talked for over an hour. “Yikes! I’m really sorry, Emily. As much as I am enjoying this, I really need to get my butt moving!”

“And you have such a pretty butt!” Emily grinned. “Can I call you? Or you can call me if you’re not comfortable. And maybe take you out sometime? Tomorrow?”

We exchanged numbers. She gave me a warm hug. I returned a kiss; maybe just a little too much on the passionate side. I had to scurry home because I promised Mom and we had something to do.

Later that evening… “Beep!”

I looked at my phone. A message from Emily. “Hi. It’s me. Enjoyed our time together. Would you like to go out tomorrow?”

I was over the moon. I had told Mom about Emily and showed her the message. I asked back “Yes!” and made arrangements for when she’d pick me up. That night as I laid in bed, all I could think of was Emily. She was so confident in herself. It was then that I determined that I too had no desire to change back.

Note: Sorry no sex in this chapter. More of a set up for the date.

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