Mistis’ Adventures Part 55

Mistis’ Adventures Part 55
After making their call to Misti’s parents, Misti had been so excited, AND elated, that she went into the bathroom, where Mike was taking a shower so he could change clothes, and douched quickly, wanting to be fresh for him, and lay down on the bed to wait for him to finish. She wanted, so very much, to feel him inside of her, like he had done last night. She was wet just from thinking about it. She knew that, unless he were impossibly tired, the mere sight of her, in front of him, completely naked, and with her legs open, would excite him. She made sure that he never grew tired of looking at her, or wanting her. She would do anything, or, go to any means, to make sure that she remained exciting to him. If she were to lose him, her world would come to an end.

Thinking for a split second, she turned around with her head pointing at the bathroom door. He would see her laying in this position, and know she was inviting him to go 69 with her. He loved this as much, or possibly more, than anything else.

Mike came through the door, and was greeted by the sight of the top of her head, and a view of the entire length of her delicious body in front of him. He was hard as soon as he saw her. There had NEVER been another woman who effected him like this delicate lady he had asked to share his life and fortunes. His mind raced with all the memories they had shared. He couldn’t help but to smile, thinking about their time in Germany he had been relating to them. She, after he had started telling their friends about their sojourn in Europe, had reminded him of things SHE thought they might enjoy hearing about. She had been issued her American Passport before they left the United States, so they were free to travel almost anywhere in Europe that they had wanted.

He laid down beside her in a way that he could kiss her and cuddle with her before moving on toward what, to them, would be the main event. She quickly turned, again, to hold her true love in her arms. They both so enjoyed this part, as they did all parts, of their relationship. He had been so smitten by her beauty and charm that, he, even before he had asked her to marry him, had started a photographic log of his time with her. He had taken, at first, simple photos of her with a Kodak Instamatic. They were cheap cameras, but, took some of the best pictures you could find. They were small enough to take anywhere, and worked extremely well under any conditions. He had taken 4 and 5 rolls of pictures every month. Each roll had been 24 pictures. He had bought albums, and had labeled them as to the dates with all the diligence he knew. He continued the practice until he had bought their first digital camera. At the same time he had bought a digital movie camera, and, every time he had the memory filled, downloaded them to disc, then, later to CDs at work. They had all the best equipment available, so it was easy to transfer everything. He had, to date, 40 odd albums, and nearly 40 CDs of her filled. She had, early on let him know that there were NO restrictions on what he could photograph. Every day family type pictures, pin-ups, nudes, or her in action with other people. He ALWAYS asked permission of her partners, first. He had, also, taken many, MANY pictures of their friends in Germany, with THEIR permission. There had been only one that had been reluctant to allow pictures to be taken of them, and HE had given a VERY good reason, so nothing had been said.

They finally got around to lovemaking after a bit. Mike had made Misti orgasm to the point where she had been last night. She would babble every time she started to speak. He finally did as she was begging him to do. He came, causing her to have her best, and strongest orgasm. He went and got a wet washcloth to clean her, but, changed his mind, and licked HER clean, using the washcloth to wash her groin and legs of his saliva.

They redressed, went into the kitchen to drink a cup of coffee, and relax, then went on over to Dave and Carol’s house. He had to walk with his arm around Misti’s waist. She was STILL a little unsteady. It was usually HIM that was shaky afterwards, but, then, HE hadn’t been fucked today like she had.

Both, knowing that the others, most likely, would be naked, had just pulled on sweatpants, sneakers, and a zippered hoodie. They pulled open the back door, calling out to announce their presence, and went in. Just as they had thought, everyone WAS naked, with one marked difference. Carol was sitting there with them, JUST as naked. She smiled up at them. “I’m recovered, now, so I can be back to normal. I enjoy feeling like before.” Misti, first, then Mike, leaned down to hug and kiss her. Misti had started to ask where Sarah was, but saw Betty sitting across the table holding her. They went around and kissed and hugged Betty, and looking inquisitively at her for permission to kiss the baby in her arms. Betty smiled and told them, “Go ahead. We’ve already got her spoiled to where salt won’t save her. She loves the attention. Normal girl.”

Mike and Misti both were admiring Betty’s physique. She was 5 months along with HER pregnancy, but, except for a slight bulge around her middle, looked as good as when they had met her, almost 6 months ago. Her face and skin almost seemed to glow with vitality. She was the picture of a healthy, young Mother. She was as beautiful as any woman they knew. She could get testy if she wasn’t listened to, but, had a sweet streak that couldn’t be missed.

They all wanted to hear about what had transpired that morning, knowing, now, that Mike wasn’t going to Germany. He got coffee for he and Misti, sat down, and re-related the circumstances. Then, Misti, unable to hold it in any longer, told them about their call to Thailand. They all told them that if there was any way they could help, to simply tell them. They were anxious to meet Misti’s parents.

Mom Campbell told them she had also called home. The men had all been at the house, and she told them what William had told her. They had asked if they could call them back, and hung up. A few minutes later, Papa Campbell had called back and told them that it could happen. Let them know when the land hit the market, and the asking price. They would come up and inspect the property, and, if appropriate, make a counter-offer. This was, in most cases, how land transactions were made. It looked more and more like C and B Farms, LLC, might be moving its headquarters to a new state.While on the line, Robbi had asked to speak to Cathy, and asked if she could live with her and Billy to go to school. She wanted to go ahead and make her transfer to the school here. Cathy, her voice breaking a bit, had told her that she hadn’t needed to ask permission. She was welcome any time, for as long as she wanted. They BOTH loved her. They had heard sobs from Robbi as she thanked them. She had calmed down, and told her Mother that she would be there in a week, and that she would bring the two babies and their clothes when she came. It was only two more weeks until the new semester started. Then she laughed. “The men will have to eat their OWN cooking for a while. It’ll make them appreciate us a little more. That’ll larn ’em, darn ’em’!” This brought more laughter.

It was nearly 5:00, and Sharon and Mary would be here any minute. Supper would be ready, so everybody except the ladies were chased out. As if on cue, the back door slid open and Sharon and Mary stepped in. They both rushed over to Mike to express there gladness that he wouldn’t be going away. Sharon sat down on William’s lap, to hug and kiss him, telling him how much she loved him. She snuggled her head on his shoulder like a little girl. He whispered in her ear, first of his own love. Then telling about the land deal they were now hoping for. She squealed with joy, turning to her Moms. “Is it TRUE? Are they REALLY thinking about moving HERE? THAT would be WONDERFUL!!!”

Just then, William’s phone rang. He answered, talked a bit, asking a few questions, and hung up. “The owner just went out the door. The land has been, just now, listed. And for a VERY reasonable price. He is asking $950 an acre with the structures asking price of $350, 000. The land would be fair at $1200 an acre, and $500,000 for the structures.” He dialed the phone to Texas. Robbi answered. “Hello, Sis. This is William. Are the men still there? Can I speak to them? a short pause. “Hello, Dad? I just got the call. Yes. VERY reasonable. MY advice would be to jump on it. He is asking nearly 15 percent under market. OK. See ya, day after tomorrow. Love ya, Dad. Tell Daddy Breen and Tod that we send our love to them, too. Drive careful. They are gonna be here day after tomorrow. Both Dads, Tod, and Robbi are coming. Robbi is bringing the babies and their things. I already put a hold on listing, and will take them out to look it over. It butts up on the east side of Billy and Cathy’s place with just a two-lane road between them. They will need to build at least two or three more houses for everyone to live, but, all the utilities are already there, and they have a private well with more than plenty of available water. It goes with water rights, but no mineral rights.”

Betty stepped to the door. “Okay, everybody. Come and get it, or I’ll call in the dogs. OOPS! I forgot. NO DOGS!” There was that sweet smile.

They went in and seated themselves, the men holding the chairs for the ladies. Mama Breen looked around the table. “This is such a special day. I think we ought to give thanks.” Everybody nodded and bowed their heads. Mama Breen said a prayer of thanks, everybody whispering “Amen.” to close. There was a special kind of feeling in the air that night. The love they all felt was something you could feel all around you. Like a warm blanket on a cold night. They were anticipating the next two or three days.

Suddenly Mama Breen’s phone rang. She scooted back from the table to answer. She listened for just a minute. “You mean right NOW? That’s GREAT!!! YES!!! Give him a hug and a kiss from his Mama. Bye Bye.” She stuck the phone back in her pocket. “MORE GOOD NEWS!!! RICKY’S HOME!!! HE GOT A DROP, AND HE’S HOME FOR GOOD. One of the neighbors gave him a lift. He knocked on the door, and when Tod answered it, it was Ricky! He’ll be up with the others. He’s going tomorrow to see someone he missed. CATHY! Barb gave him her number, and he’s gonna go see her tomorrow. He’s realized that he missed her as much or more than the rest of us. He told Daddy he’s gonna ask her to marry him. I DO hope she says YES.”

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