Mistis’ Adventure’s Part 61


Mistis’ Adventure’s Part 61
Betty was smiling at Pete’s reaction to seeing her and Cathy both naked. Even in her 5th month of pregnancy, she wasn’t unsightly, like many women got. Her tummy was obviously full of something, it was rounded, but, still small enough to attract. Her boobs, however, were something else. They, to her, were absolutely HUGE. She could tell just by feeling them that they were filling with milk for her baby. That was a good thing, She had nursed the other two, and, in fact, was still nursing the youngest on occasion. Like when she felt bad. That seemed to be the only thing to quiet her and help her sleep.

She, at Tod and her Dad’s request, had started shaving her pussy. At first she had only shaved the parts around her vagina, but, later, had started shaving EVERYTHING! It seemed to be more comfortable. The hair never got caught in her panties, and it seemed to be cooler. If her pussy had to get wet, she much preferred it to be made that way by SOMEBODY, not sweat. She washed it many times each day, as a matter of habit.

Cathy had joined her in the kitchen, and asked her, “Who was that man?” Betty had told her who he was, explaining that he was their “next-door” neighbor. In the country, your next door neighbor might be as much as 10 or 15 miles away. She related what they had talked about, and her plans to visit them, if possible, later in the day. Cathy told her that, as far as SHE knew, everything except her and Billy’s clothes being fitted was the last thing yo do. The Mothers would have to decide that part.

Betty pulled out a chair to sit down. She was already tired. Cathy, giving her a kiss on the cheek, felt of her forehead with her wrist, then her lips, then took her arm and checked her pulse. She was a little warm, and her pulse was elevated. She estimated that she was at least a degree or two warmer than she should be, and her pulse sjouldn’t be that high. She pulled another chair out and put Betty’s feet on it, and got her a glass of orange juice. Betty looked up and told her, “Thanks.” Cathy excused herself and went up the stairs. She was back quickly, bringing back a stethoscope, a blood pressure machine, and a thermometer. Betty started to object, but, Cathy put the thermometer in her mouth, and told her. “Close it, and keep quiet.” She wrapped the cuff around Betty’s arm and began pumping the bulb to fill it with air. She watched the monitor closely, and repeated it two more times. She wrote something in a notebook, and put it away. She put the stethoscope under her arm to warm it, then pressed it to Betty’s chest at the top of her left breast, then on the other side, and two more times on her back.She wrote some other things in the notebook, and put everything in the bag she carried.

She looked down at her big sister, frowning, and told her, “Sorry to rain on your parade, Sis, but the only place you’re going, is back to bed. You have a 100.4 degree temperature, your blood pressure is high, just like your pulse and heart rate, and your breathing is a bit raspy. My guess is that you have a bug, I hope, and NOT pneumonia. I would need an X-ray to tell that. I’m gonna tell Mom when she gets her, and see if she thinks you need to see a doctor. NOW! Get that sweet ass upstairs and get in the bed. ALONE! No playing “Hide the wienie”for YOU, today.”

Betty started to argue with her, but, saw the resolve, and the concern in her newest sisters eyes. She nodded, eyes downcast, and replied, “Yes Ma’am. I’m going.” When someone took THAT tone, it was best to listen.

Tod, standing at the foot of the stairs, looked at his wife and his sister, and shook his head, surprised at his wife’s response. “I don’t believe it. NO ARGUMENT? What’s wrong with my Honey?” Cathy told him what she had found, and repeated about getting their Moms advise. Tod nodded in agreement. THEY would pass the final judgement. He took Betty’s arm and led her upstairs to bed. Cathy, on a hunch, punched Dr. Immelmann’s home phone number. He answered quickly. Cathy told him what she had found, and asked his advise. A second later, she took down the instructions he gave her, and asked which pharmacy they would use. He said they would open in about half an hour, and he would call a prescription in for her. Cathy thanked him and closed the phone. She punched in Mom Campbell’s number and got an answer on the first ring. She told Mom what she had found, and told her what the Doc had said. Mom said they were just getting ready to go out the door, and they would stop and get the medicine and bring it with them. She thanked her and hung up the second time.

She went up, carrying another glass of orange juice, and two acetominaphine caps. They used Tylenol. She went up and got a pair if pajamas from the drawer and handed them to Betty, telling her what the Doctor and her Mother had said. Betty took the medicine, and drank most of the orange juice. Cathy kissed her on the cheek, telling her, “Please be good. We’re worried about you. Doc said if you weren’t better by noon, to bring you in for him to look at. Now go to sleep, and I won’t tell Mama you were out on the porch naked. Tod saw your footprints, and told me.You stood on the right side of the door, next to the rail. Even he couldn’t say how long, but that part doesn’t matter. You probably got a chill. Now, go to sleep.” She gave Betty another kiss, pulled up her blanket, and went out. She would finish making breakfast.

She saw her Dad and Mom standing in the kitchen when she got to the foot of the stairs. Both were still naked. Her dad was sitting in the chair Betty had been sitting in, and her Mom was in front of him. Sucking his dick. She looked up to see Cathy watching her. She replaced her mouth with her hand, but kept trying to stimulate him. “I think you hurt my baby, Sweetheart. It don’t want to wake up, and Mommy wants to play. That mean old Billy left Mommy high and dry. If I don’t get some of that special salve, my eyes will be spinning like a pinball machine.” Cathy and Tod both broke into laughter. “If that’s what you need, I had plenty of rest last night. Maybe I can help you out. Is it okay with you, Dad?” Abe smiled at him. “Go ahead. I didn’t know my daughter was so demanding, AND so talented. She wore me out like an old washrag.”

Tod reached out his hand to her. ” Come with me. We’ll use the end bedroom so we won’t disturb Betty. She didn’t sleep good last night.” They went up the stairs side by side, her arm around his waist, his holding her swaying butt. It was still very pretty, and soft.

They looked in to see to Betty. She was sound asleep. They went to the far end of the hall, where they would do their thing. Gail reached out and pulled Tod close to kiss, making sure it was one he would remember. She always enjoyed having him for a lover. He was just as good as his Dad was. Maybe even better. He seemed to have more stamina. Tod picked her up like she was a little baby, and carried her over to the bed, depositing her lightly. He stepped back, unbuckling his belt, and unsnapping them. She watched as he pulled the zipper, and pulled them and his briefs down, and pulled off his shirt. He crawled over her, pulling her close and onto her side, with one arm pillowing her head, and the other over her, massaging her butt, and pulling her even nearer to him. “You’ve started shaving your pussy since the last time I saw you. It looks great. Now I can see that fat little mound shake when I lick it.”

He moved to kiss her several times. She returned every one of them twice over. He rubbed from her neck to her ass with every stroke. His touch was very light, and it tickled her. It also made her VERY wet. She could feel the juices running down the inside of her thigh. She raised her leg enough to invite his touch on her mound. His hand was pulling on her butt cheek, while his head ducked down to kiss her breast, and suck her nipple. That feel like Heaven, she thought. He makes me glad I’m a wandering woman. It must be a family thing. I wonder if his other brother is so talented.

He shifted enough to go, for just a second, on top of her, before sliding back, kissing his way down as he move further and further down her body. By the time he had reached his destination, her breath was coming in gasps. He opened her with his tongue and nibbled her clitty,to stimulate her further. She was pitching and bucking under his caresses. He sucked her button to full height, and sucked it to make her shake even more. Her legs went around his neck, and she pushed herself even closer to his face.

He raised up and pulled out a pillow and placed it under her, still kissing her. He hadn’t even given her a chance to repay his kindness. He kissed her pussy several more times, and licked over her clit on his last, then moving up to enter her.

He lifter her ass with his hands. Those hard, gentle hands. As he lifted her, her legs opened to receive him inside of her. She lifted them until her knees were straight, and open. His penis resting on her labia. She felt a light pressure. He was inside her. He was moving so slowly. She reached obove her to get another pillow and cover her face. She barely had it in the right place and a scream tore out of her. It was barely loud enough to hear. It was followed by a second, and a loud gasp. He was sawing in and out of her. Her ass was moving wildly at his grinding in and out of her. It was so good she couldn’t stand it. She put her legs around him and started to squeeze. He was giving it to her good.

Suddenly, she felt a near unbearable pressure in her abdomen, it was building and building. Demanding release. She clasped the pillow tighter to her face. She screamed again and again. She seemed to be floating in the air. It was a wonderful sensation. She felt as light as a feather. She saw lights flashing in front of her eyes. Her head was spinning. What a WONDERFUL feeling. She felt her self coming down slowly. She felt something on top of her, and something was pushing inside of her. It was wet and VERY warm. It made her tingle all over. The pillow was removed from her face, and replace with warm, wet kisses. She returned them. She opened her eyes to see….Tod? She tried for several heartbeats to focus. Something was moving inside if her. Between her legs. She tried to touch it, but her ar, weighed at least a ton. She managed to touch herself. Her hand was wet. She touched it with her tongue. It was DELICIOUS!!! She tasted more. Her hand was moving better, now. She wiped it between her legs. It was slightly sticky. She licked her hand and fingers until the yummy stuff was gone.

Then she felt something warm and slightly rough rubbing her down there. She raised her head as high as she could manage. She saw something bobbing up and down. It raised a little. It was Tod’s face. He smiled and got to his feet, walking through the door. He came back and she felt something wet and warm wiping her. Tod smiled at her. “Are you okay, Darling? You can get dressed when you’re ready. The rest of the folks are downstairs.

He pulled on his clothes, and went out of the door. She went to sleep.

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