Montreal One


Trigger warning:

This goes pretty hard into watersports. Hey, it’s one of my kinks and when I meet somebody (somebodies) into it, I’ll flex it

If it’s not your thing or if it’s way out of your comfort zone, please realize I’m not here to upset or weird out anyone. I could write all day about the encounters that I’ve had that aren’t very notable, it happens all the time. This weekend I felt was noteworthy, so I wrote it up.

Thanks ~ blatant_bi_guy


I’m one of two ‘specialists’ in my company. Not a small organization, a few thousand employees spread across the US and Canada.

I won’t bother getting into automation programming, it’s boring as hell, I just have a knack for it.

Friday morning I got the call I needed to help upgrade some items in a facility in Montreal. I asked when they were planning it. I could do the work in maybe an hour, then schedule myself with a guy on-site.

My boss, a jovial guy three days older than me, “Oh no. They want you there. Hardware and software.”

One thing about automation. It’s easy to fuck up. You don’t know what you’re doing you’ve got a chance of lighting everything up. That’s why I talk people through it most of the time. If they feel uncomfortable…well, I gotta go.

They scheduled me until the following Tuesday. I’d make the switch on Saturday morning and be done by…Saturday morning. I told my boss as much.

“Hey, it’s what they asked for, not me.” He laughed. Real fucking funny.

I contacted Mel to let her know. She said she’d take the opportunity to spend the weekend with Ray, a guy her age and married local politician who thought she was cheating on me. It was one of her kinks and I’m nothing if not congenial about things.

I have a locker at work with a duffle bag with three changes of clothes and toiletries for just such an occasion. It was on hand and I was on my way to Hartsfield-Jackson by 10 AM.

Killing time at the airport, I checked the cruise sites I frequent. I’ve had a couple entertaining moments at airports. Usually they were later at night, but who knows.

Nothing too exciting. They called for boarding as I checked the last one and put my phone in airplane mode. I’d use my tablet until we landed.

Montreal was stifling. Hottest I’d ever seen in Canada. I got a rental Ford EcoSport and attempted to drive it without feeling like it’d kill me.

I got to the facility about thirty minutes later. The manager of the place greeted me and we walked to the job area. I pulled out my laptop and started making preliminary moves.

My timetable shifted. Based on what I was seeing, I’d thought it’d take me two to three hours. I was down to 45 minutes. An hour and a half if I took a twenty minute nap.

I left my work equipment there and made my way to my hotel. It was about five in the afternoon when I opened the door to the suite and started to get comfortable.

I grabbed my phone and went through things. Two messages from Mel. She’d gotten the 19 year old neighbor to watch the dogs in return for a couple ‘favors’ when I got back. Second was asking me something about an Amazon return.

Three work emails. A missed call.

And four messages on the hookup app I hadn’t actually closed when I left Atlanta.

They were all up here since the app updated my location. One was spam. One was a generic, “What’s up?”

The last two were the same guy…well, guys. A couple on the profile looking in their mid to late fifties. Your typical bear pair, hairy with the exception of crotches, which were nearly trimmed on one and shaved on the other. The setup on both of these guys were limp and they were outdoors.



Top : Vers/Top

Location : Montreal downtown.

Distance : Less than 1/2 mile.

Turn ons : Exhibition, Public, Kink, Leather, Dom/Sub, Watersports

(Intriguing on that last one)

Turn offs : Body Odor, Bad Hygiene

Seeking : Mature, Married, Veterans, Military, Retired, Watersports

(Curious they mentioned it twice)

The first message was simple, “welcome to Montreal! Business or pleasure?”

The second, “either way it would be great to meetcha!”

I shrugged and replied, “could be fun. See some sights.” I was kinda hungry, thinking about done dinner.

It said they were online. But it also said I was online and hadn’t even looked at the thing for hours. I didn’t expect a message back for some time.

Instead istanbul travesti my phone got a notification within minutes.

We started a brief dialogue. I was taking with Tim. His partner Robert was nearby checking in. I mentioned I was a bit peckish and they invited me to a restaurant called Fogo.

The place was packed. Tim had given me his number and I’d texted letting him know about such.

“We’re towards the back of the patio. Look for a white shirt and a horrifying Hawaiian shirt.” I made my way inside.

I hadn’t seen face pictures, but they were both handsome in their way.

Tim had short, completely white hair. He was tan with a wide smile and hooded eyes. His part of the profile had said five six and 150, but I estimated 180. Didn’t really care.

Robert had a shaved head and wore small round glasses over light brown eyes. He had a small mustache and goatee of brilliant white. He was a few inches taller than his partner, but had the exact same body type.

We started chatting away. Tim had been born and raised in Virginia Beach, son of a Navy man. He’d joined up himself and spent 30 years in before retiring.

I told him about my Navy days as well. He laughed, “Bet it was the first time you sucked cock!”

I shook my head, “Off by a couple years.”

Robert was originally from Calgary. He’d been part owner of a grocery store chain, ultimately bought out by a large company.

The two of them had met at a bathhouse. One thing led to another and they were together. Cool.

We had dinner and a couple drinks. I expensed it.

We’d finished our last drink about 8 pm when Robert excused himself to go to the bar for a bottle of water and when he returned, he sat next to me instead of Tim.

He leaned towards me, “Hold my cock. Jack me off.” His voice, quiet, had an air of ‘listen, now’.

I reached down to his khaki shorts and rubbed his clearly hard bulge. “Hold it!” His voice was more urgent, “Take it in your hand. Now.”

The only way I could get to it was by unbuttoning and unzipping his shorts, so I commenced.

He was thicker than the picture indicated, probably a full notch above average, though not very long. Heavy guys have a little bit down there that sort of ‘moves’ out of the way when you play around with them, so I’d guess around 5″ full.

I started a slow movement on him. He must have shaved a few days prior as stubble pressed against the side of my left hand as I pressed downward. On the upstroke, I’d roll my thumb over the tip.

“Not bad!” He said approvingly. I noticed now that the seating they’d picked meant that someone would have to go out of their way to see what was going on.

We continued taking as I rubbed Robert. His periodic oozing of precum would slick the top and I’d take advantage, rolling my thumb a bit more creatively.

He glanced at the area suspiciously. He looked at me, “Lean over. Put it in your mouth. Five seconds.”

They really WERE into public stuff. “Uh…do you want to…” was all I got out.

“Put it in your goddam mouth. Quick.” He said. I leaned over and enveloped the sticky, salty organ.

I heard Tim’s voice, “We know the owner. Worst case, he’ll join in.”

No sooner had I made a seal around him that a jet of salty, not overly bitter fluid hit my throat, almost causing me to gag. Half of my mouth filled and he stopped. “Swallow. I don’t want a drop on me, or you’ll be covered.”

I couldn’t even focus on his dick due to the flood in my mouth.

Another jet, another swallow. A third. A half dozen. Ten.

Finally he finished. “Suck the shake out. Then put me away.” I sucked inward tasting the remnants of his bladder.

Then I pulled off and put him back in his shorts.

“You did good. Ready to go?” He smiled, standing.

I stood to follow. We walked outside and I made for the rental, “No man, come with us, we’ll bring you back this way.”

Certain alarm bells went off. I ignored them.

We spoke as Robert drove their Mercedes. Less than a block away the question that should have sent even more bells going off, “You have a safe word?”

“Uh…yeah. Dreamsicle.” I said, looking from one of them to the other.

They both laughed.

The trip ended quickly. No more than ten minutes and we pulled into what looked like a closed warehouse.

They pulled around the building towards a large, overgrown truck dock area. Robert pulled towards istanbul travestileri one side and stopped.

A dilapidated fence kept the lot away from either a park or just a huge chunk of forest. In one direction was nothing but empty ground. In the other was the rear dock of a very open and very active warehouse, probably two hundred or so yards away.

As I opened the door Robert said, “Strip. Down to your shoes. Nothing else.”


I stood in the warm summer evening, nude but for a pair of socks and chucks. Robert was as naked as I, wearing sandals. Tim was pulling off his shirt, his prick, relatively larger than Robert’s, bobbed in front of him fully erect.

Robert walked towards the docks with an easy comfort and I followed. Tim hung back and grabbed something before joining.

We got to a relatively smooth and weed free area when Robert said, “Turn around. Face me. Kneel.”

I hadn’t been paying too much attention to him as I took in the surroundings. As I looked back I saw him jacking himself between two fingers and thumb. I knelt down, avoiding a pronounced rock.

He moved towards me fast, shoving his solid erection into my mouth and pushing until my nose hit his lower belly. His small sack rest below, and I brought up my hand.

“No!” He said, pulling my hand away, “No hands. Just use your mouth. Don’t need hands, just holes.” To emphasize this, he pushed himself harder into my face, nearly hitting my gag reflex.

I rolled my tongue around him. His shaft was smooth, not veined or accentuated by almost any landmarks other than a bumpy circumcision scar an inch down from his pointed head. A small, nearly invisible flap of skin was at the bottom of his slit, still issuing precum.

He moved back and forth a bit, putting his left hand on the back of my head for encouragement.

Tim approached and took my hand, placing it on his cock. He was also completely shaved but more recently. His equipment felt a hair over six inches, and nearly thick as Robert.

I’d glanced that way. Robert reached down and grabbed my jaw, getting my attention, “You can fuck with that thing in a minute.”

A spurt hit my tongue and cut off, “Remember how I said you were gonna wear it if you didn’t swallow it? You’re not gonna be able to swallow it.”

He let loose then, still fucking my face. It came out from the sides of his lips and around his shaft, down my chin and onto my chest, down my body, over my balls and legs to the ground.

His bladder was empty, or at least that round was when he pulled himself out of my mouth. “Nice. How ’bout some fuckin?”

We walked towards the dock further. We were only a few feet away when he grabbed my hips and stopped me.

“This is a nice ass. Ready for me to fuck it?” He rolled his hips against mine, his cock flicking between my cheeks.

Tim took some stairs, walked in front of me and sat down on the dock, placing himself directly in front of me, his legs crossed.

Before I could do anything with his hard and proud dick he grabbed himself and a long, strong arc of liquid that caught the light from the other warehouse parking lot.

“We’re really into watersports. Really.” Tim’s voice was loud as Robert pushed my head into the flow.

Tim was much less stimulating in a sensory manner. Robert was a much heavier taste than Tim, but Tim had a lot more pressure. I noticed now, eye-to-eye with him, he has a slight bend to my right.

The shower hit my face and followed down the same pathways that Robert’s had earlier.

While this happened in front, Robert occupied himself behind. He bent me slightly and I felt him produce some lubricant from somewhere, probably what Tim had retrieved from the car earlier, and slather my crack and hole with it.

Luckily I prepare myself daily. He poked in a few spots and I had just enough time to bear down as he shoved himself inside.

“Oh yeah!” His voice echoed off the building. I could feel his stomach on my ass as he grabbed my hips.

In front of me, Tim had finished and was wagging himself towards me. I leaned and took his salty member into my mouth, slurping the excess of his bladder.

Unlike Robert, Tim had large, low hanging balls. They rest on the concrete of the elevated area as I suckled on his generous six inches, realizing now that I’d overestimated his girth. He was about 3/4 the size of Robert, which put him just the high side of average.

He travesti istanbul had a slightly non-symmetrical head, the left being larger top-to-bottom and wider from his slit to the edge. The opening itself had subtle, barely noticeable ‘lips’ that made him shudder when you tongued them.

His shaft had excess skin, like an uncircumcised man. You could feel the rigidity below the surface, masked by the extra flesh. There was a noticeable divot some few inches down where his curve started.

Behind me, Robert was slow but hard. He’d withdraw to his head, roll his hips downward and slam into me hard, using his hands to pull me back and his pelvis to jam forward.

His voice was strong and nowhere near quiet, still bouncing off the building. “You’ve got a nice ass. Nice.”

He changed his pace suddenly with a groan, “Oh yeah baby. Take it!” This time he shouted.

I thought he was coming. I felt a surge but not a pulsing one. Only took a second for the realization to hit.

My first thought was, ‘How much can this guy piss?’ then I remember he’d been pounding water at the restaurant. I was probably nowhere near what he’d drank.

The second thought was the pressure. Anyone who’s dealt with ‘taking care of business’ knows what I’m talking about. There’s the level of, ‘ok, everything’s cool’ then it’s ‘pushing a limit here’ then ‘went too far!’

Robert went to that last one.

As he began his movements again, I felt some of the fluid flow out alongside his shaft on the withdrawal. After only a second or two he’d gotten me down to a comfortable level.

“That feels so good.” He said. “Tell me you like it. Tell me you want me to cum. Tell me you want to be bred.” I complied.

It was about that time Tim started to cum.

At first I thought he was letting loose with more piss, since these guys apparently lived for it. But the first shot was viscous, heavy, familiar but still unique.

He hadn’t had any warning sign at all. Same breathing, same demeanor, everything.

Alongside the pounding behind me I finished swallowing everything he had. A second later, “Ok ok ok! That’s good!”

I pulled off of him but he took my head, “Put me right at your lips.”

When my lips were just touching the tip of his softening meat, he let go for the second time. His output pressure was more than Robert by a good bit, and the flow hit my tongue and rolled out of my mouth. It only took a moment for him to finish, and I’d still felt like I swallowed a hundred times.

The combination of the kink and the action pushed me over. I reached down and started jacking myself. I was only a few seconds away as my jizz flowed out, slapping the ground to mix with the unseen golden puddle at my feet.

The flexing of my ass that arrives with my climax did its number on Robert. “Fuck Fuck FUCK!” He yelled as I finally felt him pulse inside me. He grabbed my hips and pushed into me with all he had.

My head was spinning from a couple directions. Tim had removed himself from the dock at some point. The ground before me was wet from behind my feet to the wall Tim had sat on.

Robert spent several moments still inside me before I felt his tummy pull away and the now-softening equipment exit. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed but I definitely felt that warm sensation that comes from a good pounding. Depending on the guy it was usually ten to fifteen minutes.

He flopped out, followed by a squirt of the mixture of semen and pee. I clamped immediately and turned around.

Tim stood there with a package of wipes and a full-on beach towel. “Looks like there’s a storm drain that way if you want to…take care of business.”

I returned a moment later. A large roll-off dumpster was off to one side where my socks and the trash ended up. I’d have to wash my shoes at the hotel. Canvas chucks, am I right?

We dressed and talked. Normally guys talk about anything else in the afterglow, but they wanted to talk sex.

“Honestly, it was out at sea.” Tim started, “I’d been fucking this other dude in my department. We were on watch one night with each other and I commented I had to take a leak. He said he’d ‘take one for both of us’. I asked him what he meant and he got on his knees. From that moment on I was hooked.”

Robert just shrugged, “It’s just been my kink as far back as I can remember. Didn’t do anything with it until I went off to college and met a guy with the same one. Fucked around for five years.”

I told them about a football game. They laughed.

They dropped me off at the rental and I drove back. When I got there I opened my messaging app.

“See you tomorrow night. Contacting a couple friends. Wear mosquito repellent.”

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