Mr. Longfellow and Ms. Pussy Ch. 02


This story is a sequel to and the conclusion of a series that began with a story entitled “Mr. Longfellow and Ms. Pussy.” To make sense of this sequel, you probably need to read the first installment. As it tells you, the story is autobiographical, and I have hewed as close to the truth of what actually happened as possible, changing only minor elements here and there for the sake of clarity and narrative flow. All characters are 18+ and the story involves both m-m and m-f sex (less of the latter here than in the first installment). I hope you’ll find the story worth reading.

So you’ve heard Kurt’s version of our story. Now I want to tell mine.

This is Dar. As Kurt told you, he and I were roommates in college, and we became more than that after a while. The way Kurt wants to tell it, we fooled around some, gave each other a helping hand now and again when we were both horny (that’s all the time for guys in college, in case you don’t already know), and experimented a bit with sucking and fucking. Bros helping bros, Kurt liked to call it. Nothing more than that.

Then he found Mindy, the “real thing,” as he wants you to think, and the bros helping bros thing ended. Because the real thing–pussy–had come along. No worries. No hard feelings on either side. Just experimenting until Mindy came along. Meant nothing to either of us.

Well, that’s how Kurt likes to tell it and how he wants to think about what happened between us. My memory of what happened is different.

Kurt ended his story by telling you how he got bent out of shape when Mindy pressured him to fuck her in the ass and he refused because, in some twisted way, he’d come to think of ass play as what he and I had done and since he intended to put his involvement with me in the past now that he’d found Mindy, he didn’t have any interest in fucking Mindy’s ass. Her pussy was all he needed to prove that he was a real man, a straight man, not a gay one.

He also told you that when Mindy kept nagging him about this, he suggested a threeway to her, a chance to have her pussy and ass fucked at the same time. He made that suggestion because he was annoyed with her and then was shocked when she liked the idea and proposed that maybe I’d like to be the second guy when that happened.

You may be hoping my story will start there, with an account of how Kurt and I tag teamed Mindy together in some horny sex sessions. But that’s not what happened.

Kurt never even told me about any of this until some time down the road, and Mindy filled in a lot more details eventually, too. He certainly did not relay to me Mindy’s suggestion that he and I could DP her together. Nothing like that ever happened, though as I’ll tell you in a moment, after Mindy broke up with Kurt and she and I got to be friends, we did hook up a few times before we confirmed that my real interest was in men and not women.

Kurt told you that he and I limited our involvement with each other mostly to mutual masturbation, to handjobs, and only experimented with sucking and fucking one time–one time for each of those activities. That may be true in a general sense, but it’s not anywhere close to the truth in another sense.

In the time we were roommates and before he got involved with Mindy, Kurt came into my bedroom more than once after I’d turned in for the night–he did this many times–and, as he slid into bed with me, he’d say something like, “I’m feeling like some bro time, bud. How about you?” You probably don’t have to stretch your imagination to figure out what bro time meant for Kurt. He was horny and he wanted to get his hard cock off with me. That’s what Kurt meant by bro time, a phrase he likes to use when he tells our story because it disguises how much he enjoyed fooling around with me, fooling around that went way beyond “just” jacking each other off.

There was the kissing, for instance. It was hot and heavy, and Kurt’s the one who initiated it during these nighttime sessions in my bed. One of his favorite things to do when he got into bed with me was to sit on top of my legs, his hard dick lying on mine, and as he worked our cocks together, he’d lean down and kiss me passionately, running the fingers of his hand that wasn’t working our dicks through my hair, along my neck, down to my nipples.

Kurt got off on the sex with me, the full gamut of frotting, kissing, cumming together as our horny swollen cockheads rubbed against each other. This was way more ordu escort than “just” jacking off together, the version of our story that Kurt wants to tell. It was premeditated, hot and horny sex–gay sex–that didn’t involve fucking each other, since Kurt drew a line in the sand when it came to fucking and sucking, to convince himself that this was all “just” experimentation and there was nothing gay about it. But it did involve a hell of a lot of butt play as we kissed and jacked our cocks together while they poured precum and got ready to explode against each other and shoot hot cum all over each other.

I’ll tell you how premeditated all of this was for Kurt: he kept a jar of coconut oil in his bedroom, and when he made those “bro time” visits to my bedroom, he brought that motherfucking jar with him so we could lube up our hard cocks while we worked them together. Then he’d spend the night in bed with me, spooning and cuddling as we slept together, our dicks sticky from the mixture of cum and lube when we fell asleep, already lubed up for a second round when we both woke the next morning.

The sex Kurt and I had was way more “involved”–a term he likes to imagine he invented when he got involved with Mindy to signify that he had broken through to a whole new world of manhood when he began fucking pussy–than Kurt has ever wanted to admit. And though he may want to pretend that it meant nothing to him and that I felt the same way he did about our “experimentation,” it mattered a lot to me. Kurt mattered a lot to me. I really cared for the guy.

The way he slammed the door in my face, slammed the door on our sexual activities, once he met Mindy and became involved with her: that hurt. It hurt a lot. It hurt not so much because it meant the end of the sex we’d been having together, but because I had come to have real feelings, strong ones, about Kurt. And now he had decided to treat me like I wasn’t even there.

Because real men can’t care about other men. Real men can only care about women. Hell, real men don’t even have feelings, let alone talk about them. Kurt couldn’t have had feelings for me or about me because he was a real man who proved his manhood by getting involved with Mindy and ditching me.

When Kurt told his version of our story to you, he hinted at how his upbringing affected him when he became sexually active. As he told you, even though Mindy wanted him to shoot inside her the first time they had sex, and though she was on the pill, some lingering fear instilled in him from that weird religious group his parents belonged to made him afraid to do that, so that when he started cumming, he pulled out and shot on her pussy instead of inside it.

What Kurt told you about all of this was just the tip of the iceberg, though. That upbringing with the “be fruitful and multiply” folks where sex is taboo except between a man and woman married to each other really fucked him up. It not only messed with his head when it came to sex. It also laid a heavy load of bullshit expectations on his shoulders about what it means to be a man, a real man. Who is by definition a heterosexual one. Who doesn’t have or express feelings, since those are something that belong to women.

Who takes care of “his” woman and expects her to submit to him because he protects and provides for her. Those expectations, made all the stronger by Kurt’s role as a high-school football star in his little ranch-world hometown in Idaho, determined a lot of what Kurt thought and did as he related to both Mindy and me. We’ve swapped notes about our experience with him, and what Mindy has helped me come to see is that Kurt hasn’t ever been comfortable in his own skin, because he’s trying to live up to religious expectations, parental and cultural ones, that don’t fit him, and the upshot is that he’s a mess, and doesn’t know how to relate genuinely to anyone, since he’s unable to relate to himself.

Mindy thinks Kurt may be a whole lot more gay than he imagines he is, and that he’s spent his life running away from recognizing this, hurting himself and a string of women after Mindy he needed to fuck to prove his manhood to himself and the world. Don’t get me wrong: neither of us has the slightest interest in slapping a label on Kurt or anyone else. Gay, straight, bi: who cares? What we care about is Kurt and his well-being. What’s happened in his life after Mindy broke up with him and he moved out of the ordu escort bayan apartment he and I shared gives both of us a lot of concern. We want him to find a way to be happy just as he is, whatever label applies to that, and this is why the two of us have worked to try to figure out what’s off-balance with him and resulted in him being so alone, and how we might help him.

Kurt ended his story without telling you what happened after he made his sarcastic proposal to Mindy about a threeway with another guy involved with the two of us if it was ass-fucking she wanted. It wasn’t long after that Mindy broke up with him. From what she’s told me, her decision had nothing to do with Kurt balking at her sexual requests. It was because, she says, she had come to feel he was “wooden,” the word she’s chosen to describe his inability to access his feelings or understand hers.

This has become a refrain that we’ve heard now from other women Kurt’s been with after Mindy. They may not use that exact same word, but they describe the same disconnect at the feeling level, their sense that they could never quite get in touch with the real Kurt, who’s not in touch with himself to begin with.

Kurt has ended up alone, as I said earlier, with a string of failed relationships, always with women after his initial “experimentation” with me. And, yeah, we worry about the guy. A lot. Not because we feel superior or want to patronize him or make him over in our image for him, but because he’s alone and miserable. After Mindy broke off their relationship and he moved out of our apartment to get “space,” as he said, he decided to go back to Idaho, and not long after he’d landed back there in the ranching community where his family lived, he married. A girl he’d known in high school.

That marriage lasted about all of five minutes and then he was back in our area, living alone, starting the short-lived relationships with one woman after another, never ending up with one of them for any extended period of time. In the meantime, Mindy and I both have found a significant other, and this gives us all the more reason to want to do anything we can to help Kurt find someone, too.

As I told you previously, after Mindy broke up with Kurt, she and I got together, primarily to talk about Kurt and share our concern about him–our genuine concern about someone we both really care about. I’ve learned a lot from Mindy after we’ve gotten to know each other. She’s the one who got me to see that the big struggle that keeps Kurt from being happy with himself is that he keeps toting around that big bag of expectations from his formative years about who a real man is and how a real man behaves. Because he can’t measure up to those insanely unrealistic expectations, he’s never at home or at peace inside himself, she thinks.

Mindy has also pointed me to psychological research that has repeatedly shown men exhibiting the strongest homophobia are frequently also men who show measurable sexual attraction to men–as in, their dicks get hard when shown gay porn in a laboratory setting measuring penis arousal. But those men are also frequently the same men who target and hate on gay ones. Because they’re bashing something inside themselves they cannot accept.

We’re pretty sure Kurt isn’t homophobic in that sense. He’s not like those miserable men who land on sites featuring erotic fiction who deliberately pick out writers identified in their biographies as gay, then inform them they should stop trying to write about sex because, as gay men, they have no idea what real sex is about.

Kurt’s not like that. What Mindy and I have concluded, though, is that he keeps a very tight rein on his attraction to men that was evident in his relationship with me, and this has created misery for him, since he’s denying and targeting a part of himself that may be a hell of a lot bigger than he wants to admit.

This doesn’t mean that everything Kurt told you in his version of our story is not true. It’s his truth, and I’m sure it captures what he thinks and feels. It’s just partial truth that leaves out my part of a story that intersects with his. I wouldn’t want you to think anything I’m telling you now is intended to knock Kurt or tear him down. He’s a good, lovable guy who deserves better than the life he’s ended up with as he tries to deal with expectations heaped on him from early in his life, and doesn’t know how to do so, escort ordu and how to be himself if he does so.

As I’ve told you, after Mindy and I got together to talk about Kurt and our shared concern for him, we fucked several times, and that helped me figure out that I like men. I’ll admit that I wanted to try sex out with a woman so that I could figure that out about myself. I also wanted to know what made Kurt tick, what he thought he’d discovered when he got involved with Mindy. I’m not embarrassed to tell you, too, that part of the thrill about fucking Mindy was that I knew I was plunging my hard dick into the same hot, wet pussy that Kurt’s big cock had fucked and pleased so well.

Mindy and I laugh about how we both have a certain expertise when it comes to cocks. We both appreciate the heck out of a hard cock and, at the risk of bragging, both have more than a little expertise in that arena. We both appreciated Kurt’s cock in particular, and have shared some notes about it. She has confirmed what Kurt told you when he talked about his time with her, that she was the first person ever to inform him that he has an unusually large, long cock, and it gave her real pleasure. She confirms, too, that she gave it the apt name Mr. Longfellow.

I can verify Mindy’s assessment of that cock since I had a chance to study it up close and in person in our sessions together. When Kurt visited me in my bedroom for those bro sessions, on the times when he didn’t straddle my legs so that we could work our hard dicks together, he would sit with his legs across my chest and present his dick up close to my face for careful inspection. Though he brought his dick right up to my face, he wouldn’t allow me to suck it. I tried that a time or two, and he’d put his hand around the shaft and pull it away and say, “Nah, bud, just play with it. You know how to work it.” As he said that, he’d reach back and begin jacking my dick while he brought his forward again for me to admire and tease. It was clear that he relished having it not only worked but also inspected and appreciated.

So, yeah, I came to know that long hard tool that gave so much excitement to Mindy’s pussy. Like lots of tall skinny guys, Kurt was spectacularly endowed. Not only was his cock long, at least 8 inches, it was straight as an arrow and could get hard in a heartbeat and stay hard. It was thick and veiny with a big flared purple helmet head that he loved having me play with.

In those bro sessions where he sat across my chest, I had plenty of time to inspect that beautiful cockhead, run my fingertips around its corona, tantalize its frenulum, and work the long shaft as I toyed with his balls until he couldn’t take the torture of it all any longer and would shoot his big load over my chest and neck. I won’t lie: fucking Mindy a few times gave me a chance to fantasize about the pleasure that same big cock had given her pussy, even if those times with her also ended up showing me where my real sexual interests lie.

Mindy and I became good friends after we hooked up following her time with Kurt, and we remain good friends. Andrew and I spend a lot of time with her and her husband Al–delicious Aloysius, I like to call him, because he’s a hot hunk, a big Irish bear of a man with a laugh like a roar. And he knows he’s attractive not only to women but also to men. He’s one of those straight-as-an-arrow guys who’s totally at ease with himself and having gay guys hit on him or pretend to hit on him, so when we’re together, we play games about how horny I am for him and how much I’d love to have some time in the sack with him if Mindy would let him off his leash. She eats all of this up and finds it hilarious. And we all know it’s never going to happen and is just fun and games.

Drew and I will be getting together tonight for dinner with Mindy and Al, as a matter of fact. I’m sure Kurt will be the first topic of conversation on our list: who saw him last, how’s he doing, who has an idea for someone to set him up with who might be good for him? Or does he just want us to leave him the hell alone, something we haven’t been able to conclude because we’re the closest friends he has, and when he’s not actively shoving us away, he clearly wants us to be a part of his life?

Then we’ll move along to some hot gossip our friends Sal and Cade have shared with us about a very horny Christmas party they recently attended where they dressed in elf costumes with their cocks hanging out and their asses bare, and our friend Rod, who was dressed in a Santa costume with similar parts cut out, got his bells jingled, and quite a bit more than that apparently.

And that story, if it interests you, can be found here under the title “Rod Gets His Bells Jingled.”

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