My Bionic Cock Ch. 01


First off – hi there, I’m Michael – Mike, I prefer. I’m now in my early 20s; I’m 6’1″ tall and I weigh in at about 170 pounds. I have two parents as usual and a sister who’s three years older than I am and who is currently living away from home near her university. Nowadays, I’m a fitness trainer – with a sideline studying computer programming that had been brought about by being a bit of a recluse and nerd in my early years. And this story is why…..

When I was about six, something happened that was a) the most painful thing I can ever remember and b) was the turning point…..for the rest of my life.

I’d been playing in the garden with our boisterous German Shepherd dog. It was mid summer and we were having one of those so-rare English heatwaves, so I’d taken my shorts off and was bare-arse naked, all the better to enjoy the cooling water from the hosepipe my dad had connected up and turned on for me. At six years old – so what!

In between splashing water around, I’d been chucking the dog’s toy bone for him and he’d been fetching it back to me endlessly. Eventually I started to get bored and refused to throw it. Instead I held it above my head while he jumped at me to try to get it – and then I lowered it and held it close to me and spun around, trying to confuse him. Unwittingly at one point, I held it near my groin as he lunged for it – and then whipped it away.

I don’t really remember much about what happened next except to say that I was suddenly in intense pain, covered in blood and was screaming. My mum ran out, screamed as well and ran back indoors, reappearing a moment later with a large towel. She grabbed me, slammed the towel into my groin, picked me up and raced back indoors, calling out to my dad to get the car out.

Seemingly hours later (probably just moments) we were racing towards the local hospital – dad driving; me on my mum’s lap and her doing her best to cuddle me, control the blood flow and phone the hospital to alert them. I heard the words “dog bite” but the pain was too much to let me concentrate on what she was telling them…..and anyway, it wasn’t long before we were screeching into the A & E parking bay, to be met by two nurses who lifted me away from mum and hustled me into a cubicle where my ‘care’ began.

Anyway, to cut a long introduction short, after an operation and almost a week in hospital, they let me go home but only after a long talk with the urologist. Basically, the dog had bitten off well over half of my little penis. It wasn’t his fault and at least it had been a ‘clean’ bite – no tearing or ripping – so they were able to do a basic rebuild to what was left. I could still pee, although I had a catheter for another week or so. And at six, there wasn’t much else for me to use my penis for.

The worst part, I think, was that they told me that they couldn’t do any real restorative plastic surgery until I’d fully grown up – I was going to have to put up with what I’d got until I was perhaps 18…..

Obviously my parents and sister knew everything that there was to know and, to their credit, they were very supportive. Not only that, although my mum occasionally talked with me about ‘my problem’ it never became a major talking point, so my embarrassment was kept to a minimum. I do know that my parents occasionally spoke to the urologist and even met him a couple of times, but my involvement wasn’t needed at that stage.

Oddly enough, the delay in dealing with ‘my problem’ was a blessing in disguise even though I had to undergo many years of teasing and ridicule, but I could cope with that.

The week after I became 18 I returned to a different hospital; one that specialised in bionic limbs and the blessing was that in the intervening 12 years, what I had of a penis had at least grown in all the right ways and was now suitable to be the base of my new cock. The other blessing was that electronics, medicine and bionics had moved on enormously and they were now going to try out a (hopefully) brilliant new plan. The stump of my penis was to be removed and a donor organ would be grafted in place – fair enough. But since, in penile surgery, it’s often impossible to restore all the normal sexual functions, they were incorporating (and this was the really clever bit), a micro-computer which would be placed in a soft sack inside my scrotum, like a third testicle. Its tiny battery would need to be replaced about every ten years. To save my embarrassment at having three balls they would remove one of my testicles, while doing some stem cell treatment to the other one to make it produce more sperm in compensation. And in addition, the computer ‘bag’ would contain ten years supply of slow-release anti-rejection medication.

The computer would deal with everything my new penis couldn’t handle; in particular it would help it to become erect and it would stimulate the nerves to produce an orgasm and ejaculation…..all automatically. But one thing they did warn me (and my parents) about was that as this was somewhat experimental, they didn’t quite know Ankara bayan escort what else the computer could do for me!

At 18, this was all a real “Wow!” moment. Until now I hadn’t even been able to wank properly but now I was about to have a genuine penis so I’d be able to shower without embarrassment; I’d fill out my swimming trunks properly and I might even be able to get and hang onto a girlfriend. To me the possibilities were endless – there was just so much to take in. Mind you, sitting there with my parents and the specialist, talking about “my penis” was probably as embarrassing as anything I’d had to put up with so far and tended to overrule any exciting thoughts.

Anyway, the operation was approved and we awaited news of a donor…..and we got ‘the call’ less than a week later. My dad drove us back to the hospital where we were shown to my private room. I undressed and put on my horrible hospital gown. My parents and I all met the surgeon. He had some great news – the donor organ was a remarkably close genetic match to me and he was very optimistic of a totally successful operation and outcome.

Then my parents hugged and kissed me and departed and I was left to await my fate… the form of a couple of cheerful nurses who soon added to my embarrassment by shaving me and who then gave me my pre-med jab. Soon I was at least half asleep and before long I was being wheeled down the corridor to the operating theatre.

And that’s about as much as I remember of that. I seem to remember going to sleep and then waking up again back in my room. A nurse was holding my hand and talking to me – and then I drifted off again.

I’m not going to bore you with all the details of my recovery because everything went even better than they hoped and when I went back for my six month check-up I was told it was my last visit, except for some clinical tests and examinations which they wanted to perform over the next few weeks.

And I had to agree that there was little more they could do. I now had a nice ‘normal’ penis and if you ignored the stitches near the base, you wouldn’t know that it was grafted in place. I thanked the surgeons and also the donor, whoever he’d been.

So, the following Wednesday (it was around the end of August, from memory) I was back there again. I’d caught the bus in, because my dad was off on a business trip and my mum had to drop the car off for its annual service, but since the bus almost passed our door and took only 15 minutes to the hospital, it was no real hardship. My visit was to a different part of the hospital and as you realise, I was alone this time, thank heavens! Thank heavens, because of what happened!

At the reception desk I was told to go down a corridor to the third door on the right, which I did, with some trepidation. ‘Bionics’ the sign on the door said. It was ajar but I knocked anyway.

“Enter!” came a young man’s voice and so I went into the room – well more of a laboratory, I reckon. “Hi – I’m Paul” he said, “Come and make yourself comfy. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

As I moved from the door, I heard it shut behind me and there was a gentle click.

“Automatic door lock” said the man, “Because of the, shall I say, “delicate” nature of the work here, we have total privacy, so please feel free to completely relax.”

There was an easy chair near his desk and I sat down and cast my eyes over him as he finished the task he was doing. Paul must have been perhaps 30 at the oldest. He was a clean-shaven guy, slim and healthy-looking, probably a little taller than me and he looked to have long slim fingers, I noted. ‘Surgeon’s fingers’, I thought.

Soon he turned to me and shook my hand.

“Mike – great to see you. So glad everything has worked out well – how you getting on with it?”

I was a bit taken aback at the quick and direct approach to a delicate subject and I sort-of stuttered my reply.

“I-I-I’m fine. It’s great, thanks,” not really knowing what else to say.

“Ok Mike,” he said, getting straight to the point of my visit, “You’re here today so that I can help you to help yourself really. But we both want to learn things – I don’t quite know what my computer inside you can do – and nor do you yet. So we’re here to find out. So let’s get going. Firstly, you’ll have to strip off and perhaps you could lie down on that couch,” he said as he waved at an examination bed.

“Strip off? All of me? Here? Now?” I was a bit incredulous and not just a bit shy.

“Hey Mike. I’m like your doctor only I’m ‘doctoring’ your computer, so don’t be shy. I haven’t had to do this stuff before, well, not on a penis-with-a-computer, but I have been involved in penile restorative surgery, so I’m quite used to seeing men’s equipment – so come on, get over it – I won’t bite! And yes, take it all off because I’ll be needing to attach some electrodes to monitor your heart and circulation and such later on.”

Taking a deep breath, I slowly undressed completely and then lay down. Paul rolled his chair and a computer Escort bayan Ankara across the floor until he was beside me.

“Right, where shall we start?” he said, rhetorically. “Ok – can you get an erection for me, to start with?”

“W-w-w-what?” I nearly choked.

“Oh come on!” he said, “How can I do my tests if you won’t help? What do you want – some help….?”

“N-n-n-no! Y-y-you’re a bloke! I don’t want you to see me hard, it’s not nice” I said, in panic.

Paul chuckled. “Tell you what; I’ll do it for you!”

“Eh? Do what?” I questioned….but Paul ignored me as he did something at his keyboard.

And in moments I felt something happening – nerves were twitching deep down inside me – a warm feeling swept over me – muscles pulsed and I suddenly felt my cock start to fill out and rise. I gasped and quickly put my hands over my rapidly hardening cock, but Paul pulled them away and defeated, I let them drop to my sides.

And there it was – I had a really full-blown erection right there in front of another man! Horrors! Panic…..well, almost, only to be calmed by Paul’s voice.

“Brilliant! Nice one!” he said, “Program works perfectly. Looks good. Now, how does it feel?”

“Well, good, I suppose” I said, not knowing what else to say.

“Does it feel natural” he asked, “Can you move it?”

Well obviously I could move it – I’d played with it enough since all the stitches had been removed! But to prove to Paul that it worked, I squeezed my muscles and jerked my cock several times before shyness overcame me again.

Mike could see my reactions, so he changed the subject, in a way.

“Right – so far so good. Now, I need some measurements as a kind of base line. Hold on a mo.” He swivelled towards me and I saw he had a tape measure in his hand.

“Ok – this won’t hurt, but I’ve got to hold you” he said.

I shut my eyes – but I could feel and hear him talking quietly….”18 year old male patient. Surgically grafted donor uncut penis. Stitches have healed cleanly. No oedema. Nice job!” He chuckled through the last words. Then his cool hand wrapped itself round my cock and he held it upright while his other hand did the measuring. “Hmmm – 19.5 centimetres and….15 centimetres round – not bad” he said more or less to himself – well, to his voice recorder actually. He could see I was looking a bit blank.

“Say 7 and a half inches long and 6 inches round. Pretty good – they found you a nice donor organ,” he said. He entered some figures into his computer.

“Ok – that’s the easy part!” he said, “Now, sit back and I’ll adjust the bed.” He pressed more buttons somewhere and the bed became a reclining couch onto which I collapsed.

“Now things get a bit more personal” he smiled. “So, first question – can you masturbate?”

“Do what?” I said, taken aback once again.

“Well then, can you wank?” he said, as if I hadn’t understood his question.

If I wasn’t a bit red before, I certainly was now – I’d never in my life discussed my personal details – he might as well have asked to watch me shit! Talk about personal – this was too much! I tried to stutter a reply but nothing coherent would come out.

“Mike,” he said, resting his hand on my lower abdomen, “all I want to know is whether or not your equipment works properly. We’ve done some amazing surgery and stuff and we need your total cooperation – not just to help you, but to help with the ongoing program of developing this kind of bionic implant elsewhere. So please don’t be embarrassed – just ignore the facts that a) we’re both blokes and b) that you’re naked and erect. Can you do that? For me? Please?”

And as he said that, he wrapped his hand around my shaft and squeezed me, gently at first and then firmly before letting go. I got the message – he could be a friend or a doctor….so I decided to just let things happen.

“I’m sorry Paul. I’ve never been in this situation before and I don’t know how to react. It feels kind of gay but then I realise that you’re not doing these things for fun, so I’ll try to behave,” I said, somewhat contritely.

“Oh, we could have fun, if you like,” he said somewhat conspiratorially “but first let’s get the job done. So, back to my question – can you masturbate?”

‘Oh well, here goes,’ I thought, as I said “Yes, I’ve done it a few times since the op, but I haven’t had an orgasm yet. The feelings aren’t bad, in fact they’re quite good, but somehow I never seem to get there and eventually I give up.”

“Do you have wet dreams?” he asked….”nocturnal emissions?”

“Oh yes – regularly,” I said, “I reckon every few days I wake up with spunk all over me and the bed. There’s always a heck of a lot too I think.” I mumbled the last as I realised that I was stretching way beyond my personal boundaries by discussing such matters.

“That’s excellent then – things obviously work well enough, although it sounds as if we need to tweak the computer a bit to help you orgasm when you masturbate.” And so saying, he turned to Bayan escort Ankara his computer and began adjusting levels on assorted displayed graphs.

“Ok – let’s see if this helps” he said, as he tapped what must have been a “run program” key.

Suddenly my somewhat flagging erection stiffened and throbbed. It strained and pointed up my body half way to vertical and I watched in some amazement as it began leaking drip after drip of clear, slippery, viscous precum. And then, as I sat and stared, open-mouthed, my cock just jumped violently; I felt my abdominal muscles spasm and my penis spat out a huge squirt of cum – rapidly followed by several more and then settled back to just ooze more cum out onto my pubes.

“Aaaagghh! Aaaagghh!” I cried as my orgasm pulsed through me.

The first big jet had, almost inevitably, been vectored straight at its “target” – my open mouth – and I reacted as if I’d swallowed a fly! I spat, I choked and I was almost sick but the sticky cum remained, splashed across my tongue and on the roof of my mouth. Finally I overcame my revulsion as I realised I hadn’t been poisoned – to find Paul busy muttering and entering more data in his computer.

“Too much! Too much!” he was saying, and “Sorry! Sorry!”

Eventually he looked up at me. “Ah – we, er, need a cloth or something” he said as he rolled across the floor and came back with some tissues.

“Very sorry about that!” he said.

“I should think so!” I chuckled – but I was quite happy now – my cock had worked properly for the very first time and my ejaculation had been large enough to be proud of. I wasn’t so shy any more!

“Well, at least it worked, but I’ve adjusted things down a bit and it shouldn’t happen like that again,” Paul said, “But that was a good cum, if you don’t mind me saying so. The work we’ve done on your sperm production obviously works too.” He chuckled. “Got me going a bit as well!”

And at Paul’s groin I could clearly see that his cock was also erect and had leaked through his pants.

I sniggered – “Well, at least I came – you haven’t!”

“I could soon remedy that, if you’d let me!” he said as he ran his fingers up and down his bulge.

“Eh?” I said, bemused, “How do you mean?”

“If you wouldn’t object I could have a wank too and then we’d be even” he said and I saw his cock twitch as he said it.

Now this would be a new one on me – I’d never seen a man (or woman or anyone else, for that matter) play with themselves and to watch a man do it would be a real eye-opener. My newly liberated self couldn’t help it…..

“Go on then – do it!” I said, “So long as you let me watch!”

Standing up, Paul undid his belt and trouser clip and lowered his zip. His trousers fell to his ankles leaving him clad in a t-shirt and his snug-fitting underpants. His cock made a long bulge to one side, almost to his hip it seemed and there was a big damp patch by the head.

He stuck his thumbs in the sides of his pants and lowered them to join his trousers – and for the first time in my life, there was someone else’s totally erect cock right in front of me. Through shyness, I didn’t really want to look, but my curiosity made me insist on looking. He too was uncut and probably about the same length as me and as I looked at his now-released cock, the foreskin slowly slid back from his glans. A little bubble of precum appeared and slowly, viscously, dripped to the floor.

“Ooops! Don’t want to waste that!” said Paul, wrapping his hand round his knob and squeezing out a larger glob of precum onto his hand. He smeared the liquid over his knob until it was bright and shiny and started to run his hand up and down his shaft slowly.

“This might interest you” he said as he tapped on his keyboard, “This is a recording of your orgasm and I’ll play it on a short loop for you.” And on the screen by my couch/bed appeared an overhead shot of my penis as it jerked and fired cum up into my mouth and onto my chest….over and over again – a 20 second repeating loop.

My cock immediately jumped into erect mode and I just couldn’t help grasping it and copying Paul’s actions. We both watched endless spurts of my cum firing from my pulsing penis as we wanked silently, side by side.

“I’m gonna cum soon,” said Paul breathlessly, “Have you got those tissues handy?”

“Oh damn, they’re on the floor behind the couch,” I panted, feeling my own eruption to be not far off. There was no way that I wanted to interrupt my wank as I was too busy enjoying the newly heightened feelings and also enjoying watching Paul’s cock, as well as mine on the screen. But Paul’s was more exciting – it was really happening and I was about to see another man cum!

“Tissues, tissues….,” said Paul and he bent over the couch to try to reach them. As he did so he released his hold on his cock and it bumped gently against my spare hand. Automatically, I closed my fingers around him. I’d never, ever, done anything like this and it was SO exciting that I just couldn’t help myself. His cock was hard and yet soft, solid and yet yielding and felt so erotically slippery. I held on and started to rub my fist up and down his cock as he stood up straight again. A pulse of precum oozed from his tip and I copied his action and spread it over the knob.

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