My Cousin, My Lover Ch. 06


“Amy? Can you take these sheets up to room 510? Mrs. Leroy is cold.”

Amy nodded taking the sheets from Velma the head nurse. She went up the elevator and slowly opened the door to Mrs. Leroy’s room the pretty older lady who had a severe car accident.

“Good evening Mrs. Leroy,” Amy greeted her cheerfully.

“Hi Amy. Oh good, my sheets. It’s so cold in this hospital don’t you think?”

“Yes, it can be. I’m sorry did you want me to lower your temperature in the room?”

“No, because later on I will get hot. That’s the crazy thing about menopause. You get hot you get cold.”

Amy laughed and spread the sheets on Mrs. Leroy. “Here you go. Now can I get you anything else?”

Mrs. Leroy smiled sweetly. “No honey that’s all for now.”

“Ok, I’ll be back early morning to give you your medication.”

“Goodnight Amy,” Mrs. Leroy said softly closing her eyes.

Amy turned off the lights and headed back out. As she walked toward the elevator, she got a sick feeling in her stomach and felt nauseous. She put her hand over her mouth and quickly ran to the nearest bathroom.

* * *

Callie stared up at her ceiling. She was lying on what used to be her bed. Nathan was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. She began to giggle as he approached the bed.

“What are you laughing about?” He asked crawling into bed with her.

“I’m just remembering how I hated when you were in my room when we were kids. Now look at us, sleeping in the same bed.”

Nathan smiled and looked into her eyes. “Well, times have changed.”

Callie sighed. “You’re telling me!”

“We better get to bed. We’ve got a long day tomorrow,” Nathan said. He was about turn over when Callie stopped him.

Nathan looked at his sister with concern. “Callie? You ok honey?”

She batted her eyelashes at him. “Yes. I’m just really horny.”

Nathan blushed. “Yeah?”

“Uh huh. You know I heard in the past that being pregnant makes a woman really horny but I didn’t believe it, and now I do!”

Nathan moved closer to her and put his arms around her. “Let me take care of that for you.”

The siblings kissed passionately. Callie moaned into her brother’s kiss. She was so hot for him at that moment she wanted to beg him to just stick his cock inside of her and fuck her hard.

Nathan unbuttoned her nightgown exposing her breasts. He grabbed her swollen breasts making her moan more. “I want you Nathan. I’m so fuckin’ hot for you,” Callie cooed.

Nathan took one nipple in his mouth and sucked on it while lifting up her gown and rubbing her pussy over her soaked panties. He took turns sucking on each hard nipple teasing her, making her hotter.

“Get inside me, please!” Callie implored.

Nathan let one nipple slide out of his mouth slowly. “No foreplay huh?”

Callie narrowed her eyes at her brother. With all her strength she managed to get him on his back and climbed on top of him. Nathan stared up at his angel. Her beautiful breasts were still hanging out of her nightgown and nipples remained hard as stones. “I said I need you right now. Don’t make me get rough on you,” Callie teased.

“I’m all yours. You know that. I just figured you’d want some touching first. I never thought you were the wham bam kind.”

Callie sighed. “I’m not, it’s just right now I really need it. And I do mean “really” need it.”

Nathan reached over and tugged on her panties. “Take these off.”

Callie squirmed a bit until she finally got her panties off. She lifted up her nightgown and showed Nathan her pussy. Nathan looked at her perfect pussy and grabbed it. “Mmm, ride me baby. Do it like you did the first time we made love.”

Callie got even more excited. “Ooh I remember! Making love to you was the most beautiful experience I’ve ever known.”

“I love you Callie,” Nathan whispered reaching up to touch her breasts.

Callie moved her body up slightly. “I love you too.” She reached down his boxer shorts and pulled her brother’s hard cock out. She slid it inside of her easily. Slowly, she began to move her pussy up and down on it, finally getting what she wanted.

* * *

“So what do you really think about Callie’s pregnancy?” Gloria asked her husband as they lay in bed that night.

“I don’t know. I’m happy that’s for sure. Whatever the outcome is, we’ll have to be there for her.”

Gloria nodded. “True. I just don’t want my baby to get hurt. I love her so much. I just want her to be happy.”

“I think she’s very happy. I mean who else could treat her better than our son?”

Gloria smiled. “Well, goodnight honey.” She reached over to turn off the lamp next to her. She knew deep down that Nathan and Callie would be very happy for the rest of their lives. They shared a very special bond.

* * *

Nathan squeezed Callie’s breasts as she continued to fuck his cock. She felt so damn good. Her pussy was so warm, moist inciting his cock to explode inside of her. She closed her eyes as she moved her body up and down. Nathan reached around and grabbed her buttocks. Without warning, he quickly turned bursa escort bayan her over. Callie opened up her eyes.

“Hey!” She screamed playfully.

“Shhh, you don’t want mom and dad to hear,” Nathan advised.

Callie giggled. “So what if they know? They let marry, what else do we want?”

Nathan laughed and began to kiss her neck. He made his way down to her breasts and then to her tummy. He kissed her belly and slid his tongue on it feeling her soft skin. “I can’t wait until you have my baby.”

Callie smiled sweetly. “Neither can I. I want a lot of children.”

Nathan kissed her belly again and moved back up. He slid his cock inside of her again. He began to pump in and out of her, slowly.

“Faster, harder,” Callie ordered.

“I wont hurt you?” He asked concerned.

Callie beamed. “Not at all.”

Nathan fucked her harder and faster just like she wanted. She wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him in closer. They kissed hard. Callie tried hard not to moan but she couldn’t help it. He felt so good fucking her hard and fast.

“Mmmm, yes! Oooh!” Callie cried out.

Nathan kissed her hard again trying to drown out her moans, but Callie continued. He knew it was no use to quiet her down. By the time he knew it, he too was moaning.

* * *

Gloria woke up in a startle. “Jim!”

She looked turned on the lamp next to her and tried to wake her husband up. “Jim!” She whispered in a panic.

“Huh? What?” Jim muttered.

“Jim! Do you hear that?”

Jim had just fallen asleep and hated to be waken up that way. “What is it?”

“It’s Nathan and Callie! Do you hear them? They are…you know.”

“What? Having sex? Making love? Fucking?”

Gloria gasped. “Jim!”

Jim laughed and put his hand on his wife’s pretty face. “Did you forget that they are husband and wife now?”

Gloria looked away. “Yes, but it’s…strange you know, to hear your own children making love.”

“We’ll have to get used to that darling. They are a bit loud I have to say,” Jim said playfully.

Gloria looked at him and raised a brow. “You’re telling me!”

Jim moved closer to her. “You know, making love doesn’t sound like a bad idea right now.”

Gloria laughed softly. “Are you kidding?”

Jim frowned. “Why would I kid about that? It’s your fault. You woke me up. I was fast asleep and you had to wake me. Woman, you know I hate that.”

Gloria blushed. “Well…it has been a while…”

“A while?” Jim echoed.

Gloria crossed her arms. “What are you trying to say?”

“I’m saying it’s been way too long woman. Now you just lay back and let me love you.”

Gloria didn’t argue with that. She had to admit the deep down the whole idea that her children were making love, turned her on slightly, in fact turned her on a lot!

* * *

Nathan fell back and sighed. He was panting and his heart was pounding. He’d just finish cumming inside of Callie after having felt her cum all over his cock. He wiped the sweat of his forehead.

“Wow!” He exclaimed breathlessly.

Callie cuddled next to him putting her head on his chest. “Mmm I needed you so bad. That was so hot!”

“Baby, you came so hard on my cock. I felt you cum.”

Callie looked up at him. “Well, you made me cum. I could feel you so deep inside of me.”

“I love you too much Callie,” Nathan said with a smile. His hand reached down to touch Callie’s tummy. He rubbed it softly as he looked into her eyes.

“We love you too,” Callie beamed with pride.

Suddenly noises from their parent’s bedroom caught the siblings attention. Callie raised her body up slightly and cringed. “Eww! I think mom and dad are doing it!”

Nathan laughed. “I think they heard us and they decided to make love too.”

Callie laid back down. “I’m glad they can make love after so many years of marriage. I hope we’ll be that way too.”

Nathan held her tighter. “Of course we will. I’ll love you more as the years go by.”

Callie looked at him doubtfully. “You’ll love me even when I get fat after having all your children?”

Nathan moved closer placing his forehead on hers. “I’ll love you unconditionally. Not only because you are my wife, but you are my family as well. Don’t ever forget that.”

Callie blushed. “I won’t.”

“I just hope you still love me when I lose my hair or have to wear false teeth,” Nathan went on to say.

Callie giggled. “Of course I’ll still love you. Like you said, we have a special bond. Not only as husband and wife but…brother and sister.”

Nathan kissed her lips softly. She looked so beautiful that night.

* * *

“Are you ok?” Velma asked Amy.

Amy was standing near the elevators. Her back was against the wall and she sighed. “Yeah, I guess. Oh man I just had a very bad dizzy spell.”

Velma raised a brow. “Dizzy spell?”

“Yes. After I went to Mrs. Leroy’s room I walked out and I felt so sick. I mean I got really dizzy and nauseous and had to go throw up in the bathroom. It was such an awful feeling.”

Velma görükle escort eyed Amy. “Hmm you wouldn’t happen to be pregnant would you?”

“What?” Amy asked startled.

Velma shrugged. “I don’t know I was just asking. I mean could you be pregnant?”

Amy had been too busy working and trying to figure out what was wrong with her relationship that she never thought about getting pregnant. “I’m not pregnant. At least I don’t think I am.”

Velma laughed. “You better get yourself checked honey.”

Amy looked down. “Velma, I haven’t even had sex in weeks.”

Velma shook her head. “It only takes a few minutes to get pregnant my dear. Don’t tell me they never taught you that in school?”

Amy didn’t want to believe it. Was it possible she was pregnant? What would she do? How would Eddie react? Was he seeing someone else? Would she be stuck being a single parent? She had to find out for sure. If she wasn’t, she’d be relieved if she was, she wouldn’t know what to do.

* * *

Amber watched Gabriel sleep. Finally, he had been able to sleep all night. The early morning sun peered through the window. Amber watched him open his eyes slowly. He looked up at her and smiled.

“Good morning,” she said cheerfully.

“Mmm good morning. Man, did I sleep!”

She walked over to the bed and sat down. She grabbed his hand and held it. “You sure did. You slept a little over nine hours.”

“No wonder I feel good,” Gabriel laughed.

Amber stared into his dark eyes. There was something about him at that moment that made her realize he was the one. “You need to take your medication. Let met get that for you.”

She got up but Gabriel didn’t release her hand. “Where were you last night?”

Amber looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“You were here with me and then I guess I fell asleep. Why did you leave me sleeping alone?”

“You were fast asleep. I didn’t want to bother you. I wanted you to have plenty of room to sleep on so I slept on the couch. Besides, how do you know I didn’t sleep here?”

“I woke up in the middle of the night. I reached out to touch you but you were gone.”

Amber looked away. “I didn’t want to bother you like I said.”

“Hey, hey. Amber, look at me.”

Amber looked into his eyes again.

“Look, I wanted you to stay with me. I wanted to tell you and I should have.” He held her hand tighter giving it a gentle squeeze.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly.

“Well, I can forgive you under one condition.”

Amber waited for a response. “Yes?”

“If you climb into bed with me right now.”

Amber blushed feeling like a schoolgirl with her first crush. She agreed and just as she was to get into bed with him, he stopped her. “Nope. You are not ready to climb into bed with me.”

Amber frowned. “You just told me to.”

“I know, but you aren’t naked.”

Amber’s heart raced. “You want me to take off my clothes?”

“Uh huh.”

Amber didn’t hesitate to take off her top. She stood topless. Gabriel raised his head off the bed and eyed her. “Wow! More, give me more,” he implored.

Amber giggled and slid off her shorts and panties. She was finally completely naked in front of the man she loved. “You like?”

“Uh huh! Come here now!” Gabriel ordered sternly.

Amber climbed into bed with her lover. She got on top of him carefully making sure not to hurt him. “What about your medication?” She asked.

Gabriel scoffed. “You are my medicine.”

* * *

“Hold on!” Callie shouted as she ran to the door. Someone was ringing the doorbell frantically.

Callie opened the door to find Amy crying. “Amy! What’s wrong? Come in!”

Amy walked in sobbing. The girls headed for the living room and took a seat on the couch. Callie put her arms around her friend trying to comfort her. “Amy? What’s going on?”

Nathan walked in at that moment. “What’s wrong?” He asked concerned.

“I don’t know. She is just crying,” Callie replied.

Nathan went to sit next to Amy and held her. “Come on sweetie tell us what’s going on.”

Amy took a deep breath and wiped her tears. “I’m so scared!” She blurted out.

Nathan and Callie looked at each other puzzled. “Scared of what?” Nathan asked.

“I’m…I’m…p-pregnant!” Amy finally revealed.

Nathan and Callie gasped. “Does Eddie know?” Nathan asked.

“No! I don’t want him to know!” Amy yelped.

Callie frowned. “Why not?”

“Because he’s busy in his own life. He hardly has time for me you think he’s going to have time for a baby?”

“He better damn well make time. It’s his responsibility too,” Nathan shot back.

“You both know the situation that I’m in right now! He can’t know about this. He might feel pressure to marry me or something.”

“I don’t think so. If Eddie wants to marry you it’s because he loves you, not because you’re pregnant,” Callie assured.

Amy looked down. “I hope you’re right. I love him so much I don’t want to lose him.”

“You won’t lose him. He’s crazy about you Amy,” bursa escort bayan Nathan said.

“Have you told your parents yet?” Callie asked.

Amy nodded. “Not yet. They’ll find out eventually.”

Amy put her hands over her face and sobbed again.

“You want something to drink?” Nathan offered.

Amy looked up and wiped her tears. “Water is good.”

“Alright. How about you sweetheart?”

“Nothing for me,” Callie replied and reached over to grab a tissue from the coffee table. “Here.”

Amy wiped her tears. “This is so unbelievable Callie. I never thought I’d get pregnant so soon. I mean Eddie was the man I would see having a family with, but not this soon.”

“Well, it happened and you know, I’m so happy for you,” Callie smiled.

Amy blushed. “I’m happy too you know. I mean I’m scared, but deep down I couldn’t be happier.”

“How far are you?” Callie asked.

“I’m not sure. I took one of those pregnancy tests at home. I got one free at the hospital. I’m going to go see my doctor Monday afternoon.”

“We’ll be pregnant together!” Callie said cheerfully.

Amy finally broke a smile. “I know. I’m scared though Callie.”

Callie held her hand. “Me too. But you know we can get through all of this together. We have the love and support of our family. What else can we ask for?”

Amy leaned her head on Callie’s shoulder. It was good to have friends at times like these. She’d have to think of how to break the news to Eddie.

“Here you go,” Nathan announced bringing Amy her water.

“Thank you,” Amy took a long sip and sighed. “I feel a lot better. Thank you both.”

“We’re here for you. We’ll always be here for you,” Callie promised.

“You’re still going to David and Rebecca’s rehearsal dinner though aren’t you?” Nathan wondered.

Amy shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t think I’m up for it.”

Callie looked worried. “Of course you’re up for it. Now go home, shower up and get dressed.”

“You trying to run me out of here?” Amy asked playfully.

“Never. I just want you to go. You need to get out and be with friends tonight. Worry about telling Eddie and your parents later.”

“I guess you’re right. I just wish Eddie was accompanying me tonight.”

“Ah you don’t need him. We’ll be there,” Callie declared.

Amy knew she didn’t have anything better to do on that Friday night. She would go out and enjoy herself and face the truth later. Whatever the outcome would be, she’d have to deal with it.

* * *

“Hey!” Callie ran to greet David and Rebecca that night. The couple was looking really good together. Rebecca wore a beautiful short dark blue dress and David had a white long sleeve shirt with black slacks.

“Callie! Nathan! So glad you both could make it!” Rebecca squealed.

“Are your parents coming too?” David asked.

“Yeah, they should be here shortly,” Nathan said.

“Well, before you get comfortable, I want you to meet our parents,” Rebecca announced.

Callie and Nathan met the Lamberts and soon were seated. They waited for their parents and Amy to arrive. The siblings were so excited not only because of David and Rebecca’s wedding but another surprise only they knew about.

A few minutes later, Amber and Gabriel arrived. Rebecca’s eyes lit up. She went to hug her friends and David followed.

“You actually made it!” Rebecca yelped.

“Of course. You invited me silly,” Amber joked.

Rebecca looked at Gabriel. He was still in a wheelchair but looked happier than ever. “How are you doing?” She asked him.

“Ah, I’m doing alright I guess. I can’t wait to get out of this wheelchair and finally be able to chase after Amber.”

Amber giggled. Her eyes turned to David. He stared at her as if he wasn’t quite sure what to say. “Hi,” she blurted.

“Hey,” David replied quietly.

Amber went to casually hug him. He held her back and kissed her cheek. “I’m so happy for you,” she said.

David beamed. “Thank you. I see you got yourself a beau who really cares for you.”

Amber looked at Gabriel who was busy talking to Rebecca. “Yeah. He’s really special. He’s changed for the better.”

“I hope he treats you good. You deserve that Amber.”

Amber looked into his eyes. “You deserve happiness too and who better to make you happy than Becky? She’s such a wonderful person.”

“She is, but so are you. I’m sorry things got so ugly between us. I never meant for that to happen.”

She smiled and put her hand on his cheek. “It’s ok. That’s the past. We are both now happy and that’s all that matters.”

“You’re right. But just know this, I’ll be here for you no matter what. Rebecca and I will. Don’t forget that.”

She smiled and gave him another hug. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

Just then Jim and Gloria walked in along with Amy. David and Rebecca excused themselves and went over to greet the guests.

“Finally they’re here,” Callie whispered to her brother.

“Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Adams,” Rebecca greeted them politely. “Hi Amy! I’m glad you were able to make it too!”

The cousins went to introduce them to their parents. After everyone was introduced, they all sat around sipping on red wine waiting for their food. Amy wasn’t feeling too hungry even though she had hardly eaten anything that day.

“Hmm interesting couple,” Gabriel whispered to Amber.

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