My Evolving Sexuality Ch. 02


Over the next two weeks there was no word from Tom. Again, I began to think that maybe it was over. Only this time I had mixed feelings about the possibility of it being over. Maybe I liked some aspects of the things Tom had me do or expected me to do. Then it came.

There was a note on my door. Tomorrow night (a Thursday night) a big basketball game is to be televised. Tom wants me to join him and three friends in watching the game. I had to be at Tom’s house at 7:30PM. That would take some effort on my part to get there by that time but I could do it. I did not want a repeat of last time where I tried to get out of it. The last part of the note was the intriguing part for me, “Dress to impress”.

I decided that I would indeed, dress to impress. I remember how I felt at the beach when those men were looking at me in the modest bikini. I wanted that feeling again. I have very nice legs (especially my upper thighs) and when put into a push up bra, I have nice breast. So tomorrow evening I will put on a V neck sweater over a tight bra, with a slightly loose fitting mid-thigh length skirt and flat shoes (at 5’9″ I did not want to take the chance that with heels I would be taller than one of Tom male friends). That outfit had the advantage of exposing a good portion of my breast and when seated, the skirt would come up rather high showing a lot of leg and just covering my crotch area. I decided to wear the bottom from the triangle bikini so that if one was seated across from me and I didn’t close my legs that person would be able to see the thong bikini bottom. I made a mental note that tomorrow I needed to buy some skimpy tong panties and some sexy bras for future events.

So, the next evening, there I was on Tom’s porch at 7:29PM wearing a light knit thigh length coat over my outfit. I wanted to see the look on the face of the men as I removed that coat showing them my attire. Just as I knocked on the door I hear a voice behind me, saying, “Good evening.” I turned and ended up face to face with this strikingly handsome man, who as he was extending his hand to shake mine, introduced himself. His name was Toby. Suppressing my pleasure at meeting such a handsome man, I took his hand and introduce myself. Just then the door opened and Tom greeted us. As we entered, he indicated that we were the last to arrive as Al and Ralph were already here.

Tom had arranged the two couches in his living room into a V shape formation with the larger couch that sat 3 on the left and a smaller couch that held 2 people on the right. Toby joined Al and Ralph on the larger couch while Tom and I took the smaller couch with me at the far end. Before I sat down I ask Tom to take my coat. All four men looked at me as I removed the coat. I enjoyed the expressions on their faces as they appreciated how I looked in my outfit.

The game started a minute or two after we were all seated. With the couch, on which Tom and I sat, being short in length, Tom and I were forced to be seated close together as we watched the game. It was a good game and we all got into it. After a while, I made a conscious decision, I open my legs slight so that my leg touched Tom’s leg. This had two consequences, it was my first time initiating physical contact with Tom and it gave the three men sitting across from me a peek at the treasure that reside between my legs (that was new for me, thinking of my pussy as a treasure for a man). Tom noticed the contact between our legs and made it firmer by moving his leg closer to mine. I liked that.

At the end of the first period, Tom asked if anyone would care for some refreshment. Before he could get up and go into the kitchen I said, “Tom let me get the refreshments.” Tom said that that would be nice of me to do so. So, I got up and went into the kitchen to get the refreshments. I felt this strange urge to please Tom. Weird!

After serving everyone, I sat back down on the couch, snuggling up to Tom. He very calmly put his arm around my shoulder. Sensing no resistance from me, Tom edged his hand from my shoulder toward my breast where he gently stroked the outside of my breast. I responded by moving my body more into his body, giving him greater access to my breast. A little later, I saw that the guys noticed what Tom was doing. At that point, we resumed watching the exciting game.

Just before the half time intermission was over, I offered to refill everyone’s drinking and to bring in more snacks. While in the kitchen, I couldn’t resist, I removed the triangular bikini bottom placing it in one of the cabinets. Again, after serving everyone I returned to my place at Tom side, making sure to be in close to his chest and to lay my head on his chest. That move did have the side effect of making my skirt ride up high on my legs. As I became more relaxed from Tom stroking me, I relaxed my legs which allowed them to separate some more. That gave the guys a view of up between my legs, which from the looks on their faces indicated they liked what they saw.

After afyon escort the game ended, Tom and I walked the guys to the door and thank them for coming tonight to share this evening with us. They all said the pleasure was theirs and that they would gladly join us for the next big game.

After the door closed, Tom took me by my shoulders and gave me a very tender hug. Looking me in the eyes Tom asked, “What happen to your bikini bottom?”

I responded that I put it in a safe place in the kitchen. I then got my coat, gave Tom a kiss on the cheek, and said to him, “If you find the bikini bottom before the next big game, I might show your guest even more of me and if I do, you can, in front of your guest, play with the parts of me that are showing.” Tom’s face lit up.

Tom stayed on his porch and watched me until I entered my front door. I liked this evening!

It had been at least two weeks (almost three months into my one year sentence) since the night of the big basketball game. Tom had not requested my presence during that time. I began to miss being with him and being put into those exhibition situations. Then I received a text from him. He requested that I join him at his home tomorrow night (Friday) at 9:00PM to watch a movie classic, Sargent York. The note had a PS: “Still have not found the bikini bottom. Dress to be comfortable.”

I decided that I would indeed dress comfortably.

So, there I was at 8:59PM knocking on his door. A minute later, Tom opened the door and welcomed me into his home. As he ushered me into the living room, I noticed that he had placed the small couch and a coffee table directly in line with his TV. He removed my light knit thigh length coat and then stopped in his tracks looking me over. I did a twirl so he could see my entire outfit, which consisted of a pair of flat shoes and the top of the triangle bikini. Getting control of himself, Tom held my hand and sat me down on the couch. Bring a good host, Tom asked me what I wanted to drink. Shortly, Tom returned from the kitchen with our drinks and then sat on the couch next to me.

A minute into the movie, I moved up against Tom leaning my head into his chest. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me tighter into his body. I felt warm, comfortable, and safe in his embrace. Ten minutes into the movie, Tom began fondling my breast. Half an hour into the movie Tom hands were roaming over my upper thigh with an occasional detour to stroke my pussy lips. After that, I removed the bikini top and just lay back as he explored my entire body (even the backside during the times where I watched the movie lying on my stomach across his legs). It was like a kid examining his new toy (which I guess I had become). I did not touch Tom sexually and we did not have sex. Sex was not the purpose of tonight. The purpose was for Tom to become familiar with my body and for me to show him that I was beginning to understand what he wanted and needed from me.

After the movie ended, I got up from the couch and put my bikini top back on. Tom went and got my coat, put it on me and button all the coat buttons. At the door, I turned to Tom and kissed him gently on his lips, something we both enjoyed.

As I got to the bottom of the porch, Tom said, “Jill look in the coat’s right pocket.”

I did and found the bikini bottom. Tom watched me until I entered my house. Once inside, I raced up stairs to my bedroom, removed the coat and bikini top, pulled back the bed covers, and got into bed on my back. I spread my legs and using my hands brought myself to powerful organism.

After recovering from pleasuring myself, I looked over at the clock. It had been 24 minutes since I came back home. I picked up my cell phone and text Tom, “3 minutes after your response with an acknowledgement of this text, open your front door.” One minute late I received Tom’s acknowledgement. I got out of bed, pick up my house keys and walked out of my house straight over to Tom’s house. Walking in full stride as I got to the middle of his porch, Tom open the door and I walked right in passed him. Tom closed the door and turned to face me. I jump up placing my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I then planted the first real kiss between us on his lips. Releasing my hold on Tom and stepping back a way, I notice that Tom was wearing only his pajamas bottoms which I pulled down and had him step out of. I went down to my knees and place his penis in my mouth. This was a new experience for me because I had never in my life initiated sex with anyone, man or woman.

Eventually we ended up in Tom’s bed where we repeatedly had sex until the sun came up in the morning. Being too exhausted to move, I went to sleep. I woke up alone in Tom’s bed around 7:00PM that night, physically sore and tired, sexually satisfied (for the first time since my honeymoon) with a feeling of emotional liberation. I had dried cum on my face, breast and all over my pussy. ankara escort I even had a slight trace of cum leaking from my pussy.

I walked downstairs to the living room where I found Tom dressed and reading a book. I said hello to Tom. He put the book down and said, “With as much energy as you expended and as many times as you came, your body needs food and drink. Stay here and watch TV while I prepare you a well-earned meal.” He went into the kitchen and 15 minutes later came out with a tray of food and drink for me. He was right; I ate and drank everything he had prepared for me.

Afterwards, I cuddle up with Tom on the sofa as we watched TV until 11:00PM. At that point, I decided that I need to go home. We did find my keys by the front door. Since I was naked and covered in cum, Tom walked me over to my house. I open the door and turned and gave Tom the sexist kiss I was capable of as he was stroking my pussy. His hand ended up covered in his cum. Saying good night, I closed the door and went straight to my bed. I did not clean myself until I awoke the next morning (Sunday).

I spent Sunday relaxing and trying to physical recover from that extensive sexual activity. Since I was relaxing it gave me time to analyze what really happened Friday night into early Saturday morning in Tom’s bed. Was I falling in love with Tom or in love with wild risqué uninhibited sex? I was beginning to really like Tom, but not love him. What I realize is that I liked what he wanted me to do for him. Thinking back to the beach and to the evening of watching the basketball game with Tom’s friends, I realized that what excited me was how these men reacted to me and to what I was doing/showing them. That did not mean that I wanted or had to have sex with all of them. That is still something that I want to be selective about. I could have sex with a man if there was some attraction between us but I could also do sexual things with a group of men if the mood struck me. That latter thing is something I now want to explore/experience. I realize that I could use Tom’s need for me to do submissive and sexual things for him to set up events for myself to experience sexual things with a group of men, specially, his friends. That would allow some control over the events through Tom. I am sure he would not allow anyone to take advantage or to abuse me in that type of setting.

I like the conclusions that I came to that Sunday night. I also became aware of my lack of knowledge about being submissive sexually or otherwise. I needed information. Where better way to get the type of information that I now thirst for than on the internet! I spent every spare hour during the week read articles about the submissive life style. At the end of the week (a week in which my pussy was in a constant state of wetness), I felt I had a strong basic understand of that life style. I was loaded with ideas many of which I plan to put into actions. Of course, these actions needed to be accompanied with certain items which I purchased from various on-line web sites. I anxiously awaited Tom’s next request for my presence.

Three days later, on a Monday, I received a text from Tom. He requested that I join him for an evening of dinner and watching a movie on his TV. The text ended with that familiar statement, “Dress for comfort”.

My attire for the evening consisted of white button up shirt, an ankle length smooth skirt with slits up both sides that end about two inches above my waist, a pair of flats on my feet and my now familiar coat.

I had a smile on my face (a first for my visits to Tom’s house) when Tom opened his front door. I walked in and turned around to face Tom as he closed the door. I removed my coat holding it in my hand as I spun around so Tom could get a look at my outfit. He had a look of approval on his face. Taking an object from a pocket in my coat, I handed it to Tom. He smiled and told me to turn around. Tom then placed the object, a very elegant collar, snugly around my neck and attached its leash to it. As Tom was placing the collar on my neck, I entirely unbuttoned the shirt and pull the tail of the shirt out from under the waist of the skirt thus exposing the middle of my chest from my neck to the top of the skirt.

Tugging me forward by the leash, Tom led me over to the couch. He sat down with me standing in between his legs. He twisted the skirt around my waist until the slits were in the middle of my front and back. That left my pussy and ass exposed. I liked that arrangement and made a mental note to myself to wear it that way from now. Pulling the leash down forcing me to bend at the waist, Tom removed the leash allowing me to stand upright again. He then reached out and stroked my pussy lips while telling me to go into the kitchen and to bring the refreshments out.

After I returned and placed the refreshments on the coffee table, Tom had me return to the couch where He reattached the leash to the collar keeping the end of the leash antalya escort in his hand (where it stayed there throughout the movie). He then had me sit down on my butt on the rug between his legs with my back against the couch. He turned on the TV and we started watching the movie. As I sat there, I felt like I was in my place, at the feet of the man that I wanted to give this act of servitude to.

Every so often during the movie, Tom would pause the video and have me standup facing him. He would then grope either my breast and nipples or stroke or my pussy or inserting his fingers in there. Other times, I would have my back to him and he would alternate between feeling my ass cheeks and slapping them. All of that felt good and each time it would bring me closer and closer to an organism.

When the movie ended, Tom finger fucked me into a tremendous organism which caused me to collapse onto the rug. I laid there with my shirt open, the skirt up around my waist and the leash to the collar still in Tom’s hand. Probably fifteen minutes later, my strength returned. I stood up, removed the shirt and skirt and dropped to my knees in between Tom’s legs. I unzipped his pants and brought out his hard penis. I made love to that penis until it exploded in my mouth. Opening my mouth and showing Tom his cum, I swallow it all. I then place my head on his leg and stayed there until it was time to go home.

After rearranging my clothes, Tom led me by the leash to my front door. We kissed and I went inside ending another satisfying time with Tom that included expanding my horizon into the world of exhibition and submissiveness. This left me with a strong desire for more!

At work the next day, I received a text from Tom requesting my presence Friday night to watch another big basketball game with the same group of friends that attended the first basketball game. For the first time, I responded to one of his texts; “Tom as you have requested, I will be at the game on Friday. On Wednesday night at 8:00PM would you honor me with a visit to my house?”

It took a while before Tom replied; “Yes, I will come to your house on Wednesday night.”

I wanted him to visit me first since I wanted to up my subservience to him and prepare him for what I plan to let his friends do to me. In the right situation, I want to experience men, not just one man. Friday night would be the right situation if Tom agreed (remember, I needed his protection).

At 8:00PM on Wednesday night there was a knock on my front door. I called out to Tom to come in. As he came through and closed the door behind him, what was displayed before him was me sideways on all fours with my head to the floor, my tits hanging downward, and my ass sticking up in the air. My body was nude except for the collar and leash and a note scotch tape to my rib cage facing him. Tom step forward and removed the note which read, “Tom over the last several months I have honored our agreement. I have done all that you have requested of me in a manner that, at times, required a lot of initiative on my part to comply with what I thought you wanted. Doing these things has changed me into a more sexual woman. But they have left me wanting more. I now need for you to take charge, to lead me into exploring the full potential of this new sexual freedom. Lead me into devoting this last half year to be totally submissive and subservient in every way to you. Lead me into doing all the things that she did for you. Start this Friday evening. I will hold back nothing, ask anything of me and I will eagerly do it.”

After reading the note, Tom reached down and pick up the leash and told me, “Jill follow me into your living room. Stay on all fours and walk that way.” Slapping my ass, we went into the living room. Tom sat on the couch and had me sit on my knees between his legs facing him. Tom then told me the following “One of the things that she did for me (on her own initiative) was whenever I was seated; she would get between my legs like you are now and ask me if she could suck me off. She would do this whether we had company or not. It would not bother our company because she would be dressed like you are now. To please me, if I told her to go sit with one of our guest, she would crawl on all fours over to that person and sit beside them. They were free to play with her body anywhere except her anus. She was very into public nudity and we had many adventures of exposing her to people. She was into bondage and modest BDSM. The greatest thing that she would do, if I requested it, is to be the center of a gangbang and bukkake. These are the things she did for me. Is this what you want me to lead you into?”

That was a lot to take in. I started to say no to one of the items he listed, but this new desire within me aspiring me to explore the limits of my sexuality, would not allow me to say no to anything. Therefore, my answer to Tom was, “Yes, lead me.”

“Ok, we will start this Friday evenings. I will not tell you ahead of time how far we will go. You will just have to follow my lead. When you are on all fours and I say “Heel” I want you to kneel with your legs under you and your back straight, looking straight ahead. By the way, the three men this Friday all knew her and her ways.”

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