My Naked Days Ch. 02

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Joyce and I were lying in her dark bedroom in a sleepy embrace when we were both startled by the phone. Joyce jumped out of bed, straightening her nightgown, and ran to answer the call in the living room. I could not understand what she was syaing but I was sure she was talking to her sister. Joyce laughed several times and, although I was curious, I could not be sure whether she was telling Barb what had just happened.

Joyce came back into the room. ‘Barb wants to borrow you for a while.’ She smiled at me.

‘What for?’

Joyce shrugged, ‘she will come over to pick you up soon. She says she needs a handyman to help her put some shelves together.’

I was confused. Could that be true? What did Barb really want and how did Joyce feel about it? ‘Will you come along?’ I wanted to know.

‘Maybe later, I have some errands to run.’

Barb came by half an hour later. I had just taken a shower and was sitting on a chair outside, wrapped in a towel but otherwise naked. Barb stepped out and greeted me by kissing me on the cheek. ‘Doesn’t seem you are quite ready,’ she said.

I had not expected her to come so soon. ‘Sorry, I will get dressed right away.’ I stood up and went to my room to pick out some clothes for the day. I pulled out some briefs but as I was about to put them on I heard Barbs voice.

‘Not these,’ she had followed me into the room. She went to my suitcase and took out some lose fitting shorts and a T-shirt. ‘These will be enough,’ she said and handed them to me. I looked at her. She had just raised my anticipation for what was to come tremendously but I said nothing.

It was a relatively short ride to Barbs house. She lived a little bit inland in one of those modern condo complexes that are all over San Diego. Barb shared her condo with a roommate who was not at home. It was clear that both had recently moved in since there were many boxes still unpacked. ‘Joyce said you need help,’ I ventured.

‘Yes, I was wondering whether you could help me put these shelves together.’

I looked at the box and nodded. Barb went to get some tools while I started to tear at the box. My mind was racing. How did Barb feel about yesterday? Should I ask her or just let things develop? I wanted to explore my newfound fetish but remained timid. Barb came back into the room carrying the toolbox. I was about half done with unpacking the wood. ‘It is hot,’ I said. This really was my poorly veiled justification to take my shirt off. Barb did not say anything but just stood there and smiled at me. This made me stop and after hesitating for a moment, I took off my shorts. Here I was naked again but this time alone with Barb whose aggressive attitude had intimidated me the day before.

‘You know I like you that way’, she said. ‘But I have to warn you to be careful if my roommate comes home. She is a bit of a prude and I don’t want to scare her.’ Barb had stepped closer to me and fondled me seemingly absentmindedly. My penis responded immediately but she did not allow it to come to a full erection. ‘You have some work to do’, she said.

I had worked on the shelves for about an hour and had almost forgotten that I was naked in front of Barb except that she was busying herself next to me and would occasionally touch me. She would lay her hand on my butt while handing me materials or brush against my penis while grabbing a tool.

The project was nearing its end when we suddenly heard the key turn in the entrance door. Barb pushed me towards the kitchen. ‘Go, quickly’, she whispered. I followed her instructions but did not have time to grab my clothes and so I ended up in the kitchen with nothing to cover on and nowhere to hide.

‘Hey, Donna, what are you doing home already?’ I heard Barb’s voice.

‘Oh, I took time off to get some work done on the house. You are home early too?’

‘Yes, I had the same idea. They shelves are nearly done.’

‘Barb’s roommate has a nice voice’, I thought. ‘I would like to see her’,

I was getting lost in thoughts but then Barb’s voice startled me. ‘Wait,’ she exclaimed, but it was obviously too late. Her roommate had decided to step into the kitchen and I was already face to face with her.

‘Oh, eskişehir escort my gooooood, I am soooo sorry,” she stammered, and dashed out of the room.

‘Wait, Donna,’ I heard Barb shout. ‘I am really sorry but I did not think you would come home. I owe you an explanation,’ was the last thing I heard. Barb was still talking and Donna interjected questions every now and then but they were speaking quietly so that I could no longer follow the conversation.

It was hard to tell how many minutes passed. But I was getting agitated since I could not guess what was happening outside the kitchen between the two women. I knew nothing about this woman, and although it was clear that both Barb and her sister were enjoying this game, I was unsure about how others would react. This brought back the feeling of shame and exposure, which I vividly remembered from my moments of being naked at the beach.

Finally, Barb came into the kitchen and I felt a relive akin to the captured seeing the warden. ‘May I introduce you to Donna?’ she said. I froze. Donna stepped around the corner and extended her hand towards me. I shook it not knowing what else to do.

‘Hi, how do you do?’ I said a bit sheepishly.

‘Fine,’ she said, now looking at me. ‘It is OK, you know. Barb explained everything. ‘ I relaxed a bit but still felt ashamed. What had I gotten myself into? And, what exactly did she mean by Barb explained everything?

Donna was small, the top of her head not reaching my shoulder, and in all my confusion I could not help noticing how pretty she was. She had dark hair and blue eyes, which were slightly tilted to give her an exotic look. ‘I am sorry, but I am a bit shy.’ She was trying to avert her eyes by looking down but this, she realized quickly, made her stare at my penis. Donna was visibly embarrassed and looked to the side.

Barb took control of the situation: ‘Well, boy, the shelves need more attention.’ I was glad for the interruption and moved out of the kitchen to continue my work. Donna stayed behind. I heard the women talk again but briefly afterwards I saw her walk to her room.

I was back at work on the shelves when Barb returned to the room. ‘Who would have thought?’ she whispered in my ear. I looked at her questioningly. ‘She is so proper, you know. I thought she might get angry.’ I could sense what was going through Barb’s mind. She wanted to challenge her roommate, and I was her tool. ‘Nice work,’ she said and slapped my butt. This produced a loud noise, which Donna must have heard since, shortly afterwards, she found a reason to walk from her room to the kitchen. I was working with my back turned towards her but I could see her in a mirror placed on the opposite wall. While she was walking swiftly, her gaze was fixed on me the entire time. Barb must have seen this too since her hand slowly moved in between my legs and started to fondle my balls while she started to pinch my nipples with her other hand. My penis began to rise and she proceeded to occasionally stroke me in quick succession three to four times. I was now fully erect and it was increasingly harder to concentrate on the work.

Meanwhile, I saw Donna reappear from the kitchen. Barb immediately let go of me and stepped away. Donna took a few steps and then she froze. Her mouth was open and she raised her hand to cover it. Realizing that we had noticed her, she quickly hurried back to her room. But moments later, her head popped out and she was walking back to the kitchen.

‘Do either of you want something to drink?’ we heard her voice from the kitchen.

‘Lame excuse,’ I thought but was secretly excited that she at least seemed curious.

‘Yes, please. Can you bring me some cold juice?’ Barb immediately responded. I knew Barb would take the opportunity to engage Donna in activities that would bring her into my presence. But after all, Donna had taken the first step by offering a drink.

Donna appeared from the kitchen. ‘Where do you want me to put it?’ ‘Sit down and enjoy the drink with me,’ Barb encouraged her.

‘I don’t know,’ Donna was clearly unsure but Barb had already taken her hand and pulled her towards the couch. Donna let this happen and moments later izmit escort she sat facing me.

I resumed my work while the women were chatting. They had lowered their voices so that I could only understand fragments of the conversation. ‘Oh my god,’ was one of those fragments frequently emanating from Donna. She finally seemed more comfortable and was giggling a lot. I knew, however, that Barb was not done yet. She would try to push Donna’s limits. I had taken my sweet time putting the shelves together but was finally done.

Barb noticed immediately. ‘Come here and rest with us,’ she said. I put down the tools and walked towards them. Donna’s face was at level with my penis. She looked but then suddenly averted her eyes. Barb moved on the couch so that a space opened between them. ‘Sit,’ she told me.

The situation felt uncomfortable since Donna had moved far to the corner of the sofa as possible but it did not take long for Barb to restart the conversation with some small talk. ‘The shelves look great. Thanks,’ she said.

Donna smiled: ‘yes, thank you so much. We have had them in that box for a long while.’

I looked at Donna: ‘any time, really. If you have other things that need attention….’

Donna smiled back and it seemed like she was going to say something but then decided not to. Barb was sitting very close to me with her body slightly turned so that she could look at Donna who was on my other side but still leaned into the far corner of the sofa. Barb had quietly put her hand on my thighs and was slowly stroking them. This felt nice and made me immediately horny again. I wanted her to touch me right there in front of shy Donna.

I had spread my legs slightly and Barb obliged. She ran her fingers up and down my penis, which now had sprung to life again. Donna’s eyes were fixed on the action. I leaned back and tried not to look at her as to not make her even more uncomfortable. But I noticed her shifting on the couch. She was pressing her thighs together and was staring. I wanted to take her hand but knew that Barb was in control and would move things along at her pace.

‘He has a nice one, doesn’t he?’ she said teasingly. Donna just giggled. ‘Enough,’ Barb suddenly said and stopped touching me. I sighed. ‘Don’t be greedy,’ Barb looked at me smiling. ‘You could actually make yourself useful and help Donna move these boxes to her room.’

‘Oh, ah, yeah that would be great,’ Donna muttered. I had no choice and in spite of my raging hardon I got up and looked at Donna for instructions.

She stood up and walked towards the many boxes still left on the floor. ‘Mine are marked with the blue tape. I only need help with these really big and heavy ones.’ I tried to lift one of the boxes but it was too big and heavy.

‘I am going to need some help here.’ Donna moved to the other side and together we managed to lift the box and stagger towards her room. We put down the box and I was now alone with Donna. There were clothes and books everywhere. ‘You like to read?’

She nodded. ‘Very much actually.’

I took a book from the stack. ‘May I?’ Donna nodded. As I flipped through a few books Donna started to comment on them and seemingly relaxed in the process. We had clearly found some mutual interest. Soon we were engrossed in a conversation that one might have called cautiously flirtatious had I not been stark naked with a still half erect penis.

At this point, Barb reappeared and that brought the situation back to reality. ‘I thought you guys were working,’ she said.

‘We are taking a little break’, I responded and smiled at Barb who had stepped behind Donna.

The difference in physique of the two women was striking. Donna was small and slender while Barb was tall, almost as tall as myself, and voluptuous. Then something happened that for the first time alerted me that the relationship between Barb and Donna was more complex than I had guessed. Barb put her arm around Donna and placed a slight kiss on her cheek.

‘Isn’t she beautiful? Look at those eyes.’ Barb was stroking Donna who remained passive but was looking at me intently.

‘Yes, she is gorgeous,’ I responded earnestly. This again brought this maraş escort shy smile to her face that had enchanted me earlier. The way she was leaning against Barb, I finally understood that these two were more than mere roommates.

‘How do you like these?’ Barb was smoothing Donna’s shirt so that the fabric clung to her breasts, clearly outlining them.

I was shaking my head in disbelief but moaned appreciatively: ‘Mhm, as far as I can see, they are gorgeous.’ Barb needed no more encouragement than that. She pulled Donna’s shirt over her head exposing her lacey bra. To my astonishment, Donna still remained completely passive. Barb had reversed the roles. I was now to be teased and Donna was her apparently willing tool. Next, Barb stuck a hand under Donna’s bra and started massaging her breast.

This drove me wild. ‘Oh my god,’ I exclaimed as I felt my penis stiffening rapidly. Barb unclasped the bra and slowly slid it off Donna’s shoulders. Her breasts were beautiful small mounds topped by dark, perky nipples. The urge to reach out and touch them was almost incontrollable but I was afraid Barb would end the session if I attempted to take control from her.

Donna was still leaning against Barb who embraced her from behind and started to unbutton her shorts, which slowly slid off her hips and came to rest mid thigh. I was almost hypnotized by this show as I saw Donna’s dark hair through the lace of her panties. She seemed to have lost her shyness and was dreamily looking at me paying close attention to all my moves and expressions.

‘Pull off the shorts,’ Barb said. I kneeled down in front of her and did as I was told. ‘Now, the rest,’ she commanded.

As the panties slid off Donna’s ankles, I looked up and took her in. I could smell her sex and I was overwhelmed by the need to touch her. I gently ran my hands over her hips and belly, and then placed a first soft kiss on her navel. This made her shudder slightly. More kisses followed, as I traced her belly to her mound. Donna spread her legs, leaning more strongly against Barb who, I now noticed, was holding Donna’s hands behind her back.

My lips sought out her lips while I cupped her buttocks with my hands. I kissed her gently and every kiss produced a soft moan. Soon my tongue started to explore and I felt Donna’s knees softening. Her breathing was heavy and she pressed against me. My hand moved between her legs and slightly parted her. Looking up briefly, I saw that Barb was playing with her nipples, circling and occasionally pinching them. I slowly slid a finger into her and noticed how incredibly wet she was. I started to gently circle my tongue again. Donna’s legs were shaking as she relaxed and tensed her muscles in short intervals. Suddenly, she freed her hands from Barb’s grip and put them at the back of my head pressing me harder against her. The strokes of my tongue intensified and Donna was moaning louder and louder. Barb, with her freed hands, started to slap Donna’s butt. This drove her even wilder and after a few seconds, she cried out while her entire body was shaking.

‘Isn’t she great when she comes?’ Barb once again startled me. I was still kneeling at Donna’s feet with a raging hardon.

It took me a while to find a response. ‘I suspect she is always great.’ Barb laughed. She reached for my hand and pulled me up. Donna had sat down at the edge of the bed, still naked and still obviously affected by her orgasm. I looked at her, thinking again how beautiful she was. Barb had taken my penis and started to stroke it a few times. I felt a shiver run down my spine but to my disappointment she let go. I was aching.

How could Barb stay so removed and in control the entire time? Why had she not told me the truth about Donna from the beginning? She had stepped away from me and was looking at her watch. At her watch! I could not believe it. I wanted to beg her to let me have an orgasm of my own.

‘It is getting late,’ she said. ‘I think we have to return you to Joyce now. She might want you not too exhausted.’

I felt like begging her to make me come but I knew enough about her by now to not do this. At the very lease, I knew now that Barb had been fully informed about the events that had transpired between Joyce and myself earlier that day. My confusion grew and I still wanted Donna yet all I could do was to step up to her and kiss her goodbye. This was our first kiss, and, so I hoped, not our last.

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