
Big Tits

Subject: My-naked-family-2 This story contains sexual acts between pre-teens and family nudity. If this offends you or is illegal for you to read where you are located, close this story. This story is fictional. Any resemblance to people real or fictional are entirely coincidental and any views stated do not necessarily reflect those of any company or organization that exists in real life nor necessarily reflect the views of the author. This story is the property and copyright of the author, do not share, reproduce, repost, or any such act which is illegal to do without the author’s permission. I appreciate you reading this story and you can contact me gmx. I will do my best to answer every email if I can. Any comments, suggestions, or questions are always welcome. Please donate to fty/donate.html to keep the archive free! —————————————————————————- Chapter 2 Ryan was really enjoying middle school since he now had quite a reputation with the kids. Quite a few of the honor students were involved with the chorus, band, and theatre groups. There were maybe a core of 20 kids that were part of two of the three, as Ryan was. They had a pretty tight group. The there were a few kids that were involved with the re-enactors educational program. So Ryan had a fairly large group of friends for an 11 year old. The only time of the year that slowed down was winter. April found us doing our guy trip to Maryland with 14 others this year. We were taking a couple kids that were honor students and helped out with our fall program. We “adopted” 12 year old Chris Conner to come along with us. His parents were killed in a flood when he was only eight months old. He lived with his uncle. Chris is a very talented theatre kid singing and dancing. We pretty much knew he was going to be involved with theatre professionally some way or another when he became 18. Our neighbors and our family made him some clothes so he could participate in our trip. We made some additions to our camp and clothes, making our own elk moccassins to wear on the dry days. We also made up some dress clothes for the fancy dinner the last night. Ryan said he would sleep with me or Chris so we wouldn’t need another bag or bed. Jean and I really liked Chris since he was mature past his age and very smart. We stopped off for lunch at the same place as last year and made it to camp about 3. We got our little area setup with 8 tents and a central cooking fire. Some of the regulars stopped by and were commenting on the extra tents and people this year. We had a good chat about our program and the kids showed some of their knowledge. What impressed them the most was that the kids were careful about observing the custom of hiding “modern” stuff. Chris was a bit out of sorts seeing all the white canvas tents and folks mostly dressed up. “All these people are serious about this stuff, Mr. Glick.” Chris said to me. “Yeah, şişli travesti they are. And they prefer to remain in custom and enjoy learning and living in the period. To them it is like reliving history and not just some show to put on for folks.” I told Chris and Ryan. “Ryan, learned a lot last year as he told you on the drive up. It’s really neat that you can learn skills to survive in the wild and some which are slowly going away. Like blacksmithing or basket weaving.” We noticed a new group from upstate NY had joined this year. They had a “military” camp and uniforms to go with their company. We resolved to get to know them better later or tomorrow. Ryan and I had gotten a cookbook written by Martha Washington (a reprint of course!) and were making a stew for dinner. Our neighbors were making a cobbler. We had a pretty good feast for the first night. Ryan decided we would zip our bags together instead of separately. He didn’t tell me anything about Chris and if they talked about how we slept. I had been backstage with everyone last year, so I was pretty sure Chris wasn’t an uptight kid. We all get in the big bag and I pull up the wool comforters. Once the bags warm up a bit, I strip off my sweat pants. I did’t know if Ryan had or not until he moved closer to me and spooned in. Chris was sleeping the other way, so he may not have known Ryan was naked. After about an hour, Chris rolls over and realizes Ryan is naked. He shook Ryan awake. “Ryan, you’re naked! Does your Dad know?” Ryan takes Chris’ arm and puts his hand on my bare skin. “Dude! Why are you both naked?” he whispers. “You’ll be warmer that way. And you know I didn’t wear much clothes this summer. I’m thinking about ditching them totally this year. I want to look authentic as a Shawnee.” Ryan whispers back. I’ve woken up by now and tell Chris to strip off and join us as I roll over. When I wake up in the morning, I have two arms around me, one from each boy. Chris’ was in, uh, a close position. I wake up the two sleep beauties and we get dressed and head to the restroom. I noticed Chris had been paying a bit of attention to my morning wood. As I was walking with them, I overheard Chris telling Ryan, “Boy, your dad’s pecker is big!” I chuckled a bit since I’m only 7″ hard. They get another eyeful as Ryan and I get dressed as neither of us bother with underwear. The day starts and we have a blast going to our classes. This year I’m working with the knife guy learning how to fold steel. Ryan and Chris show up at lunch time and get in their “butt flaps” to head to the Native American area. They take leather and thongs with them to sit with the re-enactors to make authentic leggings (instead of the cloth ones the show uses). They get back after supper with a complete outfit. They definitely look the part now. Ryan asks about shaving his head except for a patch on top that he can put in a tail. I tell him that he may want to take some pictures beylikdüzü travesti for Mom to see before he does that. I really don’t see that it is much different than how he and I cut our hair during the summer, but Jean should have a say so. We head to the showers before settling down. Ryan and Chris share one next to me. I hear a bit of giggling and give them a bit of hassle about fooling around. I glance over to them and notice that they are having a wank. I have to try really hard not to pop a boner. “Come on guys and finish up. We need to get back and warm up a bit before bed. We have some spiced wine tonight that you can have with your cobbler.” I tell them. They think they hot stuff getting wine even though it is pretty watered down. They have some fun cutting up with the rest of the kids. We head into bed around 930 as it starts to get a bit cold to be out. I wake up this morning with a hand around my cock. I carefully remove it and wake the boys up. Once we finish our breakfast of french toast and bacon, we all head our ways for classes. The afternoon is warm enough to break asweat in the sun. Of course my two Shawnee have to get dressed. This time though they aren’t very careful to be fully concealed before taking off. I have to sigh at my exhibitionists. They drag off a few of the other boys with them. Supper finds them all running back in breech cloths. I begin to wonder how this is going to work out for us at the park with the boys running around like that. Ryan and Chris are definitely getting more risky by bunching up the cloth covering their balls and cocks. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have naked kids around this summer the way they are feeding on each other. I warn them before we go to sleep that they need to be a lot more “respectable” on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as the fort is open to the public. We manage to make it home without any further incidents. Ryan and Chris start to bond a bit more over the remainder of the school year. Chris sleeps over on weekends pretty regularly. They haven’t started showing up to breakfast naked, but I’m just giving it time. We talk about a pool but the property isn’t suited to it. We can get a small portable one in which we put up in mid May. I built a small blacksmith area further back with a furnace and I added a BBQ area to it. An expanded patio rounds out what backyard we have left. Memorial Day is pretty warm. Jean and I head over to the neighbor’s to enjoy some time with them. When we get back, I notice that the house is quiet. I look out back and there are two sets of white buns showing. I sneak out back and give them both a slap. “What naughty boys I have! Running around without clothes on! I bet you’ve been flashing your boners to all the neighbors. (there really isn’t anyone that can see them that well).” “Aww Dad! We need to get our tans going for the play and September!.” Ryan answers back rubbing his butt. Chris rolls over on his istanbul travesti side doing the same. I notice that he has an uncut head. I didn’t really pay that much attention to him in April. “Make sure you put enough sunblock on or your butt is really gonna hurt Monday sitting in class.” I tell them and head back inside. I think this is going to get real hard soon. I hope Jean can help. Jean walks into the kitchen and asks where Ryan and Chris are. I tell out back working on their tans. She heads to the door and stops. “Why are they naked, Peter?” she asks. I tell her how they got hooked up with the Native group on our trip and had decided to get as authentic as possible. Since they weren’t that dark skinned, they decided they need to work on their overall tans. Jean sighs, “Well, we had trouble keeping clothes on him in Florida. I imagine it was only time until he was bare here. Are you going to join them?” “Yeah, I don’t think you’ll able to handle all that testoserone. I better stick to my speedo.” I say grinning at her. “Should we let them run around the house that way?” she asks. “I guess we should tell them about towels and such. Lay out the rules.” We let them know an early supper will be on in about an hour. I head out to get the grill started and act like the big hunter. I have some venison tenerloins, corn on the cob, and sweet potatoes for the grill. “Hey dad, can we stay this way today?” Ryan asks as I cross the patio. “Come here guys. I’ll tell you the rules.” We head over to the grill area and they plop down in the chairs. “OK, number one, no wanking outside your room. Mom doesn’t need to see that in the living room. Number two, sit on towels. She doesn’t want your butt tracks all over either. Number three, put some shorts in a few areas in the house so you can grab them easily in case someone comes by.” Both boys nodded their agreement. I turn over the food and started on the second thing that needed to be said “Ok, I know that you both know about sex from school and Ryan has asked a few questions in the past. But, now that Ryan has reached that age of horniness, I should go over a few things.” The horniness thing got a giggle from them. “I know that you two have started experimenting. So the choice is, do we ignore you and let you discover from porn or others what to do or do I teach you?” Ryan and Chris went very quiet. Finally Chris asked, “What sort of things?” I sighed a bit, “Well, guy have a bigger advantage than gals as their penises can be used on both guys and gals. You two have it a bit easier than guys did ten years ago since liking guys isn’t a big a deal as it was then. You may not have totally decided which way to go either. Guys can be straight, bisexual, or gay.” Ryan asked “What is a Bisexual?” “It’s a person that likes to have sex with both guys and gals. They are equally attracted to either. If you only think about guys or only think about gals then you aren’t bisexual. Now you are still a bit young, you may not really know what you like yet. You should try to at least date some girls to see if there is anything there attraction wise.” Dinner was ready so I told the boys we will meet back out here after we eat.

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