My New Boss Ch. 07


This chapter is part of a continuing story. Although some chapters may stand on their own, for proper character development and story line intensity, this series is a continuous story and should be read as such.

Sitting there, in the chair, I had another idea for some fun. Scooting Lucy out of my way, I stood up and stretched a bit. I felt amazingly relaxed and still full of ideas, for the evening was still young.

I got the key for the handcuffs and released Lucy and Rita. While everyone was recuperating, I looked in James’ bag of toys. I didn’t know if I would find what I was looking for, but I knew there might be something in there that would surely work, in the mean time. I could go home and get my own toy bag, later.

I laughed to myself. ‘Toy bag’ seemed to have a whole new meaning. Each of my toys would seem brand new, with such a willing slut to use them on. Yes, this was going to be an evening my new fuck toy would remember for a while.

I found something that must have been James’ toy. It had been taken from a training collar one might use to obedience train a dog. It was a small metal device that had two small nubs on one side. There was a battery pack attached on the other side. I looked further in the bag and found the remote control for it.

Being mechanically inclined myself, I pondered how James might use this. Surely, something was missing. In the normal situation, the dog collar was missing. But, because James had altered this from that use, he surely had another collar or something to attach it to. Not able to find what I was looking for, I had to disturb James’ recovery period, for help.

“James?” He didn’t answer, but that wasn’t uncommon for James. He was a bit older than me and he had been on his legs that whole last session. I had been kneeling in the chair, so that could have been another reason why I was the first to recover my strength. Looking over at him, he was no longer leaning over Rita, but had collapsed in a heap on the carpeted floor. “James!”

“Man, can’t you see I’m resting?”

“Yes, I see that.” I held up the remote and the small metal device, I tried to make it easy for him to just look over and answer. “You don’t need to get up, just tell me what I’m missing, to make this work. There is more to this, right? Or, am I wrong?”

James still hadn’t moved much. He acted like he was in bed for a long rest, and I was the annoying alarm clock. I returned to the bag to see if I could find the rest of the parts. There were many interesting things in that bag. And, because it wasn’t my bag, it was difficult to know what I was looking for. Then, I found a kind of belt. It looked like a chastity belt of some sort, but obviously James’ own creation.

What caught my eye was something attached to this belt that was the same shape and size as the metal device I had found. After some inspection, I found that the two parts snapped together. I also found that they would slide the length of the crotch portion of the belt, making it possible to be precisely adjusted to any female body.

I was making progress, but Bycasino it still seemed something was missing. It would work as I had it, but I thought attachments would make it work a lot better. Turning to James, I held up what I had, and once again tried to get his attention. “Hey…James.” No reaction. “James!” Still no reaction. “Hey, old man!” That got his attention.


“Look up here. What am I missing? There is more to this, right?”

James turned his head to look at what I was holding. After studying the parts, he finally sat up. “There is a metal dong or a plug that snaps on there. In the bag.”

“Is this “dong or plug” two different things, or is it one thing.”

“Two things. The plug is a little smaller than the dong.”

Turning back to the bag, I repeated to myself what he had said. The plug was smaller than the dong. “What color are these things?”

“They’re metal…silver, or metallic colored. They’re probably in the very bottom.”

He was right. There they were in the bottom of the bag, two metal phallic looking things. One looked like a metal dildo and the other looked like an anal plug. I picked up the anal plug, and tried to figure out how it connected to the rest of the belt. It didn’t look that difficult, but I couldn’t make it connect. Turning around to ask James, I saw Lucy standing there. Her strap-on was still bouncing in front of her.

We were face to face. She looked at me and smiled. I looked down at her strap-on. “Watch where you point that thing. It could go off.”

Lucy smiled. “Yes, Sir. But, it has already gone off several times, tonight. It surely needs a rest.”

I held up the belt and plug, and asked for her assistance. “Do you know how this works?”

“Yes, I do.” She took the belt in one hand and the plug in the other. She showed me how to hold the two pieces and slide one, until they snapped together. It seemed so easy, but that sliding part was the key I was missing. She then showed me how the attached plug would slide along the length of the strap. “See, it can fit in front or back.”

“Yes, I figured that much out. But, I couldn’t get it to snap together. Have you had this used on you?

“Oh, yes. It’s very interesting. Because it’s wireless, it can be worn under the clothes. Whoever has the remote has you in their complete control. They can press the button to correct your behavior, or just to embarrass or humiliate you. James loves to have one of us wear this when we go out. It gives you quite a jolt. Especially when you don’t know when he’s going to do it. I didn’t think just batteries would be so powerful.”

“What does James call this invention of his?”

“He calls it his subbie zapper,” Lucy said with a smile. So, controlling our fuck toy with James’ subbie zapper was my next plan for fun.

I asked Lucy to help me get our fuck toy up from the chair and help her stand. I untied the slut’s legs and we held her up, while she adjusted to standing. Then, without telling her anything, I had her step into the belt. Then, I pulled it up her legs to her crotch. Bycasino giriş

I was holding one arm and Lucy was holding her other arm as we walked her over to her desk. “Bend over, slut.” After a slight hesitation, she bent over. Her body fit perfectly over that desk. Only her toes touched the floor. I had Lucy get up on the desk and hold the bitch down, while I inserted the metal plug in her ass. I didn’t think there would be any protesting, but I just wanted to be sure. She did whimper a small protest when it popped in, but she knew it was useless to complain.

“Now help me stand her up again, Lucy.” Lucy jumped down from the desktop, and we picked her back up, so she was standing. I stood in front of her and steadied her, while Lucy tightened up the strap at the small of her back and the one going through her crotch. The slut didn’t say a word about anything. Her nipples were hard, and her breathing was rough. I could tell she was getting hot again. Just what the doctor ordered.

I walked her over to the middle of the room and told her to get down on her knees. On her knees, she was mostly breathing through her mouth. She knew something new was going to happen, but she didn’t know what. I’m sure that made the excitement even more overpowering, because of the unknown. I got down behind her and used the rope to tie her ankles together, again. After that, she was ready for our next bit of fun. Her hands were still cuffed behind her back, and now her ankles were again tied together. And, she was wearing James’ subbie zapper.

Lucy had done a great job with the belt. It was so tight, the inch wide strap through her crotch spread her ass cheeks apart. The butt plug was attached to that strap, so it was tightly up her ass, too. Lucy had run that strap on the outside of the chain between her cuffed wrists, so her wrists were pinned to the small of her back. That strap also pressed against the slut’s clit, and made it near impossible to get even a finger into her pussy. Everything was set to go.

Lucy and I got Rita and James up and explained to them what was about to happen. The slut would do anything she was told to do, and do it well. If she wouldn’t do it, or if she didn’t do it to our satisfaction, she would be punished. But, I didn’t tell her how. I figured it would be more fun to let her find it out on her own, the hard way. Simple, but sexy. We each would get to experience her mouth in whatever way we wanted, or else.

Rita wanted to be first. But, she didn’t like the idea of being on the floor. She wanted to sit down, so she would be above the slut. So, James and I untied the two chair legs, so Rita could sit down and be serviced by the slut’s face. Rita moved the chair right up in front of the kneeling fuck toy, and lay back in the chair. She looked very comfortable. She spread her legs and motioned for the slut to get to work. But, the slut didn’t want to service Rita. She shook her head back and forth, protesting.

Rita yelled at her. “Get your fucking face down there and lick my clit! Do it, bitch, if you know what’s good for you.”

I Bycasino deneme bonusu had forgotten to give Rita the remote. It looked like she would be using it very soon, so I handed it to her. Rita gave the slut another chance. “See this, bitch? Do you know what it is? No? Well, there’s one good way to show you.”

Rita showed her the top of the remote. She showed her the three intensity settings. Each one a different color. The lowest level button was green. The middle intensity button was yellow. But, the highest intensity button was red, and Rita pushed it to show the bitch who was boss.

Just as quickly as Rita had pressed that button, that slut let out a yelp. And, to top that off, she came up off of her knees so fast, we all laughed. Personally, I was impressed with how she kept her balance. Rita was getting impatient. She pressed the red button again and the slut jumped up in the air. She turned around to see who was behind her, but there wasn’t anyone there. That’s when she finally realized it was what she was wearing that was causing the shock.

She looked down, as if looking to see how to get it off of her, but the impatient Rita didn’t feel like waiting. She pressed that button a third time and the slut jumped again, and screamed in pain. But, when she came down, she went straight to her knees, in front of Rita. She whimpered a little, but looked up at Rita as if she was sure to kill her. Rita smiled when she saw that look. She looked over at James and smiled. “James, this is one nice toy you have here. Have I ever told you that? It really gets their attention.”

She spoke to the slut as if she was her Mistress. And, in fact, for the moment she really was. At least she had her finger on the controlling button. “Slut, I want you to listen to me, and listen good. I’m not very patient, as you now know. If you don’t bury your face in my pussy right this very second, I’m gonna see how well you can dance.”

Well, the slut didn’t need to be told twice. She was licking Rita’s slit in nothing flat. It was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. But Rita was feeling the power again and she wanted more of it. She grabbed the slut by her hair and pulled her head up. She looked her in the eye. “Slut, I not only want to see how good you are with your tongue, I want you to treat me as your mistress. You will call me Mistress, when I require an answer from you. But, unless I require an answer, you will busy yourself between my legs. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Slut, I want to be called Mistress.” Rita held the remote up and pressed the button again.

The slut tried to prepare herself, but it was too late… “YeeeOOWww! Yes, Mistress.”

That’s better. Now get back to work.”

That slut was quick to dive back into Rita’s crotch. Rita was soon moaning and groaning from that slut’s tongue. Rita grabbed the slut’s hair and pushed her nose deep into her pussy. “Fuck me with your tongue, slut. Stick it deep inside me and lap up my juices.” Yep, Rita was back on top. She was again in Domme mode.


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