My Second Piece of Ass Ch. 28


Laura may have had a premonition that something was up. She certainly gave me the impression that she was uneasy. I wondered if she had spoken to one of the girls at the brothel. Why hadn’t I warned them that she was not to know of the plan to retaliate against Ollie?

If she knew I had skipped one of my classes that day and was planning to miss school the following day she did not let on. With the answering machine light no longer blinking she did not resist when I pushed her toward the big bed.

We undressed one another and sunk into bed. Laura kept the conversation moving, talking about everything from her new job to who we were inviting for Thanksgiving dinner to what would have happened if.

“Did you ever think what would have happened if we had never met?” Laura said, cautiously containing the exhilaration she must have been feeling by the way she was twisting one of my nipples.

“Sure,” I answered, wanting to humor her. “If we hadn’t met I would probably be a vagrant looking for handouts.”

“No! You would be in bed with a beautiful society girl and I would be working in a dark house outside of Vegas.”

I shuddered. It was no longer funny. She had remained at the brothel because of me. The thought popped into my mind that by moving on she would have avoided getting a cigarette put out on her butt. I wondered if she was thinking the same thing. Indirectly, the cigarette burn was my fault.

“Let’s not think about that any more, okay?”

But Laura wasn’t ready to stop. “If we hadn’t met I wouldn’t have this ring.”

“If you hadn’t asked me to spend a weekend in the hotel with you I wouldn’t be lying here with a hard on.”

“Oh?” Her hand moved down. “Oh, you do, don’t you.”

That is when I opened the package and made a production of rolling a condom on my cock. Laura roared when she felt what I was doing.

“You don’t need to take precautions yet. I haven’t stopped the pills. I may not.”

“That’s not what I meant at all. I was just trying to be funny. Don’t keep taking the pills for my convenience.” I felt my cock going soft in the condom

We talked for an hour about the pros and cons of Laura eliminating the use of the pills. She brought up our difference in ages and her past. I countered with how lucky I was to have her, stressing how attractive she was. She repeated her vow to not trick me or trap me. I urged her to find an alternative to the pills as a form of birth control. She promised to see a medical doctor for advice. Sometime during the conversation the condom dropped off of my cock.

“I’m going to have to give this thing a jump start,” she said as she rose to her knees and knelt near my mid-section. The stirring in my balls told us both that the jump start would not take long.

Laura loved to paddle around the house with bare feet on the cold wooded floors. She also loved to stand on my feet, she said, to avoid the early morning November cold. I indulged her, enjoying her closeness. She seemed to know I was in no rush to leave.

“Would it be too much to ask you to spend the afternoon with me?”

“You decide what you want to do. I’ll come straight home,” I promised.

“Have fun. Don’t get into trouble,” she cautioned as she pushed me out the door at 7:30. She knew I had an 8 o’clock class. I could almost tell she knew I wasn’t going to school.

The girls had stayed up to see Ruby Mae off. They were dressed for bed; she was dressed for adventure.

Ruby Mae towered over me. The midriff was a little extreme to my way of thinking but it was her role. She was in charge of wardrobe.

She relaxed when I smiled to show my approval. The red jacket buttoned smartly down the front and missed meeting the short black skirt by three inches. Her legs, showing from six inches above the knees to where they disappearing in black high heels, were bare.

When she gave me a skeptical look for taking too long to re-socket my eyes, I covered my tracks by saying I hoped she wouldn’t get too cold dressed that way.

“Honey, I could warm up an Eskimo in this outfit,” she said, causing the girls at the table to giggle in unison. Even Bea Cummins smiled.

“Driver’s license?” It had just occurred to me that some car dealers wanted to know who they were taking for a test drive.

Ruby Mae tilted one hip sideways before slowly unbuttoning the jacket to reveal a black bra. She reached into a zippered pocket.

“That’s so fucking sexy,” Kelley said. “Let us see.”

Ruby Mae pivoted on one heel, maintaining the angled hip in the process. The girls applauded but Kelley had more to say. “That padded bra does wonders for your tiny tits.”

“Take that back, you know it ain’t padded,” Ruby Mae shot back.

“Girls!” That was all Bea had to say. There was silence in the room.

Ruby Mae turned back to me and I decided Kelley was right. The black bra was padded. But she was also right in saying the move was sexy.

“It’s from California but it’s valid,” she said as she zipped up the inside pocket and buttoned the jacket.

“That’s otele gelen escort a relief. And that was good thinking to bring it,” I congratulated Ruby Mae. She smiled.

We had plenty of time. It was Ollie’s habit to arrive at the used car lot at 10 A.M., even on Wednesdays when he played golf. Huley would not say or did not know if her father intended to golf that day but I had decided not to take any chances. I had moved up the encounter from afternoon to the morning. Morning was better for Ruby Mae. She would have the afternoon to sleep.

We went over the plan as I drove. I described Ollie’s appearance and had Ruby Mae repeat what I had told her.

“His eyebrows are crooked. The one on the left is longer,” she finished the description just as I had told her.

“He lives with his wife and two daughters in a big house on a quiet street,” I informed her but when she wanted to know about Rosita and the girls I declined to say more.

“Let me tell you about his sister. Aunt Clarisa is the best looking one in the family.”

We took the route twice. From the car lot we drove north and made two turns until we found a roughly graded road that ran next to power lines. It was a long, practically deserted road with only jack rabbits and the buzz of the wires to entertain the traveler.

On the second trip to the power line road I stopped to buy a Polaroid camera and several packs of film.

At 10 A.M. I parked about two hundred feet from the lot on the opposite side of the street.

“There’s a back entrance. Make sure you come out this one,” I said to Ruby Mae.

“What’s this for?” She asked as I handed her the red briefs that had caused me so much trouble in the past.

“Wave them out the window so I’ll know it’s you.”

Aside from the inside zipper pocket, which was too small, there was no place in her outfit to store the briefs.

“What the fuck?” I gasped when I saw her sliding the red briefs up her long legs.

“It’ll be a good ice breaker,” she said, winking at me as she got out of the car. I watched her swing her ass as she crossed the street. I wondered if she putting on a show for me to prove that she was secure in the role.

Thirty minutes passed and there had been no cars leave the lot. I was getting nervous. Had something gone wrong? Had she been found out?

Then I saw it. A black four door Cadillac pulled out of the used car lot and stopped at the traffic lights. I could make out the dealer plate on the rear of the car and there it was, my briefs being waved out the driver’s side window. I started my engine and whispered to myself, “Praise you, Ruby Mae.”

“Praise you, Ruby Mae,” I repeated when I saw that she was making the second turn and speeding up the dusty road. I stopped when I saw my red briefs in the middle of the road. She must be warning me to not come closer, I thought.

The next 45 minutes was the longest day and a half I had ever spent. I hummed along to the radio. I practiced taking a picture with the camera but my subject, a jack rabbit, moved. I read the documents twice and thumbed through my history text, unable to concentrate. It must have been well after 11 A.M. when I saw the car heading my way.

“Whatcha been doin?” Ruby Mae asked as she stopped the car.

“What have you been doing? Did it go okay?”

“You know about the bear in the woods, don’t you?”

I laughed. She was securing the bra fasteners at her back.

“How much did you get?”

She gave me a disgusted look. “Do I gotta hand it all over? Can I keep some?”

“Put it in this envelope, all if it.”

“I got everything he had on him, a hundred and fifty bucks. Then I got him to write me a check.”

“No shit! You did good, Ruby Mae.”

“I did, didn’t I,” she grinned. She had opened the door and was getting out.

“Did you keep your shoes on the whole time?” Besides the bra which she had put back on, the shoes were the only thing she was wearing.

“You know about the bear?”

I laughed again and watched her adjust the black skirt around her waist. She put the jacket on and got back into the car.

“He’ll be along in a few minutes. It may be tough walking on these stones,” she said, holding up one of Ollie’s shoes with a wide grin.

“What should I be looking for?” I asked, wanting to know if he would be wearing pants or his shorts.

“He’s got one eyebrow that’s longer than the other one,” she said before hitting the accelerator and leaving a cloud of dust.

So far, so good, I thought. It was another 10 minutes before I saw the tall thin figure approach from what looked to be a half mile away. As he got closer I could see that, as they say, Ollie was a true blond, an angry blond but a blond just the same.

I had the engine running, doors locked and the windows rolled up when he limped to the driver’s side of the car. The blue vein was protruding from his forehead and there was bloody terror in his eyes. He tried the car door and made a half hearted pendik escort stab at kicking the side before thinking better of it.

“Unlock this door,” he shouted through the glass.

I put the transmission in reverse and backed, leaving him standing in the middle of the road. His mouth was moving. I could only imagine what he was calling me. I adjusted the camera and snapped a picture.

I rolled down my window. “Take your position in front of the car.”

“Fuck you,” I heard him say. I backed the car another ten feet. He limped after me. His little cock was hardly visible, chilly air causing it to retract into the curly blond hair.

“Take your position in front of the car,” I repeated the instruction for his benefit.

“Fuck you,” he said. But when he saw me move the gear shift to reverse he stepped lively, limping to where the hood of my car would hide his bottom half.

I took another picture and watched him glare at me. His jaw was clenched.

I tossed a large enveloped out the window to land just in front of him. “You can go over those documents while we wait for the notary,” I advised him.

Ollie glared at me, leaving the envelope untouched. I watched as my remark about the notary sunk in.

“Give me my clothes,” he demanded.

“I don’t have them but I’ll let you wear these if you read the documents and promise to sign them when Mildred gets here.”

I was holding up my red briefs but he didn’t see them. His jaw had dropped when he heard Mildred’s name. I waved the briefs to get his attention.

Reluctantly, he opened the envelope and removed the four documents.

He ripped the first one into shreds and threw it to the ground. “I won’t sign that.”

I knew the order of the documents. It was the apology to Laura. I waved the briefs again before throwing them to the floorboard. When he lunged at the car I backed up a few feet, leaving him naked in the cool November sun. I took another picture, getting a full body shot.

In the time it took Ruby Mae to drive to the car lot and return with Mildred and her notary stamp Ollie read and rejected the four documents. To demonstrate his total annoyance at being humiliated on a deserted dusty road, he ripped each document into tiny pieces.

I saw a mixture of embarrassment and anger in Ollie’s eyes when we heard the Cadillac coming. I snapped another picture.

“Give me those shorts,” he shouted at me when the car came into view. I backed up three feet to show him who was in charge. He reached out for the hood of my car, taking two quick steps to hide his deflated cock from the two females.

When Ruby Mae pulled the Cadillac up next to my car I was sure I saw a snicker on Mildred’s face at the sight of her naked boss. But she became very serious when he limped around the car, trying all the doors and pleading for her to let him in. Ruby Mae kept him hopping by moving forward and back each time Ollie got close enough to bang on one of the windows.

Ruby Mae was having fun but I had to put a stop to it so we could conduct some business.

“Take your position in front of my car,” I shouted in a firm tone that got Ollie’s attention. He reminded me of a beaten dog with its tail between its legs as he limped to the front of my car.

I tossed a second envelope of documents to the hood of my car.

“That’s the only other copy. Sign each of them with the pen inside the envelope. Bring each of the documents to Mildred. She will notarize your signature.” Ollie opened the envelope but had a second thought. “I’m going close that place down. This whore and your sister will be out of work,” he said, looking Ruby Mae’s way and then leering at me.

I rolled down my window again so he could hear me. “You keep saying that but we both know you won’t even try to close the place down. I have a trump card too.”

“You’re out of your league kid,” he sneered.

“I’ve told you I would not involve Rosita or Huley in any of this but if you keep stalling, I will.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“If you try to close the place down I’ll mail one of these pictures to Rosita.”

“Stop calling her that. She’s Mrs. Pettersen to you.”

“If you call my house again I’ll speak to Rosita. We have all sorts of things to discuss. She likes me and the feeling is mutual.”

He glared at me and then at the other car where Ruby Mae and Mildred sat watching him. “Do something. Help me,” she appealed to Mildred. She turned and said something to Ruby Mae who laughed.

“Begin signing Mr. Pettersen. If you don’t sign all four of the documents we’ll leave you out here in your birthday suit and drive straight to your house. I’ll tell Rosita everything and show her these pictures.”

“She wouldn’t believe you,” he said, faking bravado.

“Ollie, we’ve got the check you wrote to Ruby Mae. I’ll take her with me. Rosita will recognize your cum still in her pussy.”

Hearing laughter from the other car I motioned for Mildred to roll up her window. She rus escort and Ruby Mae were cracking up at my assertion that Rosita would know Ollie’s cum.

He must have seen the futility. When he finished signing the first document I had to remind him to bring it to Mildred before signing the next one. Ruby Mae watched closely as the window was opened only far enough to slide the single sheet of paper through.

Mildred performed the act of notary in a professional manner, asking Mr. Pettersen if he was signing the document of his own volition, stopping short of asking if he had any identification to prove if he was who he claimed to be.

“I’m not signing this!” Ollie shouted, outraged at our demand for him to pay the doctor and hospital bills for having Laura’s ass cheek repaired.

I rolled my window down and motioned to Mildred to do the same. “Ruby Mae Did you tell Mildred what Mr. Pettersen did to Tess?” She smiled but before she could say anything to Mildred, Ollie changed his mind and yelled to me that he would be happy to pay the expenses.

He balked again when he saw the amount he was expected to pay for loss of wages and for pain and suffering. His complaint that he was signing under duress had been anticipated. When he boasted that none of the documents would stand up in court I countered by saying it would be arranged for Rosita to have a front row seat in court.

Ollie broke down and cried when he came to the fourth document. How could he take back the car he had given his daughter? The scratches and dents in the body were to be repaired and the car was to be painted fire engine red. Within seven days of the signing the car was to be offered to Laura T Stone for the same price he had paid her two years before.

Each time a document was signed Ollie walked with tender feet to Mildred’s side of the car to slide it through the window and answer Mildred’s questions. When the last one was delivered I instructed him to walk up the road.

Ruby Mae gave me the signal that all four documents were signed and notarized. Ollie had only walked about 10 feet and turned around. For Ruby Mae to get out of the Cadillac and run around both cars in high heels we would need more time. Ollie, even with tender feet, was likely to sacrifice comfort to get to Ruby Mae and if he caught her there would be hell to pay.

I made a circular motion to her. She nodded that she understood my intention to back up and turn my car around. When I was 50 feet down the road and facing the opposite direction she backed the Cadillac to within inches of me, rolled down the window and asked in her saucy tone, “Whatcha been doin?”

Ruby Mae joined me in the front seat and handed me the keys to the Cadillac. We drove 20 feet before I stopped and made sure Ollie saw me place the keys in the middle of the road.

Ruby Mae was jumping up and down hysterically as we drove away. “We did it!” She was screaming with such excitement that I stopped the car.

“Come here,” I said, wanting to calm her down.

“You were great,” she exclaimed as she jumped into my open arms.

“You were fantastic,” I congratulated her; patting her back and feeling her body shudder under the pressure of my hands.

She was smiling through tears. “I haven’t had that much fun in ages,” she said, wiping her eyes.

“Look back there,” I said. Ruby Mae turned to see Ollie walking past the Cadillac and Mildred, his hands covering his crotch. I got out of the car and took another picture before we got underway.

What time was it? I had promised Laura that I would go straight home after class.

I was suppose to phone Robert Parker when it was over but I went straight to the law office to deliver the signed documents, photos and the money Ollie had paid Ruby Mae for sex.

Robert could see that I was in a hurry but he wanted to know what had taken place. He followed me outside, asking questions, shaking my hand at every opportunity. When he spotted Ruby Mae waiting in the car he turned to go back inside.

“Want to meet her? She was the one that pulled it off.”

“No, I better not,” he answered, a red flush coming to his cheeks.

“She would like to meet you. Come on, she’s a swell girl and a nice person when you get past the crust.”

Still he hung back. But he did not go back inside either. “I’m married,” he said, defensively.

“She won’t hold that against you. It isn’t like you’re going to fuck her,” I teased him.

“All right, I guess I should meet her but just for a minute.”

“Ruby Mae, this is Robert. He’s going to see that Tess gets everything she has coming to her.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Ruby Mae said. She was standing outside the car, taller than Robert and much taller than me.

“I understand you were fantastic today,” Robert managed to say.

Ruby Mae hung her head. “I was just acting. Randy told me what to say.”

This was my chance. “I didn’t tell you how to go about it. Why don’t you tell us what actually happened.” This was all the encouragement she needed. Ruby Mae was dying to tell anyone who would listen how she handled Ollie.

“Three sales guys pounced on me as soon as I walked onto the car lot. They all wanted to help me find the right car. I told them I had to see the boss and it took several minutes to convince them at I would only deal with Ollie. That’s why it took so long,” she looked my way. I nodded.

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