My Secret Dreams Come Ch. 03


I remember waking up early the day Will was to come home. I couldn’t wait to wrap my arms around him and hold his body close to mine.

I was all smiles as I went down to breakfast. The breakfast cook had Will’s favorite breakfast of ham, eggs, and toast laid out. I damn near brought tears to my eyes. I really don’t know what I would’ve done if I had lost him.

On the way to the back yard I passed him mom and she smiled at me. She had been so kind to me. She communicated as best she could with her choppy English. Most of the staff spoke decent English and they were nice enough to serve as translators. Really the only person who acted like they didn’t want me there was his dad. I could’ve sworn he whispered something under his breath every time he saw me. Will later explained to me that he was probably muttering insults, but he’s too much of a gentleman to insult a guest to his face.

My heart started to pound when I heard a car pull up. I just knew it was him! I ran to the door to welcome him home. I saw that I wasn’t the only one who had that idea.

The door opened and he stepped in. Rebecca immediately threw her arms around him. They held each other for a few moments and then she stepped aside. Since I was a guest in their house I let his mom hug him next.

When she let go I saw his dad Escort bursa standing in the hallway. I knew Will was no longer close to his dad, but I still thought that the man was there to hug him too. Instead he sneered and said something in French that seemed to devastate Will. He practically fell into my arms and nuzzled his face into my neck.

Then his mom said something to him. He looked back at her and nodded. “Come on, let’s go to my room,” he said to me.

I took his arm and walked beside him so I could catch him if he was still weak and happened to fall. Once we were in his room I closed the door and helped him undress down to his underwear. “I’m not a helpless baby you know,” he protested.

“I know, but you still look pretty pale. I just wanna help you.”

“You’re sounding like my mother and sister. It’s a little scary.”

“We act like this because we love you, you silly fucker. Mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“You should know better by now. My life is an open book. I can’t imagine that there’d be anything about me you don’t already know, but if there is, go ahead and ask.”

“What was you’re dad saying to you back there? It didn’t sound very nice.”

“Never mind it. He just gets cranky sometimes, especially when he’s upset. He can’t really help Antalya escort it.”

“I know you told me you guys aren’t very close. It’s just that one would think he would show at least a little concern for you after what you did.”

“Well he didn’t!”

I could tell he was starting to get really upset. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I just wanna understand.”

“I’m sorry for snapping at you. I shouldn’t have. I know you’re only concerned about me. Just don’t worry about my dad. We agree to disagree. It’s no big secret what a disappointment I am to him. He’s told me a number of times it would be better if I were dead.”

I cuddled up close to him and ran my fingers through his hair. “Oh honey! Don’t you listen to him. If he can’t see how much you’re worth than it’s his loss.”

“Now you’re starting to sound like me. You’re saying to me what I said to you when we first met.”

“Is that such an awful thing? More people should start sounding like you. You’re actually smarter than you give yourself credit for my love.”

“You’ve seen my grades. It’s probably better that I don’t go back. It’s just a waste of money.”

I grabbed his face in my hands. “Stop putting yourself down like that! It hurts me when you do that. I know it isn’t true. Now you need to know it.”

I Manavgat escort bayan softly brushed my lips against his and then softly kissed him. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and let it dance with his. My cock immediately sprang to attention and pressed against his thigh.

“You must be really happy to see me!” he laughed.

I felt my cheeks redden. “Sorry about that. It’s been a while, and I am really happy to see you. But if you’re not up to messing around it’s ok.”

“Well, of course I want to. But you’re right; I’m not up to it. It might be a couple of days, a very long couple of days.”

“So you don’t plan to go back to school at all?”

“What’s the point? The only good thing that came out of it was meeting you. And even if I wanted to, dad has refused to keep paying for it.”

Just then I had an idea. “Will, what would you think about living with me?”

“What do you mean live with you?”

“I mean pack up your things and move to the States with me.”

“I don’t know about that. Dad would bust a gut. He was opposed to me spending the summer over there.”

“So what. You were the one that once told me that life was too short to waste time trying to please my dad.”

“I did, didn’t I. Well, I’ll talk with them about it.”

I grinned and kissed him again. “Great! Now you need to get some rest.”

“Yes mother!”

If you would like to read the beginning to these stories, read My Secret Dreams Come True. I am the author of both. I just had some difficulties with my account and I had to set up a new one.

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