My Time By The River

Female Ejaculation

It started as a ho-hum day at the edge of the bullpen. Me and eighteen others it seemed were locked up for the workday and each in the same uniform.

The company wanted us to look like a team and so they insisted on the uniforms. Guys wore pants and girls wore skirts. All of us in the same color with our first name embroidered above each left breast. Our split favored more girls than guys but still six guys wasn’t bad.

It really isn’t as horrible as it might sound because the company pays a clothing allowance that includes purchase, cleaning and maintenance of the uniform. It also means we never have to worry about what to wear to work each morning.

We aren’t a typing or filing pool of people. We all do a bit of it I suppose and we all use the copying machine as needed. The work requires professionals with a modicum of ability and creativity while each of us is assigned our own little niche of responsibility.

It was a Friday and again I suppose we were all looking forward to the long weekend away, free to dress as we liked and do what was wanted or needed. We could forget the company for three days.

Lunch had been okay for me as four of us girls sat outside in the shade and gossiped as we ate.

It was nearly two when he came in. He is a tall guy and many of the girls always looked at him with hunger apparent in their eyes. I knew of their fascination but seldom participated because he was out of my league.

He was overly tall and handsome but everyone also knew that he was single. At one time a (betting) pool had been started to guess who’d be the first girl in the group he’d ask out. The pool faded after a couple of months and the money was given back as our group-think decided he’d never ask anyone in the pool.

But now, as usual on a Friday afternoon, he was standing at the desk in front of me handing me a stack of paperwork to sign. I always made copies after I signed them and then I stacked them into my in-box for Monday morning. I gave him the stack of copies then he leaned far over my desk and whispered against my ear. “You always button that shirt up to your neck. You’d draw a lot more male interest if you unbuttoned a few of them at the top.” then before I could answer he was gone.

At first I’d thought of reporting him for female harassment but then I relaxed and smiled. Perhaps I’d try it sometime.

Monday I tried it and it worked. I got a lot more glances than I’d ever known before. Perhaps because it was unusual of me but I prefer to think it was because they found my more than ample cleavage appealing.

That Friday I was still wearing the buttons open when he came in. My first tendency was to button back up but I didn’t. When I was finished and handed him his copies he leaned over again and said “Just a few more buttons?” and I glanced down but before I looked up again he’d rounded the corner and was gone again.

I was playing and the following Friday I hadn’t opened any more buttons but as he was leaving he whispered “You know I’m right.”

The girls I knew the best asked me what he’d been saying and finally I told them and they all laughed but my best girlfriend agreed with him and so that next Monday I did it.

I swear I’d never shown so much cleavage in my life and I was blushing when I went to work that morning but he’d been right. Nearly every guy and a few women smiled at me. On the way home, in the market, I was a hit with everyone it seemed. I guessed then that people enjoy good sized tits or perhaps it’s just that I looked more ‘open’ than I usually had.

The next Friday, with those extra buttons opened I enjoyed watching Mr. Tall look at them with a dedicated smile, or so it seemed.

After I handed him his copies he leaned far over again only this time he said “Would you go out with me? Maybe at seven tonight?”

I thought about it and then nodded agreement. He smiled and he seemed to almost dance out of the room after he’d said “I’ll call you here in about twenty minutes to set up the rest.”

He did call back almost exactly twenty minutes later. I asked if all he wanted was a chance to see and feel my tits and he answered “Not at all but I’d love that to be the first part of it because they look so good and I love tits. Haven’t you ever seen a man that you wanted to reach out and touch then explore? Maybe even me?”

It was a question I hadn’t expected but he was right and I had wanted to touch and explore the ample rise I’d noticed in his pants every time he came to my desk. It had always looked like it was larger than any other guy I’d met and I was more than curious.

I gave him my address and he said with a laugh he’d pick me up at seven. I had a little over two hours to wait before work finished for the week and if it was all real I’d be with him. In those hours I would grow wetter than I had since I was a teen.

I was nervous even though I’m into my thirties. I hadn’t been asked on a date for over a year and had no other prospects. I spent the sancaktepe escort almost two hours at home selecting something to wear and getting ready.

I finally selected a conservative mid-thigh length skirt, an embroidered shirt and a thin V-neck sweater to wear with three inch heels. Next I selected lingerie and decided on a soft sheer net bra and hip-hugging panties that were the same color as the bra. I’d taken a shower and carefully tried to look and smell by best. I spent over an hour brushing and setting my hair.

When I began dressing, at first I didn’t like the hip-huggers that I’d selected but I’d laid them out. After I had them on I seemed to hate them even more. In profile they seemed to exaggerate my already too heavy tummy and ass. I went ahead anyway because I didn’t have anything else that was near a matching color to the bra. The bra felt good and I liked the lift it gave me while allowing them to sway invitingly. A good bra like it was difficult to find for big girls.

When I’d added the shoes I decided they might look better with thigh-highs and so I picked out the only pair I had. They were new and had cute dragons playing everywhere along my legs.

The skirt was okay and I began to like the panties I’d earlier selected with it. Next I put on the shirt and after a few minutes, since he wanted cleavage, I unbuttoned several top buttons and folded the shirt open to each side. The sweater came next then when I noticed the depth of the V-neck I unbuttoned more of the shirt.

I wondered if I looked more like a street-walker but didn’t have time to change when he punched the doorbell.

He whistled at me when I opened the door then asked if I was ready. His eyes switched rapidly between cleavage and my smile.

I picked up my clutch and stepped out after pressing the locking button on the doorknob.

He took my arm and guided me down the walkway to the stairs. He let me go first and after five or six steps he commented.

“I do like that cleavage.” he said and I glanced back, and then up to see him staring down into my cleavage. “I also love the way you climb stairs because it gives me a better view. You have a beautiful bottom”

I blushed and tried not to bounce for the next two steps but as I watched myself my tits were still bouncing. I almost felt humiliated but decided it was too late for that and promptly put it out of my mind and used the stairs as I always had. “I’m glad someone is enjoying it.” I said sarcastically.

I suppose that’s when I developed a “Let them bounce and if he doesn’t like it then he can just screw himself.” I didn’t know where that thought came from. After all I never intended screwing him or at least not on a first date. Then I giggled to myself.

“Trust me. I’m enjoying every bounce and jiggle.” he said softly and seemed to almost be breathing immediately down my neck. “They’re yours naturally so why shouldn’t you and everyone else enjoy the pleasure of a view?” he laughed.

At the bottom of the stairway he took my hand and led me to his car, opened it, then locked the door and hurried around to the driver’s side.

“How about dinner then we can decide what else we want to do after?” he said confidently.

He drove to a very nice restaurant and helped me from the car but surprised me immediately as he raised a hand and deliberately opened another button. I blushed at the impropriety but said nothing even though I wanted to reach down and button it again. When we were inside he tipped the cashier and asked for a nice quiet table away from the evening crowd.

After helping me to a chair he took the one next to mine instead of across the table. When the waiter came we ordered dinner and then he added a bottle of wine. I only wanted a small salad but when delivered it was huge in a large table bowl able to feed four girls I thought. He had a rare steak and trimmings.

Everything was good but after eating I pushed the salad away and when he asked I told him the portion was too large for me. He laughed and said “They filled the bowl the way you fill that bra. I’ll finish it for you if it’s okay.”

It was okay and gave me the opportunity to study him as he ate. His manners were good and he’d dressed well. I liked everything I saw and we each had two glasses of wine.

After the meal, he left a sizeable tip to the waiter together with the cost. Then he stood to help me up but I couldn’t resist glancing down and was rewarded once again with that eagerness interested men so often show. I wanted to reach out and touch it. His hand brushed my shoulder and I was suddenly aware of heat radiating into my arm.

He held my hand as he escorted me from the restaurant and I felt like a Princess.

We walked along the elevated sidewalk to his car and then he helped me down before unlocking the car’s door. Before I could step forward he pulled and turned me and I was tasting his lips. His kiss warmed sarıyer escort me and I didn’t resist even as I felt his hand cup my breast.

The kiss was long and pleasant while his hand kneaded the breast and I might have moaned. I definitely felt like moaning.

When the kiss ended he held my hand and helped me into the car then I turned and stared up into his shadowed eyes. The parking lot wasn’t well lit and I could barely make them out.

He spoke again “Yes those buttons should never be used again.” and although I couldn’t see where he’d focused. I knew.

I’d never been out with a man so tall, so complex and yet so enticed by my breasts. He spoke then as he entered the car and asked if I’d like to see a movie or if I’d like to see the sights.

“I’m not into movies tonight.” I answered as he started the engine.

“Then we’ll find something else.” he answered as he backed out and then pulled onto the highway.

We were ten miles from town when he turned into River Park. I hadn’t been there since I was a kid, but I knew that it was a famous hangout for guys with girls at night and suddenly I felt my body again.

He drove at the speed limit within the park and when I thought he’d pull into the Lookout with the High School lovers I was surprised that he drove beyond it.

We drove at least another twenty minutes before I saw a sign that told us we were at the end of the road. The Park only had one road and one entry/exit point. I assumed he would make a U-turn and head back but instead he drove onto a narrow dirt road that hadn’t been visible to me. A moment later we were bouncing along it toward the river.

At a spot near a large tree he pulled to a stop and turned the ignition off. After a moment he pointed toward the river and said “We live in a great place. The river is fast all through our area and bugs don’t like fast moving water. We have no mosquitoes or bugs to fight.”

I watched his mouth move and then he turned to me. “Would you like to get out? We can see the town from here and listen to the river.”

“Okay.” I said and he opened his door then came around and helped me out. I was walking toward the river and the distant lights when I heard him opening the car’s trunk lid.

“I used to work in summers here during High School. No one but the caretaker and I know this place exist I think. I used to bring my sleeping bag and sleep out here under the stars.” and he pulled out a blanket.

“What? No sleeping bag?” I joked.

“Oh. Well then yes I have that too.” and a moment later he was holding it with the blanket as he closed the car’s trunk.

“I’ve always had a Double bag. It sleeps two very comfortably or just me.” he laughed and found a spot to roll it out onto the grass.

“The grass never gets deep here and the ground below is mixed with a lot of river sand so that it stays soft.” he added as he opened the bag’s zipper and placed the blanket on top of the bag.

He held his hand out to me and a moment later I was sitting next to him and his arm was around me. “I can see the town’s lights in your eyes.” he said and then kissed me again.

In mere moments we were lying on the bag and his hand had once again found my breast, but after a few long passionate moments with his lips he shifted the hand to my other breast.

“I want to touch them.” he said.

“You are.” I answered in a whisper.

“I mean really touch them.” and then a moment later I felt his hand slide under my sweater, then under the shirt and it felt warm as it moved slowly up across my tummy and under the bra.

His touch was electric and I never wanted him to stop touching me. I supposed that I was too easy and too yielding to him but at that moment I didn’t care. I hadn’t been touched by a man in so very long and had never been touched by a man like him. Perhaps the wine I’d had helped.

“Your nipples are firm and your tit fills my hand.” he said before returning with another kiss and for the first time I felt his tongue as it quickly grew busy and insistent. His thumb and finger were bruising my nipple but I didn’t care if he twisted it off as long as he continued touching me.

Suddenly we were lying back on the blanket and then he had the sweater up to my neck and the shirt open before sliding the bra up over my breasts. He buried his face into them. I felt him begin to suck and then he bit and held one nipple between his teeth as his hand came up to the other.

It didn’t hurt at all but there was now a bridge between my nipples and my need as I raised my hips against him then slid my hand downward and found his excitement. He was huge and the best I’d ever had my hand on.

I slid my hand back, found the top of his slacks and slid my hand in again between them and his skin. I found it hard and huge in my hand and climaxed immediately. My body movement must have excited him because suddenly he was sitting, looking down at me in sefaköy escort the dim light and removing his slacks. He wore nothing beneath them.

“It needs you.” he said urgently and again I grasped it but I used both hands to get around all of it. I’d never really felt a heart thumping before the way his was in my hand and I needed him.

As he reclined again partially above me I felt his hand under the skirt and he was into my panties and his finger found me. “You’re wet.” he said softly.

“I know.” I answered and felt him pushing the panties to the side as he pulled himself onto his knees. He spread my legs to each side and with his one hand holding the panties to one side, I pulled it over and forced his hardness into me as again I raised my hips.

It was huge, and magic then I realized I’d never experienced anything like it

As I worked it he leaned away and slid my panties down then pulled my foot up far enough to slip one foot free then released it. He closed one hand around my ass as the other returned to my eager nipple and he began again.

“Babe I’ve wanted and needed this… from you for a long time. I’ve wanted to touch and hold your cute ass.” Then he moved his other hand to my other cheek and began working it and lifting me by it with ever inward thrusts. “Can you feel it grow harder? Just touching your ass makes me want to hold it even more. I even… have trouble concentrating… at work especially after… I see you on Fridays. I like you… but I’ve wanted to give you this since… the first time I saw you.” he stuttered the words.

I was overwhelmed and my voice didn’t seem mine as I heard it “Give it to me. Hard! take me… I need you. Harder!” I cried and tightened my entry as much as I could to feel it even tighter. I wanted him to take me so hard that I’d never want another guy more and then he did.

I’d never felt so much or enjoyed anything more than he was giving me right then. I’d always loved a man’s cock and what he could do to me… but this was the ultimate connection with a man. “More.” I cried and drove hard into him with each desperate thrust. I found his bare ass tight as I dug into it with my nails and never wanted him to stop.

Orgasm after orgasm swept me and he didn’t even slow. I didn’t want him to slow or pause. I wanted all of it and yet I wanted him to want me too. I wanted him to give it all to me, to feel its smooth warmth everywhere sliding within, and then I wanted him to pause at full depth so that I could enjoy the connection even longer.

I tried controlling my muscles down there again but couldn’t and settled instead for grasping his arms and driving into him with everything I had.

“I’m there. I’m there Babe.” he cried a moment later and I sensed his need suddenly intensify and his own fulfillment begin.

I’d forgotten that a man’s release is a dynamic sequence studded with momentary pauses and when he paused at depth I was frightened that he was finished but he began again and again. He finally approached his final but barely slowed before he had to stop.

He was exactly where I needed him. He’d stopped deep and his body settled over mine. My pussy quivered and trembled with exertion and satisfaction. Our bodies seemed glued together by sweat and I was content to hold and rock him above me and feel his chest against my bared breasts.

I groaned when finally I felt him going flaccid and he apologized for ‘crushing me’ as he rolled to one side.

I felt the loss of it and an intense need for more and I was confused by it all. I wanted and needed him but too, I was happy that I’d made him climax inside me.

As my body relaxed I rolled onto one side with my elbow against the bag and my chin in hand and studied him before I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Immediately his arm was around me and he was smiling. My arm was at my side before I moved it to find him. It, too. was sticky and warm in my hand but it had given me more than I’d known was possible.

I thought for a minute and wondered what he’d think if I moved down and rewarded him another way. He was already growing firm again in my hand.

Suddenly I didn’t care and decided the reward should be his completely as I curled my body downward until I found it.

I placed it against my lips and kissed it and it surged in my hand. It was salty but I could taste part of me mixed with something more interesting and extended my tongue.

I licked it clean and then as I took it in my mouth and sucked lightly I tasted me with him. I sucked harder and there was even more from him and I used my hands to draw out every bit of the remainder. I’d done some of this before but never felt the necessity I was experiencing now and the need to give it all to him.

An old girlfriend had told me years before that there were two things that would seal a man to you. First, she felt that giving a man a blowjob regularly was a way to keep him happy, especially during those times of the month when other sex was less interesting to him. Her second point was that a girl should swallow him and everything she could get out of him because guys felt closer to a girl that way.

I’d also heard other girls tell me they enjoyed swallowing their man but I’d always assumed it was because the guy was small. Any cock this large would be a challenge for any girl.

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