My Wet Dreams


I tugged on the flimsy elastic band at the top of her panties and started to peel them from her body. It was late, and I was tired, but motivation was plentiful. What a night, high school graduation, and what a party! We had spent 3 or 4 hours at a friends place with half of our graduating class, saying sentimental goodbyes and spending a few lingering moments before we all went off to our respective lives. Most of us heading to college, some to the military, and still others to less glamorous callings as life would play out. Right now, however, there was this last celebration for myself and Tiffany, my girlfriend and best friend for most of my senior year.

Tiffany and I hid ourselves in her parent’s basement, on a fold-out sofa-bed. Thank God her parents had not heard us come in, meaning there would be no need to check on us as we torridly pulled the clothes off of each other. Sure, we were both 18 and technically adults, but her parents were deeply religious, my parents were overprotective, and despite the fact that next fall we would both be hundreds of miles away at the universities of our choosing and living on our own, for now our parents though of us a kids.

Tiffany and I had dated for most of the year, and I know I loved her as much as any 18 year old could be in love. I was naïve and un-experienced, but Tiffany had turned into my best friend over the past 8 months. Never mind that she was a true beauty, sexy to the core, she was simply more fun to be with than my male high school friends. And we were both virgins, so our clumsy time in intimate situations had all the electricity and awkwardness that made high school romances so fun and unique.

We had progressed our relationship slowly and with due hesitation to make sure we both were comfortable with uncharted territories. In fact, the progress had been terribly slow in my opinion. Tonight there was more urgency in the air with all the preceding events of the day. Tonight we found ourselves on the edge of new ground… I was about to move her panties down her legs for the first time ever!

This was it, the furthest we had ever gone. Prior to tonight, the panties had always stayed on as a safeguard. She had let me rub her thru the thin silk or cotton guarding her sex, but never had I been allowed even a finger under that fragile border. On several occasions, while rubbing and dry humping, I know she had reached orgasm and it was incredible to me how thoroughly soaked her panties had become. On one occasion she came while I was still wearing my pants and there was a very large soaked spot on my khakis. They were so wet, in fact, that I asked her about it… I seriously thought that perhaps she had lost her bladder! Tiffany was offended by my question, and clearly embarrassed, and I was obviously too inexperienced with the female sexual response so I dropped it and apologized. Tiffany took several weeks to recover from that incident and get back into the swing of things, and I had learned to more tactfully handle those situations!

Things had continued to progress, and I knew she would not resist tonight, so I looped my thumbs under the sides of her thong. I pulled them down in a way that I thought would be more romantic, but awkward as usual, I ended up having to yank and twist them to get them off!

Immediately I noticed, even though the room was dark and only had moonlight to illuminate the space, that her pussy was nothing like those I had studied in the magazines of Hustler and Penthouse. Those models had been shaved, trimmed, and even pierced. Tiffany had a more natural look, more hair, no jewelry. It was not shocking or unappealing, but instead looked natural and raw, even inviting!

I was starring at her nakedness, and Tiffany tugged on my hands. I quickly broke my trance and we both laughed, nervously, but the lust quickly overcame the embarrassment and she dropped on top of me.

We kissed, hard and wet, and grabbed at each others backs. Her soaked pussy slid up and down the side of my leg, and I urged her body over so that it was more centered and my penis was only inches below her sex. My dick had never been so hard nor had my balls ever ached so deeply, and when her pussy finally settled on top of me I thought I would cum immediately. Without penetrating herself, she rubbed her vagina up and down the length of my cock, slowly, and I bit her neck and earlobes.

I tried pulling her upward, so that my dick would be positioned at her opening, but this was moving to fast for Tiffany. She stayed where she was, and crushed her cunt on my cock as she whispered in my ear, “We can’t have sex.”

“What!” I asked?

“Not tonight,” she replied. “I’m not ready, but I don’t want to stop either.”

Her voice was laced with indecision and nervousness. I did not want to push her… I respected her too much.

“Well what do we do, then?” I asked. My own voice was clearly full of frustration and she could tell I was slightly out of patience.

“Want to try oral?” she asked. “We can do that if Lalahan Escort you want.”

She had given me head before, but I believe it was only to keep my pacified so I would not continually pester her for intercourse. The few times she had done it, it was both erotic and clumsy, and I had cum more from the thought of what she was doing that from the actual stimulation. The first time was embarrassing for me, as her mouth had barely touched my cock when I exploded all over her face. She recoiled in shock and disgust, but her first taste of cum at least introduced her to the reality of it. She later admitted later that she didn’t mind the taste and so the next few times I came in her mouth. She was a sport, and I loved her for the effort!

Tonight, however, she had something else in mind. I had not answered her prior question yet, so she simply stood up and repositioned herself. We were now in the 69 position and her cunt was hovering over my face. I was so hypnotized by the moment that I barely noticed her mouth working my cock and her hand on my balls. I barely had sense enough to reach up and pull her dripping pussy to my mouth. Maybe that was why she simply lowered herself to my lips and I tasted my first woman.

I had no idea what I was doing. I licked, and I sucked in randomness. I let my fingers explore and eventually we found a rhythm in the confusion. I eventually used my fingers to open her vaginal lips so that my tongue could better access her clitoris. Finally I realized our rhythm was actually HER rhythm, as she humped my face. I simply stuck my tongue out and she used it as she desired. It was only a few seconds longer and her body froze, yet shuddered in its stillness.

I heard her exhale and then moan deeply as she released my cock from her mouth so she could concentrate on her own pleasure. Still trembling as her orgasm rose to full strength, her body then relaxed and collapsed onto mine, her cunt smothering my mouth and nose. Her wetness, already saturating my face and neck, now became even more fluid. As her body rose to allow her more motion over my lips and tongue, her vagina dripped… even surged with moisture. It dripped from her folds and pubic hair. Her trickled down the sides of her legs, until gravity pulled it to where the sheets met her quivering legs. It puddled underneath my neck and leaked into my mouth and nostrils as I tasted and drank her orgasm with thirst and overwhelming passion.

I had no idea what had taken place that night, only that it was erotic beyond my young understanding. I came only seconds later, as she took my dick back into her mouth and virtually swallowed the length of it. My own release was overwhelming for her, and it made a mess of its own as it leaked from her sweet mouth. In exhaustion we collapsed to each others side, and fell asleep for a few minutes. Later, I drove myself home and let my mind linger on the soggy climax I had witnessed, but without comprehension.


As much as I tried, a repeat performance was not to happen. Our summers went quickly as we vacationed with our families and prepared for college. Later, we moved to opposite corners of the country and pursued degrees and careers and our relationship became the thing of high school memories.

At first I took her drizzling orgasm in stride, believing that I now understood how women’s bodies acted during climax. It would be several years and a few partners into my college experience before I would realize the truth, that Tiffany was a rare gem. I never met another woman capable of the all too elusive female ejaculation. While I did have some expert and adventurous sex partners while at the university, none of them delivered anything near the shower that Tiffany had given me.

By the time I finished college, the pursuit of the female squirter became an obsession of sorts. I dated women with an honest intent, but I also found myself slightly disappointed when it became apparent they did not possess the watery virtues of my high school sweetheart.


It had been 6 years now, since I last saw Tiffany. We had written a few times while at school, and I knew she had landed a nice job with an advertising firm in Denver. I was traveling through Denver nearly once a month as I made my way from Chicago to Phoenix, the sales territory I was responsible for in my own job. Each time I walked the terminals at Denver International, I thought of Tiffany and what lucky man she might be treating.

I had fantasies of running into her, but gave them no realistic chance in my own mind. So, when I saw her walking down the isle, towards the back of the plane where I was sitting, I had to rub my eyes and pinch myself to ensure I was not dreaming.

She looked incredible! She had cut her hair, looked very different from her innocent youth, but there was no mistaking that it was Tiffany. Her dark black eyes and small nose gave her away, a face that had been present in so many of my dreams.

She didn’t Escort Lalahan notice me, but ended up only two rows ahead of me on the opposite side of the isle. I tapped her shoulder and immediately her eyes widened in surprise and a huge smile! Getting up out of her seat she hugged me and gave me the warmest welcome I could have hopped for. Her genuine personality and kindness had not changed since I last knew her, and I was immediately comfortable in her company. The gentleman sitting next to me was kind enough to offer his seat in trade, and Tiffany and I shared a few hours catching up as we flew towards Chicago. Most importantly, I noticed an absence of bling on her ring finger!

She was staying the week for a conference and trade show, I was only there for a couple nights while I touched bases with some big customers. It was decided that we both had time for dinner on my last night in town. We departed the plane and went our separate ways to catch rental car shuttles.

I starred out the window of the shuttle and thought about Tiffany. I was day dreaming, and I realized my cock was partially hard. In loose trousers I could only imagine the embarrassment if others on the bus noticed my state, so I diverted my thoughts to less titillating subjects.

My meetings with clients were boring and uninspired, and I’m sure they noticed. My motivation was elsewhere, and I was clearly building up my expectations to unattainable levels. What could possibly happen? What should I expect? I had to force myself to consider the most probable outcome: a nice dinner and a few hours of pleasant conversation.

Right on time, she arrived at the hotel lobby and we headed into the restaurant. She was beautiful, dressed in short heels, a business skirt, and a white blouse covered by an expensive suede jacket. After being shown to our table, she took off the jacket and her figure was breathtaking. Again, just like 6 years ago, I found myself starring and again she caught me. There was no nervous laughter this time, only a knowing and confident smile that told me she was used to having men look at her in that way.

Dinner was pleasant and the conversation easy. It had turned from work and our college experiences, to high school reminiscing. We shared information about common friends from those days and eventually got around to talking about our own prior love affair.

We had moved onto a second bottle of wine and the laughter came easier as we talked about parties, dates, our first kiss, and eventually our final night together. She actually blushed now, and took a couple big gulps of wine. The conversation hit its first uncomfortable pause where we both were at a loss for words.

With perfect timing, our waiter returned with the check and we decided to move our chat to the bar where we could take as much time as we wanted.

The wine turned into slightly more spirited cocktails and in turn our inhibitions lowered. I finally decided I had nothing to lose and took a chance.

“That night was really incredible.” I admitted.

I guess I almost blurted it out and thus caught her off guard. She was still at a loss for words, but I had thought about this meeting for years. I had planned ahead.

“I mean, I have dated my share of women since then, but that night was something special,” I continued.

“Why,” she finally responded, “what was so great that night… I didn’t even let you fuck me; it was just two kids playing around.”

At first I thought she might be seriously downplaying the experience, but her sly smile and reddening cheeks gave away that her rhetorical question was playful, and she knew exactly what I was talking about.

I played along, “Lets just say I never met anyone like you in the past 6 years, and trust me… I’ve looked.”

She smiled even wider before relying, “I have to admit that I can leave a unique impression on people, although you were the first.”

I laughed and touched her shoulder. She did not pull away and her eyes met mine as she continued talking.

“You know, I was so embarrassed by it back then. I had no idea that it was not something all women do when they are excited. Your reaction clued me in that it might not be normal, but it was not until one of my boyfriends in college left me in disgust after I came on him that I realized it was less than ordinary,” she explained.

I was surprised by this revelation, that not every man would find it as intoxicating and sexy as I did.

“Disgusted?” I asked her. “Why? It was so hot! I have spent years looking for another partner who could do that.”

Maybe my admission was to forward for Tiffany, she sat silent for a few seconds.

“Most men think I am peeing on them, honestly! One a few find it arousing,” she finally said. “I guess it’s a personal preference for guys to like it or hate it, but for me… well… I have no control over it.”

Her expression was now one of embarrassment again, as though her spurting abilities should Lalahan Escort Bayan be treated like a disease.

“I think it was the most erotic thing I have ever experienced,” I went on; “even though I was young and inexperienced, I knew I liked it!”

Again our eyes locked and my hand stayed on her shoulder. She leaned in and we kissed gently. She pulled her lips back and rested her forehead against mine.

“You have a room in this hotel?” she asked.

I didn’t answer; instead I left a wad of cash on the bar to cover our drinks and led her by the hand to the elevator. The ride to the 29th floor was spent in silence, utter silence. We held hands like we were in high school again. My nerves and the tingling in my spine made me feel like a teenager all over again.

Once the door to my room closed, I pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard. My hand immediately went to the hem of her skirt and raised it in quick motion. I placed my fingers against her crotch and found her panties nearly dripping, already. This was the pot of gold I had dreamed of for years.

“I hate having to try and hide it from new partners…” she moaned as we continued kissing. “You never know how they will react… and you really don’t mind… do you?”

“Mind?” I answered, “are you kidding, I crave it!”

We rolled onto the bed and tore our clothes off, just like years ago. There was no hesitation tonight, however, and once her panties where ripped away from her body her pussy practically engulfed my penis. She was certainly not lacking for lubrication! Bouncing on top of me, she simply took charge and found an accommodating pace.

I could see the intensity in her face as she raced towards orgasm. She was wasting not time tonight, as though six years of build up was waiting for release.

“I want to watch you cum,” I demanded.

She understood immediately what I wanted, and she slid up my body until she was sitting on my chest. She then rose to her knees and left her juicy sex pot several inches out of the reach of my eager tongue. I instantly noticed that the once bushy and natural pubic hair had given way to an incredibly sexy and shaved mound of glistening wet skin. Her inner lips hung as low as her outer vaginal lips and her swollen clit was erect and looking for some immediate attention.

Her hand answered the need of her clit as her index finger circled it slowly. The speed increased, as did the number of fingers involved. Now not only rubbing her clit, they frequently dipped into the opening of her pussy and then returned to her ever growing bud.

When her orgasm was imminent, she squatted lower and moved her hand faster. At the point of release, her hand pressed firmly against her entire gapping slit and pulled upward, until only her clit was under the direct pressure of her fingers, leaving her cunt was fully exposed.

I needed no warning, and got none. She squirted her female cum directly into my mouth, which also misdirected to my cheek. There was only one distinct stream of she-juice, but the saucy treat was far from over. Her cunt continued to ooze, drip, and sweat. Her hand was now back in play and I reached up to grab it from her pussy so I could suck on her glossy fingers.

Her juices rolled down my neck, around my ears, onto my chest… it was more fluid than I could hope for and I was in nirvana. She had continued to slide downward until her cunt was in reach, and I took the opportunity! I jammed my tongue into her hole and sucked the still flowing juices from her swollen lips.

My left hand reached behind and found her juices were everywhere! I rubbed her ass checks, spreading the goop as far as I could reach. I then slid my hand into her ass crack and slid her cum up and down her sensitive crack. I used this hand on her backside to pull her further into my face as I sucked and drank her salty poison.

After her convulsions stopped, and her breathing returned to a more normal pace, she dismounted my face and rolled onto her back. I sat up and nestled between her legs and thrust into her with one long, smooth motion. To my side I could see the spot where I had been laying, and the enormous wet spot that had been created by her excretions. These same fluids now let me penetrate her with ease, but her strong contracting vaginal muscles kept the friction intense and made each stroke pure ecstasy. Missionary style fucking was something I could get from any other girl I dated, I realized, as my cravings returned.

I pulled out of her, leaving her a little surprised but not disappointed when I buried my face back in the folds of her still soaking cunt. I could not get enough, and moved frantically around her folds, my fingers poking and spreading and playfully teasing. The wetness, the smell, and the heat of her sex… it was making me delirious! Her hands eventually rested on my head and guided me to the places she needed me the most.

In the opening round, her voice had been silent except for the exhaust of her breath and the involuntary moans during her orgasm. Now she directed me not only with her hands, but verbally as well. When I touched her clit with my tongue she responded with “YES!” When I dipped my tongue towards her gapping hole, I heard her say “deeper”. But her voice and her hands did not always agree.

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