Natalie – Pt 26


Private comments are always welcome, I love to hear your thoughts. Thank you so much for reading. Mica x

“I need to ask you something.”

“Okay mum.”

“Did you have sex with Jeremy?”

“Yes, why?”

“I am a bit worried that you might be being, oh I don’t know, promiscuous. I worry about the effect this tablet I am taking is having on you.”

“Don’t worry mum, it is fine.”

“Until I started taking the tablet you weren’t even having sex with your boyfriend, now, well it seems like every male that comes into the house gets into your knickers.”

I shrugged. So what? “It’s okay mum, and that’s not true anyway. It has only been Jase and dad.” Mum gave me the look, “well, and Jeremy.”

“It’s only been five weeks Natalie.”

“Mum, it’s only sex, don’t worry. I’ll stop doing it in the house if it is causing you a problem.”

“No, I would rather you felt comfortable enough to have sex at home, you can even have your boyfriend stay the night, honestly that is not the problem, it is just, well, you just seem to want sex all the time, and that is unusual, and can lead to problems.”

“Mum, I don’t want it all the time, honestly it’s fine. Jeremy, well, he was looking up my skirt and well, one thing led to another.”

“I hope you were wearing knickers young lady.”

“Yes mum, of course I was. Look I am not jumping into bed with every boy I meet. And I don’t want sex all the time, I just don’t mind when an opportunity arises. It is fine, honestly, and I don’t think I want Jase to stay the night, crumbs mum, that is a step too far.”

“Well, okay, only it does worry me and don’t you lie to me Natalie Marie.”

“As if I would mum.”

Well, that was an interesting turn of events. I did think mum must have had secret cameras in my room and around the house, but she never mentioned the girls, so I don’t think she actually does, well, not in my bedroom at least. I think I will confine any fun with the girls to my bedroom behind a closed door. Mum was off to Auntie Peg’s later, it would be her first possible confrontation with her brother, be interesting to see what mood she was in later.

Jase texted; a rain drop emoji. I chuckled and sent back an umbrella and a tree.

So, sex in the rain this morning. I just wore a top and a skirt, no underwear, but I did put a spare top in my bag. Big rain coat over the top, grabbed my umbrella and set off.

I met Jase in the carpark at the entrance to the woods, my umbrella had kept me pretty dry, but it was a bit cooler than the last time, so I wondered if it would be as much fun.

“My mum is worried I might be having too much sex,” I said after we had kissed.

“It’s a good job she doesn’t know about the woods.”

“Is it even possible to have too much?” Jase laughed as we made our way along the little used outer path. “I shaved my mum this morning, no issues, just a shave, so that seems to be all sorted, thank God.”

“Good, I am not sure how I felt about you and your mum doing it.” Well, I wasn’t, it just seemed so odd, really not a British thing at all, and after Bren, I realised I didn’t like sharing him.

“But you were okay with your friend Bren?”

“Well, sort of, actually, no. I don’t regret asking you, because she was a friend in need, but when you actually did it, then I felt really odd, I didn’t like sharing you, it made me realise that we are perhaps something more, and the thought of you with someone else makes me feel queasy inside.”

“I know, I was the same, mum was wrong because it was mum, and Bren, well, it was fun, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to do it with her again. I actually only want to do it with you, no one else. And yes, it does feel as if we are something more than we were.”

We had arrived at the clearing. We stopped and listened, there was the sound of falling rain and nothing else. I took my skirt off and put it in my bag, quickly took my coat and top off, my top went into the bag and my coat rested over the top, trying to keep it all as dry as possible. It did feel chilly. I turned and Jase was naked too and was just opening the groundsheet to put over our stuff.

I sat down close to the tree on a mossy patch. Ooh it was chilly on my fanny; not sure I was going to want to lay down. Jase sat next to me, I saw him wince as his bottom landed on the moss, but he didn’t say anything. He turned and gently held my face and kissed me. As he kissed me, I stopped noticing the cool moss and thought more about Jase and how nice he felt. I reached down and held his cock, long, fat and as hard as needed. I rolled his skin down and back up his cock and felt his sharp intakes of breath as I did.

“Oh yes baby,” Jase said into my mouth, “yes.”

He leant against me in such a way that laying down was the right option, and as I lay his hand found my crease and his gentle explorations made me forget the chill, I don’t think I even noticed it as I lay fully back. Still holding his cock I began a gentle stroke, pulling his varto escort skin slowly all the way down, revealing his cock tip, and then rolling it back up, hiding it once more.

I didn’t need to concentrate on Jase’s cock, my actions were by now automatic, this was good, because I was getting lost in what Jase was doing. His finger was moving up and down my very wet valley, dipping into my opening and then back along to gently tease my clitoris. The little shards of electricity began to shoot from my crotch, darting to my nipples and even my tongue.

“Now baby,” I whispered, “I want you now.”

Jase moved and lay over me, I held his cock and slid it up and down my valley then pushed it into me. “Go baby,” I said softly.

He pushed and filled me. I felt his wonderful cock going in, inch by inch, spreading me wide, filling me, stretching me until I felt his belly pressing hard against mine, he was fully inside me, and I felt so full. Slowly he began to withdraw, and my fanny began to feel empty and wanting. He stopped when he was almost out, ‘don’t pull out more’ I thought, not wanting that totally empty feeling. He pushed slowly back in, filling me once more and again I had that wonderful totally full sensation. I could feel his balls resting on my thighs and that made me feel somehow complete.

As Jase began a more urgent thrusting, I began to notice more of where we were. The wet mossy grass underneath me, the cool of the air and the raindrops landing on the parts of me not covered by Jase. He must have been getting quite a soaking on his back. “Mm baby, yes,” I was loving it, the feelings were so intense, my fanny full and stretched and the wetness on my back and legs all combined into a sensation overload.

Jase started to go faster and harder and I knew his moment was close, as was mine. My breath was held in my throat and the electricity from my crotch was coursing around my body, my toes were gripping the grass, my fingers were squeezed tight and then it arrived. The explosion took my breath, my head buzzed, and I thought my heart had stopped. I almost bucked Jase off as my back arched as the orgasm took me.

As I slumped back, gasping for air, Jase rolled off me and lay beside me. “This grass is drier than my back,” he said laughing.

“Fuck,” was all I could manage. That had been a big one. I think I moved the earth, wow. Fuck is not a word I usually use.

I had forgotten to bring some tissue, so I had the pleasures of Jase’s emissions leaking out of me and dribbling down my thighs as I walked home. I hoped that there was no one in when I got home. I know that they wouldn’t mind, sex was an okay thing it seemed, well mostly, but still, no girl likes anyone to see that on her legs.

I had just finished cleaning up and warming myself in the shower when I heard dad.

“You home love?” He called.

“Just in the shower dad, I’ll be down in a bit.” I shouted back.

I draped a towel around me and went into my room. Nice clean panties, I love the feel of cleanly laundered panties. Just the exact right size, they hug my thighs and stretch across my fanny, tight, reassuring but small and discrete. Clean white bra, blouse and skirt. Spray of EDP, as always, and then downstairs to see dad.

“Hello love,” he greeted me as I walked in the kitchen. “Drink? Kettle’s just boiled.”

“Hello dad, no thanks, I’ll just grab a water.” I took a glass, ran the cold tap for a moment then filled my glass. I sat at the table. Dad was fussing around with the kettle and milk, was it worth it? I wondered.

“Your mum is worried about you.” he said, his back still turned to me as he finished his tea or coffee or whatever.

“Oh, why is that dad.” I replied, already guessing full well the answer.

“She is worried you are having sex with just anyone.”

“Just you and Jase dad, just you and Jase.”

“What about Jeremy?”

“That was a one-off dad, it just kind of happened, he was looking up my skirt and I felt all sexy and wanted.”

“So, you will want to fuck any boy that looks up your skirt?”

“No dad.”

“And how are you feeling now sweetheart, sexy?”

“No dad, this conversation has kind of killed that. I am going to do some studying then go to college.”

“Okay sweetheart. I am assuming you saw Jase this morning, so sloppy seconds aren’t my thing anyway.”

“Dad!! That is so crude. I definitely don’t want to go with you now.” I know what he means I just tried to be a little dramatic. I went up and lay on my bed and started studying.”

“Let me know when you are ready to go to college, I can drop you off.” Dad shouted up the stairs. I ignored it, I was a little annoyed with him, dad isn’t usually so base.

The rain had stopped when I got off the bus, and as I walked along the path home sidestepping the puzzles, a man’s voice called out.

“You’re Natalie from next door, aren’t you? I’m Pete, Sandra’s husband.” I turned to face the voice. Pete was a big man viranşehir escort that is for sure. I wouldn’t say fat, just big. There seemed a lot of him. He must have been on the same bus as me.

“Yes, hi.” Well, I wasn’t sure what to say to him, ‘your wife tastes great’ probably wasn’t a good idea.

“If your free tomorrow pop around, would love to meet you properly, Sandra says you were a real help with the wardrobe whilst I was away.”

“Okay Pete, if I get time, I will pop round.”

So, that was our neighbour who I seemingly didn’t know lived there. Mum said he was ‘big’, well his body is sure big, but I don’t think that is what she referred to.

Tea was sausages and mash. Lumpy mash, mum’s mash is usually superb. Oh well. I suppose I could always learn to cook, but it just seems such a chore to be honest and food is just food. I eat to live, not live to eat. We all went into the front room after tea and watched a cooking reality show. I have no idea why we watch it, mum takes no inspiration from it, and, well, if you can’t taste it, what’s the point?

“I met Pete from next door today,” I announced to the room.

“Yes.” Mum said, “Is he still a big chap?” And she had the cheek to wink at me.

“Yes mum, he is quite a big man. Anyway, they have asked me to go round tomorrow. I might, I know I have a college lecture tomorrow afternoon, and I don’t think I need to do any prep in the morning, so, yes, I may just pop round.”

“Just remember what I said yesterday Natalie Marie.”

“Yes mum.” Honestly, I am hardly likely to dive into bed with him with his wife there. After the cooking thing finished, I wished them goodnight and went up to my room, stripped and lay on the bed, dozing and thinking through tomorrows college subject, no, I didn’t need to do any prep, so I would be free in the morning.

I guess I had been dozing for a couple of hours before I heard the unmistakable sounds. I sat up and softly padded to me door, opened it and peaked downstairs. The lounge door was open as I had left it, mum was kneeling on the settee, her face to the wall, and dad was busily licking her between her legs, his nose firmly entrenched in between the cheeks of her bum. The noises were mum’s panting and repeated cries of ‘yes’ as dad pleasured her.

They were both naked and I could see dad’s balls hanging down as he worked on mum. As he licked her, I could see that he had has cock in his hand and he was stroking it. I wondered if he would get to push his cock inside mum and shag her, or would he finish before. “Do it” mum gasped and there was my answer. Dad stood up, crouched behind mum and his cock was inside her.

“Are you ready Rache?” dad asked

“Oh god yes, fuck me Pat, fuck me hard.” Oh well, I suppose that mum was still needing her daily quota. I know some people get turned on by watching sex, but I don’t. It doesn’t repulse me, or upset me, or attract me. I just see it for what it is, in this case, mum and dad having sex. I don’t feel the need to rub myself or anything, if I feel sexy, then, that is when I will either rub myself or shag someone. Right now, I didn’t feel sexy. I went back to my room, added another dot on my calendar and lay down. I obviously feel asleep to the sounds of my parents shagging. I dreamt about the woods and Jase.

Mum and dad were out. I locked the door behind me and knocked on next door. Sandra opened the door.

“Oh, hello love, do you want to come in?”

She was wearing a robe, so I wasn’t sure if I had disturbed something or not. “Oh, sorry, is it too early?”

“Oh, heavens no love, come on through.” She shut the front door behind me, ” we are in the kitchen we were about to go in the hot tub, you can join us if you like.”

“Oh, sorry, I am interrupting aren’t I. I don’t have a costume.”

“We don’t bother with costumes love, we aren’t overlooked and anyway, we don’t care. We are all the same under our clothes, flavour A or flavour B.”

God she did talk some strange stuff. I followed her through to the Kitchen, Pete was the other side of the table, his top was bare, I guessed the rest of him was too. Sandra took her robe off and threw it over the back of a chair. It was quite strange standing in their kitchen with them both naked. Sandra’s naked body I was of course familiar with, but Pete? No. Not at all.

“Now then love, do you want a drink, and stop standing on ceremony, sit yourself down,” she said pointing to the chair at the side by Pete.

“Er, no thanks Sandra, I have just finished a juice before I came round.” And as I turned to sit I looked down at Pete’s crotch. Fucking hell. Mum had said he was big. Jesus, his cock, which wasn’t hard, was the size of two pepsi cans on top of each other. Jesus, how could anyone take that?

I sat down a little fuzzled, not sure where to look, but sure where not to look. I concentrated on Sandra, it seemed safer, but I was fascinated by Pete’s cock and it was all I could do not to kırklareli escort look at it again.

“Sandra said that you were very helpful on your visit.” Pete said.

I turned to him trying to keep my eyes upwards and on his face. “Well, I tried, and I think so.”

“And she said you did an excellent job after too.”

I didn’t know what to say, what can you say to a man when he has commented on you having sex with his wife. “Er, yes.”

“I wish I had been here to see that, your tongue working its magic, you little booty bouncing in the air, yes I bet that was a sight.”

“I am sure it was nothing extraordinary,” I said, “I mean it was my first attempt, so it can’t have been that good.”

“Oh, believe me Nat,” Sandra said, “It really was mind blowing and I really can’t wait for a repeat.”

“Er, okay.” I mean what else could I say?

Pete stood up, his huge cock swing between his legs and I was mesmerised by it, I could not take my eyes off it. “You’re not a virgin are you Nat, you have been with a man?” He asked.

I was a bit thrown by the question; I just hadn’t expected him to be so forward.

“Er no and yes.”

“So, get your clothes off and join us in the hot tub, nothing to see that none of us haven’t seen before.” And with that he turned and walked out of the back door.”

“Come on love, we have plenty of towels, come and join us in the hot tub.” Sandra pointed to a pile of towels by their washing machine. “Take your clothes off and grab a towel and come and join us. No need to be shy, after all, you have been deep and personal with me.” With that she turned and followed Pete into the garden.

I stood for a minute wondering what to do and in the end, I thought ‘sod it’ and stripped, leaving my clothes in a folded pile next to the towels. I grabbed a towel and followed them into the garden.

The hot tub was at the end of their patio and was bubbling away. Pete had his back to me, and Sandra was facing me, “come on love,” she called. I could not see any demure way of getting in. No matter how I did it, someone would be getting an eyeful. I just ignored the inelegance, climbed the steps and got in. Ye Gods it was hot, hence the name I suppose, but it was much hotter than I have a bath at home.

I noticed that the bubbles made it impossible to see anything in the water, and as I sat down the water covered my boobs. “Scoot over here, next to me,” Sandra said, “I think you’ll like that spot.”

I slid around and as I sat next to her, I could feel a jet of bubbles on my fanny. “Oh Lord” I said, my breath quite taken.

“Ha ha girl,” Pete said, “that’ll tickle your fancy for sure.”

It certainly did tickle. In fact, there was quite a danger that I might even boil over. It was an incessant stimulation right up my crease and over my clitoris in the one direction and up the crease of my bottom tickling my crinkle in the other. Crumbs. Sandra leant towards me and took my hand and moved it to her crotch.

Her legs were apart and her fanny wide open. She rubbed my fingers up and down and then pressed me hard against her clitoris, “oh fuck yes,” she said.

I felt Pete take my hand and move it down to his groin. He wrapped my fingers around his cock and lay back and sighed. His cock was the biggest I had ever seen or held. My fingers didn’t go all the way round, probably half way. I slipped two fingers of my left hand into Sandra, and with my right hand I was stroking Pete. It felt really surreal.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Sandra said and got out of the hot tub, her fanny wide and gaping as she stepped out. Pete followed, his cock hard and his balls swaying. I followed them, a towel around my shoulders just to keep the chill off after the heat of the hot tub, and we went up to their room.

“Lay here Nat, I want you, it’s my turn now.” I lay on the bed, my head at the end and my feet on the pillows, just as I had done with Bren. Sandra curled up on the bed beside me and started to blow down my crease, her breath pulsing over my clitoris. I widened my legs allowing my crease to open, and her fingers gently rotated around my opening. I closed my eyes and let the pleasures wash through me, and when I opened them, I realised Pete was stood there, his monstrous cock and balls hovering just above my face.

Sandra turned around and lay over me, her tongue going up and down my valley, her valley wide open and glistening above me. Before I could start to lick her, Pete stepped forward and pushed his cock at her fanny, sliding up and down her and resting at her entrance. Slowly he edged forward, I could not believe that monster was entering her, but in he went, slowly and her fanny widened and opened and engulfed him.

‘Ooooo” I gasped as Sandra nibbled at my clitoris, my eyes closing again as her fingers began to move in and out, her fingers shagging me and her mouth sucking me. Electric jolts began to seek my navel and then my nipples, and also ran up the crease of my backside, dipping at my crinkle as they went. I pushed my head back and opened my eyes. Pete was now fully fucking her, albeit slowly, his long fat cock going in and then pulling out, but he didn’t seem to go all the way in, when he stopped pushing in, there was at least my hand width still out. I closed my eyes and went back to my body.

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