Nick and Khloe


I caught his glare from across the bar. “Why is he watching me so closely” i thought to myself as i grabbed another drink from the bartender. Were in New York for a client meeting. My old stomping ground.

I missed the old dive bars and clubs Joe and I would go to. Joe. Fucking joe. Why is he here? Just as i finished my thought, Nick walks up, places his hand on the small of my back and kisses my cheek. I’m shocked at the advance and he notices it too.

He whispers in my ear “that man is staring you down and i figured you didn’t want him to be so i gave him a reason to leave you alone.” It’s loud in here but Nick whispering to me makes me feel like nothing is going on around us.

“I know him unfortunately” i admit, “he’s my ex boyfriend from when I lived here. The reason i moved home actually.” Nick turns and sees Joe is walking towards us, Nick’s hand still on my lower back. “Hey Khloe, you look absolutely stunning!” Says joe. I roll my eyes so hard they heard it Hoboken. Nick extends his hand to shake joes and shockingly says “I’m nick, her boyfriend, and you are?” What the fuck did he just say? I glare at nick in shock. Joe, just as confused, probably at the age difference, introduces himself. Nick, thank god, makes small talk with Joe enough for me not to have to say anything to him.

As he does this, i take advantage of the situation and lean in closer to Nick. He smells so good. He’s warm, just as i always thought. Just then the waiter calls our name and seats us at our table. Nick, like a true gentleman, excuses us and ushers me away. Just to make sure Joe is still looking, I glance over my left shoulder while walking arm in arm with Nick and see the disappointment in Joe’s eyes.

That’s right, fuck you Joe!

We sit silently during dinner. Mostly out of pure shock on my part. Nick asks about Joe and i explain our terrible breakup, the cheating, and worst of all, the fact that he slept with my fucking editor. He’s the reason I haven’t finished my book yet. I tell Nick that I’d appreciate it if we could change our topic to something else. We discuss our meetings from earlier in the day and order a few more drinks. By the time the waiter clears our dinner plates I realize I’m feeling pretty good, I’m tired and all I want is to get comfortable.

I ask Nick if he’d like to join me for one last drink before we retire for the evening. He agrees and we head up to my room. On the way past the front desk he asks them to send up a bottle of Gentleman Jack up to my room. I’m shocked, not the nightcap i had in mind but I’m enjoying our time together and don’t want it to end.

We get to my room and raid the mini fridge for snacks, I’m an over eater when I’ve been drinking. We hear a knock and Nick excuses himself to receive the bottle they brought to us.

He emerges from the front door with the bottle and a platter of chocolate covered strawberries. Such a nice surprise to both of us. He unbuttons his sport coat, removes it and places it on the chair across from the little couch in my room. He rolls up his sleeves and I’m pleasantly reminded of his tattoos up his right arm. He pours us each a glass of Jack and we settle into the small couch.

It’s been a long day for both of us but the weather has been perfect here in New York. I missed the fall and winter seasons. New York has a way of making you fall in love with such a cold and ruthless city. The lights, the people, and the smells of all different food from every background. This is what i miss, but everything else can go to hell.

Nick breaks my train of thought and points out that we have now been working together for three months already. It feels like just yesterday i was moving back to California from this cold and dreadful city.

We talk for some time about Carina, my best friend and his daughter, and how happy we are that she has finally found a nice guy that just cherishes her.

I ask him if he thinks they will get married and admits “he already asked for my blessing. But i told him my views on marriage and how i felt it was a little early still. He said he wanted to wait until they were together for a year to propose to her and when he said that, i gave it to him. I cant stop her from following her heart and if she’s going to marry anyone, I’d rather it be him.” I laugh at this divorced man’s take on marriage.

“Being married really fucked you up huh?” I drunkenly blurt out. He’s shocked, I can see that. I apologize but he just shakes his head, “I’m not opposed to marriage, i just spent so many years with the wrong person and it really messed up how i feel about it now. Will i get married again? Probably not.” My heart sinks. “Well, i thought i was going to marry Joe, but I’m glad i dodged that bullet” i admit, “he’s definitely not you and i would never imagine marrying anyone less.”

I’m frozen. Did I just say that?

I can feel his glare. Did i just admit that I want him? I cant look at him. Is he mad? Shocked? It’s too quiet i think to myself. I cant bring myself escort gaziantep bayan sitesi to look over at him so i say “I’m so sorry, I’m drunk and didn’t mean that.”

I try to get up to move away from him, still not meeting his glance, when i feel him grab my hand I turn to look at him finally.

He stands up and locks his eyes with mine, grabs my face in his hands and pulls me in for the kiss. I stand there motionless trying to figure out what the fuck was happening.

Kiss him back you fucking idiot!

Just as I thought that, he grabs me, pulls me into him and lifts me up. All the while not breaking our kiss. There’s so much passion and sexual tension that i just give in to him. He has me pinned against the wall tugging my blouse free from my skirt. He rips it open and my lace bra is exposed. He breaks the kiss momentarily to admire my supple breasts.I am not on the small side whatsoever so he seems extremely pleased.

I want him so bad, I’ve wanted him ever since he moved in across the street, ever since i knew what love was i knew i wanted him. He was everything i compared other men to. My tall dark and handsome. This perfect specimen of a man. I want him in me so badly. He locks eyes with me again and something changes, he’s different.

He sets me back on the floor and steps away. “What the fuck am i doing? We cant do this. Your my daughters best friend, you’re like a daughter to me.” Ouch. “I have to go, i cant take advantage of you like this.” He turns to walk out of my room. “Please stay!” I say loudly. “I have never wanted something more than i want you. I need you. Please.”

I tug at his trousers, and start undoing his belt. He grabs my wrist and I’m sure he’s going to stop me. “Were both drunk” he says, “were both adults” i say slyly as I kneel down to undo his pants. He doesn’t stop me. He wiggles them down and I’m greeted with the biggest hard-on I’ve ever seen.

I gasp. Loudly.

I’m extremely surprised at how big his dick is. I would have been happy with anything he had to offer, but now I’m even more thrilled. I pull it out of his brief’s cage and unleash his beast. I stroke it for a few second before i cant stand it any longer, i shove it in my mouth and he’s lets out a loud moan.

I suck on his cock for a while and realize he’s now against the wall enjoying every slurp and nibble. My head is moving at a surprisingly fast pace and all i want to do is pleasure this man i have wanted most of my life. I can feel he’s getting ready to cum and before he does, he lifts me up over his shoulders and carries me to my bed.

He puts me down and removes my skirt, his pants and briefs and somehow I lose my shirt. I’m lying on the bed in just my bra and thong and my heels. He looks me over for a few seconds and pulls me closer to him on the edge of the bed. He rips off my thong in one motion and lowers his head.

Is this happening? I thought to myself. He’s about to eat me out. I cant believe this is happening.

Just then i feel the warmth of his tongue make contact with my clit. I already want to burst. Either out of pure excitement or pleasure, honestly I’m good with either. He licks and twists his tongue like he’s a pro.

Duh he’s done this before i think. Shut up before you ruin this for us i argue with myself.

“You’re so wet” he says “you really do want me.” I cant say anything but moan. I give into every bite and thrust of his tongue, he enters his finger into my wet pussy and i want to die. I could die, if i died right now this would be the best possible way.

I can feel myself getting close and he can too, he stops himself and i groan loudly. He stands up, grabs my waist and flips me over onto my hands and knees.

This is it. This is what we’ve been waiting for! I feel the tip of his head teasing my entrance, i push back and he pulls away slightly.

Asshole I think to myself.

I look over my shoulder at him and I’m greeted with his fiery green eyes filled with passion and alcohol. He chuckles softly and pulls me closer to him and then i feel it. He entered my body and we became one. He gently eased into my tight pussy and all i could think was how badly i wanted him to fuck me. He started off slowly making sure he wasn’t too much for me.

He wasn’t, he was perfect.

We got into a steady motion and I couldn’t believe it was finally happening. I moaned louder with him than i ever did with Joe. Nick is a man. Joe was a bitch. Nick grabbed a handful of my hair and tugged, i let out a small yelp and continued following his motions. I don’t want it to end. EVER!

Without leaving my vagina, Nick changes our position to where he’s sitting down on the bed and I’m still facing away from him. His hands are on my waist gliding me up and down, my pussy taking in his entire cock.

He pulls my head back enough that my ear meets his mouth and he whispers to me “is this everything you thought it would be?” I moan “better”. escort gaziantep bayan forum His hand slowly moves over my bra and up to my neck. He gives me a look and i nod. His hand wraps around my neck and his grip gets stronger and stronger.

I start moaning louder and this just turns him on more. “Scream for me baby. Scream for daddy.” I explode and he thrusts harder forcing me to ride out my orgasm. His other hand reaches for my clit and he starts rubbing. I release again and scream even louder.

Did he finish? I think as i feel his cock growing harder inside my cramping vaginal walls.

Just then he lets out a huge moan, releases his load inside me and pulls me tighter into him, grip still around my neck. I sat on him like that for what felt like a year and when we both realized what had happened, I dismounted from him. I collapsed on the bed and lay there motionless.

He fell next to me, still in a daze.

We lay there for a few minutes and i think he’s already fallen asleep when he reaches for me to pull me close face to face.

I can smell my sweet juices still on his lips. He leans into me and kisses me passionately for a second time tonight. Our first kiss was forbidden, our second was pure lust.

I don’t want to end the night so i climb on top of him, pin his hands up above his head and start planting kisses all over him. He frees a hand from my grip and snaps off my bra and releases my gorgeous tits. He eyes them in amazement and utters a single ‘fuck’ before raising his head taking my breast within his mouth.

I moan again at the surprise.

He grabs my waist again and positions me over his still hard cock and rocks me back and forth. I never in my wildest dreams would have ever thought I’d be here, naked, and spent with Dominick Harker.

He continues to suck on my breasts and teasing me with his dick before he abruptly stops. I whine a little at the intrusion and he just stares at me blankly.

“Are you ok?” I ask him.

He nods and tries to sit up with me in his lap. I adjust and now were both upright with his hard-on still flush against my dripping vagina. He’s silently staring at me as if taking it all in. I go in to kiss him and he pulls away.

“This was a mistake” again ouch “we can never speak of this again. You’re not only friends with Carina, you’re also my employee.”

“Then i quit” saying half jokingly. He raises his eyebrow again.

“You’d really quit this job just to have sex with me again?” I’d do anything to have sex with you again i scream internally. I nod to his question still sitting naked in his lap. He chuckles and says there’s no need for that. “I think you underestimate how long I’ve been wanting this. It takes two to tango buddy and we just tangoed.”

The fuck does that mean? He laughs and rolls us over onto the bed, him hovering above me. He leans down to kiss me again before getting up to get dressed.

“Where are you going? You don’t have to leave.” I tell him. “We have an early flight tomorrow and its already past midnight. I raise myself onto my knees in front of him and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Just once more before we have to go back to reality.” I plead with him.

He kisses me on my forehead and laughs “you’re ruthless huh?” He teases. “Aren’t you tired?” Slyly i say, “I’m young, I don’t need sleep. What i need is you inside me again.” He growls a deep growl, rolls his eyes at me and says “are you packed already?” I nod.

“Grab your bags and meet me in my room. Here’s my spare key.” He grabs my naked ass again and pulls me closer “wear only your robe to my room. Nothing else” he demands. I giggle and let out a very coy “yes daddy” and a wink.

I’m in a hurry to grab all my bags and trying to make sure I don’t miss anything. Eh fuck it, whatever we leave behind we can replace. I grab my last bag and head to his room down the hall. I pause for a moment in front of his door.

And reality sets in.

I’m about to have sex with the man of my dreams for a second time tonight. I take a deep breath, put the fob key against the reader and push open the door.

I can see his bags neatly packed in the living room of his suite and hear the water running in the bathroom. He’s showering.

I set down my own bags next to his and make my way to the other room. He IS showering. He hears me and turns around and waves me over.

I untie my robe and it drops to the floor. I climb into the shower with him and without hesitation he embraces me. Water running down his face and onto mine and he kisses me. I wrap my arms around him and pull myself closer. His cock pressed against my belly button. He lifts me up against the wall and continues making out with me.

When we finally break our mouths away i say “put me down if you want me to clean your cock.” He submits and I kneel down in front of him again, lick the tip and proceed to clean it. He leans forward escort bayan gaziantep a little and moans loudly.

I keep sucking at a pretty content speed and he grabs the back of my head and pushes me further down his shaft. I take every inch of him into my mouth and never want to come up again. He finishes inside me and i suck every last drop up.

He looks exhausted.

I stand up and clean myself. He helps me with my back and slips a finger down my wet butt crack and gives a little tickle. I don’t pull away from him and he notices.

We conclude our shower and i climb out first, dry myself off and turn to face him just as he lifts me onto the vanity in the bathroom. He thrusts into me as if he owned me. He DOES own me.

I don’t fight him off and ride out ever last push and pound. He’s rougher this time, i love it! I climb another peak and with his free hand, starts flicking my clit again. As soon as he does this I fall into the darkness and relinquish my body to him. He doesn’t stop, he keeps powering through as if he knows he can get more.

He probably can.

I have never had an orgasm last so long in my life. No one could ever please me like he has. I want more. He slows his thrusts and i can feel him pulling away. He asks if I’m alright and all i can do is giggle. No words, just giggling like an idiot.

“Maybe we should go to bed now, we really do have an early flight.” I nod and we leave the bathroom. The clock reads 2;15 a.m. i lie on my side in the bed completely wasted off of Nick. But why do i want more. He lies down next to me and kisses my neck and holds me close to him. “I wish we could stay like this forever” he admits, “but we cant.” Don’t ruin the moment you jerk “me too” i whisper as i fall into a dreamland while in his embrace.


The alarm is going off and i groan loudly and swat at the phone that is usually tethered to me. It’s not there and when I remember where I am, shock and horror rush over me.

Nick is stirring next to me and when he sees me, he remembers every little detail of last night. We sit silently like we just committed a crime.

Neither of us speaking.

I grab the closest piece of clothing and throw it over me, and rush to the bathroom. What the fuck did we do last night?! Oh trust me, I remember.

Nick taps on the bathroom door “are you ok in there?” Concern heavy in his voice. I mutter an almost silent “uh huh”.

I get my shit together and clean myself up once more and dred opening the only divider from me and him. I slowly open the door and see him sitting on the bed in his sweat pants and rummaging through his suitcase for a shirt.

I try to avoid eye contact when i hear “Khloe?” Ugh i melt when he says my name. I turn to face him “yeah?” “I don’t regret a single thing from last night, but we need to discuss it before we fly home.”

I don’t wanna i think.

I walk over to him and realize I’m naked underneath his sport coat just as it dawns on him as well. “That never looked so good on me” he laughs at himself. I can see his dick getting harder. He adjusts himself. I chuckle.

“We will, but i think we both can agree that i should be dressed too while we do.” He laughs louder this time “”thats a good idea” he agrees.

I try to remember where I threw my bags and grab a few things out of them that i’ll need. I return to the bathroom to change and freshen up. When i emerge from the bathroom we hear a knock at the door. He ordered room service. He ushers it in and tells the bell hop that we will need a luggage cart in the next half an hour.

We sit at the table and i start looking through all the different breakfast food he’s ordered. I settle on eggs and coffee. We sat in silence for quite some time before we both tried to speak.

“Go ahead” i tell him. “I think we need to establish whatever this is, or was” was “and i think we can both agree this is a crazy situation we find ourselves in. Now were both adults and i think if we both can agree that this will never happen again, then we have nothing to worry about.” As much as it hurts, i have to agree. There’s no possible way we could ever return as a couple.

“It was fun while it lasted. And I’m glad you were up for a second go at it. I can’t say i wont think about it from time to time while i play with myself but i think it’s best for both of us if we just move past it.” He finishes.

We finished eating and the luggage cart arrived. We loaded up and left our soiled rooms behind. Never to be spoken of again. On the elevator ride down, my hangover sets in. Thank god I don’t have to hide it today. Although i hate traveling with a headache, it was worth everything that took place last night.

Our Uber arrives and we file into the car with our luggage in tow. We depart and head towards the airport. I lie my head back against the seat and groan.

You shouldn’t have drunk so much I thought, but if I didn’t, last night wouldn’t have happened.

I feel a soft caress on my thigh and look up in shock, Nick is touching me while staring out the window. He turns to look at me after a while and says “we haven’t left New York yet, so we don’t have to pretend last night didn’t happen.”

I smile at him and scoot closer. He puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. In this moment, he is mine. In this moment, i am his.

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