Noah’s New Home

Big Dick

Noah was never a particularly lustful boy. His path to the seminary was always in the cards, and made good sense. To be clergy would elevate his status—a respectable man of the cloth.

Average in most respects, he was not strong or clever or braver than anyone else. Glimpses at other men in undress here and there had revealed Noah was fairly average below the belt as well. However, to gaze on his form was pleasing. Skin clear of blemish and curvature in all the right places. His body was virgin to the pain of hard labor and a woman’s touch, among many other things—and it showed.

Kali spotted Noah from across the room. Wolf in sheep’s clothing, she felt a heat in her belly beneath the weighty fabric of her habit. He was perfect and she would have him secreted away from the walls of this pathetic monument to repression before the week was out. This, she vowed to herself eyeing the priest to be during the morning meal—one of the few times the sisters and male pupils of the seminary were in unsupervised contact.

Stalking the boy, Kali repressed a smile as she approached. The tightness inside of her was migrating south. Magic swelling inside her felt so good and pure that she never wanted the hunt to end.

“May I?” she asked. The boy’s eyes widened to see a Nun standing over his lean frame.

“Of course, Sister,” he nodded—lips hanging ever so slightly open as he watched her occupy the stool beside him. She was so close, and the air around her seemed sweet.

“How are you finding this blessed day?” she asked, playing the game.

“It’s been pleasant,” he swallowed, averting his eyes from her. The intensity of her unbroken gaze on him felt heavy. Suddenly, Noah felt naked. Instinctually, his hands collapsed into his lap, hiding his most private intimates.

“How wonderful,” she nodded, finally looking down into her meal. As sickening as the food of the seminary was, she would swallow it for a few more days—if only to see how this young man would squirm under her torture.


The next day, Kali again sat beside Noah during the morning meal. This time, the young man held a conversation about the interpretation of Morning Prayer. Kali listened almost none at all, but smiled and nodded along. As the poor boy finished his musings to her, she leaned close with a smile and laugh at his charm—placing a hand on his leg beneath the table. Digits resting so delicately against his thigh, electricity shot to his member.

Noah’s breath caught, eyes going wide as the tingling current of her touch rushed through his veins and straight to the tip of his cock leaving a deep ach from head to stem. Kali measured the flush of his cheeks as he shifted away from her touch.

“What a delightful interpretation. Would you care to further enlighten me this afternoon?” she asked. He shook his head, still trembling from her encroachment.

“I’m sorry. No,” he murmured. His shame coursed through him, his thoughts so intensely impure for the first time in his life. The young man had no way of knowing his conscious had been tricked, no way of knowing that he was up against real magic wielded by an expert witch.

“Why not, My Son?” she asked touching his shoulder—the deathblow. The tendrils of her persuasive arts wove through his flesh into his heart, constricting the beating organ of passion in his chest. Cascading bursa escort down his body, pooling in his prostate and aching out through his cock, the energy was absolute. A gush of pre slickened his britches, running from his pulsating dick.

“I—I—well, I suppose I can…” he said, locking eyes with her again. The spell deepened as he memorized the perfection of her face—the insanity of blue lighting her gaze was too much, chilling his soul until it felt like white fire.


Seated beside the pond behind the main church property, the sun beating down on them, Kali and Noah said nothing for a long time. She allowed this with great intention, watching him writhe in the silence—desperate to break the tension.

“So, what topic shall we ponder on?” he, at last, asked.

“You tell me, Noah?” she smiled, his name dripping from her full lips.

“Oh Sister, please maintain a sense of propriety,” he mumbled looking away.

“You don’t care for how I say your name?” she mewed back at him with a slight breathiness that tingled the back of his neck.

“Well, no—I mean of course I do but—well it’s just that I think—” he stuttered until she laughed.

“Shhhh, please,” with a shift, she turned to him and reached across his lap to the prayer book on his far side. In the maneuver, she let her ample breasts graze the bulge in his pants. Heat radiated off him as he felt the weight of her flesh fall against his cock.

“Oh, Sister!” he moaned. It was too much, he simply couldn’t stop himself. She loved it. Kali reeled back as if she were shocked.

“Good heavens, it seems you’re—”

“I am not!” he exclaimed bolting upright, a move that proved ultimately to be less in his own interest than expected. The stiffness of his cock lifted his trousers into a tent as Kali smiled.

“Yes you are,” she whispered, only slightly worried someone might come in response to his shouts.

“I have to go,” Noah choked out, beginning his retreat.

“Well do come back if you want that to go away—Only I can alleviate your suffering, you’ll find,” she smiled at him, so calm and collected. Noah’s blood boiled—how dare this woman so brazenly seduce him. A Nun- a Heathen— it was too much!

Kali eyed his ass during the retreat. The sway of his hips gave her a yearning to open him in the most unholy of ways and truly spill out the whole of his essence for her own amusement. His fate was already sealed, and she did wish she could watch the suffering he would endure until he broke and admitted the fact to himself.


Noah tried to focus on evening prayer. Kneeling in the dim candlelight of his barren quarters, he focused his gaze on the cross above the bed… but the prayer would not come. The words mixed in his head, seeming to swirl to the beat of his heart until every time, without fail, the fog of his mind cleared to reveal a lewd thought of the Sister who had excited such unholy heat in him.

The firmness of his cock would not abate. He clasped his hands tighter, trying— trying— trying to pray… throb, throb, throb… demanding attention he had never once paid it before. An ache deep inside of himself, a part he didn’t even know he had yet, was calling.

Sliding under the blanket he could feel the pulsations of his cock rubbing it against the inside of his nightshirt. The sensation was heavenly, bursa escort bayan if he was to be honest. However, the growing feeling was unwanted—and he rolled over.

The shift in position started an odd sensation through his hips—his prostate tingled, still unnamed to the boy. A gush of clear fluid rushed down his urethra, and there was so much that for a second he feared he was pissing the bed. Shadows danced from the still lit candled as he peeled back the blanket to inspect this mess. Lifting his long shirt, his dick bobbed free.

A glistening drop of clear lust beaded on the tip of his cock, catching the light. Wiping it away gingerly with his thumb, Noah shuddered. Skin so tender protruded from under the quickly receding hood of his member. His heart raced at the forbidden pleasure as he stroked the tip of a finger over the flesh. The whisper of a needy moan escaped his lips, circling the eye of his cock.

“Oh my…” he panted, feeling the adrenaline rush of a totally forbidden act. Balls lifting in contractions of pleasure, Noah wrapped his hand around his member and slowly began to squeeze. Unversed in how to pleasure himself, or even the mechanics of consorting—nature took hold of the young man in response to the euphoric pleasure of pressure massaging his cock.

Hips lurching forward in a primal humping motion, Noah’s eyes rolled back. Back arching as he turned his head away from the sinful act he was committing. “Oh—Oh—Oh—” he gasped, speeding the motion of his thrusting hips. His actions were so pure, driven by the tightening feeling in the core of his being.

Breath coming in short shuddering gulps, Noah felt himself losing all sense of his surroundings. The need inside him was eroding all awareness of anything but the demand to keep going—to…

The intensity was driving Noah insane. Mouth open in a gaping O, hips bucking his slickened cock into his own hand. The boy bowed forward, curling in on himself as the sensation bloomed into something so extreme for a moment Noah thought he might be dying. He needed this. He needed some relief of this burning heat coiling around the deepest reaches of his insides.

Cupping his balls with his free hand, Noah felt his muscles beginning to tire. Unsure how much longer he could keep up the desperate feverish pace, tears began to sting his eyes. He couldn’t ease the sensation. He couldn’t quite peak the feeling that was maddening him. Wildly he pleasured himself for what felt like hours as the candle pooled into a puddle and eventually died.

Focusing on the image of the Sister as her hand fell across his lap, Noah began a last rush of motion. “Please. Please—please!” he whimpered as his strokes became irregular, squeezing himself firmly he came to a stop. Panting, sweating, weeping—his balls ached painfully.

Eyes drifting from the engorged tip of his cock, still leaking a river of pre, to the wall where the cross hung in the moonlight, Noah continued to cradle his throbbing testicles. Tears wetting his pillow, he could not sleep— his need making his heart race with excitement for what he knew he had to do next.


“Sister?” Noah asked, standing over her at breakfast. Just being near her seemed to turn his cock so sensitive he wanted to strip nude in the desperate hope it would alleviate his overstimulation.

“Did escort bursa you not sleep?” she asked, eyes shifting up to him.

“I feel you know I did not,” he said boldly, not caring who might hear. He needed her attention. “I’ve come to ask if you were sincere yesterday?” he said, heart in his throat.

Kali felt the fluttering of happiness inside herself as she heard the tension in his voice. “Of course I was,” she said rising. Locking eyes with him, she invaded his space, conquering any claim to power he may have had between them. “You’ll find me very sincere.”

“I am suffering in a way God will never soothe…” he said, body swaying toward her as if magnetized.

“Are you so sure after only one night?” she smiled.

“Please, may we?” he asked, nodding to the door of the great dining hall.

“No. If you have something to say, say it.”

“Please,” he breathed.

“Please what?”

“Alleviate me,” he gulped. A wide smirk grew across her face as she snapped her fingers and the rabble of morning froze around them. Noah’s eyes went wide.

“I’m Kali,” she extended a hand to him.

“What are you?” he said as he stepped away from her.

“Call me a demon for the sake of brevity, my sweet simple boy,” she shrugged. “I have power beyond your kind, and I am offering you a one time chance to serve as my companion.”

His heart felt like it would break through his chest. Fear rooted his feet, but lust drew him nearer to the mystery before him. “If I refuse?” he asked.

“You’ll stay here, at this seminary. The yearning inside you will persist, and grow, but you won’t know why or how to rid yourself of it,” she said in earnest. Her curse was absolute, and only her attention would save him.

“And if I accept?” he trembled.

“Your life is mine, but you will live quite well,” she said, enjoying the fear and need dancing behind his eyes. “So, do you belong to God? Or to me, Noah?


The journey to his new home took Noah farther across the globe than he had ever dreamed. The land of his language grew far behind him, and ahead was the unknown. His knowledge of God had no value in this land. His clothes marked him as an outsider. Suddenly his entire avenue to existence was staked in her… in Kali.

No matter where they were Kali took to the land and the people as if she had been born to them. Her tongue knew every language, and her features knew just the air to project in any situation. By evening she’d be spent, leaning heavily on Noah to tend to her needs and business.

Though she kept her distance from him during the journey, his aching need for some sense of relief persisted and grew. For six nights and seven days they shared the back of a carriage in silence, contemplative of their own thoughts. Then, at last, the drive hollered above the thunder of hooves. “We’re approaching your estate, My Lady.”

Noah roused himself, expecting to arrive at the doors to a mansion. However, time dragged on showing no sign of the carriage stopping.

Kali watched the quickening of his pulse in the hollow of his throat. “Excited to see home?” she asked.

“Yes, My Lady,” he nodded. Terrified, everything seemed so surreal to him. It felt like at any moment he would wake from his fitful slumber, having just touched himself for the first time.

“Whoa!” the driver halted their motion and Noah resisted the urge to pull back the curtains blinding his view of the outside world.

“Shall we?” she asked. Noah lurched for the door, swinging it wide to emerge into the crisp mountain air of a wondrous alpine castle.

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