On the Beach Ch. 04


After my little runin down on the Big Island, I arrived back at Oahu without any problems.

Guess I was half expecting to get arrested for jacking the couple around, but thinking about it, what the hell could they say?

“Hey, some guy took back the money we stole from him and screwed my old lady?”….yeah, sure.

I wasn’t too worried. I wandered down to the beach, found a spot a bit out of the way, and spread out a blanket to take in the sights.

Lots of sights on Waikiki, but I was feeling pretty satiated anyway. Hell, just got laid four times in 5 days by two different women, damn near a record for me.

I was about half asleep, when I heard a muffled sound off to my right. I looked over, here was what looked like a little girl, she seemed to be trying to hide the fact that she was crying.

I glanced around, there were folks everywhere, nobody paying any attention.

Curious, I watched her a bit, to make sure she was all right. Oriental, maybe from Taiwan, or Thailand, who knows? Hard to tell. Scrawny little thing, too, her arms seemed about as big around as my thumbs, I know for damn sure my thighs were bigger than her waist.

She was leaned forward, holding her face in her hands, obviously sobbing quietly.

I was starting to get concerned, then I noticed the way she was sitting with her shoulders forward made her little blue bikini top gap forward, I had a clear view of her left nipple.

I say left nipple, because that is all there was there was no breast that I could see.

I tried to look away, hell, I am a convicted felon, manslaughter, got me 10 years in the Washington State pen. Add in that I lift weights all day, every day, just think of 21′ biceps and a 36″ waist, that will give you an idea.

At 41 years old, people look at me and get scared usually. Men and women both, well, not all of the women. Not all of the men, either, normally it is some muscular short little runt that has something to prove that tries to pick a fight with me, I just ignore that stuff.

Hard as I tried to look away, ignore the situation, my eyes kept glancing back. I was thinking of getting the hell out of there, I didn’t want to be noticed sneaking peeks at some underage girl’s titties with my record. Folks with badges got no sense of humor, I have learned.

Just then she let out a snort, I could tell she was plugged up with flem the way she started poking at her nose and making a strangling sound.

She looked my way, spotted the spare towel I carried.

“Just fuck!” I thought, as I got up and walked over, handing her the towel. As I got closer, I realized she was likely older than I thought at first, still, nervous stuff for me.

She looked at me with tear streaked eyes, took the towel, blew gobs of snot into it. I mentally reminded myself I didn’t want that towel anymore.

Just as I started to turn to go, I heard a quiet, “Thank you sir.”

I smiled at her, “You OK?”

“Yes, just sad.”

Against my better judgement, I asked, “Well, what’s wrong?”

“Bobby called me names, left me here!” she blurted.

Bobby? “Who’s Bobby?” looking around.

She pointed out a chubby little blonde doughboy type that was down by the water skidding back and forth on some kind of sliding disc. I had noticed him mersin escort earlier, he was playing grabass with every bikini that came into range, tugging at their top ties, all the thing jerks do.


“No, boyfriend.”

I had to ask.

“Sorry,miss, but how old are you?”

She looked up at me, one eyebrow arched a bit. Her face seemed to magically change to a grown woman’s, I can’t accurately describe that effect. One second I was thinking maybe 15-16, next I was looking at a 30 year old.

“31. Surprise you huh? Everybody say that.”

I noticed that she also slipped into that singsong way of speaking, that some Orientals do when challenged or nervous or upset.

“May I?” I pointed to the beach by her side.

“Sure.” Her eyes looked me up and down slowly, lingering on my crotch, long enough to make me want to check to see if my fly was open.

I sat down quickly, damned if that look hadn’t made me start to tingle a little.

We sat and talked for quite a bit, she opened her mouth and stuff came running out, it was like a dam had burst. I figured what the hell, I sat and listened as she poured it all out.

Funny who some gals can tell a total stranger the damndest things. She even mentioned that doughboy was complaining about her being bad in bed. Teased her about her body, well…I was looking at 80 pounds tops there, but still. No reason to tease someone for being the way they were made.

I laughed and told her it could be a lot worse, she could be 4′ 10″ and 300 pounds!

“4′ 8″” she corrected me, “82 pounds.”

I though about that, 80 pounds is what I put on my barbells when I am doing heavy curls.

My medium brown hide was starting to sting a bit, I mentioned it, so we moved up the beach into some shade under one of the big umbrellas that sit out there.

We no more than got settled when here came doughboy.

He looked upset at the sight of me.

“What the fuck is going on, Tonya!” he started right out with some shit.

Oh well, at least now I knew her name. I hadn’t mentioned mine, she hadn’t either.

“We are just talking, Bobby.”

I stood up.

“I’m Dan.” I held out my hand.

He hesitated, took it. I offered up one of my best firm handshakes, saw his eyes widen, then I released. He looked at me, I have seen that expression before. The top of his head reached about to my chin.

“We’re going back to the room.” he told Tonya.

“No! You hit me like before!” there was a trace of fear in her voice.


“I said NOW!” he told her, glaring.

“The lady just told you no, Bob.” I put the emphasis on his name.

He glared at me. “This is none of your business.”

I took one step towards him. “The lady said no.”

He looked at me, gave Tonya a hateful look, turned and walked away.

“He hits you?”

“Sometimes.” Her eyes looked down.

I looked at doughboy walking off down the beach, the soft rolls on his sides jiggling with each step.

“I can’t go to the room now.” she said, looking at me.

What the hell.

“Come with me if you like.”

“I like!” a big smile lit up her face.

I grabbed the blankets, she had a little basket, we headed towards my hotel room.

I muğla escort was staying in a one room studio, ground floor, two blocks off the beach. We walked side by side in quiet. We got a few odd looks, me 6’1″, 244 pounds, upper body solid muscle, she was 4’8″ and 81 pounds?

I was fully three times her size, we would have looked like father and daughter except she was obviously oriental and I am white.

“Nice!” she said, when we got to the room. She flopped down on the bed and stretched.

I took the opportunity to check her out more closely, no one around to make me nervous about it.

The tiny blue bikini covered her nicely on the bottom, it was the kind that covered about half of her fanny. Likely as small as she could find, I thought.

The top had cups with some kind of rib structure underneath. I would guess them to be “A” cups but they were too big. I had noticed that in the first place, the slightest forward motion of her shoulders made the top gap open.

Lying on her back, I marveled at the way her hipbones made the top of her bikini bottoms gap, too. There was no stomach, no waist, this lady was tiny!

The muscles of her belly actually rippled with each movement, even with her breath. Then I realized she was asleep.

I just let her sleep, grabbed my light bars, all I had brought with me on the trip, and did some work.

I was two hours into a session when I felt her eyes, I glanced over. She was up on one elbow, watching me. The damned floppy suit top had slipped, one nipple was peeking out.

“You do that a lot?”

“Lift? Yea, every day.”

“You are big.”

No shit. I just kept lifting, 20’s, easy stuff.

“Can I try?”


I set the bars down, she hopped off the bed, grabbed one. With both hands she managed to do 3 lifts, that was it.


“Those are really light.”

“How much can you lift?”

“I don’t know.”

“Lift me.”

She stood right in front of me, so I told her to stiffen her body. I placed my hand on her stomach, leaned her forward, lifted her straight up with my right arm. I could have easily lifted her over my head many times, but I set her back down.

She smiled, reached out, run her fingers over my upper arms.

“You are big.” her voice had changed, gotten silkly soft. Her hands ran down my chest, I had taken off my T-shirt, I was just wearing my shorts. Then she pressed against me, I couldn’t help it but begin to erect.

“Do you like me?”

“Yes, sure.”

“God, big.”

I knew what was coming, I just let her. Her hands reached down for the catch on my shorts, it tripped. They reached inside, both at once, felt me. I don’t wear underwear, her hands found bare flesh, hot, erect.

“God, big!” a shudder was in her voice now.

I reached down and grasped her tiny behind, surprisingly fleshy and firm. I put my hands on her bare waist, encircled. My thumbs touching allowed my fingers to almost touch at the back.

She was running both hands up and down my erection, eyes closed, just feeling. The sensation was incredible, I didn’t want to blow in my shorts, so I reached back and let them drop.

I was completely naked. Tonya stepped back, slid her bikini bottoms down, revealing muş escort a full dark thatch of bush. No trimming of any kind, full just the way it grew. Oddly, she left her top on.

I lay her back on the bed, opened her legs. Her pubic hair parted, the pink inner folds opened like a flower. I nuzzled her, licked her, noting how one side of her pussy was fuller and extended, the other side wrinkled and laying inwards toward the other lips. I spread them with my tongue, lifting upwards, just letting my tongue brush against her button.

As I repeated the motion, I slipped the index finger of my right hand inside her, feeling the ridges of the muscles of her inner body. She was letting out soft squeaks, almost mouselike.

I started to slide upwards, she stopped me.

“Lift me.”

I reached out and picked her up, held her to my chest.

“Drop me down.”

I let her slowly down, her hands dropped between her legs, spread herself. She grasped me and aligned as I lowered her. I felt the head of my cock find her entrance, then slide. It didn’t want to go, she took a breath, eyes screwed shut.

I slipped a bit more, I let a bit more of her weight on me, slipped again. Then it was like she released inside somehow, I slipped past the resistance and into her body.

She let out a squeal, it sounded like pain, I stopped.

“Do..doo..doon’t stop!”

I managed to reach the edge up the bed, on my back, still joined. I left her set the action, the pace, her mouth was sucking furiously at my chest and stomach, she actually had to tip her head and reach to get my nipple in her mouth.

Then I felt a crushing so hard it almost caused pain as her inner muscles clamped and released. I realized she had had a violent orgasm.

I reached down and tripped the catch on her bikini top, slipped it off. Her nipples were like buttons, boring into my lower stomach.

Then she was up and bucking on me, pounding away, I couldn’t hold back. As I blasted inside her, she squealed and her belly rippled, then she dropped on me, gasping for air.

When Tonya got up, the first thing she did was reach for her bikini top.

“Why are you doing that?”

“My boobies are ugly.”

“No they aren’t, who told you that?”


“Fuck Bobbie, I like them!” I reached for her, pinned her down and licked and nuzzled her tiny little titties until she squealed and giggled, it must have been a solid half hour.

She was rolling my own nipples with her fingers, she seemed to delight in that. I erected again, so I rolled over, sat on the edge of the bed. I picked her up by the waist, back to me, swung her around and set her down on me, just like that.

No resistance this time, I slid right in. She giggled and stuck her feet straight out, laughing as she held them there. I worked her body up and down on me with my arms, basically using her to jack myself off.

It was hilarious, then she started to squeal again. Noisy little thing, it was fun. I was right behind her this time, I allowed myself to blast off inside, feeling my seed squirt out and over my legs as I did.

Later, we showered. I was wondering what I was going to do with her.

I came out, sat in the chair, flipped on the TV. She came and curled up at my feet, just nuzzling my legs. Completely naked, I liked that.

I thought long and hard, finally voiced it.

“What am I going to do with you?”

“I stay as long as you let me. I go when you wish.” she looked up at me with those big brown eyes. “I fuck you good, you fuck me good.”

What the hell.

Works for me.

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