Part of The Procedure? Ch. 03


I just jot down stuff as it happens, and sure, I stick in a few things that either didn’t quite happen or maybe it was a fantasy in my old head.

Sex site and all of that, the truth is that most of life is not sexy at all so we all spend a lot of time wishing life was more than it really is.

My wife Debra just took over the local clinic, she finished her Doctorate (I think that is what it was anyway) because Old Doc Barker passed away and the system Debs works for needed someone to run the clinic.

Free education in exchange for a 10 year contract to run the clinic? Not hard to accept, along with a GIANT raise in pay?

So. Here we are, my Debs is the boss, and she chooses who works for her. You would need to know Debra like I do to understand all of this.


For almost an entire year I got to live mostly by myself, the wife was 1800 miles away at school.

Would there be cheating? Hell, I am sure there wasn’t and never would be, Debra is like me in that respect, nothing ever happens behind each other’s backs.

For sure I didn’t I didn’t even take myself in hand, believe that or not. Saved up for the every other weekend when Debra flew home is what I did.

Of course, with Debs being close to 4 decades older than nearly all of her class mates, that also takes the edge off of things, she did mention that no one made any passes at her.

I am not sure I understand why young people turn up their noses at older folks when it comes to sex, relationships, but they do.

Hell, some of old folks know stuff, but oh well.

Waste of effort with my Debra, she is faithful to me, that I am sure of.

The subject did come up once when he was home, she told me that if she ever did want to get laid she would call me up and ask permission first anyway.

Then he suggested that I could have Nikola, our massage therapist over but without Debra here I never did since that didn’t seem right somehow?

I guess what we have is uninhibited mutual respect?

We did have Nikola over one time when Debra was home, though. That was just before Christmas.


Now while Debra was off to school I had a little upset, best to see medical when an old man has a rectal bleed. Mine was heavy, also, probably due to the damn blood thinners they have me on to try and keep me alive.

Anyway, I didn’t call Debs to tell her, because she would be on the first plane home and sure as hell her being gone would be another full semester, no way in hell did I want that.

I ended up in a clinic in Portland, where I related in earlier chapters what happened. Now that was kind of a surprise to me, but then things do happen at the local clinic so it should not be that much of a surprise I guess.

Rwanda, my tiny little black nurse, well built, cute as a bug’s ear, and uninhibited at first suggested some naughty diyarbakır escort magazines so I could “relieve” myself before the procedure, which involves a backhoe with a camera mounted on it up the rear end of course.

Now I didn’t much like the idea of the crane arm going up my butt and I didn’t like the idea of trying to “relieve” myself all that much either, I guess it showed in my facial expression?

At which point tiny little Rwanda suggested that she could…”assist” if need be?

OK. After all, medical and all of that.

And she did. Not once, but…twice?

Then she smirked about how “virile” I was for my age, not knowing at the time that I had my very own medical professional a home.

I guess maybe the truth is that I do have more going on than most men my age, mind you, I am not complaining one bit.

My Debra is a hottie as mature women go, completely uninhibited with zero traces of jealousy. Add in that she is bit of an exhibitionist and our heading towards a decade together has changed me completely also.

I am no longer a stick in the mud conservative, sex to me is a part of life and I enjoy it very much. Add in blind luck named Debra and there you have us.

Due to Debra’s line of work, she has had her finger up more behinds than anyone would ever believe, had more dicks, both soft and hard, in her hands than most have seen watching porn.

She has had them go off on her during office visits, and she comes home and tells me the stories, some funny as hell and some I can tell get her juices flowing too.

Sexy things happen around our house, just the way life is with my Debs.

I take all that in stride.

So that is us, for those of you coming in late who have not yet read my tales.


“When are you coming in for your follow up?” Debra asked me during dinner a few days back.

“I don’t think I need to, I feel fine.” Was my answer.

“Damn it, Danny! You had a major bleeding episode, you need to be checked out!”

I remember telling Debs about my experience, and going up to the clinic in Portland, and yes, I told her all of it.

One of the very few times I have seen Debs get crabby as hell, not because of what happened but because I didn’t tell her about my episode while it was happening. I did explain why and she did accept that, but she was not pleased with me.

“That was just a Polyp or something, along with that damned Plavix. Of course I bled a little.”

“It wasn’t a little, I read the report. Now you call in and get an appointment. I just don’t know why you men are so damn stubborn!”

That is about as crabby as Debra ever gets, the next stage is her hands on her hips and I have learned it is best to just “Yes, Dear.” The situation.

“OK. I will give Jennifer a call.” I told Debra.

“Jennifer retired last week, edirne escort you will be assigned to the new girl, that same one you met in Portland.” Smirk on her face saying that, I spotted that.

“Jennifer retired? So young?” I deflected that with a straight face.

“Jennifer is 67.” Debs looked at me.

“Oh?” I answered, genuinely surprised. Slender, nice looking woman, I would have guessed fifty or so.


So I called the office, got an appointment the next day which was also a surprise. Staffing over the clinic has been so bad that sometimes it might be a week, maybe 10 days, and anything serious sounding they were sending to Urgent Care.

Improving over there and quickly, just my Debra, getting things back under control which is a good sign.

So I found myself in the waiting room the next afternoon, I reached for a magazine but never got it open before I was called, another surprise.

I barely got sat down before there was a knock on the door, in came my little black nurse, Rwanda.

“Hi, Dan! Nice to see you again!” She greeted me with a happy smile. Then she sat down, did the temperature and blood pressure bit, checked my weight. I was 177 pounds, 98 degrees, B/P was 132/65, not bad for an old coot.

“I see we need to recheck you, please remove your lower clothing.” She handed me a gown, one of the soft flower covered ones. The plastic things were about the first thing Debra had gotten rid of.

Then he sat down in the chair, just like she did up at the Portland clinic? OK, I was over being bashful at this point although even Jennifer always left the room.

“I hope you don’t mind my staying, I want to check your movements, how easily you handle simple tasks like dressing and undressing.” She told me, perhaps picking up on my mild flush at dropping my pants and briefs right in front of her.

Of course that means I don’t get to take a final wipe at my behind to make sure nothing extra is back there, since I knew what was coming.

Hey, I am 72. You guys my age know exactly what I mean.

“You are moving easily, that’s good.” She stated as I slipped the gown on, open to the rear.

“OK, Danny, go ahead and lean over the table and relax, I am going to check your Prostate and feel for anything irregular.” I heard the snap of a latex glove as she said that.

The nice part of Rwanda being tiny is that she is tiny everywhere, so even though this part is not comfortable, it sure as hell could have been worse.

Then she wiggled her finger a little bit, which felt kind of.. good?

For quite a long time, too? And of course, I felt myself growing.

“Do you feel any pain at all?” Rwanda whispered, knowing damn good and well I didn’t.

“No.” I managed.

“Good!” Out came the finger, off came her glove and on went a new one.

“I want to check your elazığ escort testicles for any lumps. Do you do that yourself when you shower?” She asked me.

“Uh huh.” I grunted, she already was feeling around back there which made me grow even more.

“So, how long have you been getting yourself waxed?” She asked me, which did manage to distract me enough that I didn’t make a mess on the exam table.

“A couple of years, it was Debra’s idea.” I told her.

“I think that is great, I have it done myself.” She told me. Now that was information I didn’t know, but now I did. I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

Rwanda finished up, sat back down in her chair. She reached behind herself for a box of tissue, handed my some to wipe up the lube which I did.

Nice and clear, a relief to be honest.

I turned around, suddenly grateful for the gown being on backwards since the tent I was creating was rather obvious.

“You can get dressed now.” She sat there with a smile on her face. I found my underwear and jeans, tugged them on as she simply sat there and watched the whole process.

Go ahead, just try and put your briefs on without exposing yourself sometime. I gave up trying and just did it, the smile never left her face.

“You are so nice and virile for mature male, Debra is a lucky lady!” Rwanda told me.

“I am the lucky one.” I answered back with a grin.

That was pretty much my appointment, I got a clean bill of health.


“I see from your report that Rwanda found you nice and healthy.” Debra mentioned that evening after dinner.

“Yes, but I already knew that.”

“It doesn’t hurt anything to be sure, honey.” Debs was by now curled up almost on top of me, one of her signals.

“Yes, I suppose that is true.” I grinned sliding my hand under her top which was just a T-shirt.

We had one of our “naughty in the living room” sessions which was lots of fun but actually normal around our house.

Later on, in bed, we were talking.

“I thought I better tell you, Nikola is moving to the clinic out in Corvallis.” That is a city about 100 miles away.


“OH? No more massages?” I asked. Debra and I get massages at home, it used to be woman named July but she took over the North hospital, a BIG move up for her.

Nikola came on board, she took over the outcall part, which was nice.

“Oh, I think I have that handled, if you want to, that is.” Debra was stifling a giggle.

“Oh? Not some bald headed overly hairy black guy, I hope?” Teasing her since I already had a pretty good idea.

“No, but how about a cute and tiny little black lady?” Debra finally couldn’t hold her giggle in any more.

I laughed, she joined in. Then we cuddled some more, just messing around before sleeping.

“Hey, Danny?”


“Can I watch this time?” She snickered.

“Sure, but why?”

“Rwanda told me you are amazing, up for twice back to back. I want to see that!” She leaned in and suckled one of my nipples into her mouth.

Then she proceeded to fall asleep while doing that.

Yes. Amazing.

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