Party, but the Afterparty is Better

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(Long time reader, first time writer)

*Knock knock*

“Hey you, almost ready to go? If we leave soon, we’ll be fashionably early!” I say as I peak my head in the bedroom door, where you’ve been getting changed for the past few minutes.

“Almost! Can you come zip me up?” you respond.

I open the door wider and catch sight of the dress you’ve decided to don tonight. My jaw hits the floor. It hugs your body in all the right places, but still leaves a little to the imagination. Specifically my imagination, which is doing front and backflips right now.

“Wow, you’ve gone all out for this. You’re going to make everyone else there jealous, you know that?” I walk over to where you’re standing in front of the full-length propped-up mirror in the corner of our bedroom, wrapping my arms around you when I get there.

You rub my arms while they’re wrapped around your waist and stomach and lean your head back into my shoulder. “You can’t zipper me up like this, you know. But I suddenly don’t want you to anymore” you say as we stand there, staring at our collective reflection in the mirror.

“Good point” I say as I kiss your neck and move my hands up to your hips as I break the hold we were in. I run my hands up the back of your dress to the end of the zipper that you can’t reach because it’s in the middle of your back and, with one hand, hold your hair out of the way and with the other, slowly work the zipper up to the top. “Is that the last thing? We probably should get going” I say reluctantly as my imagination just keeps on going in my head.

“I think I’m all ready, but let me check again. I need my little bag, too, for my phone, if you find that lying around anywhere” you say as you start looking around for both your phone and your bag. Every time you cross in front of the mirror, I notice you check yourself out with a little smile. You know you’re looking sexy tonight and, soon, everyone else will know, too.

You’ve located your phone and handbag, I’ve got my keys and wallet in my pocket and we’re all ready to leave. We leave the door arm-in-arm, I grab the passenger’s side door and hold it open for you. I offer my hand to you as you climb in and you take it while you sit yourself down on the seat and slide your legs over into the seat proper. While you were sliding your legs over, I got a magnificent view of your long and slender legs and almost was able to see your panties, but the angle wasn’t right. Just that, though, leaves my mind racing again. I bite my lip as I close the door on you and walk around to the driver’s side door. I climb in, start the car, give it a little time to warm up while you put in the address of the party and I pick out what kind of music we’ll be driving to tonight.

As soon as I back out of the driveway, put the car in drive, and start us down the road, I feel your hand on my thigh, slowly running your nails up and down my leg. I reach over and do the same on your thigh, over your dress. Your hand moves up my side and to the back of my neck, your favorite place to keep your hand and my favorite place for your hand while I drive. The drive to the party isn’t too long, but our hands don’t leave those spots the entire drive.

We arrive at the country club that your workplace decided to have their Holiday party this year and find a decent place to park.

“Pretty big place, I’m surprised! What with all the stories you’ve been telling me about the budget shortages you guys have been experiencing…” I say to you as we walk up to the entrance.

“Don’t even get me started” you growl to me under your breath.

In the entrance hall, there is a table with two women behind it, greeting everyone and having them sign a “Holiday Party 2021” sheet that will be framed and placed somewhere in your office after this is all over. You sign us both in, me as your +1, after you greet the women with a warm smile and an even warmer greeting.

There are assigned seats at this function, but you and I both know that’s going to go out of the window almost immediately. Despite that, we find our seats and relieve ourselves of our coats. You’ve been actively scanning the place with your eyes, looking for people and groups that you know and want to introduce me to.

You’ve spotted a group of work friends that you want to start things off with, so you lead me over to them, introducing me as “my favorite person in the world”. I glance over at you and your smile is as wide as I’ve ever seen it when you look back at me and shrug. We exchange pleasantries, you giving out hugs and me giving out handshakes, when you notice about half of them have drinks in their hands.

“Where’d you get those? I could use one myself” you ask one of them, curiously.

“Right over there, kind of behind the DJ, but off to the left” one of them says as they point out the general area. It’s a pretty busy place, there is clearly a line of people that had this idea before you did.

“I’ll go grab us some drinks, you stay here and mingle with your people.” I say into your forehead Bostancı Escort as I kiss it. “Bay breeze?”

“You know me well” you respond with an adorable wink and smile.

I respond in kind with a wink of my own before I excuse myself and head off to the bar. I’m not sure what song the DJ is playing right now, but it’s got a nice beat to it and I find myself dancing a little as I walk. The line is 3 or 4 people deep right now, so I settle in and wait for others to collect their drinks and move along. I strike up a conversation with a couple next to me and introduce myself as your boyfriend, but they don’t seem to know you. Ahh, they work in a different department, that explains it. As I talk about you, I look back to the group that I left you with and you’re deep in conversation with one of your coworkers about something and suddenly you throw your head back and laugh. Must have been a pretty funny joke because you’re both cracking up. I love watching you laugh so I’m still watching when you come down to a little giggle and I catch your eye from across the room. I give you a little smile and a wave before I hear the bartender calling out for the next person in line.

I order us two Bay Breezes with rum instead of vodka, tip the bartender (I’m not sure if he’s working on tips or not for the night, but I do it anyway and he doesn’t say no), and make my way back over to you.

“Here you are, my dear, one Bay Breeze and a second if I don’t finish this one” I say with a smile and a wink that no one else in the group sees. You giggle and wink back while you take your first sip of the drink in your hands. It’s delicious, I can tell from the look on your face, a look I’ve seen quite a few times during our relationship.

We sip our cocktails as I listen to the stories of work and other recreational activities that your group is sharing. Before I know it, you’ve finished your drink and I’m still only halfway through mine. You put your empty cup down on the table and turn to me.

“I kind of want to go dance, would you like to join me?” Your eyes have a mischievous sparkle in them and I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol or you feeling a little frisky, but I decide it’s probably a healthy mix of both.

“If you help me finish this, I’m all yours on the dance floor” I squeeze out from behind clenched teeth on my straw as I struggle to finish the rest of my drink. You grab the leftover straw from your cup, poke it into mine and help me down the rest of it. I can’t help but give a little shiver as the alcohol runs through my body, but I’m feeling looser and ready to throw it all out there on the dance floor.

I’m not sure how many songs we dance to together, but it’s all a blur of spinning you around and holding you tight during slow songs and bumping hips with you as we dance. It’s a lot of fun, just what you needed after the year from hell it’s been at work for both of us. We both decide that now would be a good time to check out the food table because neither of us have had anything to eat this entire time.

We exit the dance floor, hand-in-hand, to explore the food table. They have a wide assortment of meats, cheeses, delicate cheesesteak egg rolls, miniature burger sliders, and everything else under the sun, seemingly. We grab plates and utensils, load up at the food table, and bring our treasure trove of treats back to our assigned seats. Perfect timing, too, because someone that looks like they could be an important corporate person has just grabbed the microphone from the DJ.

There is a long, drawn-out speech about togetherness and teamwork and yadda yadda yadda; the only thing that catches my ear while we’re devouring our food is that your annual raises are still going out as planned and that rouses a cheer from the entire party-going audience.

We’ve both worked our way through a substantial amount of the food we’d gathered and sit back to allow our digestion to start, hopefully quickly. There’s more dancing to be done.

After making some more introductions to the people in the assigned seats around us, we’re both up and ready to kick it again on the dance floor. Fortunately the DJ is still going strong, so we live it up once again, burning off most of the sustenance that we gained from our mini-feast.

While we’re dancing with your back up against me, I lean over to your ear and ask you “Hey, would you like to go home and get comfortable with me?”

You turn around with a bright smile on your face. “I would love nothing more” you whisper in my ear after beckoning me to bow my head. Now we’ve both got dumb, blissful smiles on our faces. It’s a good thing the dance floor is crowded.

You take me by the hand and lead me out of the dance floor throng, back to our table and our stuff. We both check for everything still being in place and, fortunately, it’s all there. We exchange goodbyes with people you’ve introduced me to but I don’t remember their names. I’m too busy focused on you and what I’m going to do to you when we get home. Maybe even sooner, Anadolu Yakası Escort I simply can’t resist you in that dress.

The car beckons us with the headlights as I hit the unlock button. I open the door for you and you climb in but only after laying a kiss on my cheek. The place where your lips touched my face is hot and I assume the other cheek is just as flush from you making me blush.

I climb in the driver’s side as you input our home address and away we go. Other couples are strolling out of the country club as we’re leaving, everyone arm-in-arm or hand-in-hand. It was a good idea to come to this party and I tell you that I had a very good time, but I don’t think I’ll remember anyone’s names after tonight. You laugh and play with my hair and tell me that’s fine.

During our return ride, I keep catching you staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I don’t mind, of course, but this time is different. One or two times, I could have sworn you were biting your lip when I glanced over. Another time and your hand is on your tit, squeezing gently. If I look close enough, I can see your nipple poking through. You’ve grabbed my hand that was on your thigh and you’re now moving it inside your thigh, moving it up and down inside your inner thigh. I can’t check because I have to keep my eyes on the road, but I think your dress is pulled up enough to allow me to rub the entire length of your thigh.

The gravel under the tires crunches as we pull back in the driveway and suddenly we’re home. I put the car in park and look over, but it’s as if none of what I’d seen during our drive happened. I give you a smirk and a wink and tell you to wait there. I get out of the car, come around to your side, and open it for you. I put a hand out to help you up and it somehow makes its way down to your hip as you kiss me deeply for a while. I close the passenger’s side door as you grab my hand from your hip and lead me towards the front door.

You turn around to face me and put your back up against the door as I fumble for the keys in my pocket. I find them, pull them out of my pocket, but then you pull me into another deep kiss. I don’t want to break the kiss, so I’m searching for the door knob handle and lock while we make out passionately. I’m struggling to find the keyhole as I’m more focused on trading tongues with you. I put my free hand around the small of your back as I find the keyhole and turn the key so you don’t go flying down into the house as the door swings open. We are still locked in a kiss as we step in and I close and lock the door behind us.

The second after the door has closed, you jump up into a straddle around my hips. I was expecting it, so I catch your legs as I drop the keys wherever they decide to land. I don’t have time to worry about that, my queen has my full attention and I can’t deny her. After I catch your legs, I know exactly what to do with you. You’ve since stopped kissing my mouth and I am now kissing and licking your neck while I walk you up the steps and down the hall to our room. The sheets are all nice and made, but they won’t be like that for long.

You pull back and hold my face in your hands while you plant a long, slow kiss on my lips. As soon as I feel you begin to lighten up on the kiss, I take my hands, put them under your armpits, and throw you back onto the bed. Your head lands on a pillow and your dress slides up a little bit to show more of your long and slender legs. It drives me nuts.

I peel out of my sport jacket, unbutton my shirt, and climb up on the bed to take my place over you. Your hands are under my arms and holding me around my shoulder blades and I love feeling your nails dig in as you get more and more turned on. I kiss you lightly, once, twice, maybe a longer third time. After that, I can’t resist anymore, so I kiss you deeply again, subtly working my tongue into your mouth, encouraging your tongue to tangle with mine.

Suddenly, I’ve moved to your neck, slowly working my way down in incremental steps to your collarbone. Your breathing is methodical and every time you breathe out with a little moan, I flex my cock in my pants to let you know how much it turns me on. I’m not sure if you can feel it through the layers I have on, but I do it anyway. I’m still working my way down, peeling your dress out of the way so that I can focus on your nipples for a little while. I make the circles that you love so much with my tongue on your left nipple first, pinching and twisting your right nipple in my other hand. I switch nipples, making sure to blow on the one I left after leaving it covered in my saliva. I know you like the cool feeling that gives you.

Your stomach is still covered by the dress, so I only give that a few kisses on the way by, but your thighs are fully exposed while you’re laying like this. I work your dress up and over your hips and butt, to reveal a very sexy pair of panties. They’re black, lacy, and skimpy, just how I like it. The black compliments your pale skin so well, every detail Pendik Escort in them stands out. It’s really a shame that they’re going to have to come off for me to continue.

I kiss your thighs as I slide my hands up the sides of them, very lightly. You shiver, just what I want. I’m slowly working my way closer to your belly button with my kisses, until I get to the top edge of your panties. There’s a tiny bow at the top, which I lift between my teeth, looking up at you as you look down at me. I give you a wink and a smirk, then it’s back to the action. I open my mouth a little wider and get the top edge of your panties in between my teeth while my hands loop around the sides of them at the same time. My body works as a team, pulling together so that your panties slide off smoothly and effortlessly. While your legs are in the air, I take both of your ankles in my left hand and hold them straight up while I kiss the back sides of your legs, along your hamstrings. I release and let your legs fall to either side of my head. I’m done messing around now.

I wet my palette, making sure my tongue is drenched in saliva and dripping with my anticipation to taste you. It’s time. I spread your thighs, get a full view of your perfect beautiful pussy and dark landing strip leading me to the promised land. Neither of us can take it anymore, so I stick my tongue out completely and place it directly in the middle of your pussy. You let out an audible gasp of pleasure as I lick from the top to the bottom, spreading you and covering every inch with a mix of my saliva and your delectable natural juices. It’s already covering my chin, I can feel it and that turns me on even more.

After making sure every spot is tasted and wet from my mouth or from yourself, now comes the fun part. I lick up the left side, up the right side, then lightly, right on the clit. You let out another gasp, letting me know the exact spot to focus on for you to feel me completely. I begin to make circles with my tongue, around and around your little pleasure button.

“Oh my god, baby” you manage to eke out in between heavy breaths of lust.

I smirk, knowing this must feel divine, but continue. Lightly, the tip of my tongue moving up and down over your clit. I’ve found just the right spot. I alternate between circles and flicking my tongue, whichever gets the biggest moan out of you at the time. You’re running your fingers through my hair and pulling me tighter and tighter to your hot zone.

“PLEASE fuck me” you breathe out with your latest gasp. I can’t just ignore what my queen wants, can I?

One last flick and I’m suddenly face-to-face with you. You grab the sides of my head and pull me close for a passionate kiss. My mouth is covered in your pussy juices, so much so that it’s practically dripping from my lips, but you take no mind. I even trade a bit of it from my tongue to yours as we quickly make out, tongue in, tongue out.

I pull back, then roll over next to you and start fumbling around with my belt, trying to take it off smoothly and quickly.

“Let me help you out here” you say to me as you sit up, push my knees down and start to straddle my legs. You have a better angle on my belt than I did, so you slip it out easily and throw it to the floor. Next is the pants button, which is undone before I can even blink, same with the zipper. Your hands move at what seems like lightspeed to grip the sides and start pulling them down. Once my pants get pulled all the way off, the only thing left is my underwear. It’s clearly got a damp patch on it where my precum has gathered and soaked in with nowhere else to go. My cock is rock hard under my underwear and the bulge it’s creating is easily noticeable. You come back up onto the bed and give the shaft of my cock a kiss before working my underwear down and over it. My cock flops back up against my stomach, then springs straight up for you. My underwear is completely off now, but you haven’t come back up onto the bed yet. I wait a beat for you to come back up, but nothing. I sit up and catch sight of you, kneeling on the carpet at the foot of the bed with your hands in your lap, eyes begging me, urging me to come get more.

I stand up from the end of the bed, cock in hand, lightly moving back and forth, not that I need that to keep me hard. Looking at you like this does it all by itself. You reach out a hand to run it along the outside of my thigh, where my cock is now eye level with you. You move your hand over to it, replicating the strokes that I was doing to it while glancing up and making eye contact with me. You hold my gaze for a few moments, then focus on the cock that’s slowly leaking a drop of precum.

Your tongue comes out of your mouth and catches that drop then moves up towards the source, where you kiss the tip of my cock lightly.

“I’m going to try something, I’m not sure how well it will work” you say to me.

“I’m on board for anything that involves you on and around my cock” I respond.

I don’t have to wait long as you launch into a glorious blowjob, your mouth wettening the tip and as much of the shaft as you can fit. Your hand is working the base of my shaft with tight strokes, moving in coordination. My eyes roll into the back of my head as I tilt it back and take in the bliss that is your perfect mouth.

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