

I started writing on this site about ten years ago. I joined intending to notate some of the more memorable of my sexual encounters. But as I started writing, I realised my writing skills were not up to scratch, and the fear of exposing some of the young ladies and married women I’d slept with held me back. So my early writings are mostly made-up stories built around things I had done or seen. Now sixty or so stories later, and still not that adept, I think it is time for me to get some of my most private memories down in writing before I come down with dementia or drop dead.I chose the title for this series as my good mate Ivan and I often joke about the women we have loved, and in jest, we say how lucky they were to have had us. He also jokes about my being the Ponsonby Playboy. (A suburb in Auckland where I frequented bars and nightclubs in the seventies.) But, in reality, I was far from being a playboy; I had no flash cars or a posh pad to woo chicks in and certainly had no money.I am not particularly proud of everything I have done, and in hindsight, there are many affairs I wish I had avoided entirely. After all, my sexual hijinks helped stuff up two marriages. But you can’t change the past. I seldom use actual names, as NZ is a small country, and I don’t want to cause any problems for any of the protagonists in my stories.The first story I’ll relate to is about a holiday in Norfolk Island with my mother in 1966. I picked this adventure as my old mate Ivan, and I have been reminiscing about old times, and I showed him a photo of the people involved in this particular story. If you have read any of my other stories, you will know I’m 6’1″ and have a good healthy physique. I have been told many times that I was handsome, so there must be some truth in the rumour. I had a large group of mates, we played rugby, surfed, hunted (for deer and pig), and we were all pretty obsessed with nailing as many girls as possible. I’m sure that today, teen males are no different.I’d left school and worked as an engine apprentice at TEAL Airways (Now called Air New Zealand). It was an incredible apprenticeship. In the five years, I worked there; I worked on Lycoming Flat four engines, Bristol Hercules sleeve valves, Pratt and Whitney eighteen-cylinder radials and Allison Turbo Prop engines for the Electra’s that TEAL operated. Later when ANZ got the DC-8, I worked on Pratt and Whitney TurboJets.We apprentices also moved around to other departments of the company. I spent time in the Airframe section, where I learned sheet metal work, Paint Dept, where I was taught to Spray Paint. I also worked in the Instrument, Electrical, Radio and Air-conditioning departments. An excellent grounding that set me up for the various jobs I have worked since.All of us apprentices hotted up our cars. Management encouraged us to do this, and we had free use of the company balancing machines, sorted out carburetors in the fuel dept, etc. The hottest car I ever drove was a 1960 Ford Anglia van, which had been stripped of every piece of trim to lose weight. The apprentice that owned it had fitted an 1800 BDA crossflow motor, gearbox from a Zodiac (I think), and disk brakes from a Consul 315. The thing went like stink, pulled about ‘3G’ when it accelerated. I drove Ferraris and a Lamborghini in subsequent years, and none of them had a patch on this Anglia Van.Another of the benefits of working at TEAL was the staff travel discounts; we only paid ten per cent of the full fare. In September of 1966, I booked my mother and me on a week’s holiday in Norfolk Island. The cost of the ticket was only £4.10 each. (So cheap, you couldn’t afford not to do it.) My mate Steve heard about my plans and booked his mother (Betty) and him on the same flight. (Put this in perspective, my wage at that time was £8.00 per week.)The trip started with a bang. We were offered expensive drinks the moment the plane’s wheels were off the ground. It was an old DC-4, and the entire plane’s seating was first class. So the drinks, food, etc., were all five-star and free. Mum ordered a Whisky sour, and I had a Jack Danials and coke. Soon, after take-off, entrees were served; a prawn cocktail, followed by Steak Mignon for the main, then dessert. Unfortunately, a landing was impossible because of the heavy fog when we got to Norfolk Island. So after flying around the Island for an hour, the plane turned back to Auckland, the pilot promising to put us up overnight in Auckland and try the next day again.Everyone on board accepted the inevitable, ordered more drinks then started to mingle. I had seen two single girls board the plane and had my eye on them. So buoyed with alcohol, I wandered down the aisle to chat them up. Their names were Beth and Gloria. Beth was a short (5’1″) dark-haired girl with big boobs, not especially pretty, but far from plain or ugly, maybe Beylikdüzü Escort a little overweight. Gloria was a bit of a looker, 5’7″, blond hair, and even seated, you could see she had a great figure. They were from Wellington, which may as well be another country to an Auckland boy like me. Still, I had them to myself for a week; that couldn’t be bad.The girls and more than half the forty people on the flight would stay with us at the Norfolk Lodge. I had it all figured out that Steve would have Beth, and I would have Gloria. But when I returned to my seat for landing, Steve was sitting there with a big grin all over his face. He had pulled some other bird at the back of the plane and was not interested in my plans for him.We all disembarked the DC-4 around 6:00 pm. They bused us into the Great Northern Hotel in the central city and gave us all tickets for dinner at the Taitung Restaurant on Swanson St. At such short notice, the hotel restaurant had been unable to cater for such a large number. At the restaurant, I maneuvered my mother and me to sit next to Gloria and Beth. I turned on the charm. But Gloria was not interested, and it was plain she had my number. But with the stupidness of youth, I didn’t give up trying. Beth, however, was a bubbly little thing. She met my best jokes and chat-up banter with enthusiasm. I knew she was my best bet, but I couldn’t help myself; Goria was too attractive.The following day we were all bused back to Mangere Airport (Later to be called Auckland International Airport), boarded the DC-4, and soon were up in the air on our way to Norfolk Island again. Wheels up, the steward came by, asking us what we wanted to drink; everyone burst into laughter. We ordered the same drinks as the day before, and when the meal arrived, It was the same, Prawn Cocktail, Filet Mignon with Caesar Salad, and dessert. All for £4.10, bloody unbelievable!The plane managed to land this time, and we were bussed to our lodge. My mother and I were meant to be sharing a room in the main Building, Steve and his mother in the room next door. But Mum and Betty were getting on well and said they would take one room and let Steve and I have the other. Beth and Gloria were in one of the outside units. The following day I again made a play for Gloria at breakfast, but she made it plain I was wasting my time as she had a boyfriend.On the other hand, Beth made it obvious she was still keen, even knowing she would be my second choice. But my pride overruled my good sense. I did not want to appear to be a bastard just after a quick bonk, so I gave up on both girls. I saw little of Steve the whole time on the Island. He continued to chase the girl he had met on the plane and spent most of his time with her and her parents. They were not staying at our lodge, and when I saw Steve, he seemed to be heading off to be with them.My mother, and Betty, had teamed up with an old Irish guy (Patrick). I think he was in his seventies and a committed alcoholic. He was a real character and kept us in fits of laughter the whole week. I need to mention another couple of players – a very religious girl travelling with her parents, and a real mommies boy, also with his parents. I can’t remember their names. I’ll call her Catherine, and the boy, Peter. I was pretty sure Peter was gay, as he was incredibly effeminate.So on my first day, I toured the shops with Mum and Betty, looking for bargains. Norfolk Island had no duty taxes on goods. So such things as transistor radios, perfumes, and alcohol were incredibly cheap. This was the main reason for people holidaying on Norfolk Island. The shop assistant in one of the shops I visited was beautiful. I always say this in my stories, and with good reason, I was attracted to beautiful women then and still am today. I have dated many ladies that have been quite plain, but the ones that got my motor running and needed writing about were almost always attractive.Anyway, this young lady shop assistant was drop-dead gorgeous. She was eighteen, five-seven, with olive skin and black hair. I went back to that shop three times that day to stand behind other customers and look at her. The third time I entered the shop, no one else was there. She came over, stood beside me and asked, “Are you here to buy anything, or are you just here to look at me?”I stuttered out the truth,” I think you are beautiful.””So why don’t you ask me out?” she replied.I was tongue-tied; did this gorgeous apparition indicate she would go out with me? “Can I see you when you finish work?” I finally managed to stutter out.”Not tonight. I have piano lessons. But I could meet you tomorrow night.”I left the shop in a daze, unable to believe my luck. We had agreed that I would pick Amelia up when she finished work at 7:00 the following evening, and I would take her to dinner.The Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan next day, Mom, Betty and I drove around the Island, taking in the sights. Mom and Betty had gone halves in a rental car for two days. So I asked to borrow the car that evening to take the young beauty to dinner. I picked her up outside the shop at 7:00 and drove her to her house so that she could change. (I did not get asked inside to meet her parents). Then we drove down to Emily Bay, where there was a resort I had booked for dinner.This resort was where Steve’s young lady friend and her parents stayed. And so I was not surprised to see Steve seated with them when we entered. When he came over, looking to be introduced, I was on cloud nine at being seen with someone like Amelia. Of course, I was punching way above my weight, but shit, it felt good. After dinner, Amelia gave me directions to the local’s park-up spot, where we stopped and started to make out. I got as far as feeling up her tits. But she informed me she did not put out on first dates and to behave myself. I took this to mean she had gone all the way before on second dates. And so, I upped my efforts and got a bit further before being stopped again.We talked, and she told me she was saving to move to New Zealand or Australia and hinted that she would like to hook up with me once there. So I promised to give her my phone number and address. Then we started necking again. I managed to get her tits out and suck on her nipples, which turned her on, and soon I was feeling her up through her panties. But when I pulled them aside and pushed a finger deep inside, she came to her senses and made me stop. She was really hot and bothered, and I think if I had kept trying, I might have gotten all the way. But my take was that the next night would be a better bet, so I played the gentleman, backed off, and took her home.We started kissing again outside her house, and I got my hand under her dress and inside her panties again. She was very excited and squirming around on my fingers. If it hadn’t been for the front light on the house coming on, I think I would have nailed her. But she said that would be her father and she had to go. So I reluctantly sat back and watched Amelia sashay down the path and disappear through the front door.I drove back to the lodge, totally besotted; I was amazed I didn’t crash the car. Steve had arrived home and was still up, and he quizzed me about how I had got on. I stuck my fingers under his nose; he took a deep breath and yelled, “You dirty lucky bastard!” Of course, I didn’t tell him I had fucked her, but again, I didn’t deny it either.The next morning, Steve beat me down to breakfast. And when I walked into the dining room, I was met by lots of knowing grins from women, and sly nudge-nudge, wink-winks from the men. I later found that in my absence from the previous night’s festivities at the bar, my mother had informed anyone that asked that I was out with the attractive shop assistant from town. Everyone knew which shop assistant my mother was talking about; Amelia was a hot topic of conversation with all the guests.Steve had obviously informed some men that morning that I had nailed her. More than one husband asked to smell my fingers, and I was getting some knowing looks from the wives. The most significant change was in Beth and Gloria, they both came and sat with me at breakfast, and Gloria, in particular, was now very chatty and accommodating. I had expected them to be a bit stand-offish, knowing I had been out with Amelia, but it was quite the opposite. Even one of the married women gave me the come-on for the next couple of days; her behaviour made things very embarrassing around her husband. I played it cool and joined Mom and Betty sightseeing after breakfast. After lunch, I walked down to see Amelia, intending to ask her out that night. There were quite a few people in the shop, so I hung around and watched her until they left. But when I approached her to ask her out, she didn’t want to know me. She was very cool, almost hostile. I had no idea why. I left the shop tail between my legs, absolutely devastated. I walked back to the lodge, thinking about what I might have done. Was it because I pushed her too far the night before? Or had her father seen me fingering her outside their house? Or had one of the men from our hotel been in the shop blabbing to her? I had no idea, But the fact she had been so passionate and horny the night before; meant that nothing added up. I was confused and hurt.It was a couple of years later, when a prostitute in Hong Kong attempted to pick me up, that I twigged what may have happened. Amelia had explained to me she was saving like mad to get her arse off the tiny Island and dropped a few hints that I help her. I was too naive to understand. But Escort Beylikdüzü I now think that if I had dropped her a couple of Quid, I would probably have nailed my first supermodel.The rest of the day, I was not great to be around. Finally, my mother took me aside and asked what was wrong. I poured my heart out to her, even shed a few tears. I was so distraught. She told me, “If you’re going to put yourself out in the firing line, you need to learn how to handle the odd bullet. You can’t hit it off with everyone.” Her final bit of advice was that; there are plenty more fish in the sea. An adage I have lived by ever since.That night I went to the bar with Mum, Betty, Irish Pat and a dozen other guests. Beth and Gloria were there, and I tried to avoid them. But Beth, bless her heart, came and sat by me and tried to cheer me up. Someone played the piano, and the lodge owner (Bert), played the guitar. It was a good night, and soon they all had me laughing. I remember us all singing Nancy Sinatra’s song ‘These Boots Are Made For Walking’, which had just hit number one back home.During the partying that night, someone proposed that we all go to the West of the Island the following night and watch the sunset and, once dark, look for the lights of Sydney. Gloria spoke to me while Beth was away in the toilet at one stage in the evening. She told me Beth was a virgin and had been hoping to lose her virginity on holiday. Gloria thought I would be a good contender for this task. You would have thought I would have raced Beth out of the bar the minute she returned and had mad rebound sex with her. But it was quite the opposite; I had been swearing all afternoon that I wasn’t going near women again. And so I indicated to Gloria that I wouldn’t be the one. So I escaped to Bed quite early that night, Albeit in a much better mood than earlier in the day.The next evening, at 6:00, around twenty of us guests assembled in front of the lodge and boarded an old bus. Bert drove us to the lookout on the West of the Island. The majority of the group were married couples aged in their thirties. We all had bags of food, alcohol and blankets with us and spread these out on the grass at the top of a cliff. My mother and Betty had been trying to matchmake Peter and Catherine for the previous two days and were having some success, much to Catherine’s parent’s disgust. Her mum and dad had visions of their daughter becoming a Nun and were not at all happy when Peter started showing interest in their daughter. However, Steve’s mum was a bit religious and got on quite well with Catherine’s parents and offered to be Catherine’s chaperone for the night so she could come on our trip. Funnily enough, my mum had to promise Peter’s parents that she would keep an eye on him.Well, the night just got funnier and funnier. Pat, the Irish guy, was hilarious. He was drunk and kept us laughing with his dry sense of humour all night. Bert had brought his guitar along, and we all had a good sing-a-long, waiting for the sunset. By the time the sky turned blood red, everyone was getting tipsy and having a good night. Even Peter and Catherine, who I am sure had never touched a drop of alcohol in their life, had had a glass in their hand. I was seated on a blanket with Beth and Gloria, and I had finally seen sense and was making a play for Beth. Gloria had changed completely; she was now flirting with me openly while encouraging Beth and me to misbehave.People quietened as it got dark, and more than one couple looked to be making out under their blanket. The atmosphere was electric, sitting there on a warm spring evening under the stars. Soon ribald comments were being bantered around the group about what was happening under the blankets, and this just seemed to stir everyone to misbehave even more. At one point, the wife that had been flirting with me took off with Bert into the trees. It was treated as a joke, but I’m not sure that it was. Her husband didn’t seem to mind, though. Then someone asked where Peter and Catherine were, and there were whistles and comments about what they might be up to. About fifteen minutes later, they very shyly tried to creep back into the group unseen, obviously having been on the bus. Both were blushing red and highly embarrassed. Betty took Catherine aside as she was a bit upset with all the ribbing, and we all returned to our partying and ignored Betty and Catherine. As the night wore on, Catherine relaxed and joined in the fun. There was a faint glimmer of light over to the West which we assumed must be Sydney, but it wasn’t that impressive. A full moon was starting to rise, and Bert informed us we had to be there on a pitch-black night to see the lights. But it was amazing to see all the stars and the Milky Way emblazoned across the sky. By 10:30, though, the moon was too high for us to see the stars clearly anymore. So we boarded the bus and sang and laughed back to the lodge. The driver dropped us at the gate, as he had to return the bus. And we all crept up the drive like naughty school kids while Pat kept making funny comments and had our stomachs hurting from trying to keep quiet and not laugh.

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