Plain Jane

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“Where in hell…” When I awoke, my environment had me dumbfounded. Every now and then, I get a sort of unsettling feeling when I wake up of not knowing where I am. Generally, this passes in a few moments when my brain catches up, but on this particular occasion, that feeling didn’t pass as quickly as was typical. My arms and legs were painted with thick black lines from what I assumed must have been some sort of grease pencil. They swirled into delicate patterns of lines and dots. I saw some on the bridge of my nose as well as my cheeks. It was very dark in the room I occupied, but the small fragments of light from nearby torches shined onto my bare skin. Torches? The aroma of rosemary and nutmeg filled my nostrils and made my head feel strangely at ease, even with the fact that my wrists were tied with a leather strap that ran through a metal ring on the ground before me and on into the abyss. Of course, my clothes were gone. I rose to my knees and observed an assortment of black ornate pillows and blankets where I had been resting. I took a breath and focused my mind on how I had gotten here.

The previous night, I was invited to a block party at someone’s house. I was less invited by the owner of the house and more invited by my friends who, for some strange reason, wanted me to come with them. I had no plans, so I didn’t really see the harm in going. When I showed up at the house, my friends were already pretty wasted and doing some beer pong trick shots or something. After a few minutes of failed interaction with the other party-goers, I excused myself to the back porch as gracefully as I could manage.

The backyard was beautiful. I overheard someone inside talking about how the elderly lady who lived next door was retired and spent her days gardening. Evidently, she had asked the owners of the property if she could expand her garden across their yard as well, since they were not using it. They felt no reason to decline and ended up allowing it. The flowers overtook a large bit of the backyard but were still short enough so that the large pond behind the house was in full view.

I took a cigarette from my case and lit it, reminding me of how my mom had given it to me a few months prior. She told me that “If a lady is going to smoke, she must be a bit eloquent about it.” It was silver and had my initials, AD, engraved on the center of it. I rubbed the embossed case absent-mindedly as I took a drag of nicotine.

I remember her entrance vividly. She was tall, largely because of her heeled boots. Every inch of her clothing was as black as tar, from her boots, her leather jeans, her shredded cutoff T, and her charmed bracelets. I didn’t even thing anyone wore charm bracelets anymore, much less that they made black charms. A silver pentagram hung from a black chain around her neck and dipped temptingly into her V-neck. Her eyes locked with mine as she drifted my way. An unlit cigarette hung from her shadowy lips. In the glimmer of the moon behind me, her labret piercing shined silvery light briefly. She stood very close to me and took her cigarette from her mouth for a moment to speak.

“Spare me a light, Hun?” She swayed in a manner not similar to intoxication, but more like she was putting me under some sort of hypnotic trance. Her eyes were intense, with dark irises complimented by her darker makeup. Her hair was a brilliant contrast of light blonde and fell short of her shoulders in supple curls. I couldn’t help but follow the sway of her hips. She was a thin woman, and I could see the beginning of a black tattoo on the top of her hipbone above her pants. In a failing effort to not be awkward, I fumbled for the lighter that I had put in one of my pockets. She giggled and her hands touched my arms softly, causing me to freeze. She gave a small nod. Oh.

I leaned towards her, letting the paper of her cigarette touch mine. The red cherries burned in the darkness of her eyes, as we were close, and I saw flecks of brown and ember gleam faintly. She inhaled and blew smoke above us.

“What is your name?” She held her cigarette in that way that few people hold them. The filter was gripped by three of her fingers and she spun it by the tip deftly as if it were only a pencil. I was almost expecting her to drop it.

“Ana.” She laughed cheerfully and held her stomach.

“How awfully plain.” I narrowed my eyes slightly, trying to read if she was joking, or attempting to insult me.

“I didn’t choose it. Why, what is yours? Her posture was confident, as if she held all the cards. I didn’t even know we were playing a game.

“Jane.” She did a small curtsy and strained to hold back a laugh but failed. I couldn’t help but laugh along.

“Wow. Unique. It must be quite difficult to spell.” She gave muğla escort me a small shove and leaned against the railing, her elbows propped on the metal. I placed my hands on the bar and took another inhale of the burned tobacco. After our introductions, we continued talking for another hour, and lit a few more cigarettes. Jane told me of how she was the daughter of the woman who had planted the large garden, and always helped her mother in her free time. She mentioned burning some of the dried herbs for different spiritual purposes. At that point, my interest was piqued, and I took the bait.

“What’s with the necklace? Are you a witch or something?” I looked again at the glimmering metal and watched it swing delicately with her natural motions.

“Or something.” She rubbed the back of her neck and her long eyelashes batted softly from my view of her profile.

“That explains things. You must have me under some sort of spell.” I leaned my back up against the railing. My flirtations were quickly acknowledged as she moved her body to mine. I felt her hips against mine, and her arms grasped the banister on either side of me.

“Is that an invitation?” Her body pressed against my own and I gasped quietly as she kissed my neck. The feel of her warm breath was incredibly distracting. Her hair smelled sweet, but not floral. I detected hints of vanilla and lemon. Flashes of daydreams played in my mind, images of her naked body poured from my imagination. The thoughts felt vivid like a memory.

“As long as your bite is worse than your bark.”

I nodded, finally coming to my senses about the night before. I remember what happened. I couldn’t help but grin as I glanced at my braided leather bindings. I was going to get what I wanted after all.

A new Torchlight came into my vision, and my heart sang at the sight it gave me. Jane walked down a set of stairs near the edge of the room and was dressed in a black laced corset, that had a translucent material draped to the floor from her back. The material ran up her body in a hood over her head and ran across her arms in sleeves. Her legs were covered with tattoos of vines and thorns. The ink also depicted ravens picking meat from skulls and bones. She looked like a kinky cultist, which was hot as hell. She set the torch in a slot on the wall behind me and I could see many tools hanging from it that were not perceivable without the light of the flames. There were many strange metal tools that I had never seen before, but among them were clamps and long needles. There was also a tattoo gun, which made my heart palpitate at the sight. Beside the metal tools were an assortment of whips, crops, paddles, and a multitude of ropes. The wall had many unidentifiable sigils and markings painted in red and grey. While I was staring in awe at her collection, she had made her way to me and lifted my chin. I stared into her murky irises with wonder.

“If you want me to stop, say ‘Lithium’ and I will cease my actions completely.” Her thumb traced my jawline softly and she grinned slightly.

“If you say ‘stop’ or ‘no’ I will keep going. Those words are only fuel for the fire within. I may even be harder on you if you say such things.” She raised an eyebrow and scanned my body with her gaze.

“Do you understand?” My lungs were on fire. I wanted her. I wanted everything that she could do and more.

“I understand.” Her palm moved to my cheek and her grin became a large smile. She looked a bit dorky for a moment. Only a moment though. Her hand drew back and returned with a bite as she slapped me. I went to the floor, my cheek throbbing. I went to my knees as quickly as I could and stared up at her again. She slapped my other cheek harder and I fumbled down, being held up by my restraints. I returned to my knees. She touched my face with both of her hands and cradled my head as her lips touched mine. She smelled like jasmine, and her aroma coupled with the after effect of the strikes made me tremble. She untied the leather from the metal loop and pulled up tightly. I stood and followed her to an arch of rings on the wall near her instruments of play. Her body pressed against mine as she moved me to the cold surface of the wall. My arms uselessly followed its pull. She took a metal rod from the wall and adjusted the two cuffs around my ankles. My legs were spread about a foot and a half apart by the shackles. Jane replaced the leather strip with two separate ropes on my wrists and attached them to metallic maroon rings above me. The coils of the soft rope were more comfortable, which only meant that she could be more forceful with them.

“Mistress…” I begged without knowing what I wanted. Her head turned to the sound of the title, and her sly grin returned. mersin escort With her thumb on my chin, she turned my head up and her lips touched my neck. The simple feel of the kiss sent my nerves into tingles and I felt goosebumps on my skin. She grabbed some sort of bar and put it in a small hole in the ground a few feet in front of me. Her hands touched my waist and she bent down, kissing my legs. She grasped the bar holding my legs apart and lifted it to rest in a notch at the top of the pole in the floor. My feet were level with my head and still spread. She stood in between them and leaned on my waist. With Jane’s body in between my legs my heart raced. She had some sort of tool in her hand that she must have collected when I was not at full attention. It looked like a small pizza cutter with tiny sharp prongs around the edge. She reached under my left leg and ran the points across my skin. It pricked me slowly on my thigh as it moved. I bit my lip feeling the slight pain of the points.

I was all so suddenly aware of her other hand and its fingers tracing down my stomach. One side of her caused pain, but the other side had other plans. She outlined small circles around my nipples with her nails and I could feel myself breathing deeply. She laughed, and I nearly jumped at the sound. She shook her head, clearing some inside joke out of her brain and leaned down to my chest. The pinpricks were at my spine as her tongue teased my breasts at their most tender point. I sighed and bit my lip again. I felt the leather of her corset press against me while her mouth made me tremble. She moved from the left to the right and her teeth bit me hard. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling a bit too much. A sharp pain occupied my left shoulder blade, making me feel warm. When I opened my eyes again, she had begun moving down from my nipples with her mouth, and the pinpricks had trailed across my ribcage.

I moaned as I felt her tongue on my clit. She started so slowly that I thought I might die of the anticipation. The look in Jane’s eyes had me. I was taken by her beauty and overall presence. The pinpricks sent sharp pain into my neck, and I made minor sounds of protest, but I didn’t want her to stop by any means. I felt her fingers move inside of me. My wrists pulled against the ropes that held me and felt snug on my skin. The pull was almost sensual. My eyes were closed as I felt the pleasure I was being given. I noticed all too suddenly when she stopped. She ducked under my legs and grabbed the bar.

“No, please don’t stop.” Jane looked at me and crossed her arms.

“Begging. Cute.” I watched her walk around the room in preparation as I was suddenly feeling discomfort in my back. I may have been a submissive, but in that moment, I had a few sadistic thoughts.

“Patience, my pet.” She walked over for a moment to grace my cheek with a kiss.

In only a couple of minutes she had rearranged me. During the transition of positioning, she made sure to touch me softly and whisper things in my ear. Tantalizing words, and phrases that made my face flush with the color of red. When she was finished, my back was facing the center of the room, and I was tied over the top of a sheer onyx table. My legs were still spread apart by the bar and my feet were planted on the floor. My wrists were bound together but were now behind me. The only thing that held me to the table itself was my own will to be there. Candles were placed on either side of me and I could just barely feel their heat. I felt like a sacrifice, and I was loving every bit of it.

Jane sat on the table before me, her legs crossed and at my side, at that point lacking all clothes albeit her heels. I felt the toe of her boot poke my ribs slightly. I stared at the crop she had resting on her shoulder yearningly. She looked sultry, taking a hit from her cigarette before blowing the smoke onto the table. The cloud rippled over the edge slowly. Jane held the filter to my mouth and I inhaled, the nicotine calming my nerves. Her dark eyes gleamed in the lowlight. She lifted a leg over me and laid back on her elbows. I bit my lip as I admired the view. She didn’t have to say a word before I automatically began to please my mistress. I glanced up every so often, hearing her moan and sigh at the touch of my tongue. Her sharp breaths were becoming more audible. I felt her fingers grasp my hair and jerk. I groaned in delight and stopped occupying her for a moment, only to feel the bite of the crop on my ass.

“Ah! I am sorry mistress.” I continued pleasing her at a faster pace than before. The din of her ecstasy made my heart race. The sight of her abdominal muscles tightening and her eyes closing brought me much satisfaction. The flickering candles nevşehir escort at either side fluttered with motions of our actions. After a few minutes, she pulled up on my hair, I stopped, and her eyes met mine. Her chest had been moving rapidly with her breath, but she still managed to speak in a level tone.

“Good girl.” Her thumb traced my cheekbone and her fingers curled strands of hair behind my ear. The tender motion made me blush, and I felt my cheeks get warm with the attention her eyes were suddenly paying to me.

She made her way from the and out of sight. I couldn’t turn my head much to see her, but I knew she was behind me. I felt bits of leather slide over my back. I bit my lip and smiled, knowing it was my turn.

“You are due for a reward, my pet. I will be sure that you get it.” The tails of the whip tickled the back of my neck as I listened to her. I felt hot little spots suddenly down my spine. She must have been holding a candle.

“But, you must ask me.” My heart skipped a beat as her words registered in my ears. I could feel wetness on my thighs from my vagina, and every fiber of my being wanted her to take me.

“Please…” I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t concentrate on anything but the feel of her hand on my ass. She moved slowly, like a predator waiting to go in for the kill.

“Please what?” More tantalizing drips of candlewax fell onto my spine. She was playing with me like a toy, and it drove me wild.

“Please fuck me, Mistress.” I could almost hear her smile as I said the words aloud. She set the candle down near my head, her breasts touching me for a moment as she leaned over me. Her hand slid under me and I felt her fingers make their way to my most tender and yearning spot. My nerves rushed with fire as my waiting was finally done. She fingered my clit, and all of me was suddenly hot with the rush of sensation. I felt her pressed against me, her bare skin gliding with mine perfectly. The tails of the whip still feathered over the skin of my back, and I could feel the bumps of knots on their lengths. I wanted her to strike me but struggled to get a word in edgewise between my moaning.

“I.. ahh… plea… mmm…” Yeah no, that wasn’t going to work.

I decided to try my best to communicate as best I could with body language. I backed against her, grinding with her motions, and made my shoulders wriggle a bit. I turned my head to meet her eyes and bit my lip, letting another sound escape from my throat in my pleasure. She raised an eyebrow and twirled the handle of the whip. I nodded and turned my head back, laying my cheek to the cold table.

The sting of the leather clashed into my right shoulder blade, and I gasped between whimpers. The hurt made her fingers feel like a high. The cutting bite of the whip enhanced my senses to a point that I wasn’t aware was attainable. I still felt a numbness in my cheeks from her slapping me at the start and could taste Jane on my tongue. My mind was filling with memories of this girl that I hardly knew, and the rush of oxytocin and adrenaline in my veins gave me very strong emotions. Every touch that she gave me brought me closer, like a volcano due for it’s eruption. I writhed on the table, unable to contain so much pleasure. Everything was on fire, and she was pouring the gasoline. She grabbed my breast and lifted me from the table. I struggled to stand, but she held me firmly, kissing my neck. She threw me back onto the table and lifted the bar that still parted my legs. She put it over her shoulders and her hands rested on my abdomen. My arms were uselessly tucked under my back, the ropes biting into my wrists delightfully. Two of her fingers were inside of me as her tongue furiously went to battle with my clit. I closed my eyes and my body shook with the rush of bliss that overtook me. As my climax subsided, I laid on the table, completely defeated. Jane crawled up deftly between my legs and rested her body on top of mine. I loved that we were this close, but my arms could not take any additional pressure.

“Ah! Arms.”

“Oh shit. Sorry.”

After a few minutes of me laying there like a useless human, she had untied me and removed the shackles from my ankles. My heartrate had finally normalized. I almost felt like it never would. She brought back a blanket from somewhere upon her return and wrapped me up in it tenderly. I didn’t realize that I was cold until I was tucked into the softness of it. She laid next to me on the table. I embraced her tightly. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then began to run her fingers through my hair. She still smelled like jasmine, even after crazy hot sex. I looked into those dark eyes, and she smiled.

“Not all Janes are plain.” She had a smirk like she just won a bet or something. I was mesmerized by the sight of her face in the candlelight.

“I suppose they aren’t.” Neither of us remember falling asleep, but I do remember waking up a bit later and pulling her into my blanket before passing out again.

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