Playing Daddy Pt. 02


All characters are aged 18 or older. Places are real, characters are fictional.


The city of York in England took me by surprise. I wouldn’t have called it a city at all, to me it seemed more like a small town, although it was explained to me that in England a place was called a city if it had a cathedral. There is apparently a tiny city called David’s that is only a cathedral and a few houses. York definitely has a cathedral, called York Minster, it is huge, and dominates the city. I was lucky enough to have a willing guide, a cousin who I had been in touch with but whom I had previously never met. My cousin took me around various venues of historic interest, he was full of knowledge, and it was a pleasure to meet him. Sadly we couldn’t spend Christmas day together, he and his family had arranged to go to a resort for the holiday.

My hotel put on a special Christmas dinner, which I enjoyed, and I spoke with Rachel, and my sons and their families by internet, the time zone difference was a nuisance but we all managed, it was an okay, if a bit lonely, day. Being on my own gave me time to think.

Being shown so much medieval history, and seeing where historic events had happened had made me realise that I seemed to have developed a macabre interest in punishment, and pain. I had known for a long time that what Rachel and I did in our little dungeon was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg as far as S&M was concerned, I also knew that Rachel herself was prepared to go much further down that path, some of her solo shows were evidence of that. But I also began to think that my actions were not only macabre and perverted, but showed that I had no morals at all.

Could I continue doing the things I had done, no, the things WE had done? Rachel is a fully paid up adult! What we do is between consenting adults, and if our audience doesn’t like what we do then they turn off, don’t they? I was literally arguing with myself.

I had enjoyed every minute that Rachel and I had spent together, not only performing for the camera, but just sitting or walking on the beach as well. The sex was great, even if it was shared with dozens of others who were watching and paying to do so. I think one of the things that made the sex so good was the fact that it was so uninhibited, I had had a good sex life with my wife, but it would definitely have been what Rachel would have described as ‘Vanilla’ compared to what she and I had been doing. I suddenly realised that I really missed Rachel!

Two days later I was sat in Glasgow airport, I had picked up my luggage and was just waiting for Rachel to arrive.

Rachel’s flight had been delayed, only by thirty minutes but it seemed an age before I saw her coming towards me. I felt like a new man as this lovely young woman threw her arms around me and greeted me like a lover. I had prearranged for a car to pick us up and take us to our hotel at loch Ness, it was going to be about a four hour drive, a drive I was quite looking forward to as we would hopefully see a lot of scenery. As we were loading our luggage into the trunk of the car I noticed Rachel talking to the driver and him smiling and nodding his head. As we were leaving the airport she explained that she had asked the driver to take us into the city centre so she could pick up a few necessities. She hoped that was alright.

Of course it was, and when we pulled over on a busy street she jumped out of the car, told me she wouldn’t be very long, and following the driver’s pointed finger she rushed off into the crowd. Rachel had obviously managed to get on the right side of him, personally I thought he was very taciturn, barely breaking his semi-permanent scowl for me.

It must have been about twenty minutes later that Rachel returned, looking very pleased with herself and carrying a large brown paper bag, which she refused to let me see the contents of.

Almost four and a half hours later we arrived at the little town of Drumnadrochit, and our hotel. As we unloaded the car I saw Rachel give the driver some money, I assumed she was tipping him for the diversion into Glasgow so I also give him another tip, which elicited the first real smile he had given me. The journey had been prepaid for by my travel agency, but the driver gave me a card with a local number and said if we wanted to go touring the area to give him a ring.

The hotel was a bit of a surprise, I had had it in my mind that it was a much older building, but it turned out that the older building was a loch Ness monster exhibition, and the hotel was much more modern. Our room was an even bigger surprise, the bed was what they described as a ‘super king’, and both the walls and ceilings were pine clad, they must have thought we would feel at home in a log cabin or something!

Rachel loved the room, the hotel, everything! It gave me such a lot of pleasure to see how happy she looked, she joked about our driver, how very olde world he had seemed and how happy he was with the tip she had bribed him with. adana escort “I promised him fifty pounds but I only had twenties so I gave him sixty, I’m sure he shot his load in his ‘troosers’!”

“So would I have done with a tip like that, I gave him twenty as well!”

She looked at me with a real sparkle in her eyes and told me that the only place I’d be shooting my load was either on or in her! “Or if we’re really lucky we’ll find a playmate!”

With that she flung herself at me and gave me the sort of kiss I hadn’t had since my teens. I had never seen her so exuberant, so full of life, Her very attitude seemed to knock twenty years off my age. I had been travelling since very early morning, Rachel much longer, so we decided to freshen up and change before going down to the bar for drinks before dinner.

I felt a little awkward as I began to undress, our situation was so different than usual, but Rachel had no such hesitation. She quickly stripped and threw her clothes in a pile on a chair and calmly walked naked into the bathroom.

“The shower’s lovely, come and share!”

And so we did, we showered together, soaping each other’s body’s without any embarrassment and paying particular attention to each other’s genitals. We both laughed as we washed each other down and then she hooked her arms around my neck, kissed me lightly on the lips and asked “Do you want a fuck?” A simple answer “Always.”

Very quickly drying off, Rachel pulled me out of the bathroom and over to the bed. Still holding hands we sat on the edge of the bed and I pushed her down. I nuzzled at her breasts as I slipped my hand down between her thighs which she happily opened, giving me access to her moist and warm interior lips. This was so different from our previous sexual exploits, this was just me and her, no cameras, no viewers, and no pretence, just two people giving each other pleasure. Our ages didn’t matter, nothing mattered except our mutual pleasure.

I gently rubbed my hand up and down the exterior lips and mound of her sex as I kissed and licked my way down her lithe young body, muscular in all the right places and soft and pliable in even more right places. I’m sure that she was having an orgasm even before my tongue found her hard little nub, poking out from her softness, but she definitely orgasmed as I pushed my tongue into her already wet hole. I’m not sure that I have ever believed in women squirting during sex, but as I mouthed Rachel’s soaking vagina she gave a squeal and I was suddenly coated in her fluid. It didn’t stop there, she grabbed my hair and pulled me tightly into her as she grinded up into my face gasping “more, more, yes, yes!”

I had to force myself up in order to grab a breath, as I looked her in the eyes she said “Fuck me David, fuck me now!”

And fuck her I did! We rolled more fully onto the bed and I rolled between her legs, she raised her knees and I plunged down into her, down to the hilt. Our eyes never left each other’s as I slammed in and out of her soaking pussy, we were actually making squishing noises as well as slapping sounds as we rutted, there was no other word for it, we rutted like animals, and the harder i slammed into her the more she begged me to do it. Rachel’s language became filthy, which strangely seemed to drive me to further extremes.

“Fuck my cunt, plough my fucking hole, come on, fucking do me!” Not exactly words I was used to hearing but they spurred me on to greater effort as well as reminding me just how uninhibited Rachel was.

I am not the young man I used to be, when I started to tire Rachel begged me not to stop. There was only one thing for it, I had learned a few years previously that going ‘doggy fashion ‘ meant I could kneel behind and keep going a lot longer. I pulled out and told her to turn over.

With Rachel on her hands and knees and me on my knees, gripping her hips it was much less hard work, pleasant work though it was. I slid easily into her and began a firm and steady rhythm of thrusts into her very welcoming vagina.

Her calls got just as dirty as before as she called for me to “slap my twat!” Interspersed with “ooomph” as I bottomed out within her. As I slammed into her she pushed back at me, the sound of our bodies slapping together reverberated around the room. I felt her body tense and she collapsed face down into the bedclothes, her ass staying up with me pounding into her. She was screaming into the covers as she quivered and shook and her pussy flooded, I burst into her, pulse after pulse of my cum spraying her cervix. I don’t think I’ve ever come so much in my life, with us both gasping for breath I slowly pulled out and grabbed a discarded towel to thrust under her as my cum poured from her.

As we both slowly recovered Rachel rose from the bed and holding the towel between her legs made her way into the bathroom. As had been her habit for a while, she left the door open as she sat on the toilet and did her business. Judging by the sounds coming from afyon escort her it was a good job we hadn’t tried for anal, a fact that when I commented on it she just laughed at and told me it was the result of being sat so long on planes and in cabs. She has absolutely no toilet inhibitions! For some reason that just endears her to me even more.

A little later down in the bar we were sat with our beers, a pint for me and a half for Rachel, different from at home where we would have shared a pitcher. Here they do things differently, even different from in Yorkshire, here we were asked if we wanted chasers? At my puzzled expression the very pretty (and young) bar keep explained that it was common for people to follow a beer with a dram! (Whisky)

The bar was actually very quiet and after a little while Rachel got up and went to chat with the young girl who had served us, they appeared to be getting on very well and after ten minutes or so they both disappeared for a few minutes. When they came back they were both all smiles and acting like lifelong friends. When Rachel came back to her seat she explained that she had asked Elaine (now on first name terms), to discretely dispose of some rubbish for her, packaging that she didn’t want the housemaid to pick up. I didn’t ask what it was, she didn’t seem to want to say.

Our first night together, we just crashed out when we went to bed! For the first time in nearly three years I slept with my arm thrown over a woman, I slept like a baby.

The following morning the car that I had rented was delivered, I had gone to some trouble to get a four wheel drive vehicle, being under the impression that I might need one on the poor Scottish roads, as it happened they didn’t look that poor to me!

I had a map and the car had a satellite navigation system , so our first stop was the castle, half a mile away. We wandered around it until Rachel was happy to find a secluded spot for me to take photos of her. We were well hidden from public view, not that there were many other people around, which was just as well because the pictures she wanted taking were to be included in what she called “content”, for her cam page visitors to buy. I took dozens of pictures, fortunately my phone has an excellent camera, and a very large capacity memory card. She was keen to take some video footage, and I did some, but other people were getting a bit closer just as she suggested I prop the phone up on a stone and get myself in the action.

Rachel had several sets of photographs and a couple of short videos on her camsite page that can be purchased for a given amount of tokens, apparently they had been there for a while and she said it was time to update the ‘content’. We (well, she!) decided that we would revisit the castle later and shoot some footage, hopefully when there was nobody about. To be honest, I was unsure about that, but I agreed and we moved on.

Inverness, cold and dreary on a winter’s day. There was some sort of market going on in a square, and a few barges moving on the river, but it seemed remarkably quiet. I supposed that there was some quiet days between Christmas and New Year. We had lunch in a cafe and had a look in a few shops before deciding on which new clothes to buy. We had both completely underestimated the cold, we were from a much warmer climate. Rachel admitted that she’d never actually been in a snow shower, had never experienced anything like the cold we were currently enduring. I had travelled, at least a little, so I had at least a reasonably warm outer coat, but poor Rachel was really starting to suffer.

I found a very good, if expensive coat. Rachel wasn’t so lucky, the assistant in one of the shops suggested some thermal under garments, but even these were difficult to get in Rachel’s size, everything seemed to be stocked in much larger sizes, that or they had sold out. There was little chance it seemed of getting her a coat.

As we were getting out of the car back at the hotel we saw Rachel’s new friend Elaine coming out of the hotel. She waved, we waved back and then she paused and came over to us.

She looked at Rachel “Do you not have something warmer than that to wear? You’ll catch your death!”. Brief explanations followed at which Elaine took hold of Rachel’s arm and insisted that she go with her. I wasn’t going to argue, and Rachel was getting too cold out of the heat of the car to put up any resistance so as they walked away I went into the hotel carrying our few purchases .

After depositing our goods in our room I went down and had a couple of drinks in the bar, I was just about to go back up to the room when Rachel and Elaine came in, carrying a large bag, Rachel was wearing a very warm looking trench style coat.

“Hi, we’re going up to the room so I can try on some clothes, Elaine’s younger brothers were mobbing us at her house so we came back here, is that ok?”

Obviously it was so I ordered a coffee and stayed in the bar. After about half an hour I decided alanya escort that I must have missed Elaine leaving and decided to go up to the room.

I was in for a surprise. As I walked into the room Rachel and Elaine were making out, Rachel was only in her underwear, Elaine was fully clothed but they were seriously kissing and she had one of her hands inside Rachel’s bra.

I started to back out of the room but Rachel saw me and called me back.

“Please don’t leave David, Elaine knows about us, and she’s willing to help us take some pictures and videos, and I think I can persuade her to take part in some of them!”

I closed the door behind me and moved into the room, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude on you, I didn’t know…”

It was Elaine that spoke up, “no, you’re not intruding, we’re all adults here, and I’m sure we wouldn’t have started if we were afraid of you coming in!”

Rachel held her arm out to me, beckoning me to them. “Elaine has agreed to help us David, but maybe we should get to know each other a little better first?”

It was definitely a question rather than a statement, she was asking for my approval. In my position who wouldn’t agree? Rachel is beautiful, a narrow waist, a curvy bottom and perfectly formed breasts, and to top it all the face of an angel, looking even younger than her twenty-three years. Then there was Elaine, a red headed beauty in her own right, she didn’t have the figure of Rachel, but her thin frame still managed to hold all the right curves in the right places. Her green- blue eyes held a mischievous sparkle, one look at her told me that she would be more than willing to do more than just take a few pictures.

Elaine stood back and looked on as Rachel kissed me, not the peck she usually gave me, or even the full on the lips kiss she gave me in the airport, this time it was a full on sexual, tongue seeking lovers come on kiss!

I was mesmerized by the kiss, I only just managed to begin to respond when she broke off and knelt on the floor. I was still in a kind of fugue as she unfastened my trousers and pulled them, along with my shorts, to my ankles.

I wasn’t totally flaccid, nor was I hard, as Rachel took hold of my penis and began kissing and licking at the end of it.

I looked across at our new Scottish friend. Elaine was gyrating her body as if dancing to music that only she could hear. As she danced she discarded her clothing, piece by piece. Her thick woollen sweater, her skirt, her leggings, her bra, and finally her panties. She was thin, some would say almost emaciated, but she had small beautifully formed breasts, breasts that she was squeezing, and she was flicking and squeezing her little nipples as she approached us.

Rachel stood, she placed her hand on Elaine’s shoulder and guided her down to my now completely rigid member. Elaine licked me, using just her tongue she licked and probed the end of my hard cock. She was so delicate about what she was doing, so soft, so sensual. Then, in one fluid motion she took my whole erection into her mouth, her nose hitting my hair. She gagged a little and drew back, then began sliding back and forth, going just a bit further with every forwards thrust. I was in heaven, and when Rachel kneeled down next to her and took one of my testicles into her mouth I gave voice to my pleasure with a loud groan.

With my groan they both stopped what they were doing and we all stood facing each other and chuckled. “Well” I said “I can’t think of a better way to be introduced!”

I felt a bit of an old fool standing there with my trousers around my ankles and my shirt and pullover pulled up over my navel, but not for long as my two young beauties quickly divested me of my clothing and pulled me over to the huge bed.

Laid on my back I watched in wonder as Rachel and Elaine kissed and fondled each other, Elaine removing Rachel’s bra and panties. Then, wonder of wonders, they both climbed up onto the bed and turned their attention to me. Elaine kneeled by my legs and went back to sucking on my painfully hard erection, Rachel sent me to nirvana by squatting over and lowering herself to my face.

I admit that I almost forgot what was happening lower down my body as my beautiful Rachel rubbed herself on my face and tongue. I licked, sucked and engrossed myself in the taste and thrill of Rachel’s wet vagina on my mouth. I barely noticed when Elaine stopped using her mouth and mounted me. I could have stayed there forever, but Rachel got off my face and crawled down the bed. I watched as she began to lick my penis and Elaine’s vagina as we coupled, it was the most erotic thing I had ever been involved in, the most sexual act I had ever witnessed. I exploded, I simply couldn’t stop myself. My penis pulsed as I ejaculated deep inside the young Scottish girl, her hips kept on moving, not up and down but forwards and back, rubbing hard against me, her head tipped back and she growled at the roof!

When Elaine slowly lifted off me I thought we were done, finished, I was wrong. I couldn’t believe my eyes as she mounted Rachel’s face and began to rub herself as Rachel literally ate her dripping vagina! Not since my youth have I recovered so quickly, my softening penis reversing its trend and growing hard again.

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