Pub Exploits


It has been a long week. You are at the local bar, drinking a little more than you perhaps should. You are not having a great night, seems to be the theme of the week. Even the guy you have been checking out all night doesn’t seem to have noticed you at all.

You look around the room as people slowly leave. There are not many people left and the music seems to be getting quieter. The night is basically over as far as you are concerned. You check out that guy one more time. Where did he go? He is probably gone already.

You look around for him anyway. Out of the corner of your eye you see him talking to some people, being all popular and all. He looks so sexy, nice big muscles and all. You wonder just one more time if he is well hung, probably is. Surely you will never find out though.

You notice something though. While you look at this gorgeous guy across the room, he seems to be looking back at you. Surely this is just coincidence. You look away, sheepishly. You look back again and he is still looking at you. You must be mistaken. Is he really looking at you?

Your question is answered quickly. I give a wink. You look behind yourself for someone else, nobody there. You turn back and see me looking at you still. Maybe this night might go somewhere after all.

You finish your drink, as though the last shot of alcohol might wake you from the delusion that is going on around you. No, you are still being looked at by someone you would love to see unclothed. But how do you get that body? You want to have this man so badly. Maybe it is just the alcohol talking but you really want this man.

He turns away from you. You don’t see where he turns to, but he makes some gesture to someone you don’t see. Do you walk over? Do you wait for him? How do you get this man inside you?

Without ankara eryaman escort warning the barman slides you a drink, the same that you have been having all night so far. “Compliments of the gentleman over there.” The barman points to the man you have been eyeing all night. Maybe this is going somewhere.

You sip lightly at your drink. You think to yourself if you should drink quickly and go over, or you should sip slowly and wait for attention to come to you. Over the next ten minutes, you try to do both.

Your eyes stay hovering around this man and his friends while your drink slowly disappears. Without warning, the whole group stands and begins to leave. Oh no, maybe you have left it too late. Maybe you have missed you chance.

You see a lot of handshakes and waves, people obviously leaving. In a rush you finish your drink to allow for the opportunity to stand up and go for it. You slam your glass down and begin to make a step towards your intended goal. You feel a pull around your waist. Somehow you have caught your pants on your chair. You try to untangle yourself as fast as possible, but speed and alcohol both make this difficult.

With all your attention focused on one point you don’t notice the man you desire walk up to you. You don’t notice until the last moment that his hand is placed on the bar right next to you. Just as you unhook yourself from the chair you hear something that you have been wanting all night, my voice beside you. “Something I can help you with there?” I ask with a slight amount of cheek.

You turn to me, now unhooked from your obstacle, with a degree of disbelief and amazement. You try to find some words to say, but nothing comes to you immediately. I begin to talk again “I have to admit, I have been looking at you all night. I was escort sınırsız çankaya really hoping you would come over at some stage. May I join you for a while?”

You welcome me beside you. You think to yourself that you would like more than just a drink from me, more than just some company. It isn’t really how you tend to start a conversation though. I begin to talk again. I lean in towards you a little and say “I think you are incredibly sexy. I would love to take you home and unwind this terrible week with you. I understand if you don’t want that, but I really want to pleasure you tonight.”

It seems we have both had similar weeks. You are shocked that this is happening. Your surprise must be obvious despite your attempts to hide it. You are not sure how to react to this offer. A nod of agreement is all you can really manage. In response, I take your hand in mind and whisper in your ear, “Then come with me.”

Without delay you follow me out of the pub, your hand still in mine. It all seems to happen so quickly; we get outside and I call a taxi over. But not just any taxi, a limousine, another thing to be amazed by tonight. I open the door for you and you step inside. It seems I am rich as well as stunning. You sit down and I sit beside you moments later. Is this really happening? You notice that you are starting to get wet between the legs. The anticipation has got you excited already.

I sit beside you and immediately place one hand on your thigh and another on your cheek. I lean in towards you and begin to kiss you deeply. The passion within you wells up. You want this so much. You need this so much. You reach to my chest and feel my bulging muscles under my shirt. You slowly reach down and feel something else bulging. My dick is hard for you, you want it so çankaya eve gelen escort bayan badly.

The limo begins to move underneath us. You don’t know for sure where we are going, but you don’t really care at this point. I slowly undo your pants as best I can and slide my hand down toward your dripping pussy. You feel a finger slide along your clit. A pang of pleasure shoots across you as our kissing intensifies.

You take on hand and slide it around my body, feeling every chiselled detail of muscle along the way. You feel a finger slide down further into your pussy. You cannot help but let out a gasp of shocked joy.

You rub your fingers across my ever-stiffening cock and are impressed on what I have to offer you. You want me inside you. With a degree of difficulty, you pull my pants down as far as you can get them. My cock bounces out, erect and ready. I don’t need any encouragement. You feel me slowly insert myself into your pussy. This is what you have wanted all night. I begin to push myself into you. You can hardly contain the growth of pleasure within you. You don’t want to.

You let out a moan as the feeling within you grows. With our mouths still interlocked I begin to quickly push myself in and out of your body. Your pussy flows as my cock penetrates deeply into you. You start to lose control of your body as the pace quickens.

You feel an orgasm coming on. You grasp my ass and push me into you, wanting everything I have to offer. I gladly give you all I can, my pace growing ever faster. You cry out in orgasm as your body ruptures around mine. You lose what little control you had of your body. I don’t slow down and you don’t want me to. You feel me sliding in and out of your vagina as your juices flow more and more intensely.

You orgasm again, this time seems even more intense, if that is even possible. Your body feels like it is an earthquake that you cannot escape. You don’t want to escape it though. You pull me as close to you as you can as you feel me explode within you. I slowly pull myself out of you as you feel my cum drip from your pussy. What a way to end a weekend.

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