Rainy Day Blues Are Not That Bad


Brian Sedwick was your everyday hard-working guy. Husband to a sweet gal, two kids, and the house with the white picket fence. Brian had a small construction company and from that, our tale begins.

Brian woke up early which was normal for him but this morning well before the sun he had a decision to make. The job that he and his crew were on was an outdoor project and seeing the weathermen could not make up their minds, one calling for rain and the next saying no.

As five thirty approaches and it is his point of no return to call the crew off for the day’s work. The job was over an hour’s drive for most so if it was raining to go there and back for nothing it would eat up most of their morning so Brian makes the calls and stops the boys before they leave their homes.

This was a no-win situation for Brian because not all of the crew nor will the homeowner the happy. So needless to say Brian couldn’t simply just crawl back in bed with his wife and act as if it were a Sunday with no worry about the weather rainy or not.

So Brian sat at the kitchen table until his wife and sleepy-eyed kids woke to start their days. After breakfast, Brian helped to get the kids off to school allowing his wife far more time than usual to get ready herself. His wife appreciated this tiny break and rewarded him with an extra long kiss goodbye as she was off to work herself.

Sadly for Brian, the rain never came which was about his luck as he did not have much of it. Too late to call the crew and his wife who kept a clean house so Brian finds himself with his working energy and nothing to do with it. Most might go to the gym and use it up there but as Brian was in construction so he had a very physical job so no need to join a gym as his job provided his daily workout plus some every day.

The only thing Brian could think of was to clean out his work truck. A small job but one of great need as his truck was his office. So with all the junk food wrappers gone and old papers no longer needed, he was left with cleaning out his glove compartment and the use of his vacuum to complete the task.

Sorting through everything Brian came across a free spa coupon for a homeowner who gave him as a gift for a job well done. He intended to give it to his wife but looking bursa sınırsız escort at it once again and some time since the last time he notes today is the last day to use it. His wife would not return in time to make use of it so he decides to put it aside and vacuum first, maybe by then he can figure out who might benefit from it.

Still drawing a blank Brian is left with two options, toss and forget it or use it himself. His wife has done such and always returned refreshed which was why he wanted to give it to her. But in Brian’s eyes, the spa was a chick thing that played into his mind if to use it or not.

A few minutes later found himself heading to the spa in his clean truck. Brian knew the town well so no need to look up how to get there. He looks at the building for the first time and the coupon for the fiftieth time before making his way to its front door. A bell rang as he entered and a young woman came out to see who it was and how they could help.

Young woman: “Good morning Sir and welcome to the White Lilly Day Spa, How can l help you?”

BS: “Well l got this coupon which is mine but l wanted to give it to my wife but now l can’t so…”

YW: Sees Brian was out of sorts she asks to see the coupon and after a quick read then replies “Yes Sir, this coupon is good for one hour of any service we provide. which would you like?”

Brian looks at the blackboard behind her which most things he had no idea what were and some he had in his head as chick things. The only one that made sense was a massage so that is what he told the young lady. She smiled and asked Brian to follow her.

He was brought to a small room that had a chair, massage table plus things needed to perform such a task.

YW: “Please get undressed and help yourself to a towel, “someone will be right with you.”

Brain does as he was told now in only a towel and all his clothing hangs on hooks mounted on the wall. He thinks to himself, do l sit down or get on the bench then after choosing the bench question pops into his head that he has no control over. Is it going to be a woman or another guy who will be rubbing his body down any minute now?

Brian wasn’t thrilled about the idea that some guy bursa escort bayan would be pawing at him or what if some girl was to get him overly excited. As he is about to get dressed and run out the back a light tap on the door fills his ears and then a guy a few years younger walks in. He has a surprised look on his face.

Lars enters: “Good morning I’m lars and I’ll be giving you a massage today. “are you related to Barbra Secwick by chance?”

BS: “She’s my wife.”

“Oh very nice, she’s a sweetie and we always have fun. “now what can l do for you Mr. Segwich?”

“Call me Brian and a massage I guess”

“You’re too cute Brain, of course, a massage but what kind?”

“Ah the normal kind”

Not making progress he tells Brian fine and then he gets to work. He uncovers Brian’s left leg and massages it and then his right “that’s right Brian, just relax”

Brian begins to enjoy the massage regardless if it was a man or a woman giving to him. As he begins on his shoulders Brain begins to moan but catches himself doing so “oh sorry”

“no need to apologize sugar, that just tells me I’m doing a good job and I’m here to please”

Brian relaxes deeper and maybe if he were aware he might do his best to end it, but now he is moaning louder than ever. This allows his mind to wonder and in his mind he sees his wife on the table having her naked body being massaged by Lars’ hands. He watches as his hands slowly inch closer to her pussy and how that pussy was his. But his wife seems to invite his hands, she must want it, he thinks. Each path closer brings her legs wider apart. Her moist pussy is in clear view now, providing a clear target for his advancing hands.

She is breathing as if just finishing a run and her breath stops the first time his fingers brush against her moist pussy. She waiting, wanting now as if to say return to me and her words were heard as his hands come to touch again and this time with purpose. His message changes from two strong hands to one soft finger, one which she’s thrilled about. For now it has a single purpose and that is to please her swollen bean, she gasps for air as it is encircled leaving no escape. She is now captured by him but there is no need for nilüfer escort chains as she does not seek release but relief, she wants him.

Lars: “Okay sugar, turn over”

Brian is thrust back into reality and he has a small problem, well hopefully not that small. As those thoughts left him with an erection and now he is supposed to turn over!

He waits as if he didn’t hear but a pat on his ass from Lars and the request repeated leaves him with little choice. He takes a deep breath and rolls over.

Lars: “Oh my, l must be doing a great job!… “Don’t worry sugar, it’s natural and happens all the time.”

Brian drifts back again as his front side is now being massaged but with a slight twist this time. It is the calling him as sugar more than once that causes the change and his conclusion that must be in the hands of a Gay man upon him. He would have argued the point just an hour ago but now he finds himself excited by the fact. He now hopes the pleasure works both ways, that he is enjoying his body also.

He now envisions that it is his cock is the target, his hands ever closer until found. Now stroking his manhood up and down, it’s head red and ready. Followed by his warm mouth surrounding it, sucking and drawing it in. He reaches out finding a cock for his own, stroking it back and forth. Then the glorious warmth as causes his warm seed spills over his hand.

This brings rewards as his balls are now being licked like ice cream on a hot day. Then from nowhere a finger knocks upon his backdoor, come in, please come in. He is now being finger fucked as those soft lips return to his cock. He squirms knowing he can’t last much longer.

His ear filled with “Give it to me sugar… l want your cum”

He moans out “Oh fuck yes” as his cock explodes in that wanting mouth.

Jolted Brian blurts out “holy fuck, what am l thinking” then he looks down upon his limp cock and the massage therapist sending out his tongue over his lips to find any seed that might of been missed. Realizing it was more then dream, but real Brain grabs his things and runs out the door peeling rubber on the way back home. He had some time to wrap his head around what happened that morning before the wife and kids returned. But now they were his focus then soon dinner and to bed.

Tucked under the covers his wife kisses him good night and he kisses her back before rolling to his side. A few minutes later before they fall asleep he asks.

BS: “What would you think if we went down for a couples massage?”

Wife: “Oh, that sounds like fun!”

BS: “l have that feeling it will be too.”

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